Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 856: "Brave New World" for DreamCast

Harmony is not a good word for the broad masses of people. ??

But as a mitigation, Senxia is certainly going to make a fuss about "harmony."

Well, since you want "harmony", then let's be in harmony!

As a harmonious product of the harmonious age, Senxia is absolutely handy about harmony and other things.

Even because there are no ergonomic scenes, some scenes can be made more intense.

For example, let the heroine eat ice cream.

If it is an ergonomic scene, let the heroine eat strange things, then it is definitely a code.

But if this is in the "harmony" plot, what is eating ice cream, then there is no coding at all.

And in this case, it can also make the melted ice cream appear on the girl's chest...

Hmm, level praise.

In addition, it is the tights.

Leotards have been circulated among gentlemen for a long time, and they often appear in animations, but we really want to say that tights can be promoted among the gentleman community. The work called "To the Demon" is really Contributed.

Morinya is thinking of this now.

Moreover, Senxia has another idea, which is to borrow chickens to lay eggs.


Sega, you guys put it on Brave New World; okay!

Oops, sorry, our game is a word game, but if a word game does not perform well in the TV platform, right?

It doesn't matter, for dc, we can also create a picture version! But we don’t have the funding and manpower now...

In the attitude that there is no need to have a relationship, and it will be wasted when it expires, Mori Xia made this suggestion to Qianjia, and Sega’s relationship can be used as long as it can be used. Anyway, when dc fails, the entire technical department will blow up. ...

"Sinxia-kun's attitude towards Sega is really the same as before..."

Seeing this, Qianjia couldn't help but complain.

"Mori-kun is not optimistic about Sega as always..."

Lihua over there couldn't help but sighed when she saw this.

No way, Senxia is really "lovely" for Sega. If you don’t know about it, you probably think Senxia is Sega’s enemy...

"But Senxia-kun's opinion is really good."

Although things like harmony come and go, it is worth complaining, but in any case, what Morinka said here is reasonable.

The spread of gentleman culture does not only depend on the gentleman himself, this truth is the conclusion that Senxia came to after thinking.

Only if the masses can accept it, can gentleman culture gradually become mainstream.

This is a link to change the world line!

Therefore, after confirming that this action can "change the world line", Morinka made such a plan.

And the facts have proved that this kind of thing that directly points to the hearts of gentlemen is still very popular.

"As for the character image, I remember that some characters are very popular, so you can directly let everyone make it..."

In the game, some NPCs are very popular. For example, in a country called the Kingdom of Assyria, there is a princess Jin Meng, this g cup princess. I don’t know how many players have drawn fan pictures for them. , The players have almost reached a consensus on the image of this princess.

Qianjia feels that characters like this kind of consensus can be taken directly and then created. In this way, a lot of work can be saved.

"But is there really no problem with this? I remember that a lot of things players spend are... all of those things, right?"

Lihua's face flushed again.

Well, yes, there are many other contents in the script, which are very "dissonant".

In the script, the ergonomic content can also be brain-filled. Although for the core players, this is nothing, but some players express that they cannot accept it.

What should I do at this time?

When everyone’s brains couldn’t make up for it, the big touches came forward. These strong guys began to draw netbsp by themselves; don’t say, although there was only simple content at the beginning, as players continue to enrich the content, this aspect The resources are also increasing.

Anyway, there are various poses, various props, and various races that only you can't think of, no painter can't do it.

After Qianjia said that he wanted to use a "consensus" image, what Lihua immediately thought of was the "consensus" of the players on the overthrowing content in this game.

Then, Lihua didn't expect to be surprised.

In the case of just now, Qianjia will definitely continue to molest and complain about Lihua, but now, Qianjia has entered the "gentleman mode". At this time, what Qianjia is doing is thinking.

Although Morinya gave a solution here, Qianjia is still thinking about what should be done.

As Lihua said, there are a lot of content in Brave New World that are very emotional, but because they are very emotional, these "feeling" content can no longer be used.

Too explicit.

In the current "Brave New World" situation, if it can pass Sega's review and then start selling games, Qianjia feels that this is probably not the rise of the wave of gentleman culture, but Sega's arcade department wants Conspiracy against the home machine department...

"It's easy to say, but if you really want to do it, it will definitely be changed..."

Senxia's advice is very gentlemanly, and it can also make gentlemen look forward to the great future of mankind.

The problem is that it’s easier said than done.

What is a real sultry master?

In "Blowing the Euphonium", Rena Kosaka can make the whole work explode quickly through one move of squirting her head and touching the tip of her nose. This is the sultry master.

Qianjia doesn't know what the Euphonium is, because it is a future work, but Morinya warns Qianjia here, and Qianjia naturally understands it.

It takes skill to take it off without revealing it.

In addition to this, another problem is the core gameplay of the game itself.

In the game "Brave New World", the core gameplay is that players are free to do things like this and that, but if it is placed on Sega DC, it is not easy to do it.

Even the core gameplay is gone, he is meow, what's the point of this game?

"It's a headache."

Senxia believes that in the case of online games, the upgrade process itself is also very interesting. After removing some discordant content, the plot can be completed by adding some emotional plots.

At the same time, because of the difference between the pc version and the Sega version, it is definitely not possible to generate randomly like the pc when making it. This aspect must also be modified and corrected.

"The degree of freedom has dropped drastically, and the gameplay has also dropped drastically. Is this no problem?"

Qianjia feels that the taste of the game produced in this way will definitely not be as good as the original version, and if it is not handled well, it may even be discounted.

"But in this case, there will be a picture, right?" Lihua next to him put forward another idea, "The original version of Brave New World is a pure word game? Later, although a visual interface was added, the main content is still through text. To reflect it?"

Yes, like mud games, in Brave New World, most of the content is expressed through words, but according to Morinha’s statement, it is necessary to make all of these content visual...

The expressiveness of the text is very strong, but a simple painting can make the audience impression in the shortest time.

"Indeed, if it is an image, it can make the players more impressive..."

In the most recent month, the number of games in Brave New World has shown an exponential increase.

Although the number of games played now is still not comparable to other games, from this aspect, Qianjia already knows the lethality brought by graphics and vertical painting.

According to Qianjia’s survey, the beginning of the rise in popularity is almost after the "consensus" image of popular characters here appeared.

According to back-end data, when players play games, especially those newly added players, the probability of adopting characters with Liyi is very high.

The pc version of Brave New World is not a game for ordinary players. This game has various settings, so it is very cumbersome.

However, the players who have entered the game in the last month are all newcomers. Some of these people have not even been exposed to the Internet for long. The content of their games is slowly started to learn according to system prompts and novice teaching.

Of course, in order to take care of the members of the "Appearance Association", when the game is created at the beginning, the player will be prompted whether to use the most recommended standing portrait made by others, or the players can choose by themselves , Or randomly select and directly use the original text system.

And based on this matter, Qianjia came to the conclusion: The Appearance Association's action ability is very strong.

According to the questionnaire feedback from new players, many of these players joined the game because the characters in the game are very interesting, and some people like gentleman content, so they join the game. There are even some international friends who want to play the game. Use the dictionary to gnaw Japanese here.

"But the official image, is there really no problem with determining these?"

Although I don't think it is a problem to do this, it is also very concerned about the appearance of these characters.

There are a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people's hearts, but after the official image is finalized, even if this image is recognized by the public, there are subtle differences in the role of each person.

"I don't think we need to care too much about this." At this moment, Lihua spoke.

"Huh? What do you think?" Qianjia looked at Lihua curiously.

"The meaning of the game of Sega Dreamcast is completely different from the PC version, so the players and audiences are also different. At this time, we now determine the image of the character. I think it will not be the same as before. The game has an impact."

Lihua considers it from a commercial point of view. She believes that the two versions of this game will not affect each other, so there is no problem.

"Moreover," she said again, "if there is a dispute, I think it's a good thing, didn't Mori Xia-kun have said that, this is an excellent way to hype.

Well, to provoke the masses to fight against the masses, as a "relief", Morinha has very rich theoretical knowledge in this area.

Hearing Lihua's words, Qian Jia nodded in agreement, and thinking from an objective perspective, this method is actually quite good.

"If the degree of freedom is weakened, then the plot that the game can design can also increase accordingly..."

In the current B (Brilliant New World), in order to take care of the players' freedom needs, the design of the plot is also based on this idea.

But if it is placed on Sega DC, it will be different.

If it is on a home machine, then it is possible to design a script with "epic content".

In the pc version, a lot of epic plots are also designed, and these plots are very interesting.

But no matter which plot it is, it is not designed for players. In this type of epic plot, the central character is often; and in the console version as the degree of freedom decreases, the impact The various variables of the game will also show an exponential decline, without too much freedom, at this time, it is possible to design around the script itself.

"It's the same as the rumor of The Great Voyage 2..."

Qianjia suddenly thought of a game.

Age of Great Navigation 2.

Whether it is Senxia or Qianjia, they are all cooks of the great nautical era.

In the hearts of the two of them, the era of voyage 2 is a classic-although the third generation is also very good, but it is not popular, and the degree of freedom is particularly high, for the players, it is not very friendly, this is not Regarding the method, Morinya specifically referred to the advantages and disadvantages of The Great Voyage 3 when working on Brave New World.

But in any case, the 2nd generation itself, both of them still prefer.

In the original plot of the second generation, the degree of freedom of the game is very high, and players can basically play the game in any way they think of.

However, compared with the high degree of freedom of the 2nd generation, the 2nd generation is an exception.

The amount of storytelling has increased significantly. Although the degree of freedom has not decreased much, players will obviously feel that they are being "driven" when playing games.

"Well, if you look at it this way, I don't have to be completely harmonious here; Senxia has become a hand-handling shopkeeper, Qianjia naturally has to consider what to do.

Since there is no way to be the same as the pc version, just make a "external biography" completely different from the pc version...


Today’s update, this is the morals~

Today is the first day of c91, I heard that Xingyue is queuing again...

The third FaTego set is out, and it seems that the moon cooks are going to fight again... (to be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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