Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and one, envelope

Push the door and walk into the exquisitely decorated shop.

Soft music echoed in the room.

Kato Yusuke asked the person next to him: "Where is the teacher's friend? I will take you there."

He looked around, then raised his hand to look at his watch.

Hasumi Kanoko frowned slightly and said, "I'm sorry, but it seems like that person hasn't come yet."

Glancing at the seat by the window, she continued: "Can you help me go there? Kato-kun."

Nice romance

"Okay." Kato Yusuke responded, then helped her walk over there and sat down on the four-seater seat.

"Then, teacher, just wait for your friend here. If there is nothing else, I will go back."

"Ah, no, Kato-kun, please wait a moment."

Facing Kato Yusuke who was about to leave, Hasumi Kanoko called out to him.

"Obviously you have helped me so much, but I am really embarrassed to ask you to go back like this. Why don't you have something to drink here, teacher?"

Kato Yusuke wanted to refuse this, but after seeing the other party's serious and expectant eyes, what he originally wanted to say changed into something else.

"Okay, but doesn't the teacher still have to wait for someone? Is it convenient for me to be here?"

"It's okay, it's okay, you just need to sit in another seat, and the teacher will pay for it later."

While waving to call the waiter, Hasumi Kanoko said to him apologetically: "Actually, I should have invited you to sit here, but the person who is coming later involves some personal matters of the teacher, so I can only aggrieve you. Sorry... Kato-kun."

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said it was okay.

After observing the layout of the store, I randomly found a seat with a screen to sit down.

Facing the waiter who came forward, the young man said succinctly: "Thank you for a cup of Fuli Bai."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

After confirming the order, the waiter left quickly.

Probably because of the rain, the air conditioner in the store was turned on at full speed.

A warm breeze blew over my face, making me feel warm.

After taking off his wet uniform jacket and placing it on the seat together with his shoulder bag, Kato Yusuke went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

When he came back, the coffee he ordered just now was delivered.

After taking a sip, the taste in the mouth is very soft.

The rich milk froth has a hint of burnt coffee aroma, and the acidity in the aftertaste is just right, so it doesn't feel abrupt.

‘Let’s take a copy back to Sayu and the others later. ’ Kato Yusuke thought subconsciously.

At this moment, a female voice, slightly raised due to surprise, came from next door.

"You said we broke up...! You're lying. Why did it happen so suddenly?"

Followed by a male voice.

"No, it's not sudden. After all, my mother didn't agree with it when we were together. You should also know about this, Kanoko."

Hearing this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but pause in his movements.

Just as he was hesitating whether to change seats, the conversation next door continued.

I heard Teacher Renjian say anxiously: "But! Didn't we agree before that you would persuade her properly? Why did you suddenly change your mind now... Is there something I didn't do well...?" "

There was an unconcealable sadness in his voice, mixed with a little pleading.

The male's tone seemed very troubled: "Even if you say so, it's not that easy. And after taking over my family's company, I also found that I had thought of the problem too simply..."

At this point, the man paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking about his words.

After about three to five seconds, he whispered again: "And... my family recently introduced me to a blind date. Unlike Kanoko, the other person's father is the president of a listed company. If I were Being able to marry her will also be of great help to the family, so I'm sorry..."

After he finished speaking, there was a long and depressing silence.

Although Mr. Hasumi said nothing, the slightly rapid breathing and slight choking were clearly transmitted to Kato Yusuke's ears, making his eyes move slightly.

It might have been tens of seconds, or it might have been a few minutes.

Teacher Renjian was heard saying in a nasal voice: "That is to say...actually you are not busy during this period, but you are on a blind date with another woman?"

What she responded to was the man's somewhat apologetic words.

"Sorry, I should have told you earlier, but mother... in short, it's my fault in this matter, so please accept this."


There seemed to be the sound of something rubbing on the table.

Then came Teacher Hasumi's inaudible words: "What is this..."

As if suppressing something, his voice trembled slightly.

"It's just a little thought."

The man considered his words carefully and said, "Just think of it as compensation for this year, and use it to buy yourself something."

Looking at the envelope on the table, Hasumi Kanoko's heart suddenly surged with a feeling of disappointment or sadness that she couldn't tell.

Along with the short breathing, the depths of his eyes began to gradually become hot, and tears accumulated in the corners of his eyes, but they never shed.

She just lowered her head, not wanting the other party to see her expression at this time.

His clenched fists were shaking slightly with anger.

The girl, shrouded in sadness, bit her lower lip, exuding a deep sense of helplessness.

At this moment--

"Sorry, have you waited for a long time?"

A voice as gentle as jade sounded in his ears, and then there was another person next to him.

An arm covered by a white shirt naturally put its shoulder on her shoulder, and then a warm breath flowed into her ears along with the words.

"Sorry, I can't stand it anymore. Please cooperate with me here." The boy who was close to the other person's ear said.

Hassan couldn't help but stiffen when he saw Kanoko's body.

Facing the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared in front of him, the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses across from him was also surprised and looked at him carefully.

He has short, refreshing black hair and a delicate and handsome face. The ends of his hair were slightly raised, making the young man look a little unruly.

Even though he was wearing a simple white shirt, it still couldn't hide his toned figure underneath, and his whole person exuded an extraordinary aura.

His eyes lingered on the other person's arm on Hasumi Kanoko's shoulder. The man couldn't help but frown and asked: "Kanoko, who is this...?"

"Hello, it's our first time meeting you, so you must be the person that Kano-chan often mentions."

With a faint smile on his lips, the young man nodded to the male, "Let me introduce myself. I am Kano-chan's colleague and also her suitor."

After finishing speaking, he said to the girl next to him in a very gentle tone: "It's raining too much today, I'll take you home."

Without any explanation, Kato Yusuke helped the girl get up from her seat and picked up her bag.

Hasumi Kanoko also obeyed his movements without saying a word, and the two of them walked outside together.

The envelope was left alone on the table.

(Need to modify it)

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