Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-one, the girl who wants to assist

The days passed calmly.

Kato Yusuke has always maintained a two-point and one-line life between home and school, and is busy preparing for Xia I and reviewing for the final exam. During this period, he is also interspersed with daily practice with Nakano-senpai.

So much so that rumors began to circulate in the school that he had joined the Kyudo Club, but Kato Yusuke did not give an explanation.

Under such circumstances, the students of Toyosaki Academy finally ushered in the final exam of this semester.

Science, Chinese language, mathematics, English, modern society,

Music, art, housekeeping, health and sports.

The tests in various subjects were carried out one by one in an orderly manner.


[Classical text: Please answer which character in the Three Kingdoms does the origin of "meat buns" come from? 】

Answer: Zhuge Liang.

[Mandarin: What is the alias for "Tanabata Somen"? 】

Answer: Ghost's intestines.

[Mathematics: If angle c is 28 degrees, and the total of angles a and d is 88 degrees, what is the total of angles b and e? 】

Answer: **degree.

[English: How is the word "heavy rain" expressed in English? 】

Answer: It's raining dogs.

[Modern Society: What would happen to Japan if the government issued banknotes and coins instead of banks? 】

Answer: Economic chaos.


The entire final exam lasted for three days.

During the discussion between the Mangkhut brothers on "Why are games before exams so fun to play?", the time finally came when the results were announced a week later.

The moment Kato Yusuke got the transcript, a familiar electronic female voice also sounded in his mind.

"Completed mission: [Mr. Nakamura’s Hope·Part 3 (1/1)]."

"Task description: Please achieve a score within the top three in the class in the final test of this semester."

"Reward issued: 5,000 points."

As soon as he put away the report card with an average score of 90 points, Yamaguchi Takashi and Takei Ichiro ran over and stopped him as he was about to leave his seat.

"Hey - where are you going in such a hurry? Student Council President."

Unlike Yamaguchi Takashi, who is eccentric, Takei Ichiro said with an "ah haha" smile: "That's not it, Takashi, what you want to say to Kato here should be another thing, right?"

"Ah, it's so troublesome. Why do I have to do such troublesome things?"

"Well... we are friends after all, right?"

Looking at the two people playing riddles, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown and said: "No, what are you talking about? The meaning is unclear."

"Hey, of course, congratulations for getting first in the class this time. That's great! It's so enviable." Yamaguchi scratched his hair and said reluctantly.

Takei also nodded in agreement: "Really, congratulations to you Kato, everyone is discussing this matter now."

The tone seemed very sincere, and then he changed his words: "But speaking of it, your previous grades...were you really not doing so poorly on purpose?"

Speaking of this, his eyes couldn't help but look a little doubtful, and even Yamaguchi also looked over.

And this is also the sentiment of almost everyone in the class. After all, it took someone only three months to go from last to first, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

Kato Yusuke asked in response: "Deliberately doing poorly in the exam, besides being asked to drop out and repeating the grade, are there any other benefits to doing this kind of thing?"

"Uh...about that."

Yamaguchi Takashi raised his head and thought: "For example, you can give people the impression of being "not good at studying" first, and then suddenly rush to the first place, surprise everyone, and become popular at the same time? "

Looking at Yamaguchi who was pretending to be wise and saying this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel deeply speechless: 'Why did I become friends with this person...? ';

"Eh? Isn't it?"

Seeing that he was silent, the other party continued: "Otherwise, you are hiding your strength? Speaking of which, your grades in every class before were exactly the same... So there is still a secret, right!?? Damn it, we are friends, so hurry up Bring me the memory bread and mouth it——!"

After saying that, he rushed towards him and kept groping around his body, trying to find the non-existent interdimensional pocket.

"The Great Luo of All Worlds"

So Kato Yusuke was not polite, and directly locked the opponent's hand with a simple joint technique, and then sighed: "...It's a very good delusion. If you can put all your thoughts on studying, Your grades should have been raised a long time ago, right? Yamaguchi."

"I understand this!"

Takei on the side laughed and nodded repeatedly, "After all, Takashi asked me to play games at home two days before the exam. It's really annoying."

At this moment...

"The same goes for you, Takei-san."

Kako came over at some point and complained very rudely: "You are still in the mood to play games before the exam, are you idiots??"

"Hey, don't call others stupid without permission."

Yamaguchi retorted unhappily: "There's nothing we can do about it, after all, games before studying for exams are so much fun!"

"Well, he is indeed an idiot."

"That's why I told you to stop yelling like that."

"Eh~~If that's the case."

Jia Zi stretched out a hand and said, "Can you let me see the report card this time?"



Yamaguchi and Takei were speechless at the same time.

"It's so noisy. After all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with you, Kako, right? And we also passed the exam."

"That's right...! Hey, it feels a bit subtle when you say it like this, Takashi." Takei, who originally agreed subconsciously, said with hindsight.

So Kako spread her hands and said, "Look, he is indeed an idiot."

This made Yamaguchi even more dissatisfied: "What a shame! Looking at you with such an airy face, how many places did you get in the exam this time?"

"It's a pity——I would have ranked 19th this time."

As if she guessed that the other party would ask this question, Kako took out a report card with an average score of 80 points and raised it in front of the two of them, and then turned her attention to someone.

"By the way, Xiaohui is ranked 20th this time. Do you have anything to say? Student Council President."

"What do you mean?" Kato Yusuke frowned, with some confusion on his face.


Kako took a step forward and said in a slightly higher tone: "You know, Xiaohui was always ahead of me in rankings, but because of the student union, she is one place behind me this time. Don't you think you should take responsibility?" ??"

The tone was full of an interrogation, which made the Shangghu brothers on the side couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Kato Yusuke's frown deepened, "What do you mean by taking responsibility?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Kako, with her hands on her hips, immediately gave the answer she had prepared: "It can only be tutoring. It just so happens that you also got the first place in the class this time, so you will teach Xiaohui, okay?"

Before Yusuke Kato could answer.

"Oh~?? Is this—"

Upon hearing this, Takei immediately interjected excitedly: "Is the long-lost study meeting going to start again? Yes, count me in!"


Kako quickly waved her hand to deny it, "It's not a study meeting, I'm talking about individual tutoring, individual tutoring!"

"Eh? Why? Shouldn't everyone be happy together in this kind of thing?"

"Why do you think...Oh, it turns out there are really such slow people..." Kako muttered in a low voice and decided to ignore the other party for the time being, and then turned her attention to Kato Yusuke.

"Anyway, you should agree to such a small thing, right? President Kato."

Kato Yusuke was noncommittal, looking around the classroom, but could not find Hui's figure, so he asked: "Is this your intention, or is it Kato-san's intention?"

"Well...that's my idea though."

Kako responded calmly: "But as long as you agree, Xiaohui will definitely come!"


Kato Yusuke nodded at this, with a smile on his face: "But I'm sorry, I can't agree. Then that's it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the classroom.

"...Huh? Wait——!"

Jiazi was stunned by this unexpected answer and subconsciously wanted to chase her, but a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Don't go, Kako."

Facing the girl who looked back, Yamaguchi Takashi shook his head slowly.

"Huh? Why are you stopping me?"

"Why do you think...Oh, it turns out there are really such slow people..."

"Huh...? What do you mean?"

"That's what it means literally."

Yamaguchi Takashi scratched the back of his head in confusion, and then whispered: "Are you planning to match them up? Yusuke and Kato-san."


Jia Zi's expression was suddenly startled. It was obvious that she had never expected to hear this sentence from the other party, but she immediately reacted.

"...So what if it is?" She turned around and patted the hand on her shoulder, and asked the person in front of her.

"What do you think? Didn't you also see what happened in the last discussion group? Kato already has a girlfriend."

"You don't need to remind me about that kind of thing, but it's just a girlfriend, right? Then it won't be surprising if we break up anytime, right?"

"Wow... You actually have such thoughts. You are a scarier person than I thought."

Yamaguchi first joked exaggeratedly, and then suddenly straightened his face, "But that's impossible, so let's give up."

The sudden serious tone caused Kako's thoughts to pause briefly, and she unconsciously asked why.

So he said to Convenience: "Well... although I have only met that girl once, but based on my understanding of Kato, unless the other party takes the initiative to break up, he will never leave her alone." of."

"What this means is that you think Xiaohui is not as good as that girl?!"

"Why do you think of that place??"

Yamaguchi sighed: "It's about Kasumigaoka-senpai and Sawamura-san. Do you know about the rumors about them and Kato in school?"

"Are you referring to the fact that one of those two people is dating Kato-san?" - Thinking this, the words could not be spoken, and Himekawa Yoshiko's expression kept changing.

"It seems I understand."

Yamaguchi nodded after seeing this scene, "But even in the face of those two legendary figures, I don't think Kato has any thoughts of dating. As for the reason, you should understand, right?"

The girl couldn't help but fell into silence: "Even if this is the case...what will Xiaohui do with her feelings?"

Faced with this inquiry, Yamaguchi couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Even if you ask me this, I don't know the answer. You can only leave this kind of matter to the parties involved to solve it, right?"

After thinking about it, he continued: "But I think that if Kato-san really needs help, Yusuke will never sit idly by. So as friends, we just need to pay attention to them from the sidelines and provide help in a timely manner." Enough."

"...What, just say such nice things."

Himekawa Yoshiko frowned and glanced at him with disgust, "But forget it, I'm going back."

After saying that, he turned and left.

But after taking two steps, he looked back.

"In short, even if you say so much, I will still follow my own ideas!"

The girl made a grimace and ended the disturbance.


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