Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 851: It's time to write a new book, Senxia Jun!

"Garbage games ruin my youth, sap my spirit and consume my money!"

On the animic forum, more than one person has been spitting out summer discounts on Senxia's side. |

It’s okay on the Japanese side. In the US, animic has convinced companies such as ea and Nishimo. Except for Blizzard who wants to build their own platform, everyone else thinks that one more network distribution method is still very good. Yes, and there is no cost.

Which set do Americans eat the most?

car! gun! ball!

In short, that's how it is.

what? Need for Speed ​​cut prices?


What? Is Radiation 1 on sale?

Get started!

Fuck, FIFa is 50% off? Is the three-generation bundled price lower?

This is money! Get it soon!

What? gTa price cut? Wait, what game is gTa? Huh? Damn it, it's funny!

Buy buy buy!

Oh my god, half-life has put a discount code!

Grab it!

Compared to Japan, the number of Internet users in the United States is very large, and the Internet is also very fast. Everyone likes Internet games, which is actually pretty good.

Of course, compared to the physical version, the online version of some games is probably different. In order to take care of the capacity and the sales of the physical version, some games have been castrated in music and cg, and some people feel that the Internet encryption method is not safe enough, so they refuse to log on the 6 Internet platform.

But as far as Morinya is concerned, he is not worried about piracy, because many games in the future will have Internet and expanded content. If you don't buy the original, it will be difficult to experience this part.

Of course, if it doesn't work, Morinia still has a must-kill online game.

As it is now.

"Fuck! Legend has it that the skin is going to be pumped! Jiqi's battle uniform is about to be pumped!"

Yes, Yeqi who boarded 6 is wearing a school uniform, not the bold and cute performance costume in the game. As for the original performance costume, it has been made into a limited edition skin-well, not just The skin has more individual special effects.

By the way, the skin is still legendary?

What are you waiting for? Come buy, buy, buy!

Of course, compared to the entire market, the sales of online games are too small, so animic is not exhausted, so you just need to buy and buy skins, so you don’t need to smoke.

Well, but after the pigs are fattened up... Bah, when the market becomes wider, then you can take a bite.

"So be it."

Senxia looked at the news on the forum, and then shrugged.

On the Internet, the news of Sega Dreamcast can be said to be completely obscured by the big news from Morinia.

But precisely because of the niche relationship, Morinia’s sales here did not actually have any impact on Dreamcast. At best, it just made the big news on the Internet bigger.

To put it simply, our side is already the biggest news, and it is impossible to make a big news.

As for traditional forces...well, having said that, the entire game industry is expanding. It seems that there is really nothing special that can be regarded as a "traditional" company. Even Nintendo, in this respect, there is nothing more. With a history of more than ten years, apart from the now dominating Sony, there are really very few "behemoths" in the game industry.

Strictly speaking, Senxia is able to rank in the game industry. As long as they sell a 3a game or something, they will be the "big brother" in the future.

"But I still want to know why Sony's request is so weird."

Well, as a **** named after card bitch, animic's next game is going to be made on Sony, and Sony has also given their requirements. In short, everyone will not work together in the next step.

But what makes Morinka feel a little strange is that Sony's request is weird.

"The extended content must be on the CD, and then unlocked with a special code..."

Because the confidentiality agreement has not yet been signed, Morinya does not know the specific content. The agreement signed when the previous game was transplanted has no relevant content. After all, this aspect was not involved last time.

But now this condition is a bit strange.

After reading the information on the Internet, Senxia looked at Lihua over there.

"Well, the specific information will not be notified until a confidentiality agreement is signed..."

"...This is not a very important thing either." But at a critical moment, Qianjia said, "It is said that Sony believes that this method can more conveniently'download' extended content, thereby speeding up the network."

"...Speaking of it, Sony doesn't seem to be equipped with a hard disk, right?" Mori Xia noted that she didn't seem to hear Sony's information about this.

Does Sony use md as a storage device? But can md store data? But looking at Sony, it says that there is dLc, there is a network, and that they do not have storage devices, it seems incorrect.

"I heard that Sony seems to have ridiculed the use of dc hard drives, right?" Senxia suddenly thought of this.

"Ah, yes," Qianjia also nodded, "Said it increased useless costs and made it easier to piracy."

And the facts have proved that this kind of thing really hasn't happened for the increase of piracy. The piracy level of DC is still similar to the original level. DC's anti-piracy methods are the same as in history, and they are durable.

But when it comes to increasing costs, this is really true.

Although the sales volume of dc is even better than the same period in history, the cost pressure is greater, so it will be more pressure than in history.

Having said that, why is there an extra hard drive on Sega's dc? Which brain pumping guy made the suggestion?

Senxia spat in his head.

Switching to Sony using this strategy, Mori summer thinks this strategy is still very good, because Sony is large, this kind of icing on the cake can be said to be very good, but for Sega, what is the matter? Two said.

A piece of wood is pressed on the flame, and the flame is directly extinguished, but if the wood is thrown into the fire, the flame can be more vigorous.

This is the situation now.

Before that, Senxia and Qianjia once spit out Sega together, and said cool things.

But after learning about all kinds of things in Sega that hindered her own people, Mori Xia found that some things were not as simple as they seemed.

It was my fault to say cold words before.


Sega is really incorrigible, and I who think you can save me are too young.

If you can't save it, you can't save it. It's like Nokia who died in Microsoft's hands. When a person is about to die, the persuasion of others is useless at all, and the pattern is broken.

"Speaking of which, we can be regarded as sizable people anyway. I think we should be able to make big news or something..."

Senxia felt that there was no big news on her side, which was really uncomfortable.

It's a man who should make big news!

Miyazaki Hidetaka was very interested in the game of Dark Souls. After seeing Morinka’s project, Miyazaki Hidetaka was right in front of him, and then Morinka’s work was taken over by the other party. , And then... Then nothing happened to Senxia.

How should I put it, Moriha had been interested in working hard before, but at this moment, he realized that he had hit the air with a punch here.

This kind of painful thing, let alone how uncomfortable it is.

Therefore, Morinia now wants to make big news!

"If you are so free, why don't you go to write a new book? Yuan Zhikong has finished writing, right? The manuscripts of the Earth Defense Boy are all finished, right? There are also such young girls' wars, and now I don't care about the progress? After all, Mori-kun , You are so free now, it's entirely your own trouble, this time you must come to a new work! Well, yes, it is a new work!"

Originally Qianjia didn't feel anything, but after hearing Morinya's intention to make big news, Qianjia was really upset.

So at this moment, Qianjia decided to let Morinya get a work first.

Anyway, you are also the author who claims to be able to update 20,000 per day! I don't ask for too much now, you just need to complete one tenth for me every day!

"Um... so, it seems to be true..."

Senxia didn't think there was anything at first, but after hearing Qianjia's words, she didn't seem to be doing any other important literary work recently except for Yuan Zhikong.

Although there are a lot of things to do in other areas, Morinka also feels that she should start creating on her own.

"Um... Then, what should I do?"

Senxia's thoughts were naturally changed by magic.

Morinia thinks it is still very interesting to recreate based on the original work.

"Um... right."

At this moment, Senxia suddenly thought of a work.

To be precise, it is a derivative work of Monster Hunter.

Monster Hunter Monster Eco Series...

Ahem, this is a masterpiece by Teacher Guiyue, a must-read book for old drivers.

Well, it's obviously such an important work, but all Mori's mind is thinking of at this time are ergonomics.

In Senxia's opinion, if many ergonomics "go ashore", they are actually quite interesting.

Especially in the book of monster abusers, Morinka didn’t play with monster abusers a lot, mainly in the PSP era, but if the sister papers in the monster abusers were all dressed as in the book, Morinka felt that he would be in the future. There is still a lot of motivation to play this game.

As for the current words, Moriha was caught by H again.


But at this moment, Qian Jiayi's paper fan hit Morinya's head.


Senxia was shocked, and finally recovered, and then looked at Qianjia with a dazed expression.

"Huhu, I wanted to try this for a long time, but I didn't expect to hit people with a paper fan, it was really refreshing..."

Qian Jia over there seemed to want to do this kind of thing a long time ago, and she was really happy at this time.

"All in all, Chi Guoguo's ergonomics and 18x are forbidden." She said, "Although I think that kind of thing is very important, but our current work is more than just that."

It is true that Qianjia very much wants Morinka to write a gentleman’s script, but in Qianjia’s view, Morinka should work hard at this time to write normal articles to guide the public into the world of gentlemen, so I directly write articles for gentry gentlemen. This approach is wrong.

And the more important point is that they now have a teacher Erdaime, so Mori...cough, sorry, it is not a derogation of Moria, it is Morinatsu and Chika, in fact, both are loyal fans of teacher Erdaime...

"So, what you need to do now is to write a profound work, and then let this work publicize."

"... Must be profound?" Senxia stunned.

"Because of the profound works, adding gentleman content will not be against the sense of harmony!" Qianjia said, "This kind of gentleman content, as long as it is placed in a serious plot, can truly show its charm."

It's not just Lifan going ashore, but to make a dark and cruel plot?

"Just turn the soul of darkness into a comic, animation or something..."

Senxia spit out.


Senxia encountered a miserable paper fan once again.

"Don't always want to steal things!"

Qian Jiabai glanced at Senxia, ​​and then said, "Listen well."


"First, this work should have profound content; secondly this work needs to be widely popular; again, we need to integrate gentleman-related content with this work; finally, It’s best if this work can be made into an animation or a game."

There are so many requirements...

The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched.

"This...I still think about it..."

Although Senxia had a lot of ideas in her mind, Qianjia made so many demands in one breath, and Senxia still couldn't react.

After all, with so many requests, it doesn't seem to be that difficult to find ideas even from ready-made works.

"Well, it's not in a hurry now, it's June, right?" Qianjia said, "July soon, right?"

"Ah, yeah." Senxia nodded.

"So, during the summer vacation, you still have a lot of time, right?" Qian Jia said.

"Well, the last summer vacation in high school." Senxia nodded, "Looking at it this way, there is indeed a lot of time."

If the summer vacation is also included, the time is indeed very generous, so that you can be lazy at any time.

"Sinxia-kun, did you just think I could be lazy?" Qianjia squinted at Senxia.

"Ahem, how could..."

Senxia waved her hand.

"Although that is said, if you can't start writing before the summer vacation..." Qianjia sneered at Morinka, "On summer cm, you can dress me in women's clothes!!!"


Cold sweat came out of Senxia's head...


Today’s update, I went for a check in the morning, but it feels... as if nothing...

Well, wait for two weeks to see the results...8

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