Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

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The next morning.

Port area, inside an old apartment.

Kato Yusuke, who was free at home because he had no classes on Saturday, was waiting for breakfast while feeding the goldfish in the fish tank.

Sizzle, sizzle.

Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo.

The brisk rhythm coming from the kitchen is the same every day, full of leisurely flavor.

The aroma of the food filled the room, and even the two goldfish in the fish tank seemed to be fascinated by it. They swam happily in the water, but turned a blind eye to the food floating on the water.

Feeling strange, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but bang his nails on the fish tank, which frightened the two little guys and hurriedly ran to the other side.

It is strange to say that almost half a month has passed since the two little guys, one black and one red, were brought back during the summer festival. However, the spirits of the two goldfish still look happy and not sluggish at all. The trend was far from what he expected.

However, Sayu was very happy, thinking that the two of them had caught the healthiest two in the stall at that time. They took good care of these two little guys with their names every day, looking like they were never tired of it.

Turning and looking out the window.

A few sparrows were standing on the straight wires and chirping, replacing the disappearing cicadas and adding new white noise to the days.

The sun shines in the blue sky, shining its vibrant rays into the window and scattering under the action of aerosol particles in the air, forming a clearly visible golden beam that coats the wooden picture frame on the counter. The dazzling light blurred the photo of the two of them.

The girl inside curled up and slept on the light brown verandah floor, with a calm and peaceful expression.

As for the young man secretly photographed, his head emerged from the corner of the screen, with a dark blue wind chime hanging next to it, and his eyes were very gentle.

Yusuke, who was a little dazzled by the reflected light, adjusted the angle of the photo frame, and then put a drop of nutrient solution into the fish tank.


Dark green water droplets fell from the dropper into the water, smearing like ink, but immediately dissolved in the transparent water, leaving no trace.

The fish were swimming leisurely inside and finally started to eat the feed.

That kind of belated look made Kato Yusuke wonder whether these two little things had just noticed the food on the water.

"Speaking of which, Yusuke."

Sayu in the kitchen suddenly asked: "Have you not received a response from Teacher Kasumi Shiko?"

"Well, not yet, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, but that would be bad, right? There is no news like this, which will inevitably make people think in bad ways."

"That's not the case. After all, senior sister is the most popular writer right now. Even the editorial department will not ignore her ideas. Personally, I prefer that the other party just doesn't trust me."

Kato Yusuke analyzed it calmly, making Sayu slightly confused.

"I don't trust you, why do you say that?"

"Now when the name "Xia Shizi" is mentioned, what do people think of? Yusuke asked with a smile.

"Hmm...? Like the author of "Metronome of Love" or something?" the girl replied softly, tilting her head unconsciously, looking very silly and very cute.

"anything else?"


"The youngest and youngest new writer of the year, the new star of the Immortal River Library... In other words, Kasumi Shiko is now a well-known creator in the industry,

If you were a member of the Immortal Sichuan editorial department, would you be willing to hand over your treasure to an unknown poor boy? "

"What about the unknown poor boy..." Sayu pouted dissatisfied: "Your description is so strange. Besides, Yusuke is obviously very famous on the Internet, and he is also the champion of the national track and field competition. How can he not compare with them? A writer!"

"What a stupid thing to say."

"You actually said something stupid!"

"You know that yourself, right?"

Kato Yusuke said with a smile: "Not to mention that the national track and field competition and light are completely different fields. Even the identity of "Eromanga-sensei" has only emerged in the field of doujinshi. It naturally pales in comparison with the carrier of light. . "

"But we are obviously sincere in seeking cooperation. Can't we even impress them?"

"Yes, but the so-called sincerity is only 3 million, and the price of acceptance is to gamble with one's own golden brand.

What if the plan fails and it affects Kasumi Shiko's reputation? When you think about it like this, does it make sense? "

"Liar, are they actually worried about this kind of thing??"

Kato Yusuke shrugged, "Although it's just my guess so far, I'd be a little surprised if they didn't think about these aspects."

"why is it like this……"

After hearing this, Sayu couldn't help but turn around. The expression on his face seemed to be angry or worried, but there was also a hint of helpless recognition of these words.

"I just feel like it, Yusuke, why can you say it's so irrelevant to me? It's obvious that the other party doesn't value you at all."

"I can't say whether I value it or not. For example, if I am willing to join Fusukawa Bunko as an illustrator, they will also show sincerity.

They even gave me some exceptional preferential treatment because of my relationship with my senior, but the premise of all this was that it would not cause harm to "Kasumi Shiko". "

The girl frowned and said nothing, pondering for a moment and said: "Although this is Yusuke's conjecture, if the other party really thinks so, can't we consider finding other writers to collaborate?"

"It's not impossible. In fact, I am mentally prepared for it."

Kato Yusuke said slowly: "Before confirming that it cannot be done, I still tend to choose Kasumi Shiko. Her writing style has a special flavor between traditional literature and lightness.

He is also very good at arousing readers' emotions. I think this style is very suitable for the theme of coexistence of warmth and sadness in the game. "

Then he changed his words and said, "——Besides, I don't know any other light writers."

"I don't quite understand..." Sayu shook her head, "Even if Teacher Kasumi Shiko is really good at literature, she can't just read the script for games, right?"

"Well, this is a very interesting argument. There are even discussions on the Internet about which one has a greater impact on excellent original paintings and excellent scripts. But here we only use scripts as an example...

"Yuyue invited me to her house and said she wanted to discuss something with me." or "Yuyue asked me to go to her house and said she wanted to discuss something with me. I'm a little nervous." Which of these two paragraphs is more immersive? ? "

"The latter, right?" Sayu replied with some uncertainty.

"Actually, looking at these two paragraphs alone, the second one just has more psychological portrayal than the first one. Things like the sense of substitution should be discussed in conjunction with the context."

Kato Yusuke weaves words.

"A good writer can ensure that the psychology of each character is described. The only difference lies in the amount of pen and ink spent between the primary and secondary characters.

As a writer from a God's perspective, how to enrich the character's core through psychological characterization and clarify the value of his characters is an important factor in whether he can reach a consensus with readers. "

"The psychological portrayal of the character..." Sayu murmured, gradually coming to a realization, and then let out a sigh of emotion.

"In this way, although the story of Teacher Kasumi Shiko is confusing to read, it is indeed very attractive."

"That's right."

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly, "This is the same in games. Compared with characters who can predict the ending just by looking at it,

Characters with distinctive personalities and a sense of mystery are more likely to motivate players to continue playing. But not every writer can achieve this level of psychological character creation. "

In the end, it was summed up in one sentence: "So, unless there is an unavoidable situation, Kasumi Shiko is still the best script candidate for this game."

"Well...but when you say this, it seems hard for the other party to agree." The girl said with concern.

Yusuke shook his head slightly at this, "It doesn't matter if you encounter a little difficulty. Things in the world can't always be smooth sailing. As long as there is a glimmer of possibility, just find a way to solve it."

His voice spread in the room, causing Sayu to nod in understanding and fall into silence.

"Speaking of which..."

The girl said softly: "I always feel that teacher Kasumi Shiko has a strange feeling towards you Yusuke. Do you have any clues about this matter?"

Kato Yusuke, who was still there before, his eyelids twitched slightly, showing a puzzled expression.

"Strange things? What do you mean?"

"Hmm - it's like she is obviously difficult to get along with, and she often has thorns in her words when talking to that An Yi-kun, but she doesn't do that to Yusuke at all. Isn't she too gentle?"

"Is that because An Yi often talks without making any sense?"

"Is that so? I think that teacher has this trait in his personality, but he only talks kindly to you?" There was a trace of doubt in Sayu's eyes.

"Perhaps it's because of my status as a consultant that I have some mercy."

"Hey~~~" the girl drew out her voice, narrowed her eyes and looked at him repeatedly for a moment, and said:

"Then she shouldn't have taken any action on my things without my knowledge, right?"

"What do you mean by my things?" Kato Yusuke raised one eyebrow with a strange look on his face.

"It's my thing? Oh~~~"

"Boom!" all of a sudden.

The tomatoes on the cutting board were cut in half, and the bright red juice slowly flowed out.

"Strange, does it sound so creepy to add a heart to the end of a soft sentence?"

Facing Yusuke's soliloquy, Sayu puffed up her face with a "huh" expression, and then weakly relaxed her shoulders.

"It's true Yusuke."

He chuckled as he spoke.

Then she walked up to him with her hands behind her back and stopped.

"Well~ it looks like it's nothing anyway. I'll give you a loving breakfast later~"

"Like a rotten tomato...?"

"Pfft." Sayu's eyes curled up, and the corners of his mouth raised an upward arc uncontrollably. Then he leaned forward slightly and asked naughtily: "Isn't it possible?"

I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional.

Kato Yusuke could even see the deep ravine formed between the loose short-sleeved collar of the apron, the corner of the blue chest embroidered with mysterious embroidery, and the graceful jade clock that was turned upside down.

His throat couldn't help but roll slightly, and before he could answer, a slender jade finger poked his chest.

"Hey, Yusuke."

The girl asked jokingly: "Would you like to eat first, take a shower first, or..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hit with a "bang" on his forehead.


"What are you talking about? I've been waiting to eat, haven't I? And is the miso soup almost ready? The lid of the pot over there is moving." Kato Yusuke pointed to the kitchen helplessly.

"Oops, I forgot!" Sayu was reminded and hurried back to the kitchen and turned off the fire.

Just when she was about to reach out and lift the lid of the pot...

"Let me do it, be careful of burning it." Yusuke, who followed her, said, moved her aside, and opened the lid while wearing insulated gloves.

A burst of hot white steam immediately rolled out of the pot, and the smell of slightly salty miso soup also filled the air.

"Is there anything else you need to prepare?"

"Well, I'm also going to make a tomato scrambled egg dish, which will be ready soon."

"I know, then I'll go and serve the rice first."


The girl responded with a smile and continued to process the half-cut tomatoes on the chopping board. There were also a few eggs that would be used later in the bowl next to her.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke didn't rush to serve the rice first. Instead, he took the bowl and stood next to the other party and started moving his hands.

Click, click.

With a few crisp sounds, the egg liquid slid from the solid shell into the bottom of the bowl one by one.

Yusuke picked up a pair of chopsticks and started stirring.

Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, knock-dong, bang-dong.

The movements from the two men's hands were intertwined.

Sayu glanced at the lover beside him and said nothing. He just raised the corner of his mouth silently, moved towards the other person, and lightly bumped the boy's body with his shoulder.


"What's wrong?"



Silently, there was some weight on his arm.


Kato Yusuke stopped moving his hands for a moment, glanced at the girl who leaned her head up and hummed a tune softly, and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

Then he continued to stir the egg liquid, but his movements were much gentler.

"If you continue so slowly, you may be late for work."

"No way." Sayu said this, putting the chopped tomatoes on the plate, wiping his hands with a kitchen towel, and then hugged his waist very boldly.

"...I can't stir it anymore."

"Hey~~ Then don't stir it."

"Don't want to eat?"

"Yeah~ But now I just want to eat you?~ What should I do?"

The sweet voice floated into my ears word by word, like a naughty kitten gently stroking someone's heart with its paws.

Kato Yusuke's eyelids twitched and he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Hey, you know~"

A string of laughter like silver bells rang.

"There are 70 things I like in this world. One is Yusuke and the remaining 69."

Finished speaking——

Kato Yusuke knocked Sayu on the head with a "thump" and said angrily: "Then please hurry up and make breakfast, and then I will send you to work."

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A disgruntled click of the tongue replaced the laughter.

Sayoufu started making tomato scrambled eggs again.

Yusuke also started serving rice and soup to the two of them.

After that, Sayu didn't say a word to him until he finished breakfast, as if he was angry.

Under such circumstances, Kato Yusuke, who was inexplicably compared to the number "70-1", finally sent Sayu to the convenience store where he worked on time...

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