Gao Mu Wu yelled at Zhou Ye.

After yelling, Gao Mu Wu regretted it.

Because he knew that women should not be yelled at, and they would only respond to softness and not hardness...........................

Zhou Ye's aggrieved little mouth wrinkled, and her eyes were full of tears, just like a kitten, looking extremely aggrieved.

Gao Mu Wu felt something was wrong as soon as he said it. He shouldn't be fierce to Zhou Ye, although he was worried about Zhou Ye's safety.

Zhou Ye lowered his head and didn't speak. Gao Mu Wu saw this and immediately explained: "Xiao Ye... I am very worried about your safety. I'm sorry, my tone just now was a bit fierce."

Zhou Ye still lowered her head and didn't speak, but tears had already flowed down her cheeks, but she just didn't speak, stubbornly.

This looked like a little girl who was throwing a tantrum, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

"Let's go first." Gao Mu Wu stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhou Ye's wrist.

He exerted a little force, trying to take her forward.

However, when he took a step, he found that he could not move at all.

Gao Muwu looked back in confusion, only to see Zhou Ye still standing there with her head down, motionless.

His hand tightly grasped her wrist, and her body seemed to be trembling slightly.

"What's wrong?" Gao Muwu asked softly, with a hint of concern and confusion in his voice.

Gao Muwu looked back and found that Zhou Ye was squatting on the ground, looking up at him.

The moonlight fell on her face, looking particularly bright.

Her eyes were slightly red, and there were two undried tear marks on her cheeks, obviously she had just dropped a little pearl..................

Gao Muwu couldn't help but sighed: "This little girl is really stubborn......................."

Since you don't move, then I will force you to move.

Gao Muwu looked at the stubborn little girl in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and then slowly squatted down.

He gently placed his hands on Zhou Ye's waist and hugged her tenderly.

"Ah!" Zhou Ye was suddenly picked up, and her heart was flustered, but she quickly calmed down, "What are you doing? Put me down!"

She tried to struggle to get out of Gao Mu Wu's arms, but found that she couldn't move at all.

Gao Mu Wu ignored Zhou Ye's resistance, but hugged her tightly and said, "Don't you want to leave? Then I'll hold you and go."

As he said, he stood up and held Zhou Ye in his arms in a very intimate posture.

Zhou Ye's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that Gao Mu Wu would do such a thing.

Her cheeks turned red in an instant, and her heartbeat accelerated. She never thought that one day she would be hugged so intimately by a man, not to mention that this person was Gao Mu Wu.

" could you do this?" Zhou Ye asked stutteringly, with a hint of shyness and anger in her voice.

However, Gao Mu Wu didn't seem to care about her reaction. He smiled and looked at the girl in his arms, his eyes full of pampering.

"Why not?" Gao Mu Wu replied softly, "As long as you want, I can hold you like this all the time."

After that, he began to walk forward, and Zhou Ye snuggled tightly in his arms like a frightened bird.

As they walked, the surrounding scenery gradually blurred, leaving only the warm and ambiguous atmosphere between the two.

"You... put me down." Zhou Ye's cheeks flushed instantly.

"It's too late, I told you not to leave just now."

Gao Mu Wu walked down the mountain while holding her.

During this time, Zhou Ye kept moving around in Gao Mu Wu's arms, and kept shouting: "Put me down!"

"Put me down!"

Gao Mu Wu felt that his ears were about to be worn out by calluses along the way.

Finally, Gao Mu Wu couldn't help it. He looked down at Zhou Ye in his arms and threatened: "If you scream again, I will throw you here to feed the wolves."

He then said: "I heard that there are wolves, tigers and leopards here at night, which is very scary."

Hearing this, Zhou Ye immediately calmed down, but his eyes were full of fear and worry.

At this moment, a sinister wolf howl suddenly came from a distance.

Zhou Ye was startled, and her little hands tightly grasped Gao Mu Wu's clothes, not daring to let go.

Looking at her frightened expression, Gao Mu Wu couldn't help laughing. He shook his head and thought: "It turns out that you still need to scare her to be honest."

Then he continued to hold Zhou Ye and walked towards the destination.Zhou Ye didn't dare to move, but whispered from time to time: Put me down.

Gao Mu Wu naturally refused, nonsense, such a good opportunity to take advantage, how could he let it go.

Bah, bah, bah, bah, I am worried about Zhou Ye's safety, what is taking advantage of....................

I, Gao Mu Wu, am obviously a gentleman, how could I do such a thing of taking advantage.

Gao Mu Wu and Zhou Ye walked slowly, time passed by, about ten minutes had passed, but they had not reached the destination.

After a while, Zhou Ye's body trembled inexplicably, Gao Mu Wu felt very strange.

Gao Mu Wu asked: "What's wrong, Xiao Ye, are you feeling unwell?"


"What's wrong? If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me in time."

"I'm just...........just a little scared."

Gao Mu Wu couldn't help laughing after hearing it, obviously what he said just now scared Zhou Ye.

"Don't be afraid. What I just said was just to scare you. Besides, I'm here. Are you still worried?"

Zhou Ye said softly, "How about... tell me a story? When I was scared when I was a child, my mother would tell me stories."

Her voice was a little tender, as if she had turned back into the little girl who needed comfort and protection.

After hearing this, Gao Muwu couldn't help but feel a surge of pity in his heart.

He smiled and nodded, and responded gently, "Okay, let me think about what suitable story I can tell you?"

He closed his eyes and began to search for those fairy tales that he was once familiar with in his mind.

"Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived alone on a distant planet. One day, he met a little fox and they became good friends. The little fox told the little prince that the really important things cannot be seen with the eyes, but can only be felt with the heart. For example, this wheat field shines with golden light in the sun, but only by walking into it in person can you feel the ups and downs of the wheat waves and the sound of the wheat ears rubbing against each other when the breeze blows."

Takagi Satoru's low voice echoed in the night air, Zhou Ye listened quietly, staring into the distance.

"What happened next?" Zhou Ye asked softly.

"Later, the little prince understood, and he decided to leave his planet to explore more unknown worlds. He said goodbye to the little fox and embarked on a new journey..." Takagi Satoru's story came to an abrupt end, and Zhou Ye seemed to be still immersed in the story.

An ambiguous atmosphere permeated between the two.

Takagi Satoru then told another story.

"Once upon a time there was a bird, it flew across a vast sky alone. One day, it met another bird, they were attracted to each other and flew together. They experienced ups and downs together and saw many beautiful scenery. Finally, they found a warm habitat and lived happily together."

Takagi Satoru's gentle words lingered in Zhou Ye's ears.

"Just like us, we may encounter difficulties, but as long as we face them together, we can find our own happiness."

After listening, Zhou Ye's cheeks flushed slightly, and his eyes flashed with emotion. She said softly: "Thank you, Takagi Satoru."

Takagi Satoru smiled and hugged her tightly, and continued to move forward.

The stars in the night sky twinkled, as if witnessing their story.

After Takagi Satoru told two stories, he stopped talking.

There was really no story in his mind. His life was full of accidents. Where was there any story....................

And Zhou Ye was very sensible and didn't ask again. Gradually, she felt a little sleepy, slowly closed her eyes, and Zhou Ye fell asleep.

Well...sleeping is more like a kitten.

Walking for a few minutes.

Takagi Satoru felt more and more uneasy, and he realized that something was wrong.

As his steps continued to move forward, Takagi Satoru felt an inexplicable sense of oppression, as if something was approaching them.

This feeling became stronger and stronger, and Takagi Satoru couldn't help but stop.

After he stood still, he looked down at Zhou Ye in his arms. Zhou Ye opened her eyes dazedly, and she was awake at this time.

Zhou Ye couldn't help rubbing her sleepy eyes, and a baby voice jumped out of her throat.

"What...what's wrong, are you home?"

"Not yet..."

Takagi Satoru took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He told Zhou Ye: "We may have to speed up, I have a bad feeling."

"Bad feeling?"

"That's right...............”

Zhou Ye nodded to show that he understood.

Takagi Satoru hugged her tightly and quickened his pace to move forward.

However, despite their increased speed, the sense of oppression still followed them like a shadow, and seemed to be closer to them.

Takagi Satoru felt a chill rising from his spine, and he tried to stay calm.

He thought, maybe it was just an illusion, or the psychological pressure brought to him by the surrounding environment.

But deep down, he knew clearly that things were not that simple.

In the darkness, Takagi Satoru's heartbeat gradually accelerated, and his breathing became rapid.

He looked around vigilantly, hoping to find some clues or explanations.

And Zhou Ye snuggled up to him and felt his nervousness.

"Why......................what happened?" Zhou Ye asked in a trembling voice.

It was already dark now, with no lights, late at night, and in the forest.

Even with Takagi Satoru, Zhou Ye could still feel the fear, as if it was innate.

"There is something. "

Takagi Satoru looked solemn, as if he was facing a great enemy, staring at the extremely dark place in front of him, as if there was a huge danger hidden there.


Zhou Ye was frightened and trembled all over. The little hand that was originally tightly grasping the corner of Takagi Satoru's clothes was now clenched white.

She said with horror: "Don't scare me! ”

At this moment, Gao Musuo has become her only source of security.


Gao Musuo’s face became more and more gloomy, he whispered in a low voice, as if he felt something approaching them.


Brothers are about to experience the ultimate Shura field.

Recently, there are indeed a few gifts. I’m begging for free gifts for love (crying)

The update has been stable. Seeing that the update is so stable, my friends, I beg for a small gift, isn’t it too much (dog head protection)

Please give me a free small gift. I also want to rush to the gift list (rush!)

Please give me a free gift. Of course, it would be better if there is a paid one, but I dare not ask for it (humble).

Please give me a free small gift. Thank you very much.

Please give me a free gift. I will be more motivated to update with gifts.

One hundred for Love to brush electricity, one more update, (one for love electricity is one cent (cry))

Gift King, three more updates (although it is impossible, but still look forward to it~)

God certification, two more updates (although it is impossible, but still look forward to it~)

Health care, one more update (this should be possible, brother, I want to health care (cry))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiuer, please come, please. (heart)

Other paid small gifts, one more update (heart)

(heart) (heart) (heart)

Readers, if you find it annoying, you can automatically skip this paragraph (heart)



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