Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seven, meditation and invitation

"Then, close your eyes and let your mind empty."


"Concentrate your awareness on your breathing and feel the breath going out and in."


"How is it? Are there any distracting thoughts in your head?"

In the darkness, a picture emerged before his eyes.

First it was the moving train, then the passengers in the carriage, and finally it was fixed on a pair of pupils that suddenly dilated in fear.

The picture began to turn scarlet, a woman's scream sounded in her ears, and a fishy smell came from her nose.

Then he responded silently: "...Yes."

"Please accept these thoughts slowly and calmly and let them go with your breath."


"The muscles between your brows and cheeks are too tense. Try to relax a little more. It doesn't matter if you can't eliminate distracting thoughts. Continue to focus on your breathing."


It stayed like this for who knows how long.

The quiet voice responsible for guidance sounded again.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

The tone of his voice was slightly higher than before, and his tone was a little more gentle.

Following the other party's guidance, the young man slowly opened his eyes.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone in from outside the dojo and shone in his eyes. Something seemed to be surging in a pair of thick black eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Take advantage of the situation and look at the person in front of you.

Wearing a white gown and a black skirt, the feet under the skirt are wrapped in white footbags. The girl's whole body exuded an aura of purity and elegance.

"Nakano-senpai." After finishing his meditation, Kato Yusuke nodded to the other party and bowed slightly.

Nakano Ryoko smiled and asked, "How are you? Do you feel more relaxed?"

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, feeling that some of the images in his mind were still there, and nothing seemed to have changed.

So he said silently: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble, senior sister, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on me."

"Is this so..."

Nakano Ryoko nodded thoughtfully, looked at his face, and then thought for a while and said: "I understand, in that case, you can train with me during this period of time, and attend the morning shift meeting every day." Before and after school."

"No, that doesn't seem right, does it?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, "After all, I am not a member of the Kyudo Club, and I will also take up Nakano-senpai's time——"

"Hey, Kato-kun."

In a tone that sounded gentle but could not be refused, the girl who interrupted him said: "Training starts tomorrow, remember not to be late."

"So let's forget it." - After swallowing the next words in his throat, Kato Yusuke raised his eyes and looked at Nakano Ryoko.

The short black hair that reached her shoulders covered her neck like a black silk necklace, and floated gently with gravity.

He saw the other party looking at him calmly, with a decent smile like Yamato Nadeshiko's on his face, but he smiled and said nothing.

So the words of rejection became a little unspeakable.

In this case, Kato Yusuke simply agreed generously, "...I know, then please trouble Nakano-senpai, I will come on time."


Ryoko Nakano nodded with satisfaction, "Although I don't know what happened to Kato-kun, judging from your mental state, this training will probably last for a while, so I will prepare a new set of clothes for you. Yes, tell me your size."

"...Although I don't think it's so troublesome, I shouldn't have the option to refuse, right?"

"As expected of the student council president~ He is a smart kid~~"

Faced with the boy's helplessness, Ryoko Nakano affirmed with a smile and clapped gently.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke gave a wry smile, then sat up straight and said seriously: "Then I'll send it via email later, and I'll ask my senior to take care of me... The other thing is the election of the student union and the installation of air conditioning." I have always received a lot of help from my senior sister, and I am really grateful."

He took out a small black bottle from the pocket of his uniform and handed it to the other party with both hands.

"Although it's not a valuable thing, please accept this as a token of appreciation."

"This is...?"

Looking at the exquisitely shaped oblate vial, Nakano Ryoko's eyes were slightly confused.

"It's a beauty cream."

Kato Yusuke explained: "This is something I got by chance, and it has a very good effect on skin recovery. Because Nakano-senpai said before that she has been practicing kyudo for several years, and she thought she might be able to pass it. It came in handy, so I brought it here."

"Hmm~~Is that so?"

Nakano Ryoko reached out and picked up the vial, looked at it for a moment, and said, "Although it's a bit strange to be given something like this by a boy, if the other person is a cute junior, I will accept it."

In this regard, Kato Yusuke seemed a little resistant, "If it is convenient, I hope that my senior sister can not use that word to describe me."

The other party hummed noncommittally, with a bit of teasing in his eyes, "Can I open it? Kato-kun."


Kato Yusuke responded calmly.

So the girl directly opened the small bottle without any logo on it, and took out a little toothpaste-sized milky white paste from it with her fingers in front of him.

Think for a moment.

Then he applied the paste on his fingers that were a little rough from drawing the bow all the time.

Along with a pleasant fragrance, it melts on the fingertips.

The skin's cuticles, which had been hardened due to long-term tension, slowly softened, making the skin delicate and delicate, like spring bamboo shoots that had shed their shells.


Seeing this scene, Nakano Ryoko's eyes lit up slightly.

She turned her gaze to the opposite side, "This is called beauty cream, right... It's really effective. Thank you for your gift, Kato-kun."

Facing the thanks, Kato Yusuke shook his head and said no.

After taking a look at the sky outside, I saw that there was already a hint of twilight in the vermilion on the horizon, and then I realized that I seemed to have been here for a long time.

So he stood up and said goodbye: "Thank you for your guidance today, Nakano-senpai. If nothing happens, I should go back."

"Okay, be careful along the way."

The girl nodded gently and watched him leave.


After visiting Nakano-senpai, Kato Yusuke returned to the classroom and picked up the schoolbag left here.

Step towards the outside.

Just when he was planning to go home like this, a graceful figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Are you going back? Kato-kun."

A white silk floral shirt, a black hip-hugging suit skirt, a pair of slender legs wrapped in pure black stockings, and a pair of slightly deep kitten heels on her feet.

The whole person looks tall and attractive.

It was Kanoko Hasami whom I hadn't seen for a day.


Looking at the woman standing in front of him, Kato Yusuke asked in confusion: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

His eyes moved to the other person's feet, and then he asked again: "Is there any problem with the teacher's feet?"

"Huh? Ah, um...!"

Teacher Renjian was stunned for a moment, and then immediately responded, "Although I haven't fully recovered yet, it can't affect my work all the time, and my actions are no longer seriously affected..."

At this point, she paused again.

As if remembering something, Hasumi Kanoko suddenly changed her words and said: "Speaking of which, I have never properly thanked Kato-kun for what happened that day, otherwise I would have asked the teacher to treat you to dinner today."

"This little thing doesn't matter. After all, the teacher has helped me a lot before, so there's no need to be like this-"

Just when Kato Yusuke wanted to refuse, the other party suddenly interrupted him.

"Please, otherwise I will feel guilty...! Okay?" He clasped his hands on his chest, Teacher Hasumi said in a slightly lighter tone than before, with a hint of expectation in his tone.


Seeing that the other party was so insistent, Kato Yusuke no longer refused. He just said that he wanted to make a call first, and then walked aside with his cell phone, as if talking to someone.

Looking at this scene, Hasumi Kanoko's eyes flickered slightly.

At the same time, I couldn't help but secretly think in my heart: 'I should be contacting my girlfriend, but I don't know which one of the three it is...';


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