Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 882: Anyway, the industry has to finish

"Is it an interactive movie performed in 3D?"

Takahashi also has some understanding of Morinia's things. After all, although animic is not the best in doing it, it is the most influential in doing it, especially after the appearance of the Mithril platform.

"Yes, it used to be one of the most profitable game types in Japan, but now, this type of game has gradually begun to become a niche."

When the game industry was just beginning to flourish, or gentleman games, indeed, there was a decent profitability in the entire industry. However, with the development of the game industry, the right to speak in the entire industry began to increase. The amplitude has dropped.

"Because the number of people popularized by games is increasing, more universal games have gradually become the mainstream." Takahashi also foresaw this.

Although there is a lot of profit, compared with the sales of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of other games, it is getting worse and worse now, especially after the appearance of the next-generation consoles.

"Yes, avg created it, but the type of text adventure is destined to be unable to become the masses." Senxia shrugged, "This is an objective law."

The spread of comics is ten times that of novels, and the spread of animation is ten times that of comics.

Takahashi nodded with deep approval for Morinka's words.

But he also said: "However, text has the unique charm of text. If I turn to the screen, whether the charm of text will disappear because of this, this is something I am worried about."

Takahashi also agrees with Morinata's opinion, but he thinks that things are not going like this: "Personally, I think it is more likely to take the route of adapting animation."

Senxia nodded: "Most people think so."

It's a pity that you adapted the animation and it cost tens of thousands of copies. However, works like "Heavy Rain" and "Mind Killer" can sell millions of copies...

"However, the medium of animation is not enough. How many animations can be shown each year? But how many are produced each year?"

Senxia shook her head.

"……indeed so."

Takahashi couldn't help but nodded.

Although it is an expectation that it will become an animation, how many animations are released every year in this world? How many are launched every year?

What's more, gal changes in the animation are not the majority.

For Morinka's words, Takahashi Long also fell into silence at this moment.

Although it was cruel, it was ultimately like this.

For the industry, the road ahead is indeed getting narrower and narrower... This industry is a pill!

It is not easy for Takahashi to be aware of this, because although the current situation in the industry is very delicate, it is not so bad.

Takahashi also wanted to say this, but in Japan, if you don't go with everyone, things will be very troublesome.

The discerning person is very worried about the "industry pill", but has anyone really said it? No.

In this respect, it is actually rare for the ruffian Xiuming Anno to speak, as long as Xiuming Anno does not continue to bounce tickets and cheat money.

"Text has the benefits of text, but images also have the benefits of images. Compared with text, images can carry more information and look more comfortable."

Compared with the text that needs to be viewed line by line, the image consumes less energy, looks more comfortable, and makes people feel more relaxed.

Similar to this kind of game, it is difficult to concentrate as much as a game like Dark Souls. When you play such a game, it is definitely better to want to relax.

Some people play, even just for the cute girls inside.

In this case, something that can show the type of picture is obviously better.

"I think there will be two development routes for this kind of game in the future. The first route is this dynamic performance mode, from the original vertical drawing background mode to an interactive type similar to animation or close. Another development route is to become a purely electronic novel type, a pure plot and a mode that needs to be expressed through words, it is such an electronic graphic mode."

If Senxia only intends to do 3D by herself, then of course just do it casually, but Senxia doesn't just want to do it.

"Industry pills" or something, this kind of thing is inevitable.

In the future, as long as you can sell thousands of copies, you will almost be able to pay back. If you sell tens of thousands of copies, even if it is popular, this feeling is similar to the animation bd.

But as a gentleman, how can you allow what you like to become a minority?

As a missionary in a house, as a cute believer, and as a pure gentleman, Mori Xia said that he would absolutely not tolerate speech!

Morinia, who has escaped from the low-level tastes, now wants to achieve a world where everyone is a gentleman.

"Your view is not the same as everyone else's. Rather, it seems like a new road."

Takahashi Ryuuji also agrees with Morinatsu's opinion very much, in other words...cough cough, unclear.

Although what Morinya said are based on the present, no one knows what the future will look like.

Senxia’s opinion is of course a truth, and this is whether the road itself can be successful, which is not very clear.

More importantly, it is difficult for Takahashi to imagine animation works represented by 3d technology.

What kind of work can be made like this is really interesting.

Very simple, Takahashi Ryuuji also intends to wait and see, and then decide whether to follow Morinka's path.

But Morinatsu here is not in a hurry. It's normal to be interested in being an American, but for the Japanese, then forget it. Although not all, many people are very stubborn.

It's as if someone ran to the past and told the past self that no matter how the Krypton gold card was drawn, in the end they could only "unlimited key system", but the past self still insisted on drawing cards.

Xuan does not save non-Krypton and does not change his life, but the Japanese just don't believe it.

But Moriha did not have any opinions or thoughts on this.

Because at the end of the industry, the whole industry is almost collapsed, and no matter how you ruin or destroy it, the situation will not get worse.

In other words, no matter how ruined and devastated Morinya is, there will be no problem here.


Takahashi's conversation with Morinka also ended, Morinka let out a sigh of relief.

"Ahhhh, this industry is over!" Not long after Takahashi's departure, Qianjia over there spit out.

When talking with Morinia just now, Qianjia didn't say a word, just wailed at the beginning.

But the current Qianjia couldn't bear it anymore.

"This is a pill in the industry..." It was Yukino who uttered the same emotion, "Although I am an outsider, is there really no problem with this kind of thing?"

"……all will be good."

Morinia has an advantage here.

If animic is not a Japanese company, and then has achieved real results, then, with the urine of Japanese, they will definitely do the opposite. But fortunately, animic is a Japanese company. Because of this, animic's words here are actually authoritative in Japan and they certainly won't work against it.

So at this time, Senxia no longer cares about so many things, they like what they do, anyway, as long as there is no problem on their side, everything will be fine.

"Sister Yiki," Morinka called Yiki again after talking about these things.


"Sister Yi Ji, can you help me look up some people's information or something?" Senxia asked.

"I don't know who you want to investigate, Master?" Iki did not ask Morinka for any reason, but asked calmly.

"It's that Xinjincheng from fal."

Yes, Senxia just wanted to confirm whether this person was Xin Haicheng.


Iki nodded immediately.

After saying this, Senxia also returned to her cabin.

The first class cabin is different from the open economy class. Here are independent small rooms, quiet and comfortable, and there is also a TV to watch. Of course, you can't watch the TV programs outside.

"Xuno, let's play a game." Morinya decided not to give Yukino a chance to take advantage, so at this time, he preemptively said his proposal.

Yes, there are also games you can play on the plane.

The airplane is equipped with a game console. With the LCD TV in front of you, there is no problem playing games.

"Game..." When Morinka said, Yukino's face showed a smile, "So, what are you going to play? By the way, let's play a battle game. In this case, those who lose will have to win Human words!"

bad! Was anti-routine!

Senxia feels Asanda.

At this critical moment, Xue Na actually said such a thing.

This made Senxia feel a subtle pain.

What should I say at this time?

"What, do you want to play a game?" At this moment, Qianjia from outside also leaned over, "What is interesting?"

After Qian Jia finished speaking, she joined in.

"Huh? Senior sister?"

Although it is a first-class cabin, there are three people squeezed into a room, which is still a bit crowded. This is not a place for meeting guests.

"Is it okay to walk around on the plane like this?!"

Qianjia squeezed inside, and Xue Nao leaned against Senxia's side, and two lumps of meat squeezed tightly on Senxia.

"Ahhhh, I just asked Sister Iki, this is absolutely no problem~"

Qianjia said with a smile.

After all, this plane is actually a private jet, so in many ways, it is different to manage.

"Are you going to play games? It seems very interesting." Qian Jia asked with a smile.

"Ah, almost."

Although it is a game console, in fact, these game consoles are specially made and embedded, mainly sfc, md and n64 games.

As for ps and dc, they are temporarily gone.

"It feels pretty good, what are you going to play?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"Um... how about this? The classic Street Fighter 2." The options available on the plane were also limited, but Yukino still found a battle game to play.

"Yo Xi, fighting games or something, I am the best at it!" Qianjia smiled, confident.

Hmm... If you ignore the scene of playing a vr warrior being abused by Lihua, Morika feels that Qianjia's fighting game is actually really good.


"Then what did you talk about before? It seems to be a lucky one, right?" Qianjia asked.

"That is not important anymore, but if we play now, it is necessary to bring some interesting things... Well, let's do this, as long as we sleep and win, we can live in the same room with brother tonight. how is it?"

"Oh oh can I enjoy Senxiajun’s full service at night? This is not bad!"

Qianjia's eyes lit up.

"Wait a minute! Why did I become a prize!" Senxia complained, "Also, don't assume that I won't play games now!"

"But brother, it's time for our two girls to confront each other. Brother, you are a boy. How can you get in here at this time?" Xue Na denied Morinya.

"Yeah, that's what it is, Morika!" Qianjia also booed, "This is a war between girls. If you are also a girl, it doesn't matter if you come over to participate?"

The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched.

Are these two people talking nonsense...

"Forget it, just be happy. I'll go to the toilet."

Seeing that these two people had already turned on Street Fighter, Moriha simply turned over and ran out of it.


After coming out of the room, Senxia decided to talk to someone.

Among the passengers in the first-class cabin, only Senxia and his party, including Chao Yan, are in the economy class. Qianjia was with Lihua before. In other words, Lihua is probably only one person now.

"Since Sister Iki said that it's okay to stroll around, so be it."

Senxia thought for a while, and then came to the door of Lihua's cabin. The small door here was closed, but there was a slight voice inside.

"Boom boom boom." Senxia knocked on the door.

"Hi, Senxia Jun!" Lihua opened the door and saw Senxia.

"Chika and Xuena are playing games, so I don't have a place to go, can I come in?"


The background collapsed, sweat...

Two in one, pack things up, when everyone is watching the Spring Festival Gala, I am going to catch a plane, tears are streaming down my face... (to be continued...)

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