Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 883: Stay Bay, I'm here OwO

It is very comfortable to chat with Lihua.

No, it should be said that chatting with normal people is very comfortable.

Whether it's Chika or Xue Na, the two of them will try their best to mop up when chatting with themselves. This kind of thing really makes people unable to calm down.

After all, these two people are people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and Senxia has seen them through.

As for the present, it is rare to find comfortable time to relax, which is indeed a good thing.

"Are you still used to being in animic?"

When Lihua entered animic, she was almost forced to pull in by Qian Jiaban, so after meeting Lihua, Senxia first thought of this problem.

"Hi, everyone in animic is very kind." When talking about animic, Lihua's face showed a smile, which reminded Morinya of Lihua's former student president.

It's a pity that Lihua has graduated now. I am afraid I will never see such a majestic student president in the future, right?

Beautiful pictures, always hope to be preserved.

The descriptions of high school life are endless, but the subject matter has never been outdated.

Even Morika sometimes thinks, if her high school career never ends, what will happen?

"Is Senxia-kun thinking about things?" Lihua noticed the tranced Morxia.

"Ah, I always feel that time always goes in a hurry, and I feel a little bit emotional." Morinya sighed, "The past time has passed, but I still like it, that kind of sunny day."

It's not that I don't like the current life, but there is always a feeling of unfulfilled meaning.

Obviously I didn't like the so-called high school life very much before, but when I was about to graduate, I always felt that it was not enough.

Yesterday in the memory was so brilliant and beautiful, but there was a flash in the pan, if you didn't pay attention, this kind of beautifulness became a memory.

Senxia looked at Lihua with a smile on her face: "The president of Jixiangyuan or something, it really is irreplaceable."

Jixiangyuan Lihua, with a beautiful face and long golden hair, is completely awe-inspiring and beautiful.

Such a person, if they become the president of the student council, the entire student, the entire school, it seems, will be greatly enhanced.

After Lihua heard Senxia's words, she was taken aback at first, then her cheeks quickly became bloodshot and flushed.

"--That--that--" Lihua couldn't cope with such a scene easily.

Senxia knew this.

Although she is so meticulous at work, Lihua becomes clumsy when it comes to matters involving herself.

However, it is still very interesting.

Obviously it is such a distressing appearance, then I don't know why, seeing Lihua's uneasy and embarrassed appearance makes people feel completely cured.

But Senxia is not Qianjia. Although it is interesting, he also knows that enough is enough.

"Ah, everyone is living a happy life together. This is really the most interesting thing." Senxia said with a light smile.

It is not that we live together, but we live, go to school and work together.

The school is undoubtedly such a pleasant place.

The feeling of comfort is really irreplaceable.

Faced with Senxia's smile, Lihua seemed to recall that irreplaceable time.

"...Ah, yes, there is really no way to replace this feeling."

It has been several months since I left school, but when I recalled the original events, it seemed like the next day.

"When I was a student, it was so beautiful..." For Lihua at that time, the school was her own refuge, and it was indeed a beautiful thing to be able to stay in that time.

"--But we can't stand still."

Senxia chuckled, then looked out the window.

The sunlight after passing through the clouds is very dazzling, but the blue sky is so beautiful.

Even though the scenery outside remains unchanged, the plane is indeed moving forward.

It's just like the old days will only get more and more distant.

"The future is always better." He said softly.

The delicate boy turned his head and looked at the girl who was slightly older than him.

The eyes shone like stars.

Ah-that's the look.

Isn't he just attracted by such a situation?

"Yes, the future... will always come."

"After all, the past has passed, but in the future, there is a better future waiting for us. Even if the past was not so beautiful, it doesn't matter, as long as we create in the future."

"Well, yes..."

Looking at Morinia over there, there was an indescribable emotion in Lihua's expression.

But it's over. Qianjia's voice came from outside: "So, Mori, you should come to Dongda as soon as possible. If this is the case, everyone can become classmates again? The proportion of students enrolled in Dongda is still very high Big one."

"Huh? Senior sister?"

Senxia never expected that Qianjia would suddenly appear at this time. Isn't she PKing Xuena?

Ah-Xue Nai is coming right behind Qian Jia.

"I'll just say why my brother hasn't come back for so long? He is really doing something strange!

While speaking, the dull hair on Yukino's head shook like a demonstration, declaring that he had a super sensitive ability for his brother.

"I see you are so happy playing games, so I didn't bother you..."

What Morinya said was really the truth.

But whether it was Qianjia or Xuena, they all looked disgusted.

"But brother, you are like this. Didn't you give the reward to others in advance? This is a foul!"

Yukino protested.

"That's not the case!"

Senxia couldn't help but want to roll her eyes.

"But this is the truth, sophistry is useless!"

Qianjia came over.

"Although I don't know what you guys are doing, it is too much to regard Senxia-kun as a prize!"

Lihua heard the conversation between the two people and probably understood what was going on.

"It's a duel. I will face off with Qianjia through a video game. The winner can live with my brother tonight!" Yukino said proudly, "Moreover, Qianjia has been struck out by me!"

It turned out that Qianjia had been killed by Xueno, so the two of them only noticed that Morinya had not returned for a long time.

But you two are too fast, right?

Shouldn't this kind of master showdown need to be so dark? Why is it solved so quickly? This is unscientific...

"How long do you think a fighting game will take?" Qianjia rolled his eyes.

"Ahem, I thought you might be fighting for 300 rounds or something..."

Senxia smiled awkwardly.

He really thought there would be three hundred rounds of battle here, but in the end, they probably just played a regular round.

"But that's right. It's just a game or something. It's more luck." Yukino agrees that luck is also a part of strength, but if the factor of "luck" cannot convince the enemy, then he doesn't mind using strength. speak.


Senxia looked at Qianjia.

Obviously, Qianjia must have played a trick.

Having been with Qianjia for so long, Morinya also noticed a very subtle point, that is, when Qianjia was playing games, she had a tendency to refuse to admit defeat.

Keke, this is not a commendatory term, but a derogatory term.

In other words, when Qianjia plays games...will be tricked.

After Senxia looked at Qianjia, Qianjia then looked away, pretending to look around at the scenery.


Senxia looked at Qianjia with contempt.

This item is properly silly!

"By the way, Senior Lihua, I rarely watch you play games, otherwise, let's have a duel, how about?"

Xue Nao looked at Lihua.

"Eh? Me? I don't need this, I don't know how to play games..."

Lihua didn't expect Yukino to call herself to play games at this time.

"If you win, you can sleep in a room with your brother tonight!"

Xue Nao looked at Lihua with a smile.


Lihua let out an exclamation.

After hearing this voice, Yukino squeezed in.

"Yo Xi, this time according to what each said, let's fight for three hundred rounds until the other party is convinced!"

This time, Xue Nao decided to speak with strength.

"Yes, I want to join as well. The first game was just a mistake. It was because I held the handle in the wrong posture!" Qian Jia also followed. These four people are now squeezed into the room...

As a result, four people just squeezed on the plane for several hours.

When they got off the plane, Yukino and Chika turned grayish white.

"...That, Mori-kun, sorry."

Lihua was next to Senxia and apologized embarrassingly.

"Ahem, it's not your fault Lihua."

Senxia waved her hand delicately.

At this time, Senxia was already carefully considering whether she should call Lihua together when she was sitting in the black at the Internet cafe.

He always feels that if this is the case, his own winning rate will greatly increase...

Well, especially after seeing Xue Nao and Qian Jia being brutally abused by Lihua.

"But... this is the Duiwan..."

To comfort Lihua who was a little confused next to him, Senxia raised her head and glanced in front of her.

After entering Duiwan, although most of the people who caught the eye were yellow people with black hair and black eyes, the atmosphere here was completely different from Japan.

I don't know if this is a psychological effect, but it feels like this here.

Senxia turned her head, then glanced at the crowd behind.

Lily, Erika, Asayan and others all look like curious babies, and Rena...fuck!

After seeing the red paper book in Rena's hand, Morinya hurried up.

"Ahem, Rena, what are you doing?"

"My father gave this to me. He said that if I bring this, it will be very popular here..." Rena looked at Morika, then tilted her head.

Senxia scratched her head awkwardly: "This... it's almost the same until the other side. It's absolutely impossible to take out this thing here... Eh, wait, this is the fifth volume of the Red Book?! Ahem, Rena, you should put this book away quickly..."

It turned out to be the fifth volume. In this case, this book can't be taken out on the other side. Although it should be nothing major, it can't make a bad impression anyway, right?

After all, the fifth volume of the Red Book, this is a scary thing that can also be ranked in the magic forbidden book catalog...

"Since Mori-kun, what you said like this..."

Rena tilted her head, and put away the red leather notebook.

"Well, that's fine." Senxia nodded.

Facts have proved that the Japanese are indeed given preferential treatment when they are staying in the Bay. Their team, as soon as they got off the plane, has a special person to guide them in and provide VIP services throughout the journey.

"Speaking of it, it seems that Wang Qiwen and the others haven't come here, right?" Qianjia, who was brutally abused by Lihua again, had regained her spirit at this time.

"Ah, they went back early, but they didn't come here."

Wang Qiwen and the others did not come with Senxia. They went back to the country after finishing the design.

And they are the opposite person, so if you want to come over, Bisenxia is troublesome.

Well, although there is no way to travel at public expense, Senxia will not treat them badly. After all, the most profitable Plants vs. Zombies here is what Wang Qiwen did.

Wang Qiwen and the others are good at writing code, concise and good-looking. Senxia has always asked Wang Qiwen and others to do software for this reason. It's just that this guy doesn't know anything, he just wants to engage in hardware.

Do you think the hardware is so easy to do?

Even if I wear women's clothing every day, you can't get a PsP!

Senxia sighed.

Wang Qiwen is a young man who has dreams and resources, but this person is indifferent...

"By the way, let's go to before going to the mainland. Wouldn't we be disgusted over there?" Qian Jia asked another question.

"This won't be true," Morinya said flatly, "If it was a few years ago, it might be how things are going, but now, it's no problem. And this can give the opponent a sense of crisis-in case we are here. Do you prefer to stay in Bay?"

Qianjia understands.

The market in Duiwan is not big, and Senxia didn't like it too much from the beginning. How can I say here is the kind of "piggybacking" and "shunting"-but the mainland doesn't know it!

This is not a certain oriental country twenty years later. A certain oriental country twenty years later will not even be a bird of Japan, but twenty years ago, a certain oriental country still valued Daiwan and Japan very much.

"... Well." Qian Jia stopped after talking about this topic.

"That, Senxia-kun, do we really want to live together tonight?" Lihua asked at this time.

"How is this possible?" Morinya smiled and waved his hand, "Sister Yi Ji has already arranged it, so there will be no surprises."

"So..." Lihua seemed to be relieved, but it seemed a little bit lost?

"Don't worry, we'll just have a good time here for two days."

Although this script looks like a very good and powerful thing in some animations, Mori Xia said that he is a gentleman, so he will not take advantage of others!

If this were the case, Lihua would probably be happy, but Xue Na and Qianjia next to him would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Well, I just want to make everyone happy!

Senxia shouted a declaration of scum in her heart...


happy New Year everyone.

When you all celebrate the New Year, I am struggling to be in the airport code...


Two chapters in one, meow meow meow

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