The sound of wind and thunder, the chirping of cicadas and the chirping of birds.

As if to catch the last tail of the rainy season, the weather was still calm and gentle at noon, but it took a sharp turn after school.

Heavy raindrops began to fall from the sky covered by dark clouds, and it became stormy and gloomy.

Affected by the rain, many sports clubs were forced to cancel outdoor training for the day, allowing students to go home from school early.

The campus is rarely quiet during non-rest days.

In the empty student union room, Kato Yusuke was holding a paintbrush and painting on the drawing board.

His eyes seemed focused and devoted, even a little selfless.

The turbulent raindrops slapped against the glass, making a rapid popping sound.

Occasionally, dull thunder could be heard in the sky.

But the boy didn't respond at all.

He just sketches the objects in his eyes one stroke at a time, and from time to time he dips the brush on the paint tray to add color to the objects in the painting.

And it is not known how long this process lasted.

The other work sitting quietly on the table is the best proof.

It wasn't until a certain moment that the boy, who seemed to have finished, finally stopped writing in his hand and returned from that state of concentration.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath to release some of the emotions in his heart.

Staring at the smiling girl in the picture, he put down his pen and paint tray and whispered to himself: "It's not just me, you don't look like your usual self today..."

Sit on the chair for a while.

Remove the painting that is not yet completely dry from the easel and place it on the table with another painting.

After packing his things, he picked up his schoolbag and walked outside.

Put indoor shoes in the shoe closet and change into uniform shoes.

While checking the messages on Line, Kato Yusuke sent a message to Sayu asking him to pick her up.

The other party said that he would come back with Asami after get off work so that Yusuke didn't have to worry. At the same time, he also revealed that the other party also wanted to stay at home for dinner today, and asked his opinion for this.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke replied with an "OK" emoticon.

But the look on his face was a bit inexplicable.

No matter what the reason was, after what happened last time, he would never trust Asami Yuuki again.

But as long as Sayu likes it, he doesn't mind continuing to maintain this "harmony" situation.

While thinking about this, he took steps towards the door.

Just when I was about to turn the corner...

"Da da da da da-"

A rush of footsteps sounded from the next aisle.

Immediately afterwards——



Following a physical collision between the two, the figure that suddenly rushed out from the next door fell to the ground.

"……it hurts."

The girl holding her forehead let out a cry of pain.

She has long brown hair, a black suit skirt, and a pair of black high heels on her slender legs wrapped in stockings.


Kato Yusuke, who was standing still, asked doubtfully, and at the same time, he also drew the other party's attention back.

"Eh... Kato-chan?"

Hasumi Kanoko said subconsciously, and then as if she had a reaction, she hurriedly glanced at the women's watch in her hand.

Tokyo time, 17:15.

"No, we're going to be late! Sorry Kato-kun, I'm sorry about what happened just now, but the teacher has something very urgent today, so I'll apologize to you properly next time... It hurts!"

Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed deeply. Kanoko, who originally wanted to get up from the ground, sat on the ground again and held her left ankle with her hands, a look of pain on her face.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke also paused.

"Did you sprain your foot? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

But the other party shook his head firmly, "It doesn't matter, this little injury is nothing. The teacher has an appointment with someone, so I have to go... ugh!"

It was probably because he had really fallen hard, and his voice was mixed with a painful inhalation.

After looking at the opponent's ankle for a moment, Kato Yusuke frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

"It's a nearby coffee shop."

Hasumi Kanoko responded: "It's about 20 minutes away from here."

"Is it the store next to "Gusto"? "Kato Yusuke asked.


Hasumi Kanoko nodded slightly in affirmation, then forced a smile and said: "So it's no problem, this distance will only be reached with a little persistence. Kato-kun, please go home as soon as possible."

"Is this so..."

Kato Yusuke weighed his words and said, "If you don't mind, teacher, I'll send you there."

"No, there's no need to trouble Kato-kun, I'll just call a taxi-" Kanoko Hasumi said subconsciously, but was interrupted by the other party.

The young man looked at the pouring rain outside the door and said, "Even if you say so, it's hard to call a taxi in this weather, right? Don't you have a very important date?"

Before she could respond, the other party turned back and asked, "And did you bring an umbrella?"

"Huh? Ah, I still have the umbrella with me." Hasumi Kanoko replied.

So Kato Yusuke said something like this: "It happens that the store you mentioned is not far from the station, so just let me rub the teacher's umbrella, so let's go together."


Hasumi Kanoko was stunned and said: "In other words, Kato-kun, you didn't bring an umbrella...?"

"Well, I accidentally forgot." The boy who nodded said.

"If that's the case..."

With his eyes lingering between the other person's body and his own ankle, Hasumi Kanoko finally nodded in agreement.

"Then please leave it to Kato-kun."

“Crash, lala, lala—”

"Crack, crackle -"

The rain washed over the city wantonly, and the air was filled with thick moisture.

Walking together on the road about 200 meters away from the school, Hasumi Kanoko spoke hesitantly.

"Please move the umbrella a little closer to yourself, Kato-kun. Will your shoulders get wet if you do this?"


Kato Yusuke responded, but did not move.

Not because he was unwilling, but because no matter how much he moved his body, the portable umbrella in his hand could not fully accommodate the two of them.

What's more, he also has to help Kanoko, who has limited mobility, to walk at the same time, so one of them is bound to get caught in the rain.

Faced with the people who helped her a lot in school, Kato Yusuke naturally would not choose to sacrifice the other person.

After all, rather than two people getting their shoulders wet at the same time, it would be better to save one person.

The impact of this is that nearly half of the boy's body has been completely wet by the rain, making the uniform appear a slightly darker black than the original color.

After seeing this scene in full view, Hasumi Kanoko felt a deep guilt in her heart.

He glanced at the deserted streets.

There was a moment of hesitation on her face, and then she suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, I remember Kato-kun, your physical strength should be very good, right?"

Seeing the questioning look from the other party, she took a deep breath and continued: "It won't work if I keep going like this. At my current speed, I'm afraid I won't be able to arrive on time, and I might get you to catch a cold... otherwise."

Staring at that handsome face, Hasumi Kanoko said hesitantly, "So I thought it would be faster if you carried me there on your back, and we wouldn't get caught in the rain."

It seemed as if it suddenly became quiet for a while.

Faced with the suggestion she made, the boy beside her nodded calmly and said hello.

"Then I'll leave it to the teacher to hold the umbrella."

Kato Yusuke handed the umbrella into her hand and squatted down in front of Hasumi Kanoko.

There was nothing unusual about the tone.

But when the matter came to a head, the parties involved couldn't help but hesitate.

His eyes wandered on the young man's back, but Hasumi Kanoko couldn't take that step no matter what.

And the other party didn't urge her, just waiting for her action quietly.

It was probably more than ten seconds later.

"Then... I'm rude."

A faint voice sounded after itself.

What follows is a soft touch, mixed with a slight fragrance.

Amidst a rustling sound, a pair of slender calves pressed against the sides of Kato Yusuke's body.

Careful not to let her chest rub against the other person's back, Hasumi Kanoko whispered in a reserved tone: "Well, you can get up, Kato-san."

Intentionally or unintentionally, the end of the sentence changed from "Kato-kun" to "Kato-san", revealing a slight sense of alienation.

In this regard, Kato Yusuke didn't say much, he just put his backhand around the teacher's leg, and then carried him on his back.

Changxiang Chinese website

The smooth stockings rubbed against the palms of the hands, and a slight rustling sound came from the senses.

As the body fits closer, the temperature of the skin is also transmitted through the fabric of the gauze.

Warm and soft.

Pointy high heels swayed gently on both sides.

At this point, the two people under the umbrella finally no longer have to worry about getting caught in the rain.


The dark sky turned into daylight in an instant, and a dull thunder sounded in the distance.

Stepping forward, the young man chanted with emotion: "There is a faint thunder, and the sky is hazy, but I hope the wind and rain will come and can keep you here."

The moment the voice reached her ears, the girl on her back suddenly froze for a moment.

Then, out of instinct as a Chinese teacher, he also echoed: "There is faint thunder and a hazy sky. Even if it doesn't rain, I will stay here."

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