Tokyo Grand Hotel.

Gao Mu Wu sat on the luxurious toilet and looked at the number of draws he had left.

There are still six............................

Why don't we draw a prize for fun? The number six is ​​very auspicious. Why not draw six times in a row?

"System, I want to draw a prize."

A huge turntable appeared in Gao Mu Wu's mind.

"System, if I want to draw six times in a row, can you give me a benefit? I am also a family member." Gao Mu Wu suggested.

[If the host merges six draws into one draw, I can give you some benefits. ]

After the system said this, Gao Mu Wu became interested and asked, "What benefits?"

[Greatly increase the probability of winning the jackpot!]

Greatly increase, that is to say, there is a small probability of not winning. You are playing word games here.

[Host, if you miss this opportunity, you will never win again. ]


Gao Mu Wu is not a hesitant person. He has the capital, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't win.

Fortune is sought in danger.

The system received the command, and the huge turntable began to rotate rapidly.

As the pointer rotated, Gao Muwu prayed in his heart.

I must win the grand prize, I must win the grand prize!

If possible, I am willing to exchange ten years of my life for it.

The pointer gradually stopped, and finally the pointer slowly stopped at a very small plate!

I won, and my words will follow!

Gao Muwu hurriedly said, I was just talking casually, don't take it seriously.

A dazzling light immediately flashed in Gao Muwu's mind, the kind that could blind the eyes of a titanium alloy dog.

It's coming, it's coming, it's really coming.

A line of words flashed in his mind:

[iOS system. ]




Gao Muwu shouted three times, he knew too well the value of this.

It's no exaggeration to say that with this system alone, his company's market value can enter the top ten in the world.

Apple in the previous life just proved this point.

Knowing that I was sleepy, I immediately brought a pillow.

System, I love you.


You still dislike it...................................

It's not over yet, and then another line of small words appears: The host will have good luck in one minute.

Good luck? In one minute.

If I wasn't in the toilet, I would really believe your nonsense.

What good luck can there be in the toilet? Gao Muwu really couldn't guess. The only thing he could think of was that the poop was extremely smooth..................................


At this time, Zhimei's scream came from outside.

It was very different from her previous mature and steady appearance.

Gao Muwu was stunned. Good luck is coming? !

"What? What's wrong?" Gao Muwu asked.

"Yes..........................." Zhimei swallowed her saliva and continued: "There are rats."

Five-star hotel, you told me there are rats.

Gao Muwu was sure that it must be the system's trick.

I didn't expect that a strong woman who is vigorous and resolute is also afraid of mice. It seems that being strong or not has little to do with being afraid of mice.

After all, Zhimei is a woman after all.

"Where is it?" Gao Muwu asked.

Zhimei quickly pointed to her room with her little hand.

She originally wanted to change clothes and take a shower, but she saw a black thing running out of her eyes at a speed of several meters per second.

Suddenly, she rushed out of the room at a speed of 100 meters per second.

Gao Muwu looked at the room she pointed at, and it was quiet inside.

Just then!

A black thing rushed out of the room at a speed of several meters per second and rushed towards Zhimei.

Zhimei's pupils suddenly contracted, she screamed and jumped up.

Gao Muwu hugged her all of a sudden.

Zhimei didn't react, she was still in shock, and her eyes kept looking at the mouse.................................

The mouse kept circling under Zhimei and just wouldn't leave.................................

Gao Muwu was 100% sure that this was caused by the system.

However, thanks to the system, without it, the two of them would not be able to have close contact.

"Why doesn't it leave?" Zhimei said anxiously.

"How should I know?"

"Then drive it away quickly."

Gao Muwu thought to himself, if I drive it away, how can I still take advantage of you openly?

The little mouse only stayed for more than ten seconds, and then ran away......................

When Zhimei saw it, she was relieved.

Fortunately, it left.

After the crisis was resolved, Zhimei found something wrong.

"Put me down." Zhimei's face returned to its usual state.

"It may not have gone far."

"Put me down."

"Oh, okay."

Takagi Satoru put Zhimei down.

Seeing that he was still not leaving, Zhimei stood still and asked, "Are you still not leaving?"

Takagi Satoru kindly reminded, "Are you sure there is only one mouse in this room? According to my experience, there is usually not only one."

After he said this, Zhimei collapsed.

"This is the best hotel in Tokyo, and there are mice! No, I want to change a room."

"Are you sure there are no mice in other rooms?"

"Then I'll change a hotel."

"Are you sure there are no mice in other hotels?"

"What should I do then?" Zhimei asked.

According to Gao Mu Wu's words, the whole world is not safe................................

Gao Mu Wu sat on the sofa and suggested: "How about this, I will stay here, so I won't be afraid of mice. Once you call me, I will go over and solve it for you. How about it?"

After hearing this, Zhi Mei was silent. Why did she feel that the mouse was released by him?

Gao Mu Wu continued: "Are you worried that I will do something to you? I am a gentleman!"

The good situation created by the system for him cannot be wasted. Zhi Mei, this iceberg, must be warmed up!

Zhi Mei would not believe a word of what Gao Mu Wu said. Gentlemen are just deceiving ghosts.

However, she was really scared.

Gao Mu Wu was right. If anyone dared to do something to her, Gao Mu Wu would never let him go.

Zhi Mei nodded, and Gao Mu Wu raised his eyebrows and asked: "Agree?"

"Hmm........................." Zhi Mei nodded.

"Okay." Gao Mu Wu said happily.

【Ding, Kitahara Osamu's favorability +10, current favorability 15, one chance to win a lottery, current chance to win a lottery 1.】


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