Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 825: The experience of getting along with sister?

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Yukino's self-confident look caught Morinka off guard.

But after figuring it out, Morinka calmed down.

Yeah, what's wrong?

Emperor Toba is a feather!

Before we worship Yuzao, it is a hundred times better than having an emperor!

How cute is C Fox! How cute is C Fox!

Yuzao is high before the game! Onboard before Yuzao!

Although in some respects it was indeed a bit deviant, after figuring it out, Morinya felt that it seemed pretty good.

But this topic was the same as before, and it didn't last too long, because Yukino was about to play now.

Except for the maidens who had to prepare, Moriha and the others retreated outside together.

Before the fireworks display, Yukino's dance was the most interesting event before. Many people came here to see this unique festival.

"Fortunately, we are special seats."

Senxia found that, fortunately, her position was better. If she wanted to squeeze from the back of the crowd to the front, it seemed a little troublesome.

No, it's not a little troublesome, it's totally unfeasible.


At this moment, Senxia suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Looking at it again, it turned out that Rena was squeezed by the crowd, and the whole person was following the crowd involuntarily.

Rena is not far from Morina's side. After seeing Rena's hard work, Morina went over and grabbed Rena's hand: "Come with me!"

Rena was suddenly grabbed by someone, and at first she looked a little flustered, but after seeing that the opposite was Morika, she was obviously relieved.

"Hoo... saved..."

After finally coming out, Rena breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rena, are you okay? Aren't you with your family? Why are you alone here?"

Senxia was a little strange.


After hearing what Morinatsu said, Rena's face became a little embarrassed.

"Actually because of Xiaoyou..."

Rena didn't seem to want to discuss this issue.

Although Morinka didn't know what happened, after seeing Rena's expression, Morinka probably understood that Rena was probably bullied by her sister. Morinka had already seen this before.

"Would you like me to take you to find your family?" There are so many people here, Morinya is not assured that Rena will stay here at this time.

But after hearing Morinka's words, Rena immediately shook his head: "It doesn't matter, and... and I also want to go out for a stroll."

Rena did not let go of Morika's hand.

"Well... that's okay, but for now, just stay with me for the time being, now I can't get out at all."

It would be possible to go to the backstage from the other way, but since Rena was fine, Morinka didn't want to rush to the back, and would disturb Yukino who was preparing.


After receiving Morika's response, Rena suddenly became more energetic.

And at this moment, the crowd that was originally crowded and noisy suddenly quieted down.

Morinka and Rena glanced at the stage, and then found that Yukino had already appeared on the stage at this time.

The moment Yukino appeared, people stopped discussing.

In this place of Japan, there are many witches, and various costumes are also common.

However, the clothes on Yukino's body are very different from those on ordinary witches.

When Yukino appeared on the stage, she was not so much thinking that she was a maiden, but rather she was a "goddess" as Morinatsu had before.

Yukino stepped onto the stage like a goddess descending from Gao Tianyuan to mortal dust.

When she put her hands on her chest, the voice of Kagura bell rang.

Kagura bell is a very special kind of bell. This kind of bell looks a bit like a spindle, with three layers on it, and a total of 15 bells hang on it.

Kagura Bell has three bells on the first floor, five bells on the second floor, and seven bells on the third floor. Because of this, Kagura bell is also called Chigosan bell.

Although the ringtone is not big, because Morinia is relatively close, and because the people around are quiet, the ringtone spread smoothly to Morinia.

Although Yukino still dances the traditional Kagura dance, it's probably because she changed into a dress, so her current dance gives people a very different feeling. This feeling is very strange, matching the surroundings. The musical instrument and the ringtone in Yukino’s hands are indeed very good.

But even so, Morinia next to him still has a feeling of inadequacy.

If the form of the dance can be changed a little bit, it will definitely be more interesting.

Kagura dance is also divided into many forms, the most famous of which is probably Urayasu dance, and in fact, it is also the most common Kagura dance.

The Urayasu Dance is a Kagura dance used in the festival to coincide with the "Two Thousand Years of the Imperial Festival" on November 10, 1940. Temporary festivals are held in shrines nationwide.

In addition to Urayasu's dance, there are actually bell dance, long-term dance, Fengrong dance, Yaotome dance and so on.

But the most widely spread is the dance of modern creation.

People's aesthetics are constantly changing with the changes of the times. Dances that adapt to the current style can obviously eliminate the aesthetics of the past. If anyone still draws manga in the style of Ukiyo-e, it is definitely on the street.

Well, there are a lot of dances in Morinka's mind, and it seems that many pages can be used.

For example, Kagura Pure Land, Kagura Pure Land, and Kagura Pure Land...

Well, but Morinka is unlikely to make Yukino dance this kind of dance, um, except at home for herself.

There are many steps in Kagura dance, but to be honest, even in Japan, most people rarely understand this. Although everyone may know some, but more specific things, they don’t know.

Kagura dance is not a dance that expresses emotions, but a dance that is displayed to the gods. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the spiritual charm of this dance is stronger than that of appreciation.

But when Yukino performed this dance, Morinka felt that the dance itself had become very beautiful.

Well, who dares to say that Xue Nao can't jump well, just smash his dog's head!


After seeing Yukino's performance, Rena next to her also showed envy and amazement on her face.

"Well, it's because Yukino is performing, so it's so beautiful!" Morinka looked at Yukino with appreciation and expectation.

Rena chuckled and laughed. Realizing that he was a little rude, Rena immediately covered her mouth, but she was still smiling.

"Mori-kun, you really like Xue Nao sauce."

Hearing Rena's words, Morinka proudly raised her head: "Of course, Yukino is my sister."

Although Yukino often does amazing things, it is undeniable that Yukino is Morika's favorite and dearest sister.

"Your brothers and sisters have such good feelings." Rena looked at Morika with envy, "My sister, but she never stopped, I have been tricked by Yuu many times."

Is that cute little girl with long hair?

Morinka still remembers that cute and innocent look of that little boy. Seeing that little guy, Morinka couldn't help but think of Xueno when she was a child. At that time, Xueno was also such a lovely elves.

Speaking of it, the pronunciation of "Yu" is very similar to that of Yukino's "Snow". If Xue Nai is not Xue Na, but a single word Xue, it is exactly the same.

Ah, this feeling is really nostalgic...

Morinya's favor with Dongcheng You has improved.

"I think Youchan is so cute!" Morinya thought this little guy was still very funny.

"Huh?" Rena didn't expect Morinatsu to mention her sister, she looked a little surprised.

"Yeah, I think Youchan is very interesting. The quirky look reminds me of Yukino's childhood." Morinka said the truth.

Well, of course, Yujiang and Yukino are still not comparable.

At this time, the dance has progressed to the middle stage. Yukino in the performance can be said to be very serious. When dancing, there is quite a quiet and far-reaching taste.

Senxia standing here at this time can feel that feeling. Looking at Yukino's gaze, Morika remembered what Yukino had been like.

In fact, there is no difference, because Xue Nao has been following Senxia since he was a child.

Since before, Yukino has always liked to do some very strange things. According to Morinya, it is very likely that this is the instigation of her own mother.

The habit developed since childhood has made Xue Na up to now, always used to pestering Senxia.

To be honest, although Yukino's behavior always makes Morinka very painful, Morinka doesn't hate it.

No matter what Yukino does, Morita will not hate it. No matter what Yukino does, Morita can tolerate and forgive.

On the contrary, no matter who wants to bully Xue Na, then this person will inevitably be punished by Senxia.

Yukino in the dance also noticed Morinatsu here.

She didn't stop, but blinked at Morinka, seeming to ask her brother "Is my dance beautiful?"

And Morinka is also a smile.

"Really, obviously performing." Senxia said in a doting tone.

"..." Rena blinked and glanced at Morinka, and then saw Yukino next to her.

Morinatsu knew Rena here.

"Is there any knack for getting along with my sister?" Rena asked Morika about the secret of getting along with her sister.

"This..." Senxia looked up and thought, "I think about it."

Morinya thought for a while, and then softly asked, "Rena, how do you get along with your sister?"

"Um... Youjiang is very assertive at home, no matter what you do, it is very strong. Whether it is me or Keiichi, you will be led by your nose by your nose if you are not careful..."

Rena sighed. Without the dignity of her sister, she really had a headache when facing her sister.

"That's it, but I don't feel that Yu-chan feels like that." Mori Xia thought, "She obviously should be a clever child. I think the reason why you can't cope with Rena is not because of Yu-chan. Jiang is too strong, but it's because you haven't played the position that sister should have."

Probably because there was also the experience of being led by the nose by Yukino, so after hearing Rena's words, Morinka also felt a sense of empathy in her heart.

Of course, Morinka and Rena are different. In many cases, Morinka also shows the coercion of his brother, so Morinka is still very elder brother-like in most of the time.

Precisely because of both experiences, Morinatsu is of course very clear about Rena's current plight.

——Of course, this is the experience before Qianjia's arrival. After Qianjia and the others came to Senxia's house, there have also been many subtle changes in the mode of getting along with Senxia here. As for what kind of state she is now, Moriha herself can't tell.

Although Rena wanted to show the majesty of her sister, because she was unable to be strong in front of her sister, she and Mori were different in this respect.

"Then what should I do?" Rena was a little panicked after hearing what Morika If I can't set an example in front of Youchan and Keiichi, what should I do? what! "

Although she didn't show it in normal times, Rena really wanted to show her ethics and majesty as her sister.

"It doesn't matter, Rena, as long as you show your majesty as a sister, then it will be much better." Morinka didn't think there was anything, "just like me and Yukino. Yukino sometimes does a lot. It’s a very special thing. At that time, if I didn’t show the majesty of being an older brother, there would be no way to conquer Yukino.”

"Eh, does Yukino-chan do anything extraordinary?" Rena was a little surprised.

She looked at Yukino in the stands. At this moment, Yukino seemed to be a goddess who did not eat fireworks, and when she was in school, Yukino was also Miss Sakino, a model in the school.

But at this time Morinya actually told herself that Yukino would do something extraordinary?

"...Ahem, well, don't look at Xue Nao's usual well-behaved appearance, but when at home, Xue Nao is still very willful."

Very risky, I almost missed my mouth...

Although Mori summer teaches Rena's method of dealing with her younger sister, this is only part of the experience, and some things are really not very useful for "learning".

If you just said something, something very bad might happen...


Some things, it’s fine if you know about it...

"So that's it. I seem to have found the other side of Yukino-chan~" Rena smiled.

Well, Yukino does have another side, but Morinka found that there seems to be a subtle difference between herself and Rena’s other side...


The two-in-one chapter, rushing to sleep on the street, recently all kinds of depression... (to be continued.)

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