Gao Mu Wu held his breath and stared at the dark place in front of him, as if he wanted to see the secret hidden in the darkness.

His heartbeat accelerated, and his breathing became rapid and light, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

Slowly, a figure walked out of the darkness. Its steps were steady and powerful, and every step was majestic and domineering.

The figure gradually revealed its true face - a wolf!

The wolf's eyes were extremely fierce, flashing with sharp light, as if it could penetrate a person's soul.

Its fangs were exposed, sharp and sharp, revealing a wild and bloody breath. Its hair was fluffy and rough, and it exuded a palpitating momentum.

Gao Mu Wu realized that he had encountered an unprecedented great danger.

Gao Mu Wu's body couldn't help trembling. He tried to retreat, but found that his legs were like being nailed and couldn't move.

The wolf approached step by step, and Gao Muwu's fear became deeper and deeper...

Unlike any enemy he had encountered before, its existence made him feel an indescribable fear, but at the same time it also inspired his fighting spirit deep in his heart.

This time it was a contest between life and death, either the wolf died or Gao Muwu died.

Zhou Ye in his arms was pale with fear. When had she ever experienced such a thing?

She felt that she might faint from fear.

However, at this moment, Gao Muwu smiled at Zhou Ye and said gently: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, you will be fine."

Hearing this, Zhou Ye's originally panicked heart relaxed a little.

She looked at Gao Muwu's firm and powerful eyes, and an inexplicable sense of security surged in her heart.

Although they were in danger now, as long as Gao Muwu was by her side, she believed that everything would be fine.

So Zhou Ye hugged Gao Muwu's waist tightly, as if to merge herself into his arms.

Gao Mu Wu quietly put Zhou Ye aside, his movements were slow and cautious, as if he was afraid of causing any movement.

He knew that the situation was extremely dangerous at this time, and he had to remain vigilant and calm.

The wolf's fierce eyes were always fixed on Gao Mu Wu, revealing a deadly threat.

According to common sense, wolves usually act in groups and rarely appear alone.

This made Gao Mu Wu wonder why such a lone wolf appeared here?

As the saying goes, "A tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves."

Facing such a beast, even a strong individual would find it difficult to resist its collective attack.

Therefore, Gao Mu Wu has been closely observing the wolf from the moment it appeared, trying to find out if there are other companions hiding around.

This tense confrontation lasted for a while, and Gao Mu Wu's nerves were tense, always ready to deal with possible emergencies.

He knew that if he was not careful, both he and Zhou Ye would be in extreme danger.

Gao Mu Wu thought: "This wolf has no companions? Could it be that................................."

A bold guess came to his mind - it might be a lone wolf!

However, this thought only flashed for a moment and was thrown behind his head.

The most important thing now is to kill this ferocious beast quickly.

Thinking of this, Gao Mu Wu no longer hesitated and acted quickly.

As the saying goes, the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

He suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the wolf like a gust of wind.

In the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of the wolf, stretched out his hands with lightning speed, and grabbed the wolf's neck tightly.

Faced with the sudden attack, the wolf did not show weakness.

It opened its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, and bit Gao Mu Wu viciously.

Seeing this, Gao Mu Wu flexibly flashed his body and cleverly avoided the wolf's attack.

At this moment, Gao Mu Satoru reacted quickly. He took advantage of the situation and kicked the wolf in the belly with all his strength.

The blow was so powerful that the wolf was instantly knocked back several meters away, and it howled in pain.

But the wolf did not give up easily, and it showed its tenacious vitality and fighting will.

When Gao Mu Satoru was not paying attention, it suddenly exerted its strength and pounced on Gao Mu Satoru, trying to attack again.

Gao Mu Satoru noticed the wolf's movement and immediately took a defensive posture.

He quickly stretched out his arms to block the wolf's sharp claws and avoid injury.

At the same time, he seized the opportunity and pushed his knee against the wolf's abdomen, causing the wolf to temporarily lose balance and unable to continue attacking.

However, the wolf's strength was far beyond imagination, and it kept struggling to get rid of Gao Mu Satoru's control.

After a thrilling fight, the wolf finally succeeded in breaking free from Gao MuSatoru was restrained.

Gao Mu Satoru was forced to take a few steps back, keeping a certain distance from the wolf and falling into confrontation again.

At this moment, he was secretly thinking about the next attack strategy in his heart.

He knew that the wolf was extremely ferocious and he might become its food if he was not careful.

At this moment, he noticed a thick branch next to him, so he quickly picked up the branch and prepared to use it as his weapon.

The wolf pounced on Gao Mu Satoru again. Gao Mu Satoru raised the branch fearlessly and swung it hard, hitting the wolf heavily.

The wolf howled, as if it was angry about Gao Mu Satoru's attack.

However, despite the heavy blow, the wolf still refused to retreat and continued to launch a fierce attack on Gao Mu Satoru.

This life-and-death contest became more and more intense, and Gao Mu Satoru and the wolf tried their best.

Gao Mu Satoru waved the branch in his hand and started a thrilling fight with the wolf.

Gao Mu Wu gradually gained the upper hand. He saw the right moment and used all his strength to stab the branch into the wolf's abdomen.

The wolf screamed and fell to the ground.

Gao Mu Wu breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground tiredly.

He looked back at Zhou Ye and found that she was looking at him with horror.

"It's okay." Gao Mu Wu smiled at her.

Zhou Ye ran over and hugged him tightly, tears bursting out of her eyes.

Gao Mu Wu gently patted her back and comforted her: "Don't cry, everything is over."

The two stood up and prepared to leave this dangerous place.

However, when they were halfway there, Gao Mu Wu suddenly stopped.

He felt a strange breath, as if something was watching them in secret.

He looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Ye asked.

"I always feel that there are other dangers." Gao Mu Wu frowned.

Zhou Ye's face turned pale, "What should we do then?"

"Don't be afraid." Gao Muwu comforted, "As long as we are careful, there should be no problem."

They continued to move forward, but Gao Muwu's heart was always shrouded in a shadow.

The wolf, with its sharp teeth and agility, kept trying to break through Gao Muwu's defense.

As time passed, Gao Muwu gradually felt exhausted.

He knew that it was not a solution to continue to stalemate like this, because it might attract more wolves.

If the situation could not be broken as soon as possible, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Gao Muwu made up his mind and decided to adopt a risky strategy.

Gao Muwu took the initiative to sell a flaw to the wolf, making the wolf think that there was an opportunity.

Sure enough, the wolf immediately opened its sharp fangs and bit it hard.

Gao Muwu saw the opportunity and swung a punch with all his strength, hitting the wolf's abdomen. The wolf howled in pain and fell to the ground unable to move.

Gao Mu Wu took the opportunity to rush forward and hit the wolf's head with a branch to ensure that it could not stand up and attack again.

After a fierce battle, the wolf was finally subdued by Gao Mu Wu.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this time was really dangerous.

However, he also understood that if he wanted to survive, he must constantly improve his strength and coping ability.

After getting rid of the wolf, Gao Mu Wu took Zhou Ye and quickly left this place of trouble.

However, his doubts were not eliminated. This wolf that appeared alone, and the vague breath of danger, made him feel that things were not that simple.

Zhou Ye supported Gao Mu Wu, and Gao Mu Wu said to Zhou Ye: "It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. We have to leave quickly....................."

Zhou Ye emphasized and said: "Okay."

The two supported each other and walked outside. The more they walked, the more they found something wrong.

Gao Mu Wu frowned solemnly. Zhou Ye obviously noticed his expression and asked, "What...what happened?"

At the same time, she looked around.

Gao Mu Wu said, "I feel a familiar feeling."

Zhou Ye swallowed and asked, "What...what familiar feeling?"

"You...don't scare me."

The terrible experience just now was like a shadow covering Zhou Ye's heart, making him unable to let go for a long time.

At this time, Gao Mu Wu also fell into silence, as if thinking about something important.

As time went by, the atmosphere around became more and more tense, and an inexplicable fear gradually spread.

At this time, there was a slight noise in the woods, as if something was approaching quietly.

Then, another wolf came out of the tree.Slowly walking out of the deep forest, its eyes were fixed on Zhou Ye and Gao Mu Wu, revealing a heart-pounding cold light in its eyes.

This wolf seemed to be more powerful and ferocious than the previous one, giving people an irresistible sense of oppression.

Faced with such a scene, Zhou Ye's heartbeat became faster and faster, and his breathing became rapid.

Gao Mu Wu turned his head and gave Zhou Ye a firm look and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Zhou Ye looked at Gao Mu Wu's injury with concern, " are already injured."

Gao Mu Wu shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's enough to deal with it."

Zhou Ye said, "Don't be stubborn..."

Gao Mu Wu broke free from Zhou Ye's hand, got ready, and prepared to start a new round of fight with the wolf.

Gao Mu Wu stared at the wolf intently, and he could feel that this wolf was more dangerous than the one he had encountered before.

Suddenly, the wolf launched an attack, and it pounced on Gao Mu Wu at a very fast speed.

Gao Mu Wu dodged sideways, then punched the wolf in the abdomen.

The wolf jumped away swiftly, turned around and pounced again. Gao Mu Wu kicked the wolf in the head and repelled it.

After a few rounds, Gao Mu Wu found that the wolf's attack method seemed to have some pattern.

He concentrated his energy and waited for the wolf's next attack.

When the wolf jumped up again, Gao Mu Wu accurately predicted its movement, reached out and grabbed the wolf's hind legs, and threw it to the ground.

He quickly rode on the wolf and punched the wolf's head repeatedly with his fists.

Finally, the wolf fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Gao Mu Wu stood up, panting, with a trace of fatigue on his face.

Zhou Ye hurried over, his eyes full of concern. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Gao Mu Wu shook his head, indicating that he was fine. "Let's get out of here quickly."

He took Zhou Ye's hand and walked out of the forest.


Brothers, we are about to experience the ultimate Shura Field.

Recently, there are indeed few gifts. I am begging for free gifts for love (crying)

The updates have been stable. Seeing that the updates are so stable, I beg for small gifts, isn’t it too much (dog head protection)

Please give me free small gifts. I also want to rush to the gift list (rush!)

Please give me free gifts. Of course, it would be better if there are paid gifts, but I dare not ask for paid gifts (humble).

Please give me free small gifts. Thank you very much.

Please give me free gifts for love. If there are gifts, I will be more motivated to update.

One hundred people who refresh their energy for love will get one more chapter, (one person who refreshes their energy for love will get one cent (cry))

Three more chapters for the King of Gifts (although it is impossible, I still look forward to it~)

Two more chapters for the God Certification (although it is impossible, I still look forward to it~)

One more chapter for the Health Care (this should be possible, brother, I want to have health care (cry))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (heart)

One more chapter for other paid small gifts (heart)

(heart) (heart) (heart)

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