Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and seventy-nine, double happiness (four thousand)

After several selections, Megumi finally decided to buy the two sets of stationery that he originally selected as membership gifts for seniors Eiri and Shiyu.

Then the two of them bought many hard cards and colored paper of different colors, as well as ribbons and other decorations one by one according to what was listed on the list.

When passing by a certain product area, the girl couldn't help but stop, reached out and picked up a cherry-pink hair accessory and took a look at it.

Then he turned his gaze to Kato Yusuke behind him, and saw that he was looking at his mobile phone, so he looked away again and took the hair accessory in his hand.

"We've finished shopping, we can go, Yusuke."

"All right."

After hearing this, Yusuke put his phone back in his pocket and walked towards the checkout counter with the shopping basket in his hand.

"Teacher Hasumi just sent word that she has reconciled with Kako and the others. After we finish shopping, we can go directly to the place where we left to find them. By the way, we can think about what we are going to eat later."

"Hmm... But is this really okay? You're out to play but you let the teacher treat you."

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and said, "It would be bad to reject the teacher's kindness directly. Otherwise, we should discuss it with everyone and try not to choose a location that is too expensive."

"Well, then I'll contact everyone." The girl nodded and took out her cell phone to start operating.

The two of them came to the checkout counter together and started queuing.

There are two or three customers in front waiting to pay.

The cashier was an old man who looked quite old, and his movements seemed a bit slow.

But since I had nothing to do, I wasn’t in a hurry.

It took about ten minutes to wait until it was their turn.

Kato Yusuke then placed the shopping basket on the counter, while Megumi beside him put aside the cherry-pink hair accessory in his hand.

"I want to buy this myself. Let's tie it separately." The girl raised her head and said, then lowered her head again and looked at her phone.

Seeing this, Yusuke put the hair accessories directly into the basket and said to the boss: "No, just tie them together."

"Okay." The boss glanced at the two of them and nodded with a smile.


After hearing this, Whitten raised his head and moved his gaze towards him.

Kato Yusuke shook his head indifferently and said, "It doesn't matter, just tie these little things together."

"Then I'll give you money."

"It's only 400 yen, don't worry about it."

The quiet gaze stayed on his face for a moment.

The girl thought for a moment and said, "Thank you, I'll buy you a drink next time."

"Well, that's fine." Yusuke replied with a hearty smile.

Wait until the payment is made and the bill is settled.

"this is for you."

Kato Yusuke handed the hair accessory to the other party.

"Well, thank you."

Without knowing what to think, Hui took the hair accessory and clipped it directly to the bangs on the side.

The contrast between the lovely cherry pink color and the black silk-like hair is very obvious, and there is a sense of harmony that makes people look very comfortable.

Coupled with the other party's fashionable outfit full of summer flavor, it is really a pleasing feeling.

"It's perfect for you, a hairpin." Kato Yusuke, who generally used hairpins to describe such items, said naturally, attracting the girl's gleaming eyes.

Then he responded calmly: "Thank you, I will cherish it and use it."

"You're welcome, let's go." Yusuke nodded with a smile, picked up a large paper bag filled with stationery with one hand and walked out of the store.

Hui followed closely behind.

Shopping malls are extremely chaotic during the holidays, and the number of people coming and going is also considerable.

Although it's not quite as crowded as sardines, it's not too much to give in to.

Guests who cannot tell whether to walk on the left or right often bump into each other out of order.

For this reason, the two of them had to stop frequently.

It was probably close to lunch time, and many people were looking for a place to eat on the street.

As a result, although it was not far from the food court and the route was not complicated, the road conditions were more congested than imagined.

Although Kato Yusuke can rely on his physical fitness to resist this torrent, Megumi behind him obviously cannot do this.

The delicate body seemed to be swallowed up by the surging crowd and carried away to an unknown distance.

At this time——

"Give me your hand."

A calm and calm voice clearly passed into my ears.

Then a broad palm extended from the back in front, giving it a reassuring feel.

The slender fingers have distinct joints and the nails are trimmed extremely short, making them look very clean.


The girl opened her mouth slightly, and then slowly closed it again. There was a moment of tenderness in her beautiful eyes with water-cut eyes, but she immediately became calm again.

It is like a small, deep and quiet well, so that no one can see what is inside.

Then he reached out and took that hand.

A warm and powerful touch came from the palms of both sides that were pressed together.

The uneasy mood was immediately blown away by the gentle strong wind and flew to the distant sea.

The noise of the crowd seemed to quiet down for a moment.

The cries of children, the messy footsteps, and the irritable complaints all seemed to fade away.

Only a strange, vacuum-like sense of stability was left.

Just silently followed the figure in front of him.

Strange to say.

As if in just a moment, the scene in front of me suddenly became clear, and the crowds around me relaxed.

Along with the release, there is also the warmth in the hands.



Megumi, who unconsciously made a small noise, and the boy who turned around met their eyes.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The other person smiled and nodded, with a clear smile.

By bending down, she straightened the slightly messy skirt, and her soft, fluffy hair swayed naturally and gently in the breeze along the line of her jaw.

Even the cherry-pink hair accessory swayed, exuding the feeling of a good child.

Wait for her to clean up.

Kato Yusuke just said: "Shall we continue walking?"

"Yeah." Hui nodded.

Because the place was no longer crowded, they no longer maintained their previous appearance of one behind the other, but instead walked side by side.

Leave some distance in between.

Neither of them crossed the line of friends, nor did they show any unusual side to each other.

We just walked together quietly and normally for a while.

A few minutes later.

After successfully returning to the food court, they saw several people who seemed to have been waiting here for a while.

Among them, Yamaguchi and Takei were holding a baseball bat and discussing something excitedly, while Hasumi-sensei and Kako were also chatting and laughing.

At the same time that Kato Yusuke and Megumi saw several people, the other party also saw them at the same time.

Yamaguchi: "Oh, isn't this the student council president?"

Takei: "Ah, it's Kato, long time no see."

Jia Zi: "Xiao Hui~~ I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Hasumi-sensei: "Welcome back, you two."

Facing the different expressions and greetings, Kato Yusuke paused for a moment.

Then, with the same casual smile on his lips, he walked forward with the girl beside him.

What followed was a spontaneous exchange of pleasantries.

Although one of the Mangkhut brothers wanted to use joint techniques on him because they had not seen each other for a long time, Yusuke dexterously dodged them and gave each of them an elbow in the flank.

The contrast between confident and instantly deflated, as well as the exaggerated and funny reactions made the three women present couldn't help but smile.

The friendly slapstick not only heated up the atmosphere at the scene, but also successfully dissipated the feeling of unfamiliarity after not seeing each other for a long time.

A relaxed atmosphere began to flow.

after that.

Teacher Hasumi took the opportunity to ask everyone what they wanted to eat.

As previously discussed in the Line group, everyone very wisely proposed some benefits but not expensive ones.

Among them, Takei strongly recommends eating ramen, but considering that the occasion is not suitable for women after all. When thinking about the smell of garlic in the store, Hasumi-sensei and Kei couldn't help but look at Yusuke.

In this way, with the tacit understanding of the girls, the place to eat was finally decided at the familiar "Gusto" chain family restaurant.

As if trying to regain the place they had missed earlier, Yamaguchi and Takei at the dinner table dealt another blow to someone.

Kato Yusuke responded calmly.

Whether it was with his mouth or his hands, he always had the upper hand in the end.

Occasionally, when encountering something that cannot be explained, just bringing up Mr. Hirakawa, who later became known as the "Devil Who Doesn't Smile" in the baseball club, can calm down Yamaguchi.

It is said that this is because after the change of the student union, it changed its previous style and became strict with the training of members.

As for Takei, who has a somewhat lively and innocent personality, he can also use "You seem to be more tanned than before the summer vacation" to make the other party feel shocked and calm down.

Coupled with the occasional complaints from the girls and some interesting stories mentioned by the teacher, the atmosphere during the whole meal was even more lively than expected.

Yoshiko and the others were also surprised to find that Hasumi-sensei was actually very easy to get along with in private and had no airs about the teacher at all.

A meal was enjoyed by both host and guest.

After the dinner party is over.

Because he was thinking about the mission, Kato Yusuke asked everyone about their next plans to find out whether Kanoko Hasumi had any other shops she wanted to visit.

The other party smiled and shook his head, "All the things I wanted to buy have been bought, and the teacher has nothing to do."

After a pause, he added: "Do I need to take you home? Kato-san."

Yusuke was about to refuse, but he couldn't...

"Ah! This is it!"

Yamaguchi slammed the table, clenched his fist and said, "Okay! Next, let's go to Kato's house and stay together -!"

Then Takei's eyes also lit up, "Oh oh oh oh oh, this is good! Xiao. It feels like summer!"

"Huh? Wait, I didn't bring a change of clothes with me." Jia Zi said this first, and then stopped talking when she realized what was happening.

Then he pulled Hui aside and said, "But it sounds interesting. Let's go buy some clothes for the hotel together later ~ Xiao Hui."


A series of question marks kept popping up above Kato Yusuke's head, and he frowned: "Don't say it as if it is an established fact..."

"if that is the case."

Hasumi-sensei, who was sitting opposite him, said thoughtfully: "It seems that there is no room in the teacher's car. We must move separately."

"You even said that??"

Facing Yusuke's somewhat astonished look, the other party covered his mouth and chuckled, "Yeah - I just think it's the teacher's responsibility to send cute students home safely, right?"

The three people, headed by Yamaguchi, have already excitedly begun discussing a new round of purchasing plans.

This also includes Megumi, who is forced to be drawn into it.

The corners of Kato Yusuke's eyes couldn't help but twitch, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.

At this moment--

"Completed mission: [Liu Tianma's shopping trip (1/1)]."

"Task description: In this operation, please successfully improve or gain the favor of a person of the opposite sex who does not establish a special bond relationship (only those approved by the system)."

"Task reward: 20,000 points (since the number of people who meet the conditions is 2, the point reward is doubled), and the permission to purchase the product Qi and Blood Medicine is unlocked."

[Remaining points: 20770. 】

As the familiar electronic female voice slowly dissipated from his mind, he was still immersed in some kind of shock.

He couldn't help but murmured: "There is such a good thing... Is this considered double happiness?"

"Hahaha, sure enough! Kato feels very happy too, right!?" Yamaguchi patted his back with a "dong dong" sound, with a pleased smile of "I understand you" on his face.

Because he was sitting next to him, the other party heard his mumbling very clearly.

Although he felt that it was a bit inconsistent with his character, because the situation was developing in the direction he expected, these slight strange feelings were automatically beautified by Yamaguchi in his mind.

Kato Yusuke came back to his senses and instantly had a dark look on his face.

I just felt that the original double happiness was suddenly reduced by half.

He looked around.

Except for Kei and Hasumi Kanoko.

I saw that the other three people were gearing up and eager to kill his family now.

The other two different girls and the eldest sister also looked at him quietly or with a smile.

Kato Yusuke silently picked up the cup in front of him, poured the remaining cantaloupe soda into his mouth, and then chewed another ice cube.

Frowning, he began to think.

Several people just looked at him in unison without making a sound to urge him.

It seemed like a few minutes passed.

It wasn't until the ice cube in Yusuke's mouth was completely swallowed that he let out a long sigh.

"——Anyway, I have to call my family first to talk about this matter. If they agree, it will be fine."

Before they could feel happy, he continued: "Although I don't know what you are expecting, my home is basically in the countryside, and I can only spare one bedroom at most, so someone must sleep in the living room. Doesn’t that matter?”

As he spoke, he looked intently at the Mangkhut brothers beside him. The answer to who would be sleeping in the living room was self-evident.

To this.

The two looked at each other first, then at the others.

"—Okay! So tonight's sleepover theme is a pillow fight in the living room!"

"Oooh—! It's on fire!"

"Eh~~~? You mean that kind of game is really old-fashioned, right? Xiaohui."

"Hmm...? You should not mess up other people's houses, right?"

He forced down some regrets in his heart.

Kato Yusuke turned his attention to Teacher Hasumi opposite, thought for a moment and said, "If you don't mind, teacher, you can stay one night. I will help you arrange it in the elder's home. She is also a woman living alone."

The other party couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and didn't say yes or no.

He just smiled and said: "Thank you for the invitation, I will think about it. But it is better to ask your family first about this kind of thing, Kato-san."

So Yusuke nodded helplessly, then walked out of the store with his cell phone.

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