Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 222: Shopping in Shibuya

A day on the weekend.

On the third floor of Shibuya 109 Building, inside the PEA store.

"Hello~ What do you want to buy?"

The sweetly dressed salesperson greeted the two girls with a friendly and polite smile.

"We're all here, so we can only buy underwear, right?" Asami responded cheerfully, then looked at the girl behind her and grinned: "Right~?"

The teasing tone in his voice made Sayu behind him blush slightly, but he still nodded affirmatively to the clerk to show his approval.

"Ah, that's it~"

The clerk was not surprised at all. When he spoke, he bowed slightly, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and enthusiastically introduced the products in the store to the two of them.

"This one and this one are very popular recently. They look plumper and have a good-looking shape. Do you want to try them on?" the clerk said, pointing to the two underwear under the spotlight.

The styles of the two are somewhat similar. They are both cute and pink in color. The lace embroidered flower design on them is romantic but not childish, and looks very beautiful.

"Ah~ They are very cute. How about these two pieces? Sayu-chan." Asami nodded her head in approval.

However, Sayu slowly shook his head, not looking so satisfied.

The three of them then continued forward and came to another series of areas in the store.

"So what about the ones here? These styles are all wire-free and will be very comfortable to wear ~ very suitable for girls who don't need to gather up much."

"Oh ~ the one here is also good, the fabric is so soft, do you want to try it?"

The girl smiled reluctantly but said nothing.

So the three of them walked to the next area again.


Just walking around like this, after looking at almost all the styles in the store, they finally stopped in front of a row of clothes racks in the corner.

It can be seen that the main design of this store is actually more mature and cute, including the styles introduced to the two by the store clerk before.

But the style here is completely different, and the colors are mostly dark colors such as blue, purple, and black. It feels like she has suddenly moved from the realm of a girl to a mature beauty.

"Well, I want to try this one."

Sayu pointed to a certain style on the shelf and said this. This was the first time that she, who had always been silent before, took the initiative to offer opinions.

And the moment I caught that underwear in my eyes...

"Soar" all of a sudden——

Asami's eyes widened and her cheeks immediately turned red.

"S-Sayu kiss?!"

She came closer and whispered, "Are you serious? Can you really wear something like this?"

"Huh? Why?"

Sayu tilted her head in confusion.

So Asami took another quick look at the underwear: "It's just...don't you think this would be too much? It looks weird..."

As he spoke, the blush on his wheat-colored skin also spread to his ears, and his shy look was completely different from his previous sassy appearance.

"Hmm... But this is the winning underwear, so I should choose something special, right?" Sayu couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled.

The clerk on the side also pursed his lips and smiled suddenly: "Ah, so that's it~ Then this push-up style is indeed more suitable, and the lace is also very high-end, and it looks very flattering when worn. What size do you usually wear?"

Shadui nodded and said: "Yes, I wear F." (equivalent to E in China)

Unconsciously, he lowered his head and glanced at the other person's chest. The clerk blinked his eyes, a bit of envy flashed in his eyes, and then bowed and responded: "Okay, I understand. I'll get it for you right away. Please wait~"


The result is--

When the two of them walked out of the fitting room together, even Mami, who had expressed doubts before, stopped making any comments, but she was inexplicably blushing, as if she had seen something extremely shocking. Extraordinarily quiet.

While she was resting in her seat to calm down her heated brain, Sayu chose another set of silk nightgowns based on the recommendation of the store clerk.

Before checking out, the girl accidentally saw something on the mannequin.

After asking the store clerk if it was a product on sale and getting a positive answer. Under Asami's stunned gaze, that item was also added to this shopping list.

This also made Asami truly feel how determined the girl's determination was, and she murmured unconsciously.

"Sayou, she... is so awesome..."


the other side.

Exit the platform and cross the Shibuya intersection.

Not only is it the busiest intersection in the world, it is also the location where "Resident Evil" and "Fast and Furious 3" were filmed.

It is said that the number of people passing through each traffic light can be as high as 3,000.

In addition, there are a large number of hipsters and trendy brands gathered here, and the prices are not as expensive as those on Omotesando. So of course it has become a place that countless young people in Tokyo are very interested in.

Even a man or woman who passes by inadvertently may become a well-known idol of an underground group, and the popularity and prosperity are evident.

Standing in front of the 109 building.

A young man with an upright posture was having sex at the entrance of the building. One hand is carrying a shopping bag containing two cups of milk tea, and the other hand is checking the mobile phone.

A beige jacket and jeans set off your figure very well, with a pure white T-shirt underneath. The style is simple yet calm, giving the whole person a refreshing feeling.

Coupled with his delicate and handsome appearance, even among the endless crowd, people frequently turned around to pay attention, which was very eye-catching.

In just ten minutes or so, there were already five waves of people who couldn't help but come up to chat with me.

Most of them tried to ask for contact information, and a man who claimed to be a talent scout even handed over a business card, but all of them were coldly rejected.

It was as if no one could arouse his interest at all, which made everyone else secretly feel pity in their hearts, but were unwilling to leave immediately.

From the other party's actions of checking his phone and the milk tea in his hand, it is not difficult to conclude that the boy is waiting for someone at this time.

With a kind of curiosity, the rejected girls stopped to rest not far away unintentionally, and watched with interest the newcomers joining the ranks.

And when the two girls carrying shopping bags walked out of the building, what they saw was the scene where the boy shook his head and refused to talk to him for countless times, with a hint of impatience in his expression.

"Wow, your boyfriend is really popular."

Asami grinned in an exaggerated tone and said, "I mean you should hurry up and claim it ~ Princess."

Hearing this, Sayu, who seemed very comfortable when visiting the lingerie store, nodded shyly, but did not refuse the proposal.

With light steps, the girl and her companions walked towards the figure.

First they were half a step behind, then they were walking side by side, and finally they were ahead.

As the distance continued to get closer, her steps became faster and faster.

Bit by bit, the scenery on both sides continued to recede, and the space began to be slowly buried.

The shopping bag in his hand also made a small rustling sound as its owner trotted.

In Asami's expression of surprise and then smile.

As if she was declaring her sovereignty, the girl in the dress hugged the other person's arm, raised her head and said something, revealing a delicate side face full of smiles, looking youthful and charming.

Among the astonished expressions of others, the young man from before was slightly startled for a moment, and then turned around as if he had realized something.

The expression on his face seemed to reveal a smile as if the ice was melting, and his brows showed gentleness. Then he thoughtfully took out a cup of milk tea from the bag and gave the other party a sip.

Glancing down inadvertently, he handed the milk tea in his hand to the girl. He bent down in front of everyone, and naturally tied up the shoelaces on her feet that had been loosened at some point, without paying any attention to the surroundings. gaze.

Amid a sigh of relief, the scene froze.


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