Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 814: 2 "permission dogs"

Wonderful no pop-up window for free! With the current technology of Brave New World, it does not take long to write such a system, but to debug it and put it into the game, it needs to be weighed.

But Yukino's request is actually nothing. As a permission dog, Moriha only needs to add a plot and get a character to go up.

After all permissions dog.

In the end, Morinka and Yukino decided to make a character setting on their own, and then enter the game by fiddle, letting programmers join the game.

In the game, there are brothers and sisters or similar other relatives set, but most of the settings in this area only exist in the relationship between the player and the NPC, or between the NPC and the NPC, and the brothers between the player and the player Sisterhood is actually very rare.

However, this is not to say that there is no.

In the game, players can also become brothers with other people through special means. The easiest way is to become "righteous brothers."

This setting can easily turn players into kinship.

Therefore, in terms of function, there is no problem at all to realize siblings.

According to Yukino's setting, Morinka designed the characters to be silver-haired and black-pupil...well, the same color as the hero and heroine Kasuga No.

Although Morinka was creating the character, Yukino was always gesturing around.

"Because they are brothers and sisters, so my brother must be exactly the same as me in terms of physical settings!" Xueno was very concerned about this.

"It's just appearance and figure. Is this necessary?" Senxia was inexplicable.

"Of course! Just because you are twin siblings, you have to be recognized as twin siblings at a glance. This is the most important thing!" Yukino pouted, and she seemed to think it seemed important to be recognized as twins. .

But it is true that if the appearance parameters are close, there will indeed be special settings in the game. For example, the system will say that XX is very similar to you, but generally speaking, this situation is only in blood. Appears, otherwise, the system will judge that the parameters of this character are different. For example, these two people are big eyes, then player A is big eyes A, and player B is big eyes B. If player C and player D are both If they are related by blood, they are both big eyes, and the system will determine that these two people are both big eyes type C.

The pinch system is something that has only become popular in the 3D era. As for now, that kind of thing is naturally gone.

Since there is no pinch system, at this time, the system decision is of course a little simpler.

It's like this.

After all, this is not an important system, and Senxia naturally didn't consider that much.

Of course, in this world, there is a kind of person called sister control, another kind of person called push sister crazy demon, and another kind of person called X mom. In addition, there are also Electra and brothers among girls, and What the hell...

Therefore, there are still relevant settings for the sake of ergonomics and gentlemen.

"Ilian Matalias... the last descendant of the Kingdom of Seris..."

In the end, Senxia's identity was confirmed.

The Kingdom of Seris is a country in the game that has a glorious history in the past, but this country has entered the dust of history.

This is the setting of the background.

Of course, as a permission dog, Senxia is certainly not just that simple.

"Since it is a descendant of the Kingdom of Seris, of course there are props from the Kingdom of Seris!"

As soon as Moriha made a call, she asked GM to send herself a magical weapon "Ring of Heaven".

"The Ring of Heaven (EX):

Every time you search for loot, you will get the best equipment. Besides, this ring seems to have other uses?

Explanation: This is the law of destiny. "

Well, this ring is the treasure left by the Kingdom of Seris.

Simply put, with this thing, opening the box must be a golden explosion. As long as you hit the devil, you will definitely burst the heart every time. If you hit the dragon, you must burst the dragon scales. If you touch Illidan, the egg knife must Will burst...

In the game, every character has an explosion rate. The more precious things are, the lower the probability. The Ring of Heaven increases the explosion rate of the precious probability to a great extent.

An item with a burst rate of 0.1%, others may not be able to get it out after swiping a thousand times, but with the Ring of Heaven, if you hit it once or twice, this item will burst out, and other items with a probability also appear with the maximum value. .

——We are the authority dog, do you have any dissatisfaction?

Moreover, this thing is not just that. As one of the strongest legendary equipment, the Ring of Heaven has N multi-attributes, but that can only be done by opening the relics of the Kingdom of Sairis. It is convenient for Senxia to make this thing. Play by yourself, not to be Long Aotian, so the design is set like this.

As for whether you believe it or not, Senxia believes it anyway.

Ha ha.

After creating this character, it was Yukino's turn.

The character of Yukino was not created, because it has exactly the same settings as Morinka, so the design here is also very simple, that is, directly copy Morinka’s data, and then change the gender to female. Then modified the data of the cup and so on, so that's it.

"Yo Xi, I also want a special attribute."

As a permission dog, Senxia gave herself a ring of heavenly law. This is understandable, because according to the setting, this thing was originally something left by the Kingdom of Seres, and as the last heir of the Kingdom of Seres, she has this thing around her. , It's actually a normal thing!

And Xue Nai is not to be outdone.

"I remember that we also set up a very powerful witch in the game?" Yukino still remembers this.

"Ah, that's right." Senxia nodded, "The Witch of Eternal Tribulation."

The Witch of Eternal Calamity is a powerful setting character in the game.

This witch of eternal calamity, in simple terms, is similar to the identity of the "administrator" in the game world. She will continue to reincarnate in the world and spend her life as an ordinary person.

But under special circumstances, the witch will awaken, and if the witch judges that the world is incurable, she will restart the world.

Well, similar to Marvel and DC's world restart settings, Moriha has been set from the beginning. Compared with those Western settings, I don't know where it is higher.

But generally speaking, if the players weren't going to die collectively, it would be impossible for Senxia to arrange for the witch to come out and destroy the world.

Originally, this was only a setting in the game. Although the setting was made, it was impossible for the player to become a witch, because it was not added to the player’s library at all. Therefore, although the setting was made, it was only It's just that.

However, if the identity of this character is handed over to Xueno according to what Yukino said, it is not a problem.

The identity of the witch does not have Senxia's fortune. Her biggest role in the game world is the "permission dog".

Just as Senxia used the identity of the authority dog ​​to get the Ring of Heaven, the Witch of Eternal Tribulation in the game can use the privileges in the game.

"Hey hey hey, this way there is no gameplay at all!" Senxia Tucao.

Being a permission dog is completely meaningless!

"But it's super fun!" Yukino looked at Morika with a shining gaze. "My younger sister has the memory of a witch, and then it can be adjusted at the level of an adult... No, it's not super loving to educate my brother. Things!"

I don’t know why, Morinka always felt that Yukino almost leaked something just now...

And this kind of stuff... isn't this the work of Dianniang's rebirth from another world that often appears! It's just changing the reborn character to a female!

"If you are invincible, there is also a way to play invincible flow! And brother, you haven't added a very powerful prop for yourself!"

Xue Nao pouted.

"Ahem, this item of mine does not affect the gameplay, and according to what you said, if you want to make the witch have a memory, then you must awaken the witch. At this time, the witch is the administrator of the world. what……"

Senxia shook her head.

Invincible stream or something, it’s very interesting inside, but when playing games, it really is the most interesting thing to grow up slowly!

"Then just keep the memory?"

Yes, Xue Nao really wanted to play "Brother Development" plan.

"Well... I'll ask GM over there."

According to the opposite reply, this setting is really ok.

If it's just awakening the memory, then the witch will just fill up her talent directly, and then she will realize all the magic directly. As far as her pure strength is concerned, there is no enhancement.

Although this character grows like this, this character will still be against the sky, but at least at the beginning of the plot, such a character seems to be unable to overcome many storms.

"Well, having said that, I want the rebirth feature too!"

Yukino over there arranged such a setting, and Morinka felt that the setting of "Rebirth" seemed very good.

If this is the setting, maybe it can be added to the game?

"Well, this is possible. I think we can add a setting like this in the future." Morinia thinks this is quite reliable. At the beginning, players can choose to be reborn and traverse... Well, it's very interesting. .

Of course, such an attribute will definitely consume a lot of points, and you can't just make people mess up like this.

However, there is no such setting in the system now, and it seems impossible for Morinia to let GM join in, so it can only be done for the time being.

"Yulia Matalias."

This is the girl's name.

Both Yulia and Yilian were acquired by Yukino, but Morika was a little strange: "Why is it called this name? I thought it would be a name like'Yui'."

The pronunciation of Yui that Morinka said is very similar to that of Yukino.

"Isn't my brother playing a game called The Story of the Deserted City?" Yukino said with a smile, "The witch-sama Yulia of the temple in there is really interesting~"

The character Xue Nao said is an unattractable NPC character in "The Story of the Wasted City". This NPC will help the player get out of the predicament when the player encounters a difficult situation.

Although there are very few plots describing this witch, this part of the plot is written by Morinya herself, so the plot is very vivid, especially when the player travels through the dust of history and once again sees you who have turned into dust. Leah, that heartbreaking feeling is really heartbreaking...

Although there are not many chances to play, Yulia is indeed very popular in "The Story of the Deserted City".

If Xue Na likes "The Story of the Deserted City", she will like this character, and it is understandable. Besides, Yulia is a maiden, and Yukino is also a maiden. Both of them are maidens. Yulia may also have identity resonance.

"Well, that's it."

Looking at the final situation, Yukino felt that this setting was almost the same.

Morino and Yukino did not turn the protagonist into an adult, but set the story to start at the age of 9. The reason was that Yukino wanted to live an interesting sibling life with Morinka.

But because the age is too young, the degree of freedom is relatively low, so they set the age at a relatively general age of 9 years old.

If you are younger than this age, you can’t do a lot of things, you can’t even travel far, so it’s very If you’re too old, the fun of developing is less, so 9 years old is a more suitable one Of course, this is Senxia’s revised opinion. According to Yukino’s original intention, she wants to start at the age of 0, but unfortunately, there is no two-person version for the 0-year-old model...

"I don't know if the player can overthrow the player?" Xueno had some doubts at this time.

"This feature will be available in the future, but it's not in the game now." Morinya said.

"Eh, is that right?"

After hearing Senxia's answer, Xue Nao's eyes showed hope.

To be honest, Morinka likes Yukino's gaze very much. The expectant and innocent gaze is really intoxicating-but why is Yukino always thinking about some strange things every time you look like this!

Morinya expressed strong incomprehension about this.

"Yo Xi, if this is the case, then I will be able to do this and that in the game... Wow!"

Before Xue Na finished talking over there, he suffered a hand knife from Senxia.

After receiving a note from Senxia, ​​Yukino looked at Senxia with tearful eyes.

"Don't think about weird things!" Although there are some things, Morinia can accommodate Yukino and the others, but in Morinia's own opinion, in some things, she must also show her majesty as her brother.


Xue Na did not speak, but she pouted a mouth, obviously dissatisfied with Senxia.

Although there are some episodes, but two "permission dogs" games, this time also finally began...


Well, yes, in the story of the waste city, our favorite is sister Yulia~

Today’s update, this is today’s festival~

Having said that, there are so many advertisements in the book review area recently, and it is too much to delete...(.)

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