Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and nine, obstacles (4k)

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Hearing this...

An Yilun also moved his body but said nothing.

Kato Yusuke glanced at the two of them alternately, and then muttered: "Okay, then you can give it a try."

"Really——!? Thank you——!!"

"Don't rush to be happy yet."

He shook his head and said, "Sorry, I am in a hurry due to some things, so I can only give you a month to study at most.

If there is no progress by then, I will still find an outsourcing company. "

"A month?"

"Yes, a month."

An Yilun also felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, and he suddenly froze in place from his excitement.

"I said, Yusuke, you are simply too..." Seeing this, Yinglili wanted to say something again, but was interrupted by Shiyu suddenly.

"I understand your feelings, but if you keep taking care of him like this, Ethical-san won't be able to grow, right? Sawamura."

"Then, it's not your turn to talk about that kind of thing!"

"I'm just reminding you, besides..."

Shiyu raised his head and said, "Even if it's not my turn to speak, it seems like it's not your turn to speak, right? In the end, you and I are just the hired ones, and the only one who really has the right to make decisions is Kato-san."

"Well...!" Yinglili instinctively wanted to retort, but in the end she couldn't say a word for a long time.

After hearing these words, An Yilun's expression changed several times. Finally, he took a deep breath and said sternly to Yusuke: "I understand, it will only take a month, I will definitely work hard!"


Kato Yusuke nodded, thought for a while and said: "The original estimated production cost of the program is also 1 million. If you can really complete it, this money will be regarded as your reward."


Under the transparent spectacle lenses.

Money symbols suddenly appeared in An Yilun's eyes.

(¥ω¥)——! ! !

Seeing this scene, Yinglili couldn't help but hold her forehead in shame.

"This idiot..."

As for the person involved, An Yilun also suddenly came to his senses from the fantasy of becoming a well-known creator and reaching the pinnacle of life, and raised the issue he was most concerned about.

"Gudu...Anyway, anyway! Just wait and see! I will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations."

While wiping his saliva, he asked: "Speaking of which engine should we use to develop the game? Is it the traditional NScripter? Or BKEngine? Or Unity3D, the new army of recent ADV games?"

"You understand quite clearly." Kato Yusuke looked at him in surprise.

"Of course! After all, as a qualified player, it is necessary to collect intelligence! Only in this way can you better appreciate the various advantages -!"

"Sigh... He can only reach this level after all. You don't have to praise him, Yusuke." Eirili on the side interjected, with an expression on her face as if she had let go of something on her mind.

"What do you mean it's only to this extent? Even if the target is you, I can't pretend that I didn't hear it! It means that you are too prejudiced against me! Yinglili."

Kato Yusuke turned a deaf ear to the fuss between the two and just said: "I have also done some research on the engine matter."

As soon as he spoke, the room fell silent. Several people stopped what they were doing and looked at him in unison.

Among them, An Yilun also listened carefully to the content that was closely related to him.

"Although Unity3D is very effective, it is still too difficult for beginners, and there are engine licensing fees, so this time I plan to use the KRKR2 engine."

"KRKR2?" Yinglili asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the full name is kirikiroid2. It is an engine that adopts GPL license and can be used without any fee, so it is very popular among small and medium-sized game companies."

After explaining, Yusuke turned his face to the side, "Do you know this? Aki."

"Well, it turns out to be krkr2... It's true that if it's just used to process 2D graphics, this is really good. Not only does it support a lot of image and music formats, but the barrier to entry seems to be the lowest.

In this way, in addition to the instruction books, I only need to buy some Java books, and then even I..."

Bit by bit.

An Yilun also had a spark of hope in his eyes.

It works!

This thought naturally appeared in his mind as the words in his mouth ended.

Then, regardless of the reactions of the people around him, he took out his phone and started searching.

"Let me take a look. The nearest comprehensive bookstore is..."

While thinking to himself, this question seemed to have an answer soon.

"Sorry everyone! I have something to do later, so I'm leaving first. If you have any phone calls, I'll call you -!" An Yilun, who said this, also grabbed his schoolbag and hurriedly ran out of the student union.

"Aki-san is really a person who goes his own way. Can I put away the paper cups he used? Yusuke." Kei said in a calm tone, silently running from his desk to the coffee table, ready to put things away. .

"Ah, that idiot is very active in this aspect. You don't have to mind, Megumi."

The person who answered her was not Yusuke Kato, but Eri, who naturally took over the conversation.

"Speaking of which, you have been working hard to prepare tea for us. Let me help you too."

"Eh? It's okay."

"You want it, we are friends, right? So there is no need to be so polite."

"That's it, thank you."

Yinglili helped her clean up the mess on the coffee table.

"Speaking of which, even though we had such a quarrel just now, Megumi didn't react at all. It was almost invisible."

"Hmm~~After all, I don't understand what everyone is talking about at all, so I just do my own thing."

"...I mean, Hui?"


Yinglili looked at the girl beside her intently, thought for a while and said: "Hey~ can you call me "brother" or "brother" to hear it? "

"Hey, what is that...?" Hui couldn't help but blinked blankly.

"You've seen the anime, right? It's like the sister-type character in it. When she calls, she looks up and exhales while speaking. Ah, remember to use a sweet tone."

"...Well, even if you explain it so seriously, it seems..."

"Ah, don't worry, I just want to test an idea."

"But...but I only have an older sister, so I don't know how to act."

"Otherwise you think of me as your brother."

"...Well, I'm sorry, Eiriri. Although you try hard, I still can't say this word to girls of the same age. Besides, do girls usually have people call themselves "brother"...? "

After saying this, Hui looked at the young man behind him with a bit of trouble in his eyes, then covered his mouth with the fluttering sleeves of his spring school uniform, turned his face slightly, and called softly: "Brother...?"

Different from her usual tone, her soft voice was full of sweetness and pleasantness, as if she was trying her best to imitate Yinglili's previous tone.

Kato Yusuke, who was about to walk over, froze on the spot and blinked several times very fast.

"Eh~~ It feels pretty good. I thought Megumi was a character like Rei Ayanami, isn't it?" Eiri commented with slight surprise, showing a smile that seemed to satisfy curiosity.

"Thank you for cooperating with me~ Megumi, even calling Yusuke brother will give him an advantage."



"Well, well... Sure enough, this way of speaking is still not suitable for me." Hui turned around and nodded gently, stood up and walked towards the trash can next to the wall with the garbage he had packed away.

During this period, he passed by Kato Yusuke, but he walked over without any strangeness.


Just as Eirili stared at Hui's back with some doubts...



The dull knock on her head made her cry out in pain, and then she covered her head with her hands.

"It hurts! What on earth are you doing...! Kasumigaoka Shiu!?"

"What a coincidence, Sawamura-kun. I'm thinking about this issue right now." Shiyu said, holding the script rolled into a paper tube, and glanced at Kato Yusuke.

"How on earth did you come up with that stupid and sad idea? Please tell me."


"I think you were simply influenced by your childhood sweetheart, so you made that statement, even though your brain capacity is already very poor."

"So I don't understand what you are talking about! Besides, why did you suddenly mention Lun Ye? Don't compare me with that idiot without authorization!" Ying Lili frowned in disgust.

"Well, what should I say? I always feel that every word Eiriri says has a hint of Aki-san... so in a way, it scares me."

"Even Megumi said that!?"

"Uh... I'm sorry, I accidentally..." Megumi, who returned to the sofa, put her finger on her lower lip, thought for a while and said, "But since we are childhood sweethearts, it's normal to have some similarities... right? ?”

"——That's not like it! Yu, Yusuke!" Eirili placed her hope on the last person.


She saw the other party looking at her blankly, as if she had just woken up from deep meditation.

"What's wrong?"

"Although Lunya and I are childhood sweethearts, we have nothing in common, right?"

Without thinking about the meaning of her words, Erili came to Kato Yusuke in two or three steps and looked up at him eagerly.

Yusuke frowned slightly at this, first glanced at Hui and Shiyu subconsciously, then looked back and said, "Well, it doesn't look like that."

"Really?" the girl asked, reaching out and grabbing his hand.

"Yeah, really."



"Wu... Wu... listen to me~ Kasumigaoka Shiu is really too much~~~" Eiri Li sobbed softly while rubbing her eyes.

So Kato Yusuke had to raise his hand and patted her head comfortingly.

Seeing this...

Shiyu, who was still watching from the sidelines, suddenly changed his color.

"Wait a minute, Sawamura, it's too despicable to pretend to cry! And get out of there quickly!"


A small smacking sound came from Eiri, who lowered her head.

From Shiyu's perspective, she could clearly see the other party sticking out his tongue towards her with his face turned slightly sideways.

Shiyu was stunned at first, then narrowed his eyes, and a belligerent smile appeared on his lips.

Just when she was about to say something, Kato Yusuke, who glanced at the clock, suddenly said: "Then that's it for today, everyone can go back."

"Eh, so early??"

Yinglili couldn't help but raised her head in surprise. Her delicate face was fair and beautiful, and there were no tears in her eyes.

Yusuke, who was still paying attention to his tone, couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, then immediately curled up his index finger and flicked the girl's forehead hard.


"it hurts!"

At this time, Yinglili's eyes were really filled with tears, "What are you doing...!"

"This is your punishment for lying."


"In short, remember to think about the contract again tonight when you go back. If there is no problem, sign it and hand it over to me. Then we will really have to make progress."

"I have something to tell you about this matter."

Shiyu raised her hand and said, "It's fine if it's a simple favor, but if it's a contract of this kind, I have to inform Ms. Machida."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and then asked: "Is there something wrong?"

"Well, after all, I have signed a contract with the Immortal River, so if there is any business cooperation, it needs to go through there."

"That means if you want to cooperate with Kasumi Shiko, you must let Immortal River join in?"

Shiyu nodded lightly at this, "At least according to the content of the contract, this is the case, but the specific situation will not be discussed until it is confirmed with Miss Machida."

"I said..." Eirili, who heard their conversation, covered her forehead and asked, "What, does this matter have a great impact on you? What will happen if you don't inform Fusukawa?"

Read the book

"Yes, I think there will be two results."

Shiyu gently crossed his legs and replied as if it had nothing to do with him: "One is that I was discovered and therefore offended the leaders above, like accepting conditions like "If you don't want to be hidden, just be obedient." .

Then he was taken to that strange drinking party, and from then on he lived an ordinary life of being drugged and picked up, and from which he could not escape for the rest of his life. "

"How normal is this-!?"

"Ah, the so-called unspoken rules of the workplace, aren't there as many things as you need? On the contrary, Sawamura, why are you surprised?"

"Since you don't have that intention, don't say those words casually! My head is now full of inspiration!"

"...Ah...well, by the way, Eiri's identity is that teacher Eri Kashiwagi, right? The so-called inspiration refers to...?"

"Well, it's just as you thought, Kato Megumi-san. This pretending to be a good girl is actually a doujin girl full of pornographic thoughts, right?"

"What qualifications do you have to speak against me! Basically, your speech is several times worse than mine -!"

Yinglili retorted: "Besides, your hypothesis is just a branch of the route that is unique when discovered, so as long as it is not discovered, it will be fine!"

"too naive!"

Shiyu retorted coldly: "Unless Kato-kun doesn't plan to do game announcements at that time, or hides the name "Kasumi Shiko" from the staff list, but even that doesn't mean it's completely safe.

The consequences of cutting things off first and telling them later are often more serious than admitting it obediently. Don’t you understand this truth? "

"But this is just your guess, right?"

"Haha, since I have said this, just think that I am showing off. Although I am just a writer who has sold less than a million copies, the style of "Kasumi Shiko" cannot be imitated by just anyone, Kashiwa Mu· Ying·li·lao·teacher. "


In the fierce confrontation between black and gold, Yinglili was quickly defeated and fell into disarray.

"——This woman said this, what are you going to do? Yusuke. By the way, instead of being targeted by that kind of capital, you might as well just change someone else."

There was a brief silence.

"How exactly..."

Kato Yusuke turned his gaze to Shiyu, who also looked at him without saying a word, as if waiting for his decision.

"Let's wait until senpai contacts Ms. Machida."

It was under such circumstances that today's exchange meeting came to an end.

309. Obstacle (4k)

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