Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 471: The 'Secret' of 'Titanic'

  Chapter 471 The 'Secret' of "Titanic"

Los Angeles.

   "Dad! I turned out to be the hero, ahaha... I still feel like I'm dreaming!"

   "This is what you deserve, but who else can you be?"

   "But it's really like a dream."

   "Trust me, child, your dreams are just beginning."

  The good news actually came before, Xiao Lizi got the hero of "Titanic".

   Of course he wanted to share it with his dear 'daddy', and Gary Oldman also sent his sincere wishes.

   However, as far as this matter is concerned, it still fully exposes many problems in Hollywood.

   The efficiency here is too low.

  My own 'pro son' Xiao Lizi, he is so handsome, is there anyone more suitable for the hero of this movie than him?

   It should be decided on the spot, so why go through those time-wasting procedures?

   But this is Hollywood, and this Hollywood… well, Gary Oldman failed.


   Those bastards!

   Gary Oldman really didn't get any role, although this result had been foreseen from the beginning, but he was still a little unwilling.

  Twentieth Century Fox is a stronghold of conservatives, and they are simply... doing all the bad things!

   Well, this matter should be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

   For this "Titanic", there really is nothing too suitable for his role.

  However, since my son and 'wife' have both got roles, I don't have it, which is too unwilling!

  Fortunately, I talked about this with Takeshi Iwata before, and now that the result has come out, Gary Oldman can still accept it.

  Although I am still unwilling, I am really unwilling.

   In addition, that is his current marriage with Uma Thurman, which is almost over.

   Okay, both of them are more free and easy, besides, they are not short of money, especially Uma Thurman, she is a little princess at all.

   In terms of economics, the two of them will not have too many problems, so they are a good example of getting together and dispersing.

In this case…

   Is your topic less popular?

   Thinking about it like this, I seem to be even more unwilling.

   This guy Gary Oldman is in such a weird mood right now.

  Fortunately, as the so-called God can't starve a blind house sparrow, Gary Oldman felt sad and life-threatening, and was rescued by a phone call.

   "Hey, is that Gary?"

   "That's me, James, how did you even think of calling me?"

  To be honest, this call made Gary Oldman very excited.

   It's not his fault, he really can't be blamed, and, his performance is good enough.

   Because this call is from James Cameron!

   Yes, the director of "Titanic", the one Gary Oldman would love to work with.

   So, you can imagine how Gary Oldman is feeling.

   Could it be in terms of characters... Probably not.

  Gary still understands it well. After all, the final confirmation of this kind of thing actually depends on those big companies, that is, 20th Century Fox.

   But, much to Gary's surprise, James Cameron said so.

   "First of all I have to stress that I really appreciate your acting skills, but the problem with this movie... let's not talk about these, let's talk about some more interesting topics, shall we?"

   "This is great!"

   Gary Oldman thought of some of his plans with Takeshi Iwata at the time, and now the opportunity has come.

   Sure enough, James Cameron threw an olive branch.

  Although I didn't get to play any roles, after all, my 'son' and 'wife' both starred in this movie.

   And, James Cameron also talked about a lot of things.

   For example, he also has a lot of dissatisfaction with Twentieth Century Fox.

   "This guy wants to teach me how to make a movie, Fake..."

   The two were chatting and chatting, and the relationship was getting closer and closer, and they dared to say anything.

  Gary Oldman felt the opportunity was coming.

   Soon, James Cameron invited Gary Oldman to join his team and be a consultant.

  Consultant, then you can know the performance.

   This is definitely helpful for 'son' and 'wife'.

   Well, in fact, Kathy Bates is an Oscar winner, and you Gary Oldman are not necessarily better than her.

   Of course, we all know that even if Kathy is the actress, it is difficult for her to play the heroine.

   At present, the aesthetics of Hollywood is relatively normal, and there are too few heroines suitable for a plus-size old lady like Casey.

   But, are you just acting as a consultant?

   Gary Oldman readily agreed, and then he thought a lot...


  Industrial Light & Magic was originally born because George Lucas wanted to shoot "Star Wars".

   And with so many years of development, the whole of Hollywood seems to finally realize it.

   It’s great to have such a company. The various special effects produced by this company definitely represent the future of movies on this planet.

   As a result, the company does not have to worry about money, and George Lucas is naturally more and more famous.

   Of course, Lucas’s friend Spielberg also likes to engage in technology very much, but he is not the kind of completely technical man.

   It should be said that there are indeed a lot of excellent works in Hollywood movies of this era, but in fact, this era is also an era of choice.

  How should the future develop?

   Where will Hollywood movies go?

   Is it to follow the technical route, or as before, to scale up the system and shoot many more humanistic films?

   Some people just choose technology, such as Zemeckis, who just won the Oscar for best director.

   His new film, at least he said he intends to make a full CG movie, which will be all computer CG.

   Of course, before this film, he also planned to make a sci-fi film, or to be precise, just finished filming, the name is "Contact in Time and Space".

  The male lead is Matthew McConaughey and the female lead is Jodie Foster.

   Obviously, this movie is supposed to equalize the cost for the full CG masterpiece, but I don’t know if it will work.

   Gary Oldman heard these things when he came to ILM.

   In his opinion, now is really a very interesting era, and many directors are making transitions.

   They are investing in the embrace of technology, and there will be a lot of movies with beautiful pictures and beyond imagination in the future.

  Actually, as far as what Gary is thinking about right now... He still can't imagine how far the future has developed.

  Fortunately, James Cameron didn't keep him waiting.

   "Hey, come and see our studio!"

   "That's great! By the way, is it a big ship from the past?"

   " guessed it."

  James Cameron is very enthusiastic, and the problem with this ship is also very interesting.

  Why does Gary Oldman ask that?

  Actually, before the filming started, James Cameron once said that if he could, he really wanted to copy the giant wheel.

   Well, it really seems like a genius idea to build another Titanic.

   But, is it possible?

   Anyway, Gary Oldman talks about it, he really can talk.

   Soon, the answer was revealed.

  Industrial Light & Magic did not have a real Titanic on the set.

   But, under the green curtain all around, it was a 'bow'.

   is really not small, quite imposing.


  The classic American exclamation, Gary, the British guy, is also quite good.

   "Haha! It's great, come on..."

  James Cameron took Gary around in this 'ship' as if offering a treasure.

Is such that.

   It’s true that there was no copy of a Titanic, but the whole set was very well done.

   They made a part of the Titanic, and it was very delicate.

   The key is the situation inside the boat. The decorations in the cabins are all very good.

   Obviously, the actors will perform in this kind of place, and then they will do some processing to get the footage that Cameron wants.

all of these…

   "Goose is beautiful!"

   Gary Oldman can still talk.

"Ha ha…"

   James Cameron is very happy.

   In fact, as of now, the studio is not completely built, but some things can already be shot. The whole movie will take at least two years, and he is confident that it will be done well.

   But some things…

   "My old man, I actually thought of a suggestion before I came."

   "What is it?"

   "There are Asians on this ship, right? I actually saw it in some historical documents, and they did a good job."

   Gary's performance surprised Cameron, it seems that the other party really did a lot of homework.

  The Asian question...

  The smile on James Cameron's face was very strong, "Actually, I have wanted to know Director Iwata Takeshi for a long time."

   This question may seem abrupt, but it actually makes sense.

   Gary Oldman's 'this family' has something to do with Takeshi Iwata.


  PS: Sincerely thank you all, ask for support, ask for tickets, thank you very much.

   (end of this chapter)

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