Gao Mu Wu drove slowly towards the house where Misato and Yukiko were, and the engine sound echoed in the quiet street.

As soon as the car stopped, someone poked his head out of the darkness and stared at it vigilantly.

These people were well hidden and difficult to detect, but their presence gave people an invisible pressure.

Liu Zhiyan's men hid in various corners. When they saw Gao Mu Wu coming, they immediately reported to Liu Zhiyan.

"Hey........... President, the target has appeared."

Liu Zhiyan laughed. After waiting for so long and setting such a big game, Gao Mu Wu finally took the bait.

Liu Zhiyan instructed: "Okay, you keep an eye on him, don't act rashly, don't expose yourself, do what you should do, just do it as usual."

He knew Gao Mu Wu's reconnaissance ability very well, and a little carelessness could lead to the death of the whole game.


Liu Zhiyan asked someone to pick up the phone and dial Yamaguchi Ryoka's number.

"Beep...beep...beep..." A busy tone came from the other end of the phone.

Finally, the phone was picked up, and a clear and pleasant voice sounded: "Hello, is this Miss Lianghua?"

Yamaguchi Lianghua replied with some confusion: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I have good news to tell Miss Lianghua."

The voice of the familiar man came from the other end of the phone, and his tone was a little mysterious and excited.

Lianghua frowned slightly, but felt an unusual atmosphere from his tone.

She replied coldly: "Sorry, if it's about my husband, please don't call me again. I love and trust my husband very much."

"Miss Lianghua, please don't hang up the phone. I guess Mr. Gaomu Satoru is not with you at this time."

He was right. Gaomu Satoru was indeed not with Lianghua.

Lianghua frowned and said: "What does it have to do with you?"

The tone revealed a kind of displeasure, she didn't like this feeling.

"Oh... Then, Miss Lianghua, guess where Mr. Gaomu Satoru is?"

"Forget it, hahahaha, I'll just say it directly... Mr. Gaomu Satoru should be with Miss Misato."

Mr. Gaomu Satoru should be with Miss Misato.

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, hitting Lianghua's heart hard, making her feel an indescribable pain and shock.

It was like being struck by five thunders at the same time, and the shock made her heart suddenly clenched, as if it was about to jump out of her throat.

"I know you don't believe it, but if I don't have some evidence, I really dare not tell you..."

After that, there was another photo, a photo of Gaomu Satoru going to that house.

Lianghua was silent on the other end of the phone.

"Miss Lianghua, as for the authenticity of the photo, you have to verify it yourself. After all, I'm just saying it."

"Miss Lianghua, I wish you a happy time, hahahaha."

After that, the man hung up the phone.

Lianghua stared at the photo in a daze, and she didn't even notice that the phone in her hand had fallen to the ground.

After a long time, she came to her senses.

Lianghua was now in a state of confusion. She didn't believe that Gao Musuo would do anything to hurt her.

But what about the photo?

Should I go and take a look?

Lianghua struggled for a long time in her heart, and finally she made up her mind to go and take a look.

Lianghua picked up the phone, which was turned off at this time, but the address had already been imprinted in her heart and could not be erased.

Soon Lianghua drove to where Misato was.

Her thoughts were very confused along the way, and her mind was blank.

She even forgot how she got here.

Lianghua looked at the door in front of her with empty eyes. Her face was as pale as paper, as if all the vitality had been taken away. Her originally bright eyes also lost their luster and became dull.

Her lips trembled slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make any sound.

Lianghua slowly raised her frozen hand, her fingers slightly bent, as if trying to grab something, but she looked so weak and helpless.

Her hand paused in the air for a moment, and then gently touched the door handle, as if it was the last ray of hope in her life.


Lianghua exhaled lightly, and finally knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

A familiar voice came from the door, it was Misato's voice.

Lianghua's heart sank immediately.

Less than a minute later, the door opened.

Misato and Lianghua looked at each other, and Misato's eyes showed a surprised expression.Lianghua's eyes were empty.

She looked inside and saw a familiar figure: Gao Musuo.


Brothers, there are really few gifts recently, and the motivation to update has been greatly affected. In addition, there are some great financial pressures. I don't ask for anything else, just ask for free gifts.

I'm asking for free gifts to generate power for love (crying)

The update has been stable. Seeing that the update is so stable, my friends, I'm asking for small gifts, isn't it too much (dog head protection)

I'm asking for free small gifts, I also want to rush to the gift list (rush!)

I'm asking for free gifts, of course it would be better if there are paid ones, but I dare not ask for paid ones (humble).

I'm asking for free small gifts, thank you very much.

I'm asking for free gifts to generate power for love. With gifts, I will be more motivated to update.

One hundred people who refresh their energy for love will get one more chapter, (one person who refreshes their energy for love will get one cent (cry))

Three more chapters for the King of Gifts (although it is impossible, I still hope for one~)

Two more chapters for the God Certification (although it is impossible, I still hope for one~)

One more chapter for the Health Care (this should be possible, brother, I want to have health care (cry))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (heart)

One more chapter for other paid small gifts (heart)

(heart) (heart) (heart)

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