Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 850: The Mithril platform is discounted!

Dreamcast's debut in 6 North America, this incident has caused a huge response throughout North America, especially the United States.


This is what Lynn felt after playing a VR warrior.

Lynn is an international student living in Los Angeles. He comes from a large eastern country. He is not very interested in other things in the United States. He is very interested in things related to electronic products. The derived video games are also something he likes very much.

He likes PCs or home consoles very much. In addition, he likes all kinds of novel things.

Unfortunately, dreamcast was not conducted in North America, but in Japan on the other side. Although it is possible to buy a Japanese version of the machine, there are a lot of inconveniences after all, especially when connecting to the server.

According to some players' theories, when playing Internet games, the delay of this kind of home machine will cause big problems.

But now, the US version of the game is finally here.

After playing the VR Warrior, Lynn opened the Sonic game again.

Sonic is definitely a good game. Although it's different from Mario, the refreshing parkour and movement are really cool.

"Eh, but there is no good two-player mode..."

Lynn remembered that during the initial promotion, the game Sonic was cooperating. Players could control the blue Sonic the Hedgehog and the orange Squirrel Tals to cooperate. In certain specific scenarios, the two The characters cooperate, and then complete some specific gameplay.

But unfortunately, in the current version, this system doesn’t seem to be added. Players can indeed change to Squirrel Tars, but I don’t know why. When playing this game, Lynn always feels awkward, as if It is the same as it was forcibly added.

After reading this, Lynn shook his head and boarded 6 to arrive; QIcQ is now in North America and has almost become a professional game player communication space. Although it is different from the forum, here, especially in the QIcQ group, everyone Able to communicate and interact very well.

"Have you heard that Sega recently announced a cool game!"

"Shenmue! It's that Shenmue!"

Yes, with the launch of Dreamcast 6 North America, the promotion of Shenmue's game has also begun.

After seeing the publicity of Shenmue's game, many players are eager to tell, they are simply too enthusiastic.

"Everyone likes this game!"

Lynn has also inquired about Shenmue before. This is indeed a cool game, an open world, and a high degree of freedom-this is simply a model of the new generation of games!

"Do you know Shenmue's game?" Lynn once again entered another group. This group is more popular. Those who are playing games are newcomers who have just joined, but there are also veterans like Lynn, who are good teachers. , In these groups, to answer the various questions encountered by the players.

"Ah, it's a new game from Sega, hey, man, I heard about me, I think we can look forward to the mecha game that animic recently promoted..."

"The one from animic? Listen to me. I have seen the demo version. This game must be played on the highest difficulty to be interesting!"

"There will be an animation with the same name next month. It seems to be a revenge story similar to Hamlet?"

"The summer vacation discount on the Mithril platform is about to begin! I have my wallet ready!"

"Ah, it's over, I recently bought a Dreamcast, and I forgot the price reduction promotion on the Mithril platform!"

"Idiot, quickly borrow money to buy and buy, there will be no such shop after passing this village!"

Although everyone has heard of Shenmue's game, when Lynn walked around on the newcomer's forum, he found that everyone didn't seem to be interested in this game...?

Huh? strange?

Obviously this game has an open world and scenes, as well as very powerful special effects, which are obviously very good...

He returned to the previous group. This group has a small number of people, but everyone is "high play".

Sure enough, everyone here is discussing the new technology used in Shenmue's game. They feel that this game seems to be very interesting. Various game routines that have never been seen make Shenmue's game a bit different. .

One word: Like!

Two people: Great!

Although the action looks a little stiff and the character's expression is a bit strange, but...well, it is still acceptable!

"Shenmu will be on sale in October, I really look forward to it..."

"I really hope October is coming soon."

"I want to wait for Christmas to buy a PS2, but Shenmue was opened by Sega, so it seems unlikely to be on the PS2 platform..."

"What are you afraid of? The performance of ps2 is better than that of dc, and it also supports Internet systems. It would be nice to buy a ps2 at that time!"

Gaowan never worry about the number of game consoles. If one is not enough, there will be two, and if two are not enough, then three. That's it~

On the other hand, Linn shook his head.

The summer vacation promotion on the Mithril platform is the summer vacation promotion, why don't you buy it together? One dc, and another promotion game, and this is only a promotion, you can usually buy it, dc is now! North America! We have to buy such an important commemorative product now!

Why don’t you understand?

But Lynn knew that there were some problems that Mengxin didn't understand, and no matter how many explanations he explained.

Alas, the world of high play is so empty, lonely and cold.

"But Lelouch is a good game."

The only thing that Lynn agrees with these cuteness is that Lelouch is a good game.

This is a strategy and tactics game. According to official publicity, this game seems to be a trilogy.

Before that, Lynn had played a demo version of this game.

Not to mention, the gameplay of this game is still really good, and as some people complained on the forum, this game requires the highest difficulty, so that we can fully appreciate the strategy of the game.

Lynn used to think that he was a master of the game, but when Lynn started to play the game, he realized that he was simply a pupil.

And as if deliberately, the most difficult standard is "qualified military academy graduates"... you are qualified! Obviously it's the most difficult, but I still do some of these!

Thinking about it, Lin Enxian, playing the game seems to be really good.

Although Shenmue has also started to publicize, the styles of Lelouch and Shenmue are completely different.

Shenmue's style is almost completely realistic, while Lelouch is a sci-fi style close to the near future, and the characters are also more beautiful. Look at it-now, look at that c.c, look at that Karen...

In terms of expressiveness, Lelouch is exaggerated but not exaggerated, and it feels very good.

On the other side, mechas are indeed very powerful for men, and the interesting thing about Lelouch is that players can really use physical pk mechas. Of course, they are not fighting mechas. Instead, use weapons to kill the mecha.

In Gundam, have you ever seen Gundam killed by a rocket launcher?


So, for the first time such interesting content appeared in the game, Lynn liked it very much.

At the beginning, Lynn wanted to show everyone how powerful the technology Shenmue was and how powerful the game mode it created, but after the information about Lelouch’s game appeared in his mind, Unconsciously, Lynn was almost attracted by this game.

"The game of Lelouch is said to be sold simultaneously worldwide, in six languages: English, Japanese, Russian, French, German, and Chinese. Although the voice is in Japanese, the other texts seem to be very good!"

"Eh, is it sold simultaneously? I thought it was only available in Japan, hey buddy, this is really good news."

"Even if there is only a day zone, is it not a simple matter to buy a game? Just buy the digital version on the Mithril platform."

The advantage of having a digital version is that everyone can download and play the game.

Not only can you download games, but you can also download extended content such as dLc, which is not too interesting.

And before that, the game they made called The Crown of Sin was also very good. How good is this game?

Let's put it this way, because of this game, many people found the original version of the game, and then started their own translation. This process didn't gradually stop until animic officially announced the launch of the English version of the game.

As for the number of mods for the Guilty Crown, it is even more impressive. The number of mods produced by the Americans has already crossed the Japanese area, and it has increased several times.

And Americans can also play it. Around this game, they have also opened a lot of enslavement series of mods, such as some kind of animal education for female characters, or forcibly changing male characters into female characters.

If you want to say that there is something to criticize and complain about... Then, it is probably the style of American players. After all, these mods not only need to know how to write scripts, but also need a big touch to support, but look forward to Europe and the United States. The style of the ghost animal painting Feng Neng is similar to the style of the Frog Sergeant Great God, so forget it...

As far as Lynn is concerned, there are three of the most maddening mods he has ever seen.

The first one is the Green Hat series. This department must choose a male to be able to proceed. The player’s girlfriend will be p1ayed by the yellow hair, even on the wedding night. If the player’s options are outrageous, the player may still be in trouble. , And the heroine is already Rinpoche...

The second is the transformation department. This department must choose sister paper, and then undergo various human transformations. The most outrageous one is that the limbs are cut off. It can be used for the creators to make the story round. Let the players be here.

The third one is even more exaggerated. It is from the Lucifer system. At the beginning of this mod, the player is required to be male. In the plot, they will be induced step by step by the npc. If the player can't stand the temptation—usually what the player wants to see— —Then, the player will be feminine step by step, and finally become a sister with big xx! Of course, because of the disorder of the gender system, this mod is very easy to cause the game to be unstable, making the game "Boom!" drop from time to time.

"Can Lelouch load the mod?" So, after thinking of this, Lynn thought of the game Lelouch.

Can this game load mods?

As soon as he thought of this, he logged in; Lelouch supports the online battle mode, which has been confirmed on the official website, but whether the game supports mods or not, the official did not say.

Animic has an English website, but because the English website hasn't been open for a long time, not many people talk about it under the forum of the English website.

Lynn has difficulty reading Japanese, but this does not prevent him from browsing the web.

And just on the webpage, Lynn saw the news over there.

"...Is this a petition?"

Although it was difficult, Lynn probably understood the news.

After looking at, he found that this post was probably because someone wanted to open the mod system for the game Lelouch.

Compared to the Americans, the Japanese seem to like this game more, and they are obviously more looking forward to this game than the previous game.

Do Japanese people prefer single-player games?

Lynn thought for a long time, he thought it was interesting, but I heard that the game had a mediocre response in Japan. It was obviously a game made by the Japanese, but the Japanese didn't like it themselves?

It's a shame that the Japanese can't appreciate such a fun game...

Although there are various problems, as far as this is concerned, Lynn feels that it is possible to add a mod system.

He thought about it, and also said a supporting sentence in English below the post.

"Huh, that's it."

I really look forward to it, the day I can play next month...

As Gao Wan's Lynn, he felt a little impatient at this time.

Huh? By the way, I seemed to be watching game news before. Which game seemed to be of interest to me?

Lynn scratched his head in a daze.

"Forget it, anyway, this game is exciting, the gameplay is good, the screen is almost okay..."

He muttered, then looked at the Mithril platform again.

By the way, I have always had a lot of games I like, and now I have a few point cards somehow... Well, I'm talking about starting a batch of games first...


Rinpoche’s words use pinyin know.

In addition, the stalk of the Mithril platform and dc comes from sTeam and ps4.

Go for an individual check-up tomorrow morning to check your physical condition, but the results of the physical examination seem to take two or three weeks to come out^_^8

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