Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and eleven, just kidding, don’t take it seriously... (4k)

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After seeing off Sayu, Kato Yusuke was planning to go home.


The phone in his pocket vibrated rapidly.

"Senior Shiyu"

Although the two used Line to send messages to each other, this was the first time they actually talked.

Then he took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button on it.

"it's me."

"Are you busy now?"

"No, I just sent my girlfriend to work and I'm planning to go home now."


Shiyu gave an ambiguous snort as a response, and then said: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I will go to Jimbocho to meet with Miss Machida now. If there is any news, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Okay." Kato Yusuke thought for a moment and said, "If it's something you can't do, you don't have to force it. In short, let me solve the problem if you encounter it."

"Oh, it's so reliable~ Is this the spirit of a director?" The girl giggled at this.


Kato Yusuke didn't respond to this. If it were the past, he might have complained a few words along with the conversation, but after experiencing that incident, he would just remain silent in the face of this situation.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Shiyu laughed for a while, and then spoke politely.

"Although I briefly explained the situation to Ms. Machida on the phone, considering the actual situation, there may be the possibility of three-party talks later. If you are very free, why not come to Jimbocho and wait."

"Okay, will it take a long time?"

"Well, if you include the commuting time, I think it should be about two hours."

The girl gave a very considerate suggestion, "You can try Jimbocho's curry in the nearby coffee shops and use that to pass the time."

"I understand. I will consider it based on the situation. Thank you, senior sister."

"Yeah, then that's it."


After ending the call, Kato Yusuke stopped, checked the direction, and then walked towards the station.

Because the destination is in the Chiyoda Ward next door, in the same direction as the private Toyosaki Academy, there is no need to search for commuting routes through the app, and you can just take the train as usual.

After sending a text message to Sayu using Line to inform him, Yusuke set out on his way to Jimbocho alone...

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap.


We walked all the way to the station, swiped my regular monthly pass, passed the gate, and walked onto the platform.

The flow of people on holidays is significantly less.

After sitting on a bench on the platform and waiting for a while, the heavy tram drove over smoothly and stopped in front of me.

The car door opened with a creak, and after a few passengers got off the car, Kato Yusuke calmly entered the car.

I just found a seat by the door and sat down.

Yusuke put on his headphones and used the music software on his mobile phone to play the Japanese version of Jay's songs randomly.

Advertisements for Nogizaka46's tour were scrolling on the LCD screen in the car. Even in autumn, the girls in idol costumes were all cute and eye-catching.

The elegant little skirt shows off a large area of ​​fair complexion, as if she has been living in summer forever.

At this moment, a message from Yamaguchi Takashi was also received on the mobile phone.

[Smart President Kato, who do you think is the cutest among Nogizaka46? (Kumamon’s question mark face.jpg)]

What the hell?

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think, but since he had nothing to do at the moment, he responded - [My girlfriend is the cutest. 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Who wants to listen to such a ghost answer! Damn it! What I’m asking about now is Nogizaka46! (Samurai draws sword and cuts.jpg)]

Yusuke raised his eyes and glanced at the LCD screen, which happened to be switched to a certain member. Then he lowered his head and entered a random message in the chat box and pressed send.

【Asuka Saito. 】

As if it piqued the other party's interest, the other party immediately started chattering endlessly.

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Ooh——! ? It's actually Asuka-chan, the beautiful girl chosen by God? 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Born in 1998, 158 cm tall, bloody O, born in Tokyo, it is said that the face is only 12 cm long, it is indeed very cute~~~! 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: But then again... Although Asuka-chan is very cute, she is not No. 1, right? You don’t understand at all, Kato. (Kumamon sighs.jpg)]

Faced with Yamaguchi's serious words, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel deeply speechless.

Although he just typed in a name at random, Yamaguchi's behavior of reciting other people's information while clearly saying he didn't like it also made him have a dead-eyed expression.

[...If I insist on saying it, what is Thesuper? 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Huh? How about this? Isn’t it very impressive? Not worse than the title of "Japan's Strongest High School Student", right? 】

[Kato Yusuke:? ? ? 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: What’s going on? Your reaction. 】

[No, as long as you are happy. 】

I briefly imagined in my mind how the other party would roll around on the ground because of these dark histories...

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile and saved a screenshot of this conversation.

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Okay! Then let me tell you my No. 1 idol, Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang——! 】

A swimsuit photo that made people burst into tears was sent over.

Kato Yusuke's eyes jumped, and he looked around vaguely. When he saw that no one was paying attention, he dimmed the screen, and typed and asked: [Is this? 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Nishino Nanase is also——! ! By the way, the picture just now is my treasure! Oppai from this angle is the best! 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: How is it? Do you feel the charm of big sister? ? excited! 】

[Yusuke Kato: At least curb your delusions first... By the way, lend me the magazine next time. 】

[Yamaguchi·Thesuper: Hahahahahahaha! OK! MYBROTHER——! (Arm wrestling.jpg)]

[Yusuke Kato: Like (thumbs up). 】

The conversation with Yamaguchi ended.

After thinking about it for a while, Yusuke uploaded the photo and screenshots to the network disk and deleted the pictures in the album.

Hidden merit and fame.

After taking a look at Jimbocho, which was still a few stops away, he began to search for information about the audio company and voice actor agency.

Because I didn’t know much about these aspects before, all I could do was select them one by one based on their reputation and rankings on the Internet.

After writing down the contact information of several companies.

‘System, open the panel. ’

Kato Yusuke exhaled from the system for the first time in a long time.

[Character: Yusuke Kato]

[Age: 15 years old]

[Stamina: 8]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Charm: 7]

[Items: U disk, intelligence 10% discount coupon*1]

[Skills: Shooting (entry level), painting (master level)]

[Points: 19270]

【Money: 7655500】

Except for exchanging a bottle of beauty cream for Asami and deducting 1,500 points, Yusuke Kato chose not to leave the remaining points for the time being.

Then I checked out the new products in August, as well as the special products unlocked by completing limited-time tasks.

The two are:

[Wind chimes: Hanging on the eaves will make a crisp and sweet sound (10 points)]

[Qi and blood medicine (30 capsules/bottle): strengthen the body, activate vitality, and significantly improve human body quality (30,000 points)]

The former is obviously a useless gadget, and although the effect of the latter looks very good, it cannot be redeemed because of the lack of money.

Obviously this thing is unlocked by completing tasks, but the price is set so high, and it cannot be purchased individually.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel the malice coming from the system.

Finally, there are skills.

[Skills: entry-level dodge (100 points), proficient-level shooting (1,000 points), proficient-level fighting (10,000 points), master-level writing (100,000 points)]

(Tip: It is detected that the host has some pre-requisite skills, which can be exchanged for upgrades at a 20% discount.)

Frankly speaking, the skills refreshed this time are not bad, but for some reason three of them are combat skills.

One can't help but wonder if this unfair system may have a certain tendency towards violence...

Thinking of this, Yusuke couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

What he wants most now is actually some skills that can help with game production, but the only thing he wants is writing, which he can't afford.

This coincidence made him feel a little helpless and at the same time he suddenly lost interest.

Immediately, he turned off the system, leaned his body on the back of the chair, and listened to the music carefully.

Accompanied by the swaying tram.

Time passed like this...

About thirty minutes later.

The train arrived at the destination of this trip, Jimbocho.

Following the flow of people out of the station, there were obviously more people wearing suits.

Various bookstores are lined up on both sides of the street. The density is basically one after another. It can be called the most dense in Tokyo... no, or in Japan.

The surrounding high-rise buildings look soaring into the clouds, and the dark glass reflects the cold white light, making it very dazzling to look up casually.

Then he looked away.

While confirming the navigation map on his phone, he walked in the direction of Fusukawa Bunko.

At the same time, he also sent a message to Shiyu, telling him that he would be waiting at a nearby coffee shop and that he could contact her at any time if necessary.

It didn't take a moment to receive a reply.

[Senior Shiyu: Got it. 】

Kato Yusuke kept walking, walking through the streets full of CBD atmosphere, while constantly looking at the surrounding environment.

Although this place is not far from Toyosaki Academy, this is his first time coming to Jimbocho.

Even the impression I have of this place in my mind is only limited to "Bookstore Street and Publishing House", so I am somewhat curious about this famous place.

After some browsing, I discovered that there are not only bookstores nearby, but also many musical instrument stores.

The crowd walking on the street was not just white-collar workers, there were also many people who clearly looked like students.

Kato Yusuke also saw many girls wearing uniforms and carrying guitars behind them walking together.

Judging from the content of the girls chatting and laughing about club topics, the other party is obviously a club mate from the same high school.

I just don’t know if it’s the jazz club or the light music club…

Until a girl with brown shoulder-length hair suddenly stopped in front of a certain store and shouted loudly to her companions who had walked away because they didn't notice this.

This question was answered...

"Hey~~~~chan, this way, this way."


The other three girls who heard the sound turned around and looked around.

"Ah, you ran away without saying a word again. Really, you should at least tell someone at this time, Yui."

The girl with long black hair, who was called Chan, or rather Mio, complained and walked towards her lone companion.

The subtle address made Kato Yusuke, who was originally looking around, stop his feet and cast his gaze over.

I saw the girl with brown hair who looked a little bold, rubbing the back of her head with an embarrassed look on her face, and said with a smile:

"Hey hehe~~~ I'm sorry, but this store seems to have a limited edition chestnut cake? Let's choose this place, the light music club's party."

"Eh~~~? You clearly said you were going to change the strings first."

"But, this is a limited edition chestnut cake, chan! Maybe it will be gone while we are chatting?"

"Even so..."

"Ah~~ Such a cute shop, hey, can we go?"

"Oh, that's good, okay! In the name of the minister, this is the decision!"

The other two girls who were one step behind also came together.

"How dare you even say that!"

Four girls wearing the same uniform gathered in front of a roadside coffee shop and excitedly discussed whether to enter the shop.

Kato Yusuke's expression became even more strange, and he even stared at a few people with some presumption.

The daredevil with short and medium brown shoulder-length hair, the Tucao Ji with black waist-length hair, the vitality girl with short brown hair with a high forehead, the natural idiot with long flaxen hair...

Luo and Zhu Luye...?

His eyes moved downward a few inches involuntarily.

The term "blue and white bowl" suddenly appeared in my mind.

I just haven’t had time to think about it...


Someone hit me behind with something.

"I said, what are you doing?"

Turning around instinctively.

He saw a petite girl with a checkered scarf around her neck, looking at him warily.

Just following Yusuke's eyes met hers.

The expression on the girl's face couldn't help but be slightly startled. The original vigilance seemed to be a little surprised, and it became moderately confused.

"... Azusa?" Kato Yusuke asked tentatively.

"Eh——?" The other party tilted his head slightly in confusion and confusion, revealing his twin ponytails wrapped in a scarf.

The other four girls also noticed the movement here and came over together.

"What? Do you know someone?" The girl with the high forehead glanced at the two of them alternately, and asked in surprise to the girl with twin tails: "Is he your boyfriend——!? Where did you catch this handsome guy from!?"

"Hey, what?"

"Boy friend?"

""he"? "

"It's "kareshi"! Only this idiot! "

"Wow, it hurts~ Ritsu-chan!"

Just as the four of them were arguing about this——

"It's not like that -! Seniors, it's true!" the girl with twin tails denied loudly, her face turning slightly red due to shyness.

Then he asked Kato Yusuke: "Besides, who is Azusa?"

"Sorry, I got the wrong person." Kato Yusuke said, his eyes flashed from the faces of the five girls one by one, and then he noticed something different.

Although the looks of several people were quite cute, they were more or less different from the images in his mind.

This discovery made him feel relieved.

Then he showed an apologetic smile to a few people, said sorry again, and left.

As for what the girls behind him said when they surrounded the girl with twin tails, it was beyond his scope of thinking.

Maybe it just happens that the names are the same...

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think so.

After all, it is very unscientific to reincarnate yourself. As for anime characters traveling back to reality and so on...

Newton's coffin will no longer be able to be covered!

311. Just kidding, don’t take it seriously... (4k)

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