Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighty, girl's preparation (four thousand)

Kamisato Town, Motoyama Family.

"Can I put the collected clothes here? Aunt Mina."

"okay, thank you."

"No~ let me help you wash the dishes."

"Huh? No need, just have a good rest."

"It doesn't matter, I don't have anything else to do anyway."

Sayu paused and said, "——Moreover, you prepared lunch for me...Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for taking the trouble."

A soft, innocent smile appeared on her face, and her skin looked translucent.

Motoyama Mina couldn't help but stop washing the dishes, then stretched out her hand to wipe it on the towel hanging nearby, and turned around.

"Sayu-chan is really very polite. It's okay if you don't have to be like this."

She smiled and said in a gentle tone mixed with a little trouble: "Obviously Xiaoyu asked me to take care of you, but in the end, Xiaoyu helped me a lot."

Then he added a sentiment: "I think you will become an excellent wife in the future~"

"Eh? Wife..."

The girl chanted like a retelling, blinked her eyes quickly a few times, and then said a little embarrassedly: "You, do you think so?"


Motoyama Mina's smile did not fade and she continued to ask: "But Sayu-chan is really good at doing housework, and she does it quickly and well. Do you often do this at home?"


Sayu opened her mouth slightly, then closed it tightly.

"It's not something I do often..." He nodded with a slight hum, his expression specious.

"Is that so..." Motoyama Mina nodded as if understanding, with a hint of curiosity on her expression, "So are you doing these things specifically for Xiaoyu?"

"Eh? No, this..."

Faced with this inquiry from her elders, the girl was obviously at a loss what to do.

The shy look made the other party laugh and joked: "But why do you like Xiaoyou so much? Apart from his good-looking face, that child's personality is actually difficult to get in touch with, right?"

"I don't think so..." Sayu subconsciously wanted to deny it, but the scene when the two first met came to mind.

Wood, ice, poker face, incomprehensible style.

A few words flashed through her mind one by one, causing her to unconsciously raise the corners of her mouth and raise a smile.

Then he thought and said at a slow speed: "But Yusuke is actually very gentle. Not only did he lend a helping hand to me when I encountered difficulties, but he also cared about me seriously and guided me... I think if it weren't for him, I definitely wouldn’t be what I am now.”

"I see, there seems to be something unspeakable." Mina Motoyama said, observing her expression.

"...Yes, that's it, I'm sorry." Sayu said silently.

There was a brief moment of silence.


Motoyama Mina continued to turn around and started washing the dishes, and said in deep thought: "In other words, you are who you are today because of the things and memories we have experienced together, right? It's more complicated than I thought, it's like a knot. Same."

"Knot?" Sayu tilted her head in confusion and repeated.

"Yeah, the knot." The former nodded and explained: "It's like a thread made of memories, twisted together one by one, and then knotted."

Because she could hear the unfinished meaning in her words, the girl just listened quietly.

"To be honest." Motoyama Mina continued: "When I first heard that kid say that he had a girlfriend, I was shocked. But when I came back this time, I found that he had changed a lot. This must be because of Xiaosha Excellent? Thank you."


"Perhaps you may not realize it, but to me, the changes in Xiao Yu from the time he left here to when he left for Tokyo can be seen at a glance."

Mina Motoyama paused here and continued speaking in a gentle tone:

"I originally thought it was because I made new friends after entering high school, but I understood after meeting you. Not only did he change you, you also made him more cheerful, so thank you."

It was like a stream of heat slowly flowing into my heart.

After hearing these words, Sayu's eyes were slightly blank, and they were clear and bright.

This scene happened to be caught in the eyes of Motoyama Mina, who turned around after washing the dishes. After being stunned for a moment, her eyes became gentler.

She slowly walked to the girl, put her dry, rough hands on the top of Sayu's head, and touched it gently.

"——So, I hope you can continue to be like this. If there is anything I can do to help, remember to tell me."

So Sayu also raised his eyes and looked back at the elder in front of him.

Holding back the indescribable emotions in his heart, he smiled softly, "...Well, I understand, thank you."

"Speaking of which," Motoyama Mina smiled back at her blushing face, "Didn't Yuu just say that he would bring his classmates to stay at home for the night? I think we should go buy some things and prepare them. Let's go together."

"Ah, no, just let me take care of this kind of thing. You must have other things to be busy with, right?" Sayu said quickly.

"Yeah, but as for money..."

"No problem, Yusuke has left some cash at home, and if it's not enough, his bankbook is also there."

Looking at the girl who said this in a natural tone, Motoyama Mina couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then burst into laughter.

"Pfft, I see, we've reached this state~ Hmm, then I'll trouble you, Sayu-chan."

The undisguised teasing made Sayu blush slightly, then lowered his head in embarrassment and whispered: "Okay..."

But he did not deny this.

After parting with Motoyama Mina, who was really busy, Sayu returned home alone.

Considering that there was still plenty of time, I took a shower first even though I didn't sweat much.

Then came to the master bedroom.

I carefully selected the clothes in my wardrobe.

Finally, I chose this outfit: a white T-shirt and a pair of slim blue denim shorts.

Although there are small skirts that can better show off the charm of women, she still chose the above ones.

Even if it is just a simple outfit, it has a different kind of charm when worn on a girl.

Slightly damp hair looks shiny and smooth.

The fair and translucent skin was so tender that it looked like water could be squeezed out of it, with a hint of reddish pink on it.

The snow-white thighs sticking out from under the shorts are moist and shapely, exuding a charming atmosphere.

I walked to the floor-length mirror I bought two days ago.

A young, beautiful, playful and cute girl appeared in the mirror.

I looked left and right for a while, looking carefully.

He picked up the hair at the back of his head and put it down again, finally deciding to keep it as it was.

Nodding secretly.

Then he came to the bedside table as if he had thought of something.

I picked up the bottle of citrus-flavored perfume from Coach that I bought online on Mami's recommendation.

Press and spray in the air towards no one.


A small area shrouded in water mist spread immediately.

A sweet smell also poured into the nose.

Before he could put down the perfume bottle in his hand, Sayu immediately walked into the mist and turned around twice.

The fragrance clung to her body.

I lowered my head and smelled it for a moment. I felt that the smell was neither strong nor light, and then I nodded with satisfaction.

I chose a pair of thin white socks and put them on my feet.

Grab your phone and wallet and go to the entrance.

I thought about several pairs of different types of shoes.

With some caution, she put on the white canvas shoes.


Knocking her toes on the floor, the girl raised her hand to hold the doorknob and pressed it down.


"I'm going out~"


The door was gently closed.

Sayu headed towards the canteen in the village.

Stroll along the country roads.

The green rice sea on both sides swayed in the wind, and water spiders were swimming freely in the fields. Cicadas chirp here during the day, and frogs chirp noisily at night.

It seems like there is no stopping for a moment.

The wild cats on the roadside flicked their tails leisurely, and together with the crows on the wires extending straight above their heads, they lazily looked at the pedestrians passing by.

In addition to seeing these scenery along the way, I also saw many elders who had visited with the boy.

Some were busy in the fields, some were driving small trucks to deliver goods to the city, and some were gathered together in groups and played shogi.

Regardless of whether they know her or not, everyone who sees Sayu will greet her warmly and praise her as a beautiful girl from the Kato family.

Whenever this happened, the girl would bend down and greet her in a somewhat embarrassed but polite tone.

This also resulted in more praise.

At the same time, it also gave her a strange thought: "Am I very popular among the elderly?"

But then I thought about it, and I figured out that this was probably for Kato Yusuke... or Aiya Jiwu, who had accumulated popularity from Kato Shuto's generation.

It was under such circumstances that we finally arrived at the canteen in the village.

There were several piles of recycled soda bottle frames under the awning at the entrance, and next to it was a seat for resting. A dark-skinned teenager was sitting there, looking at the sky with a bored look on his face.


Sayu couldn't help but let out a sigh and stopped.

‘He seems to be Yusuke’s former friend, his name is Kenta Uchiyama, right? ’

This impression flashed through the scene.

The sudden sound also attracted the other party's attention.

Subconsciously turning his head to look, Kenta Uchiyama couldn't help but be stunned. His eyes widened and he couldn't help but sit upright reflexively.

"What, what?" he asked a little panicked and cautiously.

Sayu smiled, nodded, and said hello.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm just here to buy something."

After speaking, he pointed to the store.

"Oh, oh...please, no! It's up to you." Uchiyama Kenta said incoherently for some reason, and then turned his head away with a snort.

Even so, his attitude was very unfriendly, but Sayu still said thank you and walked into the store.

Buzz buzz buzz.

The old-fashioned electric fan placed on the counter in the corner was blowing "whirring", sending a breeze that was not very good at relieving the heat.

The relatively large shop still looks exactly the same as when I visited it a few days ago.

"Oh, welcome." The old lady sitting behind the counter said with a kind face. The wrinkles and age spots on her face were obvious, but she looked particularly kind and approachable.

So the girl also said hello, "Hello, I want to come buy something."

"Okay~ Please choose as much as you like, and then just bring it here to check out."

Although the pronunciation is a bit unclear, people can still understand the intended meaning.

"Okay, thank you." Shadou nodded and started shopping in the store.

Considering the number of people in the evening, the first thing to buy is toiletries.

So I picked two family sets, one with two toothbrushes and one toothpaste, and then I bought a separate toothbrush and toothpaste.

Calculated this way, it will be about 500 yen cheaper than buying it separately, and it can also ensure that men and women are separated and share a toothpaste.

As for the separate set, it can be left for the teacher to use.

Then there are towels and bath towels.

The former prepared five items, and the latter prepared three items.

Because there are obvious color distinctions, there is no need to make mistakes on them.

As for slippers, the girl chose disposable ones, also five pairs.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh that the products in this store are really good.

After picking these, I took them to the cashier and put them away.

The old lady of the shop owner asked in surprise: "Ah, do you actually want to buy so many things?"

"Well, please excuse me. There will be guests at home today."

"That's it, I understand. Do you want to pay now?"

"No, I also want to buy some more snacks and drinks."

"But can you get so many things by yourself?"

"Yeah~ No problem." Sayu responded with a smile: "I'll pay attention. If it doesn't work, just try again."

The other party looked at her for a moment, then thought for a moment and said, "Then I can lend you the cart in the store, as long as you return it later."

"Ah, thank you!"

"No, go ahead and choose what you want." The old woman smiled and waved her hand.

The girl responded and came to the snack area to choose.

In addition to some common snacks on the market, there are also many very good rough snacks here.

For example, liquid gummies that need to be stirred together with two small sticks after being disassembled are some interesting and delicious snacks.

The popular pocky and Calbee chips are also a must-have.

As for drinks, I bought Bozi soda in various flavors, instant milk tea that everyone can enjoy, and oolong tea that someone likes.

The result is……

"Uh, did you buy too much?" Sayu muttered in hindsight, looking at the large bag of snacks and drinks in front of him.

Because I was too immersed in the fun of shopping for such small things, I accidentally ended up with snacks that were more than enough even for 8 or more people.

But when she thought about being able to send it back in a cart, she put some worries behind her.

'Anyway, no matter how you eat, you will only grow meat where it should grow, so it shouldn't matter. ’

She thought as she looked down at her chest.

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