Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 826: FATE platform issues

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Just when Mori Xia taught Rena the experience of getting along with her younger sister, on the other side, Nasu and Takeuchi were mixed with Old Xu.

Because of work, the recent connections between several people are not very consistent, but this does not prevent them from talking and laughing.

Since April, the sales of Tsukihime have stagnated. This is not because Tsukihime has become unpopular, but because the players of this game are already saturated, so there are discussions about this game on the Internet and offline. There are still many people.

On the other hand, Lao Xu’s recent work has also triggered a big discussion among players, but unfortunately, Lao Xu does not have the same leisure time as Nasu Mushrooms and others to read those online reviews. In fact, Lao Xu recently Leading people in making "Brave New World" made him lose his head.

At this time, Lao Xu complained to Nasu Takeuchi: "This kind of non-linear story is really uncomfortable to do. If you follow the story process, it can be very interesting, but split it up. It’s really a headache to be divided into individual parts, and then you can connect and combine them at will."

"But it seems to be very interesting, I have never played this kind of game before."

Well, during the testing phase, Nasu also played this game. In the game, his character is a student girl named "Kinoko".

Nasu has no need for 18X, he is more interested in the story.

It turns out that although it is a highly random game, it would be very interesting if the story can be sorted out.

"Well, I sometimes play this game myself. In the game, there is a feeling of running a group, which is really good." Lao Xu also plays this game sometimes, although it is written in words. , But every time you encounter an incident, it's really interesting.

A few people were in the back row of the festival stage at this time, because at this time, although they were interested, they couldn't see the dance of Xue Na over there.

At this time, Nasu thought of something again: "Ah, yes, I remember there seems to be a guy named Fake Cat on the forum. When this guy was playing games, he posted his report on the forum. Running a group is very similar."

Speaking of it, Senxia himself borrowed the semi-finished running team's engine made by her relatives. If you want to say, this is really similar to running team.

And the person Nasu mentioned using the "fake cat" as his ID is also a celebrity on the forum.

"Ah, I really want to hear about this, that person is quite interesting." Lao Xu also thought of this person.

From the beginning of playing the game, this "fake cat" said that his battle report was posted on the forum. Because it was made like a novel, it was very popular.

The fake cat chose a male character, and because the character he controlled saved the relationship of a certain king, he was hired as a teacher for his daughter.

And this fake cat is a very troublesome person.

When working as a tutor for the princess, this guy gave the princess the Fa-rectification on the spot.

However, after the princess was overthrown, it was not enough. This guy hit the snake and put all the characters such as the queen and concubine under him, and gave the king a big green hair.

This wasn't over yet, this guy aimed at the Holy See's saint again, ready to take it down-and even more outrageous, he actually succeeded.

Do you think this is over?

pattern! Tucson broke!

The fake cat made persistent efforts. This time he expanded the hunting scope to the entire noble and celebrity. The ministers and the daughters and wives of the nobles were all overthrown by the fake cat.

In the game, this fake cat completed the achievement of cuckolding a country in one go.

This is not over yet.

At this time, the fake cat did even more outrageous things. He actually tied the king, and then passed the women one by one in front of the king, and the king also showed some strange interest.

At first, the fake cat still thought it was very funny, but after playing a lot, he found that there was a male mess here, which was really an eyesore, and then this guy actually gave the king a mother, and then he took it...

Although it is a very small country, it is really no one to achieve the feat of overthrowing a country in just a few months.

"Playing games like the fake cat, this is what our players should do!" Nasu sighed.

"Didn't you say you don't like this kind of casual story?" Takeuchi thought of one thing.

"Huh? That's not the case," Nasu shook his head. "Although I don't like this kind of brainless script, isn't this kind of story itself very interesting? If our game can be made like this..."

"...Don't!" Old Xu was taken aback, and then quickly stopped. "This is a special case. When you are playing a game, don't do it like this!"

Lao Xu knows that Nasu’s strength lies in storytelling. Now this "Brave New World", Lao Xu is very difficult to make by himself, let alone Nasu.

The work on Xingyue's side has been delayed for a long time, and Nasu now doesn't have the kung fu for wandering... although this guy is indeed wandering now.

"Huh? But this work by Mr. Xia Sen is very interesting... Ah, if you can live with Aoko, it would be a great thing..." Nasu's mind appeared when she was with his wife Aoko. Picture.

Takeuchi next to him shook his head.

Nasu's "wife" is named Aozaki Aoko, from the "Magician Night" that Nasu has not produced yet.

Every time I see Nasu talking about his wife here, Takeuchi wants to sigh.

You said, this wonderful person, why should he treat the character in the novel as his wife?

How good is it like me, my wife, just draw it out by myself!

Um, Takeuchi has always felt that the female version of King Arthur he recently drew is simply beautiful, killing other so-called two-dimensional characters for several blocks...

The two people are indulging in the second element here and are at a loss. The old Xu next to them is thinking about business.

The relationship between Xingyue and Lao Xu’s DW community is not counted behind, but after preparing for commercialization, Mori Xia felt that it might be a good thing for the two parties to have some cooperation, and then conveyed this matter to Lao Xu. Xuhe Takeuchi.

After all, Anmic’s current focus is no longer on the text AVG. Morinka is aiming at the real-time performance type. That kind of real-time calculation movie is Morinka’s pursuit.

On the contrary, most of the work on the DW agency is mainly written. If Xingyue needs some manpower, this side can also help.

Morinka really likes the FATE series produced by Xing Yuesha, but unfortunately, in the original version, FATE only has three guide routes: Saber Altria, Tosaka Rin, and Makiri Sakura. The Eliya route they originally planned was simply omitted because of lack of time. As for Rider Medusa's R sister route, Caster Medea's C sub route, there is only one shadow, or even no shadow, it is completely a brain hole that has not been developed...

In the past, these routes of FATE did not come out because of lack of time, but this time, with the help of Lao Xu, Morinia felt that Xingyue should have a high probability of being able to create the following routes.

Think about it, the five routes Fate/stay_night, this is simply touching...

Senxia feels that as a monthly cook, he is truly a fan of being able to cook to this level.

Of course, Morinya is not unselfish.

The FATE series will derive many works in the future. It can even be said that FATE is another series that can continuously derive new works after the Gundam series.

If it were replaced by the vocabulary of the future, it would probably be "big IP". The "IP value" of the FATE series is very high, and many derivative works can be derived.

Can't keep up with Gundam, and can't get EVA, then FATE series can't be missed, right?

And more importantly, the mushroom as the author of FATE.

What is most important in the 21st century?


Nasu Mushroom's works have a certain influence in the house circle.

Although in other respects, Nasu can't even talk about the "famous" thing, but in the house circle, the FATE series, Tsukihime series, etc., are all well-known things. As a gentleman, Senxia must first win over, naturally this group is right.

At this moment, Nasu did not expect that Morinatsu would have such an idea. At this time, Nasu is still thinking, is there a way to make the FATE series the same game as Brave New World?

Fortunately, Lao Xu didn't let Nasu mess around here.

After analyzing the pros and cons, Nasu Mushroom also realized that if he writes casually on his side, the final result is definitely not very good.

"Well, it seems that this can only be done now." Nasu could only shook his head regretfully at this time. He really couldn't write the complicated story relationship of Brave New World.

This is not just a linear and non-linear relationship, but the overall arrangement of the story.

If we say that the general story route discovery is in the order of 1→2→3→4→5, there, many routes are 1→3→4→2→5 or 1→3→6→7→5. .

But "Brave New World" is not just such a simple permutation and combination. In the text of the story, depending on the variables selected by the player before, even the same route and the same story may end up in a completely different chapter. And this small variable is likely to make the story The ending goes another route.

Moreover, it is okay for the player to not take the usual path willfully. Therefore, in Brave New World, the development of the story may be like this 1→A→C→2→5, or directly 1→5.

Of course, although it is more complicated than a general written adventure, the mechanism itself is not too strange, but if you want to make this kind of thing look good, it will test the skills of the writer very much.

Nasu's style of writing is very powerful, because of his special writing technique, there is a unique "Nasu Knot" in his works, which has always been talked about.

The development of stories like Brave New World is not suitable for Nasu to play out his own writing characteristics.

In the end, Nasu could only choose to give up.

"By the way, I heard that Animic's current works will be produced on Sega's home machine?"

After Nasu finished speaking, Takeuchi also raised a question.

"Ah, yes." Lao Xu nodded, "Well, although the development of games on the PC is indeed more free, but I have to admit that the profit of the home machine is really higher than that of the PC!"

Lao Xu sighed here.

He has read the financial report.

Regardless of the fact that the Mithril platform is so popular on the Internet, the actual total amount is not very large because of the limited base.

On the contrary, Senxia's most despised home console platform has brought the most profit here.

"Are your new games going to be developed on DC?" Old Xu asked smoothly.

Takeuchi nodded: "Probably that's the case, I'm considering what to do. Although Mr. Xia Sen has prepared us a sufficient development budget, we cannot rule out the possibility of problems with the game..."

Fluttering on the streets and violent deaths, this situation is nothing more than normal in the industry.

Although Mori Xia gave enough budget, Takeuchi Tsao is also the person who wants to be the president. Takeuchi has to control the cost and budget.

Although Tsukihime succeeded, Takeuchi couldn't rule out the possibility of FATE failure. If he used the budget without restrictions and finally made a scum, Takeuchi would probably buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

"However, if it is developed on a home machine, many of the contents in the game can't be presented to everyone, right?" But at this moment, Nasu suddenly raised an objection, "Is there no problem with this? "

Because of the need for various audits, it’s not that simple for a game to land on a home machine, especially those manufacturers of small butter, such as the ELF column, if they want to develop games on home machines , Then you have to give yourself a knife and force your game to become all ages.

But in Nasu's view, such an approach is undoubtedly a compromise, and the content that he wants to present cannot be presented to everyone.

"Um... it is indeed a problem..." Lao Xu felt that this was indeed the case. By coincidence, the crowd began to disperse at this time. He suggested, "Why don't we go to Teacher Xia Sen now!"


Today’s two in one, another day in two, Orz

(To be continued.)

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