Tokyo Literature and Art Times

Chapter 472: "Chinese on the Titanic"

   Chapter 472 "The Chinese on the Titanic"

   "Card! For the rest, let's wait until winter."

   The movie "Hanawa", Iwata Takeshi felt that he could wait and make it.

  Many shots have been shot, and the film is almost finished, however, some shots still need to wait for snow.

   Anyway, Takeshi Iwata is not in a hurry for this movie, he should not be in a hurry than Akira Kurosawa.

   This film master has always felt that his time is short, and his sense of crisis is even heavier.

  So, under such circumstances, Takeshi Iwata first gave his subordinates a vacation and let them rest.

   It’s just that some actors don’t have any vacations, it’s their wife Ming Cai.

   The few short stories I filmed before are very funny, Ming Cai said, Modo Modo.

   Well, who doesn't take a holiday, it's not necessarily so.

   But Takeshi Iwata can't run without a headache at least for a while.

   Isn't it just some funny jokes, it's hard for our man!

   At this time, Takeshi Iwata received a call from Gary Oldman.

   "Oh, that's what he said?"

   "Yes, I was also very surprised, it was too surprising."

   "Then what else did he say?"

   "Like, it's nothing."

   "Oh, by the way, how is the current situation on the set over there?"

   "Pretty good, technically speaking, it was an eye-opener."

   "From a technical point of view?"

   "Yes, from a technical point of view. The current technology is really good. I am worried that I will be unemployed in the future."

   "Haha...Is that so? Don't worry, no matter how strong CG is, you won't be unemployed."

   "That's what you said..."

  Iwata Takeshi and Gary Oldman joked on the phone, of course, Iwata Takeshi will definitely pay for this transoceanic call.

   This call is so valuable!

  What did Takeshi Iwata hear?

   Actually, Gary Oldman gave some hints.

   James Cameron, this guy, so far, there must be some dissatisfaction with Twentieth Century Fox.

   Of course, this is Iwata Takeshi's speculation, but in his opinion, this speculation is still reliable.

  In other words, from James Cameron's point of view, he has almost no other choice but to shoot here at Twentieth Century Fox.

   On the one hand, this company is indeed powerful, and on the other hand, it is also an old partner.

   And there is another key point, that is, Twentieth Century Fox also has a very good relationship with Industrial Light and Magic.

  George Lucas was originally one of the partners of Twentieth Century Fox, so as far as the company Industrial Light and Magic is concerned.

   Don't even think about it, it's definitely inextricably linked with Fox.

   However, Iwata Takeshi as a famous supervisor, as well as his background, some things are still clear.

  George Lucas has scolded 20th Century Fox more than once. He always criticized the company for being short-sighted and too small.

  Yes, indeed.

   This company has always looked down on many forward-looking things, or can't see clearly, or always chooses wrongly.

   Of course, this may have something to do with the company's genes.

  Fox, this is the propaganda slogan of the American Republican Party, the stronghold of the right.

  The rightists are conservatives, they can be conservative if they can.

   But, this conservative is not without flaws.

   As Americans generally know, what is the biggest difference between Republicans and Democrats?

  Republicans are relatively united.

   There are indeed many elites in the Democratic Party, and they seem to be very powerful indeed, and the number is larger than that of the Republican Party, but the party's interior is really chaotic enough.

  Various hilltops collide with each other.

   Well, the Republican Party actually has a lot of hills, but this party has an advantage. Even if everyone has different ideas, they will definitely unite later to make a big impact.

   This is also why the Republican Party can continue to mix up today, otherwise, depending on the number of people and supporters, they probably won't have the chance to have any great leaders at all.

The same goes for    Fox TV and film studios, which are a particularly conservative type of propaganda mouthpiece relative to the mouthpieces of the Democratic Party.

   Like CNN, which always exaggerates and reports news in an eye-catching way, at least there is a bottom line for Fox, and it will not be too exaggerated.

   In this way, there is a certain style.

   is more defensive.

   So, in terms of affecting the film, that is also a variety of conservative styles.

  Unfortunately, there are quite a few on Fox who like to have new directors.

   Such as George Lucas, and Lucas's friend Spielberg, and James Cameron.

   Of course, the Spielberg family has their own company, and he is a benchmark for independent production.

   But, in Hollywood, you have to have strong enough relationships.

   It is this style, and George Lucas is not less competitive with Fox.

   And now, could it be James Cameron?

   Takeshi Iwata thinks this is a very good opportunity to take advantage of.

  This opportunity...

   He had to prepare.

   In short, he wanted to write a small script.


   Akina actually still wanted to make "Hana", this movie really left her with a good feeling.

   In addition, that is, Shinobu is just a cameo as a female teller in a bank, which is so wrong!

   That's right, Ming Cai plans to complain about her husband and make arrangements for her sister.

   but don’t want to…

   "Oops, why did you start writing the script again?"

   "Yes, this time..."

   "Will it be difficult this time?"

   "No, this time soon."

   When Ming Cai returned home, she saw her husband writing the script there, which was very interesting.

  Iwata Izumi and Yui, the two little guys were watching next to their father, but their saliva would fall from time to time.

   This is so much fun.

   So is this a new movie?

   "No." Takeshi Iwata seems to have finished writing, "This time it will be a very interesting patch."

   "Patch? What patch?"

   Akina really doesn't understand, she has never heard such a statement.

   And Iwata Takeshi's next performance was even more interesting. He directly picked up the little guy, and then snorted.

   "This is going to be a patch for a great movie."

  ? ? ?

   Mingcai was even more stunned, but what else could she say?

   "Wife, I'm hungry."

   "Ah, I just happened to buy the ingredients for the sukiyaki pot..."

   Good guy, isn't this very nutritious?

   Takeshi Iwata had to eat sukiyaki first, and then discuss going to the United States.


   In fact, James Cameron felt that 20th Century Fox did not respect himself enough.

   There are certain historical reasons for this.

The    "Terminator" series is indeed very successful, but in fact, the copyright of this series of films belongs to a small company.

  At least, Cameron did drive a truck before. Although it is actually very profitable to drive a truck in the United States, he is really too far from the movie.

   At that time, only small companies could look up to him, and later "Terminator 2" achieved great success.

   Let small companies have better prices.

   Let’s not talk about that movie, but with the current partner, 20th Century Fox, this company really has deep pockets.

  Because of this, many of Cameron's ideas were not well supported by this big company.

   In fact, Fox has made many money-losing masterpieces in history, but it still survives because it is the mouthpiece of a big party.

   Of course, it is also because they are conservative and defensive, so they are very united.

   Many of Cameron's ideas were defeated by such 'unity'.

   So, he thought of 'help'.

  Can't let 20th Century Fox have the say, can't let them manipulate themselves like that, right?

   So who are you looking for?

  Cameron naturally saw Takeshi Iwata, who is related to Little Plum, Casey Bates and Gary Oldman.

   This guy is not only a director, he also has that big video rental company.

   is a great character.

   And now... it works!

   That's right, the two sides talked on the phone and talked about something.

   is Takeshi Iwata's 'idea'.

   What is the idea?

   At this moment, a stack of papers appeared on Cameron's desk.

   The Chinese on the Titanic.



   He is Japanese, and he used such a title?

  Cameron was a little weird, but when he opened the script, he was completely hooked.

   A girl named Xiaoying also got on this huge ship, but the reason why she took the ship to America was not for anything else, but to marry a local Chinese.

   She was bought.

   On this ship, she met Yalin, a sailor who was also from China.

  This story...It turned out to be a love story too!

   Moreover, this love story seems to be like the one I wrote, just like a mirror!


  PS: I wrote a little magic modification for this masterpiece, I hope everyone likes it, thank you very much.

   (end of this chapter)

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