Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 849: How does flying dragon riding face lose? You tell me how to lose? !

In June, it wasn't just Morinia who was busy. In June, Sega's DC landed in North America.

Although it has been on sale for half a year, Sega DC was still very popular when it first logged into North America.

"This wave is stable!"

After getting information from the North American region, Shinkyo Shoichiro was also ecstatic.

This wave is steady! Well done!

After half a year of sluggishness, Sega’s DreamCast aroused enthusiasm among Americans as soon as it landed in the United States, and because of adequate stocking, DC sold hundreds of thousands of units in one go.

"We have a great advantage. Even if Sony launches PS2, it will not be our opponent! As long as Suzuki-san's game comes out, we will win!"

Shoichiro Shinto said this to the board of directors with full confidence.

In the words of StarCraft and World of Warcraft, as long as this wave is leveled up, the opposite side will be pushed.

How does flying dragon riding face lose?

Players are absolutely praised for Sega DC, especially the Internet game model they created. Everyone can play games on the Internet and have direct conversations with each other. This is really interesting and novel.

Although PS2 said that they will also engage in network mode, after all, they have not done it yet. At this time, for the first time with an Internet voice communication system, everyone can cooperate with each other to play games. This is really a great thing.

But unfortunately, there are not many games that support the Internet now, but even if it is a stand-alone player, DLC will be provided, which is not bad.

DLC is not as separate chapters as expansions, and its capacity is not as good as expansions, but DLC can make the game richer and more interesting.

what? The heroine has a swimsuit DLC? Buy buy buy!

what? Is there a powerful weapon in the DLC? Buy buy buy!

what? This DLC is actually free? Conscience, go down and down!

Because the financial report suddenly changed for the better, Sega was really smiling.

This time it is done!

Even Masao Chiba, who is less and less confident in Sega, is excited after seeing North American sales.

"The sales situation is really good..." After seeing the financial report, Chiba Masao also exclaimed.

"It seems that there is a gap between the situation and what Senxiajun predicted."

It was Qianjia who sat next to Chiba Masao.

Today is a rare time for father and daughter to get together. It is just a topic between the two people. It seems that there is no atmosphere of communication between the father and daughter. On the contrary, at this time, all the things they talk about are still work. Up.

But whether it is Qianjia or her father, the two of them seem to be better than talking about family affairs.

"But Morinya also foresaw it."

Yes, Senxia once complained about this.

DC is really popular in the United States, but Masao Chiba still remembers what Morinatsu said.

Healing can't save it...cough, no, it's "North America can't save Sega..."

Um, Senxia's meaning is very clear, no matter how popular they are, but the ending is already doomed and there is no way to change it...

Although Senxia was in the black DreamCast all the way, Chiba Masao knew that the opponent was not just for no reason, but black with good reason.

Sega’s internal chaos, the enthusiasm of third parties cannot be mobilized, the game strategy is not clear, etc...

What's more, there is one thing that makes Sega really taboo: Senxia believes that they can't save Sega by relying on a game alone.

Suzuki Yu, the game producer who once brought glory to Sega, is actually not optimistic about Morinka.

"So, this is the reason you are planning to make games for PS2?" Chiba Masao naturally knew that Anmic was going to make games for Sony, and even he knew that the new game that Anmic was about to develop took the PS2 platform and the PC platform into consideration, but there was no Consider the DC platform.

Well, there is no Nintendo platform, because Mori summer is the black of hell, and he is the black of **** that has been firm for 100 years.

Therefore, at this time, the only platforms that Senxia will log on are PC and PS2. As for DC, it depends on the situation. If the DC in this world can still exist, it will not be too late to transplant it-but Senxia is not Optimistic.

If it is a personal destiny, Morinka can accept it, even if someone says that the rich and powerful in this world is really the king of mahjong, Morinka thinks this is actually a fact that can exist reasonably.

But for a large company, if you want to change by just relying on one person's butterfly effect, it is really a big difference.

What is said in that sentence, if our tank, it is the wheels of history rolling forward...

All in all, things are probably like this.

"Father, what do you think of Sega?" Qian Jia didn't answer her father's question, but instead asked.

"Um...I'm not good to say." Masao Chiba shook his head, "But your Morinka-kun really has ideas. Although he is very young, I think if DreamCast is handed over to Morinka-kun to operate it, Maybe something very interesting will happen, hahaha!"

"But I don't think Senxiajun is interested in this." Qianjia shrugged.

"No, I think that boy Morinya is still very interested in DC." Chiba Masao smiled.

"But as long as it's on Sega's side, I think it's probably useless." Qianjia shrugged.

DC may still be saved, but Sega, who is schizophrenic, is not saved. When troubles occurred before, Sega’s arcade department was obstructing the transplantation of games. Originally, Sega planned to launch a set of shakes. The pole equipment was also disturbed by them, and many of the online settings of ported games on Sega's side were also disturbed...

Things are so painful.

Therefore, the DC side may succeed, but as long as the arcade department and the home machine department exist for one day, the two sides will continue to fight.

Although in many other places, arcade machines have declined with the changes of the times, there is an exception in Japan. Even after the 21st century, there are still tens of thousands of arcade game halls in Japan. Therefore, at least in Japan, Sega In the arcade department, there will be a powerful force.

“Sega’s departments constrained each other, but in contrast, Sony’s products complemented each other and jointly built the living room entertainment system.” Qianjia told Morika’s opinion.

"Really thorough." I have to say, now you are stronger...

From an objective point of view, Mori Xia's statement is really correct.

DC may be able to save, but as long as this main contradiction exists in Sega, it is not saved.

Improve and improve, the more you change, the cooler you are, sooner or later this big green fruit will be a pill!

"So what does Senxia think of the handheld?"

Masao Chiba here thought of another question.

When it comes to the types and modes of games, in addition to PCs, consoles, and arcades, there is another type. This type of game is handheld. Sega has also engaged in handhelds, but there seems to be no progress.

Although the handheld is not a success, it is always a pity for Sega, so at this time, Qianjia's father really wants to know what Senxia thinks about the handheld opportunity.

"Mori Xia-kun didn't say much in this regard, but Mori Xia-kun felt that for handhelds or something, Nintendo would probably be better."

Although Mori Xiajun hated Nintendo's appearance very much-Qianjia didn't say this sentence.

"Nintendo? Indeed, now they are the overlords of the handheld world..."

The Pokemon series brought Nintendo’s GB series handhelds back to life. After that, they will launch the same powerful handheld GBA, GBA handheld, which will once again bring success to Nintendo’s handheld career, and more importantly, Nintendo’s First Square is very powerful, so they are not afraid of third-party challenges.

There are countless works in Mori's mind that can challenge Nintendo, but... why do we work for Sega?

In Senxia's view, it is important to spread gentleman culture. As for anything else...does it have anything to do with us?

In the past, Morinya could still say that we had to make some games that we didn’t like but were widely popular in order to make money, but now, after Morinya has a reputation, the speed of making money is appropriate. .

Although it is not to say that the rich is safe, but copying a certain game to make money, it is unnecessary.

Even if it's not the magic change, we must be happy and happy!

Since there is no way to happily open my mind, what are you asking me to do!

Money is so capricious, huh!

"Suzuki-san's game is almost finished." Chiba Masao changed the subject.

"Oh?" Qianjia raised her brows, "That's great."

In any case, Qianjia is very confident about Suzuki Yu's new game.

Shenmue’s game is really special.

In this game, Qianjia can be said to have experienced what is called an open world for the first time.

Although Shenmue still has some shortcomings in some parts, the novel gameplay and the strange feeling alone are already very powerful.

According to Qianjia's view, this system can kill more than a few streets of FF8!

Although Moriha said Shenmue would definitely be a tragedy, Qianjia looked at it from another angle, she felt it was impossible.

Moreover, Qianjia has not forgotten that Senxia Jun's Flag is absolutely special.

Senxia likes to take a bite if she has something to do. If you look at it this way, Shenmue is very likely to succeed?

Well, that's right!

At this time, Qianjia thought of Senxia's favorite tactics when playing the StarCraft hegemony, which was to play Zerg, and then use flying dragons to harass and ride her face. The winning rate was particularly high.

That's right, this is the case with Shenmue now.

How to lose the dragon riding face! You tell me how to lose? !

Even if Sega will have problems in the future, this time, with Shenmue, it will definitely be right.

"When is Shenmue going to leave?" Qianjia asked again.

"Well, it’s okay to tell you, the news will be announced anyway, probably in October, because the PS2 will be released at the end of the year, so Shenmue will release it before then, and then attack the PS2 in advance."

The publicity about Shenmue will soon begin, so Masao Chiba will tell Chika the news first, which is not bad.

"What are your plans for the new game over there? The Mithril platform is very good, although it is on the PC, but the situation is very good." Masao Chiba praised Morinatsu's Mithril platform.

"Well, it's okay, the key is that QICQ is developing well." QICQ on Morinia's side is developing very well. The Mithril platform also uses QICQ to log in. As long as the players have QICQ, they can communicate with them anytime, anywhere Other people can communicate and play games with each other by voice, which is nothing to praise.

In terms of games alone, this QICQ is in good condition in Japan, because Japanese people don't like this kind of communication, but in terms of text, QICQ is very good, because Japanese people prefer text communication to voice.

As for Europe and the United States, the situation is very good. In Europe and America, the Internet is more developed and people are more willing to accept the Internet model. If it is just Internet games, they like it very much, and if the Internet is added to the stand-alone game They also like the content very much.

Morinia’s earnings report in Europe and the United States is very good, it's just and it is very popular now.

Players may not know what world the characters of this game come from, but they just like this game.

Judging from the current situation, this game is currently the most competitive and antagonistic game. At least in this regard, there is no game that can surpass this game.

"Are you going to develop online games? In all your games, the network elements are very important." Chiba Masao asked again.

"It's okay, well, but I also want to develop in this area. By the way, the reason why Mori Xiajun has not given up on DC so far is because DC supports the Internet better." Qianjia smiled .

At this time, Chiba Masao nodded suddenly: "That's why Mori Xiajun has no confidence in Sega now, because Sega internally believes that the Internet will affect the arcade department, so the voice of opposition is particularly loud."

"That’s right, Sega’s recent Internet-related games are really nothing..." After a wave of launches, most of DC’s Internet-related games are now launched by third parties. Sega It is not positive at all in this regard.

"Well." But Qianjia didn't particularly care about it. "But if it's a stand-alone player, the plot and gameplay can be more taken care of."

Well, from this perspective, it's not bad.

So, Sega still said two things, DC, with Morinka's Flag and Suzuki Yu's golden sign, this wave is stable.


How to lose the dragon riding face! You tell me how to lose! .


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