Misato was stunned the moment she opened the door. She never dreamed that Lianghua would appear here.

The person who was more shocked than Misato was undoubtedly Gao Mu Satoru.

He stared at Lianghua with his eyes wide open, looking at Lianghua in disbelief, and couldn't understand how she found this place at all.

What's worse is that at this moment, he was still holding Yukiko tightly in his arms.

Lianghua stood blankly at the door, staring at the scene in front of her with a dull look.

Her eyes were full of confusion and confusion, and she seemed unable to accept what was happening in front of her.

Lianghua stood there, and she asked Gao Mu Satoru blankly: "You...you."

Gao Mu Satoru put Yukiko on the bed, he walked in front of Lianghua and said: "Lianghua...Lianghua, listen to me..."

Before Gao Mu Satoru finished speaking, Lianghua interrupted and said: "What is the relationship between you two?"

Gao Mu Satoru walked up and wanted to hold Lianghua's hand, but Lianghua dodged him.


"You just need to answer what the relationship is."

Misato looked at them both coldly, then turned around and walked to the side to pick up Yukiko who had just been put on the ground.

Yukiko was still crying loudly, and her voice echoed throughout the room.

Misato carried Yukiko into the bedroom and gently closed the door.

Misato didn't want to know what Gao Mu Satoru said to Lianghua.

"The child..........is also yours?"

Gao Mu Satoru smacked his lips, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

In fact, from the beginning, he had foreseen the current scene. After all, all this was his own choice.

And the reason why he worked so hard to make Liangwu Group bigger and stronger was to be able to deal with the Shura Field that might appear in the future and accumulate enough energy for himself.

However, what he didn't expect was that the Shura Field came earlier than he expected.

Gao Mu Satoru nodded lightly.

Lianghua felt that her world collapsed in an instant, and her heart seemed to be torn into countless pieces.

She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. The man she once loved so deeply actually betrayed her and hurt her so ruthlessly.

She stared at Gao Mu Wu blankly, her eyes full of despair and pain.

At this moment, Lianghua felt that her heart was dead, but at the same time, a strange feeling came to her heart. Perhaps this is the so-called "nothing is more sorrowful than a dead heart".

"Lianghua, listen to me..."

"You don't have to say it."

Lianghua's tears burst out like a flood, and her heart felt like it was being bitten by millions of ants.

Lianghua turned and ran out the door.

Seeing this, Gao Mu Wu was anxious. He was worried that Lianghua would do something stupid.

He followed without hesitation.

His heart was full of worry and anxiety, fearing that Lianghua would be in danger or hurt.

While chasing Lianghua, Gao Mu Wu shouted her name loudly, hoping to make her stop.

But Lianghua seemed to be unable to hear any sound, just running forward blindly.

After a while, Gao Muwu finally caught up with Lianghua.

Lianghua had already cried, and Gao Muwu looked at her with heartache.

"Can you let me be quiet?"

Gao Muwu knew that he must not be calm at this time, otherwise he might get cold.

Gao Muwu put his hands on Lianghua's shoulders, and he said very seriously: "Lianghua, you have to believe me, I love you."

"You love me? How can I believe you...?"

Gao Muwu remained silent.

The sky showed a gray tone, as if covered by a layer of gauze.

This color makes people feel depressed and dull, as if it is foreshadowing an upcoming rain.

The air is filled with a damp breath, and the breeze gently blows across the face, bringing a hint of coolness.

At first, there were scattered raindrops, and slowly the raindrops became bigger.

A heavy rain fell.

"Xiaowu...Xiaowu, let's...let's stop here."

Lianghua sobbed, raindrops hit her face, and she could no longer tell which was rain and which was tears.

Lianghua broke away from Gaomu Wu and ran away.

This time Gaomu Wu did not chase her, because he knew that even if he caught up with Lianghua, she would not believe him.

Takagi Wu picked up his phone and called Yinghua.


"Please help me take care of Lianghua and don't let her do anything stupid."

"Huh? What?"

Yinghua realizedWhen something happened, he hurriedly put on his clothes and prepared to go find Lianghua.

After Gao Muwu explained clearly, he turned back.................


Brothers, there are really few gifts recently, and the motivation to update has been greatly affected. In addition, there are some great financial pressures. I don’t ask for anything else, just ask for free gifts.

Here I ask for free gifts to generate power for love (crying)

The update has been stable. Seeing that the update is so stable, my friends, I ask for small gifts, isn’t it too much (dog head protection)

Please ask for free small gifts, I also want to rush to the gift list (rush!)

Please ask for free gifts, of course it would be better if there are paid ones, but I dare not ask for paid ones (humble).

Please ask for free small gifts, thank you very much.

Please ask for free power for love. With gifts, I will be more motivated to update.

One hundred people who refresh their energy for love will get one more chapter, (one person who refreshes their energy for love will get one cent (cry))

Three more chapters for the King of Gifts (although it is impossible, I still hope for one~)

Two more chapters for the God Certification (although it is impossible, I still hope for one~)

One more chapter for the Health Care (this should be possible, brother, I want to have health care (cry))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (heart)

One more chapter for other paid small gifts (heart)

(heart) (heart) (heart)

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