Tokyo Airport.

Gao Mu Wu parked the car sent by Zhi Mei in the parking lot, and then he entered the waiting hall.

A plane flew from Osaka to Tokyo. After a while, the plane landed steadily on the tarmac.

A heroic man came out, wearing black sunglasses, a beige windbreaker, and a pair of black high heels.

Every step he took, his long hair shook, full of momentum.

Gao Mu Wu saw Zhi Mei in the crowd at a glance, her temperament was unique.

Gao Mu Wu smiled and took the luggage in her hand, singing: "Just because I saw you in the crowd~"

Zhi Mei was stunned by this sentence suddenly.

"I can never forget your face~"

Gao Mu Wu can only sing this tune roughly, which is not a heavenly sound...........................

"Why don't you sing?"

"Hahahahaha, I forgot." Gao Mu Wu said with a smile, he estimated that Zhi Mei didn't understand what he was singing.

"The artistic conception is beautiful."

Zhimei said this and walked quickly towards the parking lot.

Zhimei was resolute and walked really fast. Gao Muwu hurried to catch up.

Gao Muwu opened the passenger door for Zhimei, showing his gentlemanly demeanor.

After Gao Muwu got in the car, he said to her: "I have never let anyone else sit in the passenger seat except you."

Zhimei was unmoved and said coldly: "Your little words may deceive other girls, but for me? It won't work."

She didn't believe what Gao Muwu said.

Zhimei had heard all kinds of sweet words, and all kinds of tricks that boys had used on her. She had seen a lot of storms.............................

"In my eyes, you are also a little girl."

After the earthy love words came out, Zhimei's expression twisted under her sunglasses.

This was the first time she heard such earthy love words.

Gao Muwu started the car and asked casually: "By the way, what did you ask me to do this time?"

As the saying goes, no one comes to the temple for no reason. Zhimei must have something to do when she returns to Beijing again.

Zhimei avoided answering and asked: "Did you acquire an electronics factory?"


"Do you also want to enter the electronics field?"


The system gave him something for free, so he should not use it.

"You should know that the investment cost is very high."

Zhimei sighed. She has been doing this for five consecutive years and knows how much money it costs.

Research and development is the most expensive.

The key is that you don't know if you can get results by spending money. It is possible that you will get no results even if you spend money.

Except for the new system released by the United States a few months ago, no one has developed a new system.

Empty hands..........................

Recently, her family began to put pressure on Zhimei frequently, wanting her to give up.

But Zhimei knew that the market was vast.

"I know."

"You still do it even though you know it."

Takagi Satoru turned his head and smiled at her: "Are you concerned about me?"

Jimei shook her head, "I'm just curious, why. Ryogo Group has just started and is growing rapidly. Even with the money invested by the Yamaguchi-gumi, it's not enough to invest in research and development."

Jimei was amazed by the miracles that Takagi Satoru created one after another.

If she were put in the same starting situation as Takagi Satoru, she asked herself that she couldn't do it.

So she didn't believe that Takagi Satoru would be so stupid.

"Shh~ Keep it a secret, Jimei, you'll know later."

Takagi Satoru said mysteriously.

"By the way, Jimei, let's still count the agreement between us."

Takagi Satoru was talking about the bet made by the lakeside of Tokyo University, which could also be said to be a marriage contract.

Jimei didn't answer, but replied lightly.

"Now I don't even call you senior sister..............."


Takagi Satoru laughed. Maybe he won't even call Zhimei anymore in the future. He will just call her wife.

Zhimei leaned on the co-pilot seat and looked out the window. "There is a banquet tomorrow. You can come with me. People from Tokyo's upper class will go."

Crap, why didn't I receive an invitation? Takagi Satoru felt unfair. It turned out that he was not from the upper class.

Takagi Satoru asked: "What identity should I go with?"

Zhimei asked: "What identity do you want to use?"

"Or should I use the same identity as last time?"

The last identity that Takagi Satoru mentioned was naturally the boyfriend identity.

The last time he taught Nakata Mitsuru a lesson, he used the boyfriend identity.

Zhimei said nothing. There is a saying that silence is equivalent to consent.

Takagi Satoru is a businessman, I will never do a business that loses money, and I have to charge some interest no matter what.

The Porsche sports car stopped steadily at the Tokyo Grand Hotel, and Gao Mu Wu sent Zhi Mei back.

When they arrived at the room, Zhi Mei saw Gao Mu Wu still standing there.

"What's the matter?"

"Won't you invite me in to sit down?"

Zhi Mei looked at him without saying anything, and she knew very well what Gao Mu Wu was thinking.

The meaning was very clear, I won't let you in.

But who is Gao Mu Wu? His face is thicker than a city wall.

Gao Mu Wu's face immediately twisted, and he looked very painful.

"Hiss~ My stomach............................My stomach hurts a little."

Gao Mu Wu's acting skills are very poor.

"People have three urgent needs, this is a big deal............."

Takagi Satoru went straight into the room and ran all the way to the bathroom.........................


Please give me a small gift every day (heart) (heart) (heart)

One hundred people who charge for love will get one more chapter, (one person who charges for love will get one cent (cry))

Gift King will get three more chapters (although it's impossible, I still hope for one~)

God certification will get two more chapters (although it's impossible, I still hope for one~)

Health care will get one more chapter (this should be possible, brother, I want health care (cry))

Other paid small gifts will get one more chapter (heart)

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