Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 857: What should I make?

"Um... a rumor?"

At noon, Morinya also received a call from Qianjia. ???

According to Qianjia, the dc version of "Brave New World" was made into a rumored game.

So, after hanging up the phone, Morinatsu was thinking about this issue.

At noon today, there is no one in the current Shiyan club, so Morinha can think freely.

It feels good.

"So... Rocky?"

At this time, Senxia naturally thought of a game called "Rocky".

Rocky’s game is very classic and very interesting. Although it was launched very early, it was still alive and well running until 2o17.

And Rocky also has a game similar to the "Gaiden" nature, this game is called "Rocky Heroes".

Rocky Heroes is a "prequel" game, which itself is an action game, while Rocky is Rpg.

Brave New World is an online game.

Although Qianjia thought of the example of the Great Sailing Era for the first time, Morinia thought of the game Rocky more.

In all senses, Luo Qi is more in line with Morinha's ideas.

If you want to "outside the story", it is better that some elements of the game itself have changed better, from Rpg to action games, this is the choice made by Rocky.

For Brave New World, Morinka's original idea was to make this game an improved version of his own.

However, Qianjia's meaning is obviously not this. She thinks that the homogenized content, and the previous PC version of Pearl and Jade, is not so easy to do if you want to achieve results.

And if you do this, there are indeed some problems.

"If you do better than the pc version, it will undoubtedly cause the loss of players on the pc version, but if you do worse than the pc, this is simply smashing your own brand..."

Senxia has realized this.

At this time, using "differentiation" means to reflect, this should be no problem.

"Well, anyway, you can think of a better plan if you borrow a chicken to lay eggs..."

That's right, at this time, Senxia is ready to borrow chickens to lay eggs with Sega.

It is absolutely impossible to follow the original work completely.

But this doesn't mean that there is no way for Senxia.

In fact, Senxia still has many solutions.

Regarding the game mode or something, in this world, Morinya dares to say that she is the second person to understand, then in this world, no one dares to say that she is the first.

No matter what kind of game mode, Mori Xia can make a point. He believes that as an elder, it is necessary for people in this world to popularize things about different kinds of games.

…Well, in fact, Senxia doesn't have that American time chaos.

At this time, Morinka was thinking about what kind of method he should use to make the game.

There are thousands of ways to make games, but there are certainly not many modes that can be used to make rumored stories for Brave New World.

sLg? Forget it, sLg is very good, but it is very difficult to make an online game.

RTs? Well, online games are okay, but this kind of game itself is not suitable for Sega;;Wait a minute, we still have a series of action games to play, how can we have time to fix this?

"In the end, it was only Rpg!"

Senxia lifted the table.

Originally, he had already dumped this matter to Qianjia, but now, it seems that Senxia can only handle the matter by himself.

……This is a sad story.

So what should I do now?

Senxia was thinking.


However, at this moment, a wonderful idea appeared in Senxia's mind: Do you want to make this game a krypton gold card game?

Well, yes, what Senxia thinks of is the endless Krypton Gold mobile games in the future.

Krypton gold mobile games or something is definitely a big move.

But only after Morinya had this idea, he himself rejected this idea.

Although it is a very good idea, it is not very helpful to the current situation.

Indeed, all kinds of card-style Krypton mobile games can indeed attract players, but that is a future thing. After mobile payment begins to flourish, the emergence of this kind of game is simply nothing wrong with it.

But now, let alone mobile payment, even online payment is still skimming now. If Morinya wants to play games, you must first buy a game point card...

So, this is a problem.

After thinking about it for a long time, although Senxia felt it was a pity, it really wouldn't work if he made that kind of game.

If this doesn't work, then, what should I do next?

Among the Japanese-style games, the most numerous is probably Rpg. No matter how Morinka thinks, he thinks this game should be of Rpg type.

"... But is it really successful?"

Stone Age, Magic Baby, these two games are almost finished, but in history, these two games only began to prosper in a certain eastern country, especially in the Stone Age, this game is simply a flowering wall in the wall Typical of Waixiang.

"Sure enough, it's Rpg..."

Moriha finally gave in to Rpg.

But what kind of Rpg game to do, Morinka hasn't completely given up on thinking.

Although Rpg is Rpg, there are still many types of Rpg. In this game, it reflects different combat characteristics from the original.

The PC version of Brave New World is basically a half-turn-based structure. The game itself is a word game, and it is impossible to say that it completely adopts a real-time game method.

As for the real-time game... what Morinya thought of was naturally Diablo.

Diablo's game mode can be said to be popular in the world.

The game mode used in the famous game "Legend" is Diablo's, well, very, very typical "reference".

Many of the contents of the legendary game are similar to Diablo 1, including the settings of three classes, the display of health bars, and so on.

Of course, there is no legend at this time. The "cottage" that Senxia borrowed from chickens and eggs seemed not bad.

"With the help of dc, come a whole wave?"

Senxia immediately had an idea at this time.

But is it okay to do so?

Senxia was thinking.

DC is indeed very good, but Morinka knows that Diablo has played games on PS, but the PS version of Diablo, like the n64 version of StarCraft, did not cause much reaction.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work..."

Senxia muttered, and sure enough, this is not enough.

Although I have thought of some solutions here, some games are inherently incompatible with home consoles. This is also a matter of no choice.

What should I do?

"What to do?" Senxia has been thinking about this issue more than once today.

He felt some pain in his head.

In fact, if it weren't for thinking about this issue, Morika would still think about the script and things.

"I was wrong...I shouldn't have told Qianjia-senpai this opinion from the beginning..."

Senxia was rubbing her temples while thinking so.

"Sinxia-kun~Good afternoon~"

At this moment, Senxia suddenly heard a nice voice.

He looked towards the door and just saw Zhaoyan smiling at himself.

"Ah, Zhaoyan." Senxia smiled at her.

"Sinxia-kun, you seem to be very upset, is it really because of it?"

Senxia had said before that she was going to write, so at this time, Zhaoyan naturally thought of this.

But Senxia smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If it's just that, it wouldn't be so troublesome... Well, it's actually nothing, just some trivial things."

Morinka actually wanted to tell this story, but Morinka thought about it, he suddenly realized that this beautiful new world itself is a gentleman's game, if it’s his family, it’s okay, but Chaoyan is just his classmate , This kind of thing, it is better not to tell her.

With such thoughts in mind, Morinya passed this question vaguely.

Fortunately, Chaoyan didn't want to get to the bottom, she just read the book.

Coming to the bookcase, Chaoyan took out a volume of Russell's anthology that she hadn't finished reading last time, and then took it out. Then, she sat on a chair and slowly opened her book.

The face of the face in the book was so quiet and lovely. This scene made Morinya chuckle.

Probably because of Chao Yan's little episode, Morinka finally calmed down at this time.

"First consider the source of the problem. Sega's dreamcast is a very popular gaming platform in Europe and the United States, especially in terms of online games."

In other respects, I will say it separately, but dc is indeed an excellent platform in terms of the Internet.

Internet games are particularly popular in the United States. If Morinka launches Internet games, in Japan, it may only be on the street, but if it is in the United States, maybe... there is a show?

Yes, America.

Senxia locked the group first.

So, what will the American people like to hear?

Car gun ball.

Which game is the most popular among Car Gun Ball?

gTa Grand Theft Auto.

Well, gTa, a miracle in the sales world.

"...An alien version of Grand Theft Auto?"

At this moment, Senxia suddenly had a brain hole.

Part of the freedom of the game can be retained, and part of the content of the game can also exist. So, should this game be made into an alien version of gTa?

When thinking of the alien version of gTa, Senxia thought of another game—Assassin’s Creed.

The gTa game has only released the first part now, and the second part will not appear until the end of September this year, and the response is still mediocre.

The reason is that the game gTa now uses a vertical 9o angle of view. Although the same is full of blood and violence, many things in the game are far from the future gTa.

As for Assassin’s Creed, although this game will be a big fire in the future, and it has almost become the same "new year game" as Call of Duty, there is no shadow now.

For gTa, in terms of the performance of ps2, it is more than enough to run. It stands to reason that if dc runs, there should be no problem. In terms of performance, this is not a hindrance.

The performance of ps2 and dc is almost half a catastrophe. For high-performance games that dc can't run, ps2 may not be able to run, and ps2 can run perfectly. There is no reason why dc can't run, and it can support lighting and other effects at the bottom. dc, it might look better on the screen.

So do you want to make a game like Assassin's Creed and gTa?

"But in this case, it is basically going to be an open world, right? And the stand-alone is a stand-alone, if it is an online game, it is actually not easy to do..."

Although it seems that there is no problem, to be honest, the problem is still very and if you really want to do this, the energy and funds invested are also very scary.

Senxia was here to find someone who was taken advantage of, but he didn't want to trap himself in this sinkhole together.

"AcT actually has some references, such as Dragon Valley... But, sure enough, there are still some minor problems..."

Although Morinka's idea is very good, but sure enough, there are still problems in this aspect. The problem Morinka wants to solve is not only the problem of the game itself, but also the cost and energy of the game.

If possible, Morinia wants to think about "small and beautiful" as much as possible.

"Old driver of hell...ah, right, **** lurker?"

At this moment, the name of a game suddenly appeared in Senxia's mind.

If it is small and beautiful, sure enough, it should be a game of this type?

he11divers——the old driver of hell...Bah, **** divers, this is a two-axis action shooting game with a bird's eye view. From this aspect, the perspective of this game is somewhat similar to the previous two games of gTa .

But if the shooting is transformed into melee and magic, there is actually no sense of violation.

Moreover, this control mode and game mode are not only suitable for levels, but also no problem in cities and other regions.

Although the game of Hell Diver itself is a fun game for teammates, it is undeniable that this game is actually very sophisticated.

If you refer to this aspect, maybe there will be unexpected results?

"...Try it first!"

All in all, give it a try first!


This is today’s morals, meow~ (to be continued.) 8 More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s school

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