Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and one, reliable vice president (four thousand)

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"——Then the class meeting will end here. Everyone can move around freely in the rest of the time, but you are not allowed to go back."

Nakamura Masaru said this after finishing the class meeting, then turned his attention to the corner by the window and waved.

"And Kato, come to the office with me."

Without saying anything, Kato Yusuke stood up directly, and the people in the class also reacted indifferently.

Even now, it goes without saying that Kato is the only one who knows that Mr. Nakamura will call him outside of class time.

It was with this understanding that the two handsome guys, one big and one small, left together.

The back row of the classroom.

After witnessing the two people leaving, Kako turned behind her excitedly.

"That's great, Xiaohui~"


"Kato-san, Kato-san, aren't you guys at the same table now? Don't you think it's like fate~!"

"Ah~ Okay, if you want to think so, that's up to you."

"What, you are so perfunctory, Xiaohui."

"Well, it's better to say that Jia Zi is too excited. It's just that I happen to be sitting next door. I can't be as excited as you."

"Hmm...then, let's change?"

"You should talk to your teacher about this kind of thing, right?"

"Then if the teacher agrees, are you willing to switch with me?"

"Although it's not impossible..." The girl raised her head and glanced at her, "But I'm in the last row, right?"

"So?" Jia Zi tilted her head strangely.

"So that way you are further away from the podium, okay? Mr. Nakamura."

"Ah... this is simply too cunning." After hearing this, Yoshiko held her cheeks with her hands in despair, "Unlike the lucky Kato Megumi, contestant Yoshiko Himekawa is unlucky this time. Should she ask for a lottery? Well, I..."

"Hmm~~~Basically, Kako's goal is very difficult."

"Xiao Hui is not qualified to say such things. Basically, we are each other."


Hui turned his face slightly, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Even if you show this "I don't know what you're talking about" expression, it's useless. After all, you're still making no progress. "Jia Zi curled her lips.

"...Speaking of which." The girl touched her lips, thought for a while and said, "If you really care about the seat, I think it would be more useful to go to the temple to ask for a visa to change seats. Yoshiko.”

"Oh~~~!" Jiazi sat upright excitedly, then frowned, "But what's the good reason?"

Although she felt that it was a bit subtle to be asked about such a thing, Hui still patiently gave her own advice, "Generally speaking, if you have poor eyesight or can't see the blackboard clearly, it should be the easiest to accept."

"Hmm...then let me go and give it a try?"

"Well, be careful along the way."



Jia Zi suddenly came close to her face and stared at her for a while, "Is it an illusion? I always feel that Xiao Hui seems to be in a good mood today..."

"It's an illusion." Hui looked at her calmly.



"Because..." Kako said matter-of-factly: "Didn't that Xiao Hui, who is severely addicted to mobile phones, not use mobile phones at all today?"

"...Well, being spoken to like this in person still makes me feel so rude, in every way."

"Huh huh~ Forget it, anyway, I'm going to discuss it with the people sitting in the first row first, and I'll come back to you later."

"Um, okay."

So Jia Zi turned and left.

The other students in the class also gathered with their close friends and chatted lively.

Despite this, everyone is following certain conventions.

For example, the two spaces near the window in the front and back of the classroom are because those students who are called current students often gather here to chat, so students who feel that their status is inferior to that group of people will silently leave these two spaces vacant, or Depending on the situation, use another area that the other party is not using.

Of course, this is all hierarchical.

It's like groups with close status differences will subconsciously avoid each other's area.

At least when a certain arbitrary student council president is still in the classroom, those active groups who have a somewhat subtle relationship with him will silently avoid the back of the classroom, and will only choose to gather here with friends to chat when he is not around.

Well, the most representative one among them is Shintiao Xiang in the girls circle.

As the culprit who caused the incident before the holiday, she naturally knew how unpopular she was in someone's eyes.

So frankly speaking, she was actually very reluctant to come here, but because she couldn't find a reason to refuse at the moment, and because Kato Yusuke was not here now, she came with her friend.

Several girls were chatting about boyfriend issues here.

The reason was that a girl in the group had some friction with her boyfriend recently, so she and another girl, who were good friends, were called together.

"——I mean, listen to me, my boyfriend has been over the top lately."

"Huh~? But wasn't it fine before? What happened?"

" means that guy doesn't care about others at all. Every time he goes on a date, he only thinks about going to the hotel."

"Wow, you made such a powerful statement right from the beginning?"

"After all, I have nothing to hide from you. Besides, Chiyo, you also have a boyfriend, so you just want to listen."

"Hey~ So what's wrong with Xiao Lixiang? Do you hate being like that?"

"Sigh... Should I say it's annoying or bothering me, maybe it's a little bit of both." The girl named Li Xiang sighed and said, "My boyfriend's performance is just not very good, and it always ends quickly every time. And I'm a little tired of always accommodating him."

"Liar, isn't that a fast shooter?" After hearing this, Chiyo covered her mouth with her hands and said in surprise.

"Really, I liked him quite a bit at first, but now I really don't know whether to break up with him. As a boy, I think he can be more useful. Does Shinjo think so too?"

"Eh? I...?" Shinjoka was stunned for a moment when his name was suddenly called.

"Yes, if it were you, you should understand, right? What should I do?"

"Ah~ That's right. If it's a new article, I'll understand."

The two women looked at each other expectantly, as if they were looking at some savior.

Shinjoka was a little silent about this. In fact, she didn't care about Rika's emotional problems, and she didn't like the two people talking to her in this tone, but she still pretended to be serious about helping her think.

Pretending to be relaxed, he said: "Yes, I think Li Xiang is not wrong in this matter. Just get rid of the boy who doesn't last long."

"Yes, yes. Sure enough, Shinjou feels the same way~?" As she said this, Li Xiang held her hand, with an expression on her face that seemed to be relieved.

Ah... She just wants to find an excuse and doesn't want to take responsibility. It's really terrible.

Shinjoka thought so, and the smile on her face became more obvious, "Of course, the students of Guangming High School organized a party on the weekend. How about, do you want to go together then?"

"Hey~! Isn't Guangming a famous school for admission? Is it really possible?"

"Hmm~ It's better to say that if Rika comes, she will definitely be very popular."

"I'm going to go~! I'm definitely going to go." Li Xiang nodded repeatedly.

"Then it's agreed. Where are you, Chiyo~?" Shinjoka turned to look at the other person.

"Eh? Me?" The other party looked away unnaturally, scratched his cheek and said, "Sorry, I'd better forget it. If my boyfriend finds out, he will definitely be angry."

"Hey, he looks sweet. Well... I can't help it, so Shinjo and I will go. But don't worry, if there are any potential stocks, I will help Xiaoqian keep an eye out for them."

After saying that, he started laughing.

And because they were right next to them, their conversation reached Hui's ears who stayed in her seat without any reservation.

However, because the channels of both parties are different, there is no intention to pay attention to each other.

Moreover, in a sense, the other party did not notice her at all. After all, when she cut off her long hair, she returned to the girl with a thin sense of existence.

Looking up at Kako who was talking to the girl sitting in the first row, the girl decided to go to the vending machine and buy some juice.

At this time——

"Excuse me, is President Kato here...?"

An unknown sound came from the back door of the classroom, causing her to instinctively look over there.

I saw two men and one woman wearing second-grade school badges, looking at the situation in the classroom with anxious faces.

"Kato-san was called by the teacher, but if you need to go to the student council for something, Kato-san will be here too." Someone kindly reminded me.

However, what he said succeeded in making the two of them look confused.

Seeing this, Hui took the initiative to stand up from his seat, "What do you want to see Kato-san for? You two seniors."

Ogasawara and Aoki, who were in a state of confusion, followed the sound and looked at her with confusion. The expressions on their faces seemed to say, "Who is this?"

"That's Vice President Megumi Kato." The man from before reminded kindly again.

Only then did the two of them meet the stunning figure from before the summer vacation, and then they nodded in realization and thanked the student next to them who issued the reminder:

"Thank you, classmate, um...what's your name?"

"You're welcome. As for the name...just call me Kato." The kind-hearted boy said calmly, and then walked out of the classroom, hiding his merit and fame.

The handsome back made Ogasawara and Aoki look at each other in surprise, but they didn't think much about it and quickly came to Kei's side.

"Vice President Kato! I am Ogasawara, a second-year student."

"I'm Aoki."

"Although it may be a bit sudden to say this..."

The two of them asked for help together: "But please, please help the Information Department!"


Seeing this scene, Hui showed a troubled expression, paused and said: "Well... no matter how you say it, this is too sudden. If possible, can you please explain it? Two seniors."

"Well! Please listen to us."

So Ogasawara pulled up a chair and sat down next to him, while Aoki just stood aside.

Others in the classroom gradually noticed the situation here, but after seeing that it was about the student union, they all withdrew their gazes in boredom.

"Well, here's the thing, Vice President Kato..."

"Well~Senior, please tell me."

A slightly peaceful voice came out of Hui's mouth, making people relax involuntarily.

"Actually..." Ogasawara took a deep breath and began to slowly describe what happened about half an hour ago.

"Our News Department seems to have made Chairman Kato angry..."


"Yes, it was said that our report was untrue, and we also said that we should reconsider the funding of the Ministry of Information." Ogasawara said with a smile.

"Not only that, even the school newspaper we posted on the notice board on the first floor was torn down." Aoki on the side also pushed up his glasses and added.

"School newspaper?"

Hui's eyes moved slightly and asked, "So you think it was Kato-san who tore it off?"

Aoki: "I don't want to say it, but judging from the time, it seems that only President Kato would do this."

Ogasawara: "But, we don't understand what the problem is at all, so we want to ask Chairman Kato for advice..."

"That's right...but I guess you don't have to worry about funding."

"But President Kato did say that before..."

Hui shook her head slightly at this, "You know until now, that person has never cut the funding of any club based on personal likes and dislikes?"

"In other words?"

After hearing this, Ogasawara and Aoki looked at each other and came to the conclusion, "President Kato, is he just joking with us...?"

"Ah...well...although it won't be reduced, I think it's probably true that Kato-san is angry, so it seems that it will be more difficult if you want more."

"How, how come this!"


The two people who had just breathed a sigh of relief immediately became worried again.

Hui continued: "In short, the seniors probably haven't finished what they said, right?

Because I lack the necessary information, I don’t know the reason why Kato-san is angry. Could you please explain the process in detail? "

Through her words, the two of them also understood one thing.

"Are you willing to help us?" Ogasawara asked.

The girl nodded in agreement: "After all, this seems to be the job of the student union."

"Then let me explain..."

So Aoki completely told the story of their encounter with Yusuke and the content of their conversation.

"...That's it, that's how it is."

Finished speaking——

"I see..." Hui murmured, first glancing at the girls gathered by the window, and then looking away.

"That, although this is just my guess..."

She said to the two of them in a subtle tone: "But I think Kato-san doesn't like that title very much, so why not try to remove it and talk to him about it?"

"Title? The fastest boy in Toyosaki? That's a lie, I obviously think it's very appropriate." Ogasawara said with some disapproval.

Aoki on the side suddenly frowned thoughtfully.

"Well... because Kato-san is a very low-key person, so I think this would be better?"

"But...!" Ogasawara wanted to say something more, but someone held his shoulder down.

Looking back reflexively, he saw cold sweat breaking out on Aoki's face for some unknown reason, looking like he was still frightened.

"Stop talking, Minister Ogasawara."


"I already know what the problem is. This thing is definitely our fault, so stop talking."


Not paying attention to his confused companions for the time being, Aoki took a deep breath and bowed slightly to Hui, saying gratefully:

"Anyway, thank you for the reminder, Vice President Kato. The News Department will definitely remember this kindness, so we will leave first."

After saying that, he picked up the confused Ogasawara and turned around and left the classroom.

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