Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seventy-eight, the vice president’s sense of responsibility (four thousand)

"Pfft! Cough cough cough... cough cough!"

Kanoko Hasumi coughed violently after choking on a mouthful of Frappuccino, and her face turned red.

"Are you okay? Teacher."

Kato Yusuke, who was sitting next to her, stepped forward to help pat her back.

"Well, if you don't mind, please use this, teacher!" Even Hui stood up from his seat and handed over a handkerchief.

"Ahem, cough...thank you, no, it's okay." Teacher Hasumi gasped and said, "I just... choked a little bit."

After saying that, he took out a tissue from the bag and blocked the girl's handkerchief back.

Kako on the side looked at the scene dumbfounded, looking a little flustered, and then immediately began to apologize.

"That! Yes, I'm sorry! I didn't expect it to be like this. I'm really sorry, teacher."

"No, it won't..." Hasumi Kanoko waved her hands repeatedly and wiped her lips with the tissue she took out.

There was a lot of excitement.

After a while.

She slowly regained her composure.

Although his face was still a little red, he still looked at Kako immediately and said with a gentle smile: "It's okay, Himekawa-san, it was the teacher who choked, it's not your fault."

Kato Yusuke first glanced at Yoshiko, then at Megumi, and then said to the former: "Although it may be just a joke, please don't say such words again, Himekawa-san."

The tone of his words was not serious, but anyone could hear the seriousness in his words.


While lowering her head lower, Kako couldn't help but glance at her friend secretly.

She saw the other party looking at her quietly.

Although there was no difference in her expression from usual, Kako still felt some gentle admonishment from Kei's eyes.

From Hasumi Kanoko's generosity, to Kato Yusuke's calmness, to Megumi's persuasion.

Seeing that although the three of them were different, they all responded without a single word of blame towards her, a deep feeling of self-blame suddenly surged into Jiazi's heart.

So he said nonchalantly again: "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that, I just accidentally..."

She turned to Teacher Hasumi and said timidly in a sincere and apologetic tone: "I'm really sorry, Teacher Hasumi, I actually doubted your relationship with Kato-san for a moment. How is this possible? I will take good care of it." Reflective...!"

After saying this, he bowed deeply at 90 degrees with his hands folded in front of his lower abdomen.

"Um, Himekawa-san?"


"The teacher is really not angry with you, so keep your head up."



Only then did Jia Zi cautiously raise her head.

What caught his eyes was the friendly and helpless smile of the other party.

Teacher Hasumi asked, "Why do you think I'm dating Kato-san?"

"Huh? That...this..."

"There's no need to be nervous. The teacher is just curious. You can feel free to say it. It's okay."

Maybe I felt the kindness in this word.

Yoshiko, who looked very hesitant, glanced at Kanoko Hasumi and Yusuke Kato respectively, then lowered her voice and said: "...The bag you put behind you is the same as the store we just visited."

'Sure enough...' Teacher Lian Jian sighed secretly in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He just said calmly:

"Before waiting for Kato-san to come here, the teacher did buy clothes in this store. I didn't expect you to go there too, but is there any problem here?"

There was a bit of confusion in his expression.

"Eh? Before coming here...does that mean the teacher was not with Kato-san at that time?"

"Well, I don't remember that."

"What... it really is like this." Jiazi showed an expression of relief, and then scratched the back of his head in confusion, "I'm sorry, it turned out that I misunderstood. I accidentally mistook someone else for you."

"I see."

Ren saw Kanoko nodded in understanding, and a soft smile appeared on her lips, "Anyway, it will be good if the misunderstanding is resolved, then..."

She turned her gaze to the boy standing next to her.

It happened that the other party was also looking at her.

Although there was no expression on her face, she still subconsciously recalled the scene about half an hour ago, and her face felt hot again.

But this time, it didn't arouse the girls' suspicion. They both regarded this as the sequelae of the cough just now.

"...After we buy the materials for the student union, can we all have lunch together?"


Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement.

At this time——


Hearing this, Hui interjected from the side: "Since it's the work of the student union, then I'll go too."

"Ah, by the way~ Speaking of which, Kato-kun is also the vice-president of the student union." Teacher Hasumi said as if he was belatedly saying: "Then can I ask you to take care of me next? It just so happens that the teacher also wants to put something in the parking lot. "

"Yeah, no problem." The girl nodded her head in response.

So Kato Yusuke also nodded and acquiesced.

"Okay! Then I'll go find Yamaguchi-san and the others first, and I'll contact them after it's over, Xiaomei~" With that said, Kako took the lead to leave with clattering steps.

"Then let's go to the stationery store, teacher."

"Well, be careful along the way~" Hasumi Kanoko smiled and waved goodbye to the two of them.

Until their figures disappeared into the crowd.

She suddenly dropped her shoulders as if out of strength, and let out a long breath, muttering: "I'm sorry, Kato-san, I had to borrow your name just now."

Walking on the way to the stationery store.

Kato Yusuke suddenly said: "Actually, there aren't many things that I need to buy. It doesn't matter if I come alone, Megumi."

"Yes, I know." The girl nodded lightly in response, "After all, it's Yusuke. Nothing should be difficult for you. You are very trustworthy."

Yusuke paused for a moment, "Is this a compliment or a derogation? Also, doesn't it matter if you don't use your last name?"

"Well, I don't think I would use derogatory words to describe you. Besides, since there is no one else here, it would be weird if we all call each other "Kato-san", right? "

"Is this the wisdom of Megumi Kato?"

"Ah~ what you said now is definitely derogatory. I hope you can keep this disrespectful thought in your heart."

Kei said in a careless and calm tone: "By the way, Yusuke doesn't want me to follow you?"

"I don't think so, I just think there is no need to trouble Megumi with this kind of thing." Kato Yusuke said without looking away.

But my heart is spinning like a spring silkworm, with thousands of thoughts.

From the chance encounter during the summer festival to the chance encounter with the Six Pegasus.

From long hair shawl to short hair like silk.

He felt that he should apologize, but he also knew that the other party would not accept such ambiguous words.

After all, the relationship between the two is just classmates and companions.

Although I have some special affection for AUO and above, I will never really take that step.

So the best thing to do is to draw a line in your relationship and don't cross it.

And this is what the other party is doing.

The advice Mr. Hasumi gave today came to mind - "Teacher, I hope you can keep this gentleness and thoughtfulness and don't let the girls around you get hurt, but you must be decisive where you should be decisive. Do you understand?" ?".

My heart suddenly felt open-minded.

Although I am a little confused about the reason why the teacher said this, it does not affect the persuasion inside.

All thoughts flashed in a blink of an eye.

"——Even if you say so."

The girl continued the conversation just now, "But since it is the work of the student union, I feel that I am also responsible. After all, I am also the vice president."

Then he added: "Moreover. According to the decision made before the summer vacation, we should purchase these things before the new semester, right? In addition, I also made the shopping list, I think I will know better than Yusuke which things are more suitable." right."

"Well, that's true." Kato Yusuke nodded and said no more.

The two of them walked slowly through the crowd at an unhurried pace.

"And there's Yusuke."

"What's wrong?"

"Congratulations on Natsu comi. I saw on the Internet that the works of "Eromanga Teacher" are selling well, although the content in them does not seem to be suitable for high school students. "

"Have you seen what's inside??" Kato Yusuke said in shock.

"Huh...? It seems to have leaked out on the Internet, but I only saw some covers."



"...We must abide by the classification system. Why do you think the warning about R-18 that pops up on the website exists?"

"Well... I know it, but it's really hard to explain when Yusuke, who is the creator, said that." After saying this, Hui glanced at him with a slightly subtle look.

"This is different."

"Is it different...?"

""Minors are indeed prohibited from viewing 18-ban images, but minors are not even prohibited from drawing 18-ban images."... A wise man said this. "

"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand your mood, and it sounds sophistry."

"Maybe." Kato Yusuke said vaguely, and then asked: "But why do you know about this?"

"Ah, that's right. I guess it's because when Sawamura-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai were guests at the student union last time, you didn't deliberately avoid my relationship at all when you were chatting."

The girl considered her words carefully and said, "Although I was shocked at first, I think this is not bad compared to being kept in the dark by everyone."


"Yeah. After all, Sawamura-san and Kasumigaoka-senpai will join the student union when school starts, right?"

"No, it's nothing."

While chatting about these things, the two of them arrived at the stationery store on Beixian Street together.

The original plan of going to the general store on the south side street to avoid meeting each other changed again.

Now that the two parties have bumped into each other, it would be more convenient to go to the stationery store to purchase according to the original plan.

The only change was that the person accompanying him changed from a beautiful teacher in his senior year to a beautiful girl of the same age.

In the eyes of outsiders, someone is still an annoying person who makes people envious, jealous, and hateful.

After entering the store, an atmosphere that is suitable for students immediately hits your face.

The shelves in the store are filled with a variety of exquisite stationery and small commodities, and the styles are also diverse.

From practical models with a simple appearance to cute models that are popular with girls, the variety is so complete that it can even be dazzling.

However, the products are arranged very neatly, so even patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder will not feel uncomfortable coming here.

Although there weren't many people in the store, it couldn't be said to be deserted. There were some parents and children, as well as students who looked like they were junior high school students, selecting products in front of the shelves.

Kato Yusuke even saw someone wearing his former junior high school uniform.

——Kamisato Kita Junior High School in Kamisato Town.

A local, little-known ordinary middle school.

But then I thought about it.

If you want to shop in a livelier place in Saitama Prefecture. Apart from the bustling Omiya City, there seems to be only the newly opened Liutenma Shopping Center.

"Um, do you have the shopping list with you? Yusuke."

"Well, here it is."

Kato Yusuke took out a piece of note paper with beautiful handwriting from his pocket and handed it over.


Hui reached out and took the paper, then started arranging it.

"Then, can I choose the products and Yusuke help me with the reference?"

"Okay." Yusuke nodded obediently, and then followed the other person and walked around the store together.

From mechanical pencils to refills, to erasers, pens and ink.

In addition to the ones they use every day and the ones they have as spares, the girl also picked two additional sets.

One set is a little girl style with cute patterns printed on the pen body, and the other is a simple style with bright colors but no patterns.

Facing Kato Yusuke's confused gaze, Kei turned around and asked, "So what do you think? Yusuke."

"How about what?" Someone was confused.

"This is the stationery that Eiri and Kasumigaoka-senpai will use in the student union. Do you think they will like these two styles?"

Hearing this, Yusuke suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's just stationery, do you need to take it into consideration?"

Then he added: "If it were me, I would choose the ordinary one. "

"He is indeed a straight man."

Kato Yusuke saw this meaning in the other person's eyes, and couldn't help but feel speechless and choked.

The girl put her fingers softly on her lips, thought for a moment and said, "After all, those two people are celebrities in the school. An ordinary girl like me can only think of letting them feel it in a place like this." The student union is sincere."

Yusuke was slightly taken aback by this, then frowned a little strangely and asked: "After knowing that the true identities of those two people are actually creators in the otaku field, do you still look at them in this way?"

"That's not the problem, is it? After all, I have no experience in actually getting along with them, so there's nothing wrong with thinking like this, right?"

I thought about the two girls in Tokyo who have unique personalities in every aspect.

He glanced at Hui faintly and said thoughtfully: "Anyway, you will know the details after you actually get along with them. Maybe you will be disillusioned by then."

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