Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-three, treasure

What do couples do when they are in love? Asami Yuuki felt that she didn't need Siri to clearly understand the answer.

For example, the hands that are held together all the time, the shoulders that lean against each other when walking, and some intimate actions that make people lose their teeth.

'So why on earth did I come with you...? ';

As she walked to the restaurant, looking at the two people in front of her, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and deeply regretted her decision.

"It means that these two people have never been so tired before. It feels like their relationship has become closer... It's super-kimo!"

Asami complained like this, biting the straw in her mouth, sucking the pearls in the milk tea and chewing fiercely, trying to relieve the pressure in her heart.

But when he saw the girl in front of him giving a bite of her crepe to the person next to him and laughing happily because of this move, he could no longer maintain this situation.

"Ah, please consider the mood of your companions when we come out together, and I want to eat too! Sister Sayu." Asami, who stepped forward and squeezed in between the two of them, said in an anxious tone, and then said to the girl involuntarily He took a big bite from the crepe in his hand.

The dense texture of banana spreads in the mouth along with the smooth cream, and the soft and delicious pie crust also has a light milky aroma. The sweet taste can't help but make people relax in an instant.

"Hmm... delicious."


"Humph, this is your punishment for leaving me alone. Punishment! How are you? Are you angry?"

"That's not the case...!"

Facing his friend's proud smile, Saki glanced at Kato Yusuke with a wry smile, then puffed up his face and said, "The part you just ate is in the same place as Yusuke."

Asami's expression froze for a moment, and then she pushed the hair on her shoulders back carelessly: "...someone would be shy about indirect kissing, etc. Even junior high school students don't care about this kind of thing now. Well, right? Katozai."

Kato Yusuke said nothing, just looked at the two of them calmly, neither agreeing nor denying what he said, making it difficult to guess what was going on in his heart.

But it was obvious that the smile in his eyes when he looked at Asami was missing.

"Wait, you don't really mind this, do you?"

Asami couldn't help scratching the back of her head irritably, then raised the milk tea in her hand and tilted the straw towards the other person: "Okay, okay, I understand! Otherwise, I'll give you my milk tea too." One bite is enough, so it’s even, right?"

The light red lip mark was clearly visible when bitten onto the flattened transparent straw.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frowned and said no.

Sayu who saw this scene also jumped out and stopped this behavior, "Even if it's a joke, you can't do this to Yusuke, Asami, otherwise I will be really angry!"

So Asami burst out laughing: "It's just a joke, it's just a joke. Of course I know about that kind of thing. Besides, Katozai is not my type at all. Don't worry, don't worry."

After saying that, he took a deep sip of milk tea, his expression filled with the joy of being relieved from stress.


The place to eat was at a barbecue restaurant near Shibuya.

The three of them arrived at 5:30 in the afternoon, so there were not many people in the store, and it even seemed a little deserted.

But it's not because the store's business is not good, it's because this kind of place usually doesn't become lively until after the white-collar workers get off work.

At that time, the store will be filled with scenes of people drinking and drinking. The atmosphere where the stress of the day can be vented is also loved by office workers.

For those who don't like the noisy atmosphere but still want to eat barbecue, it is a good choice to dine in the store before that time.

As for Kato Yusuke, he neither liked nor hated that feeling, and they didn't deliberately choose the time. They just dropped by when the girls felt hungry after shopping.

The advantage of this is that they can be arranged in a tatami-style booth that is rarely vacant.

"Invincibility starts with sacrificing the ancestor"

Take off your shoes in front of the steps, then walk up onto the tatami that is both a floor and a seat, and then sit down at a table hollowed out in the center of the floor. It is very Japanese-style.

At the strong request of Mami, who had eaten enough dog food, Sayu finally sat on one side with her friend, while Kato Yusuke sat alone across from the two.

Snowflake, beef heart, beef tongue, beef diaphragm, thick cut beef cheek...

I ordered a lot of things, but there was no vegetable.

The kimchi provided by the store makes people feel like they are eating at a Korean barbecue.

As for what to drink, since none of them needed or could drink beer, the girls chose different flavors of soda, and Kato Yusuke ordered Coke.

Although the atmosphere of this place made him want to order draft beer, unfortunately it would cause unnecessary trouble, so he had to give up.

Because of the small number of people, not long after they placed their order, the dishes were delivered one after another.

With the scorching temperature rising from the charcoal grill embedded in the table, he started to place the meat on the mesh grill pan one by one with tongs in hand.

Amidst the wonderful "sizzling" sound, the red and tender meat pieces began to gradually undergo the Maillard reaction. At the same time, wisps of smoke rose from the oven and slowly floated into the chimney directly above. within.

Flip back and forth twice.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the meat slices gradually turned light brown, and a layer of translucent oil was slowly forced out. Under the bright light, it looked particularly attractive and made people salivate.

The first thing to bake is the beef heart, which basically only takes three seconds to bake.

First, he put it on the girls' plates with a clip, and then he took a piece for himself.

""I'm starting~! ""

"I'm gonna start now."

Two excited voices and one calm voice sounded at the table, and the three of them began to use their chopsticks to enjoy.

Pick up the two-finger-thick piece of meat with brown netting on it from the plate and put it into your mouth.

There is a thin layer of sea salt on the surface of the meat, which makes the cholesterol taste of the beef heart extremely delicious, giving people a deep sense of satisfaction when chewing it.

"Oh~ delicious~~!"

Asami and Sayu had satisfied smiles on their faces at the same time, and Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement: "Yes, it is indeed delicious."

The second item grilled was thick-cut beef cheeks. According to the clerk, this part is a rare dish and is basically available in limited quantities every day.

Master Kato is still in charge of baking, and the girls are in charge of eating.

With full expectation, the three of them tasted this dish together almost in no particular order.

Use chopsticks to bring the thick-cut beef cheeks dipped in sauce into your mouth. When you bite into it, the flavor of the sauce spreads in your mouth, and the meat is unusually soft.

"Hmm~~! This is delicious too~~!"

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, I understand!"

The girls expressed their sincere admiration.

Next is the beef diaphragm, which is an enduring dish in barbecue restaurants.

Compared with the beef heart, this part takes a longer time to roast. After roasting, the color shows a light brown color with the redness gone, and this dish also gave them a surprise.

Not only is the meat juicy, but it also tastes soft and sweet. There is also a little bit of soft tendons in the meat, which makes it particularly tender and smooth.


Finally, it is finished with snowflakes that even drip with oil when pinched, and a little white radish puree, which can suppress the greasiness of the meat very well.

By the end of the meal, Kato Yusuke didn't need to pick them up for them, because Asami and Sayu took the initiative themselves.

Everyone was satisfied with the meal.

As for dessert, the girls also chose special shaved ice with one red bean and one coffee flavor, which made people wonder what the girls' stomachs are made of.

Kato Yusuke passed this item directly.

When Asami went to the bathroom.

He also casually asked them about what they bought today.

Then Sayu was suddenly stunned, and then she bit her spoon and gave the answer "It's underwear" with a condescending look on her face.

"Speaking of Yusuke~"

The girl tilted her head and asked, "Do you know the biggest difference between a girl's swimsuit and underwear?"

"What's the...difference between a swimsuit and underwear?"

"Yeah, right~"

Although he was a little puzzled by this question, Kato Yusuke took a sip of Coke and still thought about the answer: "Is it like one can enter the water and the other cannot enter the water...?"

"Hmm - that's not right."

But he saw the girl pretending to be profound and shook her head slowly, then scooped up a small amount of shaved ice with the bright and clean spoon and brought it to his mouth, "Anyway, try this first, and then I will tell you. Come on~ah~~"

So I opened my mouth and ate the shaved ice drizzled with sauce, and a strong coffee flavor melted in my mouth. It tasted very refreshing and cold.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Well, it tastes a little weird...but it's not unpleasant."

"Hehe~ That's right."

Sayu laughed and took another bite of shaved ice. While the other person's body was trembling slightly due to the cold stimulation, Kato Yusuke continued the topic just now and asked.

"So, what's the difference?"

It's not that I'm interested in the topic, but I respond in compliance with the other person's feelings.

"Yeah, the answer to that question is--"

Putting a pair of small feet under the table on his lap, the girl said in a long voice: "... A girl's swimsuit can be shown to many people, but underwear... is something that can only be shown to her boyfriend. ?"

As his eyes moved, a cunning look appeared on his face.

The little feet covered with white lace socks rubbed against the legs playfully, drawing warmth from them.

Kato Yusuke didn't stop him, but just reminded him: "If you feel cold, don't eat shaved ice."

"Hey~ I don't want it~ because I have the best hand warmer bag."

Sayu said in a coquettish tone: "It would be better if someone could press it for me again."

The words just fell.

A pair of palms covered it and pressed gently on the calf.

"Is this okay?"

"Hmm...very warm~"

The girl squinted her eyes comfortably like a cat, and then put the cherry on top of the shaved ice into her mouth, her expression showing great enjoyment.

After looking at Asami who seemed to have no sign of coming back, she softly called the boy's name again.


"Um. "

Kato Yusuke raised his eyes in response and saw the other party looking at him without knowing what he was thinking. Although her mouth could be seen moving, no words came out of her lips.

"What's wrong?" He couldn't help but ask, puzzled by this.

"Hmm~~There's something I want you to take a look at." Sayu responded softly, opening her lips slightly.

Then a knotted cherry stem appeared in his eyes.

The moment he saw that thing clearly, Kato Yusuke's thoughts suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the girl's soft voice came to my ears.

"It's not just you Yusuke, I've also been studying hard recently~"


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