Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eight, my girlfriend said

"It's been a long wait. Where are we going next? Hasumi-sensei."

"Hmm - that being said, is there anything you want to eat? Kato-kun."

"...Didn't the teacher call me? So it's up to you to decide."

"Although this is the case, the protagonist today should be Kato-kun. It's up to you to make the decision."

After thinking for a moment, Kato Yusuke suggested: "In that case, I know there is a good store, otherwise I would just go there."

"Yeah~! No problem."

Hasumi Kanoko nodded, "Teacher, go to the office to get some things. Let's meet in front of the school gate later."

After speaking, she turned around and left.

Probably because the sprain has not completely healed, the teacher is not very fast. The feeling of walking is closer to pacing, and it looks a bit soft and weak.

However, since the other party did not ask for help, it means that Teacher Hasumi himself probably did not mean this.

Thinking of this, Kato Yusuke didn't say much, picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom.

We arrived at the school gate and waited for a while.

"Ta, ta, ta, ta..."

Accompanied by the sound of light footsteps, Teacher Hasumi arrived belatedly with a women's bag on her shoulder. There was already a suit jacket outside the original silk shirt.

Through the sides of the buttoned jacket, you can vaguely see the graceful curves between the other party's waist, which perfectly complements the figure and is pleasing to the eye.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." A wisp of fragrant wind came, and Kanoko Hasumi said as she stood in front of her.

The sunlight fell down from the sky and shone on the long brown hair, giving it a warm glow that was almost orange.

The soft hair was held up by snow-white bare hands, gently fluttering in front of her face as the breeze blew.

"Then what?"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Teacher Hasumi asked: "Kato-kun, where is the store you mentioned?"

"It's one stop away from here. It will be faster if we take the train."

I looked at the time on my watch. It was already half past six o'clock.

So Hasumi Kanoko nodded and said, "Understood, let's leave quickly, otherwise the train will become crowded later."

In this regard, Kato Yusuke is certainly qualified.

The two of them walked towards Toyosaki Station together.

Although I thought so, but...


"Shasha, Shasha——"

"Cough cough, cough cough——"


Various small sounds kept coming from around me, and the air was filled with a stuffy feeling.

Being in a crowded carriage.

"...There seem to be more people than expected."

Hasumi Kanoko looked apologetically and said to the young man standing in front of her: "I'm sorry, Kato-kun. It's all because the teacher walked too slowly that this happened."

The other party shook his head nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, after all, the teacher's sprain has not fully healed yet, so that's understandable."

As the train moved, the crowds of people swayed back and forth like waves drifting with the current, not controlled by will.

In this crowded environment, the two people who got on the train from Toyosaki Station were very lucky to find an empty seat.

With the persistence of one of the parties, the current scene happened.

That is Hasumi-sensei sitting with her legs together, and Kato Yusuke standing in front of her holding the armrest.

With his strong physical fitness, no matter how the crowd in the car swayed, Kato Yusuke could always remain firm and still, and created a relatively "spacious" space for the two of them to move around.

"Would you like to take this opportunity to ask about the relationship between Kato-chan and those girls?"

Looking at the young man in front of her, this thought could not help but appear in Hasumi Kanoko's mind.

Shiu Kasumigaoka, Eri Sawamura, and Megumi Kato.

The faces of the three girls flashed through his mind one after another, and then turned into the face in front of him.

It was like being covered with a black cloth, which made her have some doubts about the relationship between them.

The conversation I overheard outside the student union during lunch break still rings in my ears.

Putting aside the "Kato and Kato" combination that has always been favored by Nakamura Masaru, whether it is Shiu or Eri, Hasumi Kanoko is no stranger to these two people.

Apart from being famous beautiful girls at the private Toyosaki Academy, few people know that Shiyu was a student of hers when she was in the first grade, while Eiri is a student in her current class. student.

The two girls with distinct personalities but equally proud both left a very deep impression on her.

In contrast, Hasumi Kanoko knew the two of them a little better than other teachers in the school.

Therefore, until today, she could never have imagined that one day the two of them would have a quarrel over a boy.


Even though she was in a low mood due to the recent breakup, Hasumi Kanoko was still inevitably concerned about this matter.

Especially since the center of the incident also involved the young man in front of her, she couldn't ignore it.

He secretly looked at the other person's face.

The eyebrows are delicate and handsome, and the facial features are straight and three-dimensional.

The eyes are especially beautiful.

When it is still, it is like an ink lake, when it is moving, it is like a blue sea.

There seems to be a lot of emotions hidden in it, and it seems very deep.

But when someone comes into contact with his eyes, those emotions will be put away again, leaving only a calm blackness.

His academic performance is acceptable and his motor skills are excellent.

He is not like an ordinary live-action character, but when faced with problems, the way he handles things is particularly neat.

Occasionally, he shows a particularly mature side.

He may seem difficult to get in touch with, but he is actually gentle with others.

The body is also solid and powerful.

As she thought about it, her eyes became slightly distracted.

At this moment.

"Here, do you want to eat?"

The calm voice reached my ears, carrying a strange power to calm people's hearts.


The out-of-focus pupils gradually regained focus, and Kanoko Hasumi recovered from her trance.

I saw a clean palm spread out in front of my eyes, with two...chocolates on it?

"Huh? This is..."

"...Chocolate, you'll know it just by looking at it."

"No, that one."

Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked at the other person, "I mean, why would Kato-kun bring this?"


Kato Yu introduced it concisely and comprehensively: "My girlfriend said that eating this will help when you are in a bad mood."

Hearing this, Ren Jiankanoko was suddenly startled, "Uh... are you in a bad mood?"

Having said this, she immediately reacted.

"Did you think that the teacher was just...?"

The young man said nothing, just looked at her calmly, but there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Hasumi Kanoko blinked.

Seeing this, as if he realized that he might have made a mistake, the other party nodded and planned to take back the chocolate in his hand.

I just don’t know why.

"Then you're welcome, teacher."

Hasumi-sensei, who originally had no intention of eating it, took a piece out before Kato Yusuke's palm was completely closed.

The slender fingertips inadvertently touched the palm and touched the fingers.

Warm and powerful.

It was like a pebble thrown into the lake, causing ripples in her heart.

Seeing the chocolate "grabbed" in her hand, Kanoko Hasumi opened the package and ate it.

Although he was a little confused, seeing that she still ate the chocolate in the end, Kato Yusuke didn't ask any questions and just ate the other piece left in his hand.

Her beautiful face wrinkled slightly, and Teacher Hasumi suddenly said: "It's so bitter... This is dark chocolate, right? Kato-chan."


Kato Yusuke nodded lightly.

Seeing this, a look of helplessness appeared on the teacher's face, "...Although the teacher was just thinking about other things, if you are really in a bad mood, eating this won't help at all, right?"

As she said this, her tone was very gentle.

At the same time, I silently added another advantage to the young man.

"He takes good care of people."


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