Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and two, help me wear it (four thousand)

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The teacher's office on the other side.

"Here, fill this out." Nakamura Katsu returned to his station and handed over a form.

"Scholarship...Application form?" Kato Yusuke silently read out the letter above.

"Yes, this is arranged by the principal."

Nakamura Masaru nodded: "Thanks to your winning the national championship in track and field, it seems that many private organizations have added high-level sponsorships to our school, and the part that will be implemented on your head is the tuition fee in the future. The full amount is waived, congratulations.”

"Thank you for the compliment. Can you borrow a pen? Teacher."

"Yeah, okay."


Kato Yusuke, who took the pen, was not polite and just leaned over the table and started writing.

"What should I write here as the reason for application?"

"Just fill in whatever you want." Nakamura Katsu glanced at the form and said nonchalantly.


Yusuke raised his head, his eyes full of doubt.

"What's going on? With that "really unreliable" look in your eyes, I'm just stating the facts. "

"Can this kind of thing be done casually?"

"I'm talking about you." Nakamura Masaru spread his hands helplessly, "Reason for application is only for ordinary students. If it were you, it wouldn't matter even if it was empty. After all, this matter has already been decided. , Do you understand? You little brat who takes the back door."

"I understand, what you want to say is the reward for meritorious service." Kato Yusuke kindly corrected his slip of the tongue, lowered his head and wrote a line in the application reason column:

——The teacher didn’t even know that I had rose flowers embroidered on my underwear.

"Wait, what are you writing blindly!" Nakamura Masaru, who had been following the tip of his pen with his eyes, finally couldn't bear it when he saw this, and immediately raised his hand to stop him.

"Is there any problem?" Kato Yusuke asked strangely.

"You actually said there was a problem. What did you write?"

"It seems you wrote it casually."

Nakamura Katsu raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

"——"Girl Disciple" by Osamu Dazai, right?"

Kato Yusuke:?

Nakamura Masaru:?

"Well, that's a very interesting idea. If this paragraph appears in the essay, maybe I will give you extra points, Kato-san." Kanoko Hasumi appeared out of nowhere and said with a smile.

"Hasumi-sensei." Kato Yusuke said hello, and distanced himself from the softness on his shoulder without leaving any trace.

"Good afternoon, you seem to be chatting about something very interesting."

"It's Mr. Hasumi." Nakamura Katsu raised his forehead and sighed softly: "As you can see, this kid Kato wrote something strange on the scholarship application form."

"Ah haha, so that's it." Hasumi covered her mouth with Kanoko and chuckled, and two streams of clear water swept over Yusuke's face.

"Who says it's not the case? Thanks to him, I have to print out another form now. He is a troublemaker." Teacher Nakamura shook his head as he said this and got up and walked to the printer not far away.

"I think Mr. Nakamura is not qualified to say that, right? After all, because you went on vacation, Kato-san took your place."

"Well, I still know this, so it's just a joke." Nakamura Masaru, who felt he was wrong, turned his back to the two of them and concentrated on copying, no longer defending.

At the same time, a cold feeling came from Kato Yusuke's neck.


He was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised his hand and grabbed one of the wrists.

Staring at Hasumi Kanoko beside him, who stretched her hands towards his neck, he frowned slightly and cast a questioning look at the other person.

"The buttons on the collar are open. Are you the student council president? Then you have to pay good attention to your image." Teacher Hasumi said in a gentle tone, her eyes falling on the collar of his shirt.

"Thank you, I'll just do it myself."

"Hmm~~~It doesn't matter, teacher will help you."

The other person shook his head slightly and slightly emphasized the word "teacher".

Kato Yusuke glanced sideways in the direction of the entrance, and let go of his hand after thinking.

Hasumi Kanoko smiled silently at this and began to tie the buttons for him.

While doing this, he was also chanting in a low voice: "The teacher doesn't even know that I have rose flowers embroidered on my underwear... There was a time when I was in school and I liked this sentence very much."

"Because you are a Chinese teacher?"

"I just simply like the melancholy between the lines."

"Is it."

Kato Yusuke responded calmly.

"Well, it's that simple."

Hasumi Kanoko nodded her head, her cold green fingers flexibly shuttled between the collar of his white shirt, tightening the two unbuttoned buttons one after another, like a dexterous butterfly.

During this period, he occasionally touched the boy's skin or Adam's apple, but it quickly flew away like a dragonfly touching water, causing slight ripples in the lake of his heart.

"Reincarnation Paradise"


A low moan floated into one's ears like a gentle breeze.

Hasumi Kanoko smiled lightly: "Today, I am wearing rose flowers."

Kato Yusuke was suddenly startled, but the other party retracted his hands as usual and looked over his shoulder.

"Teacher Nakamura, I really like this sentence written by Kato-chan. If you don't plan to use it, can you give it to me?"

"OK, take it if you like it."

"Well, thank you."

Hasumi Kanoko smiled and picked up the discarded form and walked towards her work station with crisp steps.

The light and swaying figure is like an iris flower blooming in the palm of the hand, with a charming and charming flavor.

At this time, Nakamura Katsu returned to the table with the newly printed form.

"Write this again. This time, don't write anything weird even if it's empty, Kato."


Kato Yusuke nodded in response, and wrote down his class and name on the new form as the other party said. Then hand it back.

"Is this okay?"

"Let me see, um, that's it."

"Okay, then I'll go back."

After seeing Nakamura Masaru's approval, Yusuke planned to leave.

However, the other party suddenly stopped him and took out a paper bag from under the table and handed it over.

"This is?"

"The souvenir is for you."

Cha la la la.

"Momordica charantia……?"

"What? Don't you like it?"

Kato Yusuke sighed with disappointment: "Unfortunately, natto and bitter melon are not within my intake range, but thank you anyway."

"It's quite irritating to be thanked by you with such a disappointed look on your face." Nakamura Masaru shook his head and said, "Forget it, you can go back."

Yusuke, who was holding the paper bag, bowed slightly, then turned and left.

It was almost noon now.

On the road, many students can be seen walking towards the cafeteria in twos and threes.

Instead of going back to the classroom, he went directly to the school canteen.

As expected, a considerable number of students have gathered here, and the number is gradually increasing.

However, since the canteen has not yet opened, we can only chat and wait nearby.

As for the canteen staff wearing white aprons, they are busy behind the stalls, preparing to deal with the peak flow of people later.

Kato Yusuke didn't stop at this and walked forward directly.

"Please give me two pineapple buns."


Thinking that there was an unruly student who wanted to queue up early, the aunt who turned around was about to scold her.

After seeing the visitor...

"Oh~ Isn't this Kato-chan? That's strange. Do you want to buy bread today?"

A smile immediately appeared on the aunt's face, and while taking the money, she also gave him two pineapple buns.

"Well, because I just want to eat this today."

Kato Yusuke nodded and admitted, but did not say that he was buying it for others.

"I see. By the way, I read the newspaper. You won first place in the track and field competition, right? Keep up the good work from now on."

"Thank you for your compliment. It's just a fluke. I'll leave first."

"Okay, come back later if you want anything else."

"OK, all right."

Face all kinds of sights around you.

Kato Yusuke walked upstairs with a normal expression. When he passed by the vending machine, he bought two boxes of milk, and then carried the things all the way to the rooftop.

Just a door separates the hustle and bustle in the corridor.

The wind blowing in my ears is very refreshing, and there is no more cicada chirping in the campus.

All that was left was the sound of the wind and the slightest rustle.

And among these voices.

A tall girl in school uniform was sitting on a bench under the sunshade, flipping through a book in her hand.

Although Yusuke felt that the other party should have heard the noise he made when he closed the door, the girl made no move to look up.

She just held the book in her hand quietly, as if nothing could disturb her elegance and concentration, which gave her a kind of tranquility with a delicate mind and a delicate mind playing chess.

Even her beauty is not inferior to anyone's.

As the saying goes on campus, Sawamura is on the outside and Kasumigaoka is on the inside. Together, they hold up the beauty ceiling of Toyosaki girls.

It's a pity that the character is really hard to describe...

Kato Yusuke thought so, then he walked over there and sat down on the bench at a certain distance from the other party.

"Senior Shiyu." He called out.

Shiyu nodded his head imperceptibly as a response.

"I bought pineapple bread and milk. Do you want to eat it now?"


The girl silently turned over a page of the book, crossed her right leg wrapped in stockings on top of her left leg, and kicked his calf with her toes.


Kato Yusuke inexplicably read this meaning from the other party's actions.

In order to confirm his suspicion, he asked: "Do you want me to open the package?"



Seeing how attentive she was, Kato Yusuke took out the bread and milk from the brown paper bag and handed them over.

"Please use."

He saw that the other party seemed to be glancing at him from the corner of his eye, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he did not reach out to take it.

Kick kick.

"...Do you mean to open the plastic packaging too?"



So Yusuke started to tear open the bread bag again, inserted the straw into the milk, and handed it over again.

Fortunately, the girl accepted it this time, but she only accepted the torn pineapple bun, while the milk remained in his hand.

During this period, his eyes never took a step away from the book.

One can't help but wonder how attractive it is.

"What are you looking at, senior sister?"


Saying this, Shiyu brought the bread to his mouth, took a bite on it, and started chewing.

"I know it's a book, but what book are you reading?" Kato Yusuke asked with a black line on his face.

Chew Chew.

"Osama Dazai, "Girl Disciple"."


"What's wrong?"

"Do seniors also watch this type of stuff?"

Chew Chew.

“I’ll take a look at it every once in a while when I remember it.”

"Because you like the melancholy inside?"


Kato Yusuke hummed: "We have always suffered from shameful neglect. We are by no means hedonists, but the mountain top of our destination is too far away.

We all know that as long as we go there, we can see the magnificent scenery, and we all know that this must not be a lie. "

The clear voice echoed in her ears, and Shiyu raised the corners of her mouth silently, "...You have actually read this book, smart boy."

After saying that, he took another bite of bread and said slowly: "Strange, I thought you would prefer the sentence in "Ye Ying and the Magic Whistle"."

"That sentence?" Kato Yusuke looked puzzled.


The girl smiled meaningfully, "The fields and hills are all green, and the weather is so warm that it makes you want to take off your clothes."

"... As expected of a senior, she can always make people constantly disillusioned."

"Haha, but the prerequisite for disillusionment is to have illusions, right? Can I understand that you are teasing me?"

"Unfortunately, I don't have that understanding. Senior Shiyu overinterpreted it."

"Uh huh~ Well, whatever you want, huh huh huh..."

"How about swallowing the food first and then talking?" Kato Yusuke handed over the milk.

Chew, gurgle...


While the items were being handed over, Shiyu's fingers hooked in his palm intentionally or unintentionally. It felt very strange.

"I'm here to explain it clearly to you, senior." Kato Yusuke's expression became serious.

The other person, while sipping the milk, kicked his calf with his toes, as if to say "I'm listening."

Kato Yusuke didn't want to pay attention to these trivial details at this time, and immediately said: "What happened last time was just an abnormality under some special circumstances. I have no overstepping thoughts towards my senior sister."


Kick kick.

"What does it mean this time?"


Shiyu took a breath and looked sideways at him, "So, did you use it? That one."


"Basically, I usually choose materials that are more skin-friendly. As a casting material, they should be pretty good. What do you think?"

"...I think the basis of the conversation should at least be based on facts."

"Ah~ that means you didn't think about all the things that day... and then came alone?" the girl said, her face full of fun.

Kato Yusuke sighed deeply, "I'm sorry, it was my problem before, and I apologize deeply, so can we talk openly and honestly?"

"In this way, it's not impossible..." Shiyu smiled and crossed his right leg on his left leg.

Until there was a "click".

The indoor shoes on that foot accidentally fell to the ground.

The girl's dark eyebrows frowned down in displeasure.

First he looked at the shoes on the ground, then looked at Yusuke on the left.

Kick kick.


The toes wrapped in stockings kicked someone's calf, making a rustling sound.

The air is filled with pink bubbles of ambiguity.

"Hey, Kato-san, help me put it on..."

"Forgive me for refusing!"


The pink bubble was ruthlessly popped by someone who didn't understand the taste.

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