Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and thirteen, proposal for gambling (4k)

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Faced with the request made by Akane Benisaka, Yusuke responded unhurriedly.

"This does not seem to be something that Ms. Hongsaka should know. No matter how unpopular it is, this is still a commercial work. I think confidentiality is reasonable and necessary."

"Secondly, I don't plan to raise funds from outside. If you want to use this reason to convince me, don't bother."

"Finally, let me take the liberty to ask, assuming that after our project is completed, would Ms. Hongsaka be willing to cooperate with us as a publisher?"

Baimeng book

After he finished saying this...

Akane Benisaka was stunned for a moment, then...


Without any warning or reason, she began to laugh wildly in an excited tone, causing her slender body to tremble.

He glanced at the wine bottle placed in the center of the table, which originally had a liter but was almost bottomed out.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but wonder if the person opposite was drunk, and then looked at the boss behind the counter.

He saw that the other party was calmly placing sushi on the plate, not reacting at all to the high-pitched laughter in the store, with a calm expression.

Then he looked away again, silently thinking about some rumors about Akane Benisaka in the industry.

Cougar, scheming, queen, cartoonist, undefeated genius...these are positive.

Madness, cold blood, reapers, hook or crook, creator's grave...these are the negatives.

Just as Shiyu reminded me when she was on Xia Yi.

As the queen of doujins, Akane Benisaka, there are countless examples in the industry of creators who became stars because of her attraction.

However, in contrast, the number of creators who were attracted by her but failed to meet her expectations and thus went bankrupt was several times the number of successful ones.

This is why she has gained a huge reputation with mixed praise and denigration, and even more denigration than praise.

Despite this, this man still goes his own way and remains standing.

And she seems to be walking tirelessly on the road ahead forever, letting countless dead bones pile up her undefeated myth in the business world.

Unstoppable and unstoppable.

Like a dazzling scorching sun, no one can stop her from rising into the sky.

Even those who were originally qualified to stand by her side were forced to stop at some stage because of their own limited wisdom, and sighed as they watched her leave.

Unknowingly, the only one left was Akane Kurisaka.

The reason why Yusuke proposed cooperation with her was because of his vast channels and rich connections.

If the other company can really become the publisher of the game, it can be said that the publicity and distribution issues will have been guaranteed by then.

As a time traveler, he naturally understands that the smell of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley.

Although it is not easy to create a hit, it is not impossible, but creating a classic is another matter entirely.

In order to achieve financial freedom in the future, and to live up to the emotion that "ad" once brought me.

Kato Yusuke is willing to work hard to achieve excellence in all aspects.

While thinking about this, the sushi restaurant owner carrying a tray also brought various delicacies to the table.

Akane Benisaka, who seemed to have consumed a lot of energy from laughing wildly, kept banging his fists on the table, didn't show any politeness, just picked up a foie gras hand with his bare hands and threw it into his mouth, and then poured another glass of sake into the glass. .

"It's really—so interesting!"

She said roughly and boldly: "Would you like a drink too, Teacher Eromanga?"

Hearing this...

"Hey, Miss Kousaka——!"

The store owner, who was just about to return to the counter, immediately warned. His face lost the previous calmness and became very serious.



A dull voice suddenly sounded in the store.

The boss's words suddenly got stuck in his throat midway through his words, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the thick pile of mundane things on the table.

Bang, click, click.


The white smoke was inhaled by the vermilion lips, and then slowly exhaled from Yingting's nose.

"Sorry, boss. I want to talk to this guy about something private. Can you take a break?" Akane Kurisaka, holding a Seven Star cigarette between her index and middle fingers, said calmly in a low and hoarse voice, with a cold face. It looks a bit coquettish in the swirling smoke.

The air was quiet for three seconds.

Suddenly a sigh sounded in the store.

"I'm sorry."

The middle-aged boss said without a smile: "I suddenly remembered that there is a batch of newly arrived goods in the kitchen that have not been processed. Please allow me to excuse you for a moment."

With that said, he cleared his throat and walked out.

While looking straight ahead with both eyes, one hand seemed to slip on the table inadvertently.

It was like a breeze blowing.

After the boss left the store, the annoying pile of mundane things on the table was gone.


The sinister queen lightly opened her red lips and exhaled a puff of smoke gracefully.

"The troublesome guy is gone, what do you say?"

Ding ding.

The green-white fingertips flicked on the transparent glass on the table, making a pleasant crisp sound, as if urging someone to respond.

After taking a look at the smeared lipstick on the mouth of the cup, Kato Yusuke, who had not made any comment during the whole process, shook his head and expressed his rejection.

"Yeah, forget it."

Seeing this scene, Benisaka Akane nodded indifferently, picked up the cup, and drank the clear water-like nectar in one gulp.

"——So, you just said you wanted me to be your publisher?"


"Are you ready to convince me?"

“Does being able to make money count?”

"How much do you earn?"

Kato Yusuke thought for a moment, made a fist on the table with one hand, and then stretched out a finger.

Akane Benisaka glanced down and had no reaction.



There was a brief silence.

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a moment, then stretched out another finger.

"Huh~~ I want to know what your estimated sales volume is for the game?"

"First starter, fight for one and guarantee three. Nationwide, top ten." Kato Yusuke said word by word, staring intently into the opponent's eyes.

Akane Hongsaka had no expression on this, just narrowed her eyes slightly and scoffed: "Not bad ambition."

After speaking, there was no response until a small cluster of cigarette ashes fell on her hand, and she flicked it away.

"So are you willing to accept it? Miss Hongsaka."

The other party put out the cigarette in his pipe without saying a word, then lowered his head and ate the food on the table, seeming to be thinking.

And Kato Yusuke just watched her quietly as she ate the food with a look that could not be described as rude or sloppy, and he also remained silent.

About ten minutes later.

Akane Akane, who seemed to be replenishing her energy, took out a piece of tissue paper from the paper box on the table and wiped her mouth.

"It's better than this." She said, "Let's make a betting agreement."

"The gambling agreement..." Yusuke muttered and frowned, "What is it about?"

"According to what you just said, it depends on whether this plan can achieve that kind of sales volume by then."

Akane Hongsaka said: "I can agree to the publisher's request, but the condition is that you come to "re" after losing. "

Kato Yusuke sneered: "...This condition seems unfair to me..."

The other party interrupted him.

"Of course, if you win, not only will I be able to help you with publicity for free, but I will also be exempted from the cost of sharing."


"How about it?"

A weird smile appeared on Akane Hongsaka's face, and she spoke out crazy words as if nothing had happened: "Are you willing to accept this proposal?"

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

For quite a while, Kato Yusuke didn't speak, but kept glancing at her face with his eyes, which were as deep as the night, but with cold starlight flashing from time to time.

Then he slowly said: "This matter... doesn't seem to be of any benefit to Miss Hongsaka."


Akane Hongsaka lengthened her voice and responded in a rude tone like a man: "Benefits? That kind of thing is good no matter what. I just want to know one thing now. Are you ready to die?"

As the words slowly settled.


Even though Yusuke had made some mental preparations, he was still confused by these inexplicable words and temporarily lost his ability to think.

The other party continued to talk.

"Actually, what I originally expected was that you would come to me honestly! By then, whether it is resources or connections, you will have access to many times more than you have now.

For this reason I politely extended an invitation to you, but you actually dared to take Joe! Not only did you not even tell me about the plan, but you also asked Akane Benisaka to endorse your game! "

The woman who said this smiled instead of being angry, looking at him continuously with a cold light in her eyes.

For a woman who was simply drunk, her gaze was too sharp and intense, as if desire like a sharp sword came out directly from her body, full of impressive courage.

Then he slowed down his speaking speed and said word by word: "Then. From now on, like a martyr, dedicate yourself and burn your life for "re". Are you ready for this kind of awareness? "

Kato Yusuke looked back at her, feeling that the slender eyebrows of the person in front of him had unknowingly gained a hint of coercion from a high position.

Then he pondered and asked: "This is indeed a very attractive proposal, but it is just an ordinary cooperation and it is not good to distribute the benefits?"

Akane Hongsaka raised her eyebrows and lit another cigarette.

"What, are you scared?"

"It can only be said that I am not that big in gambling."

"Oh? So you're a herbivorous man from the pacification faction? In that case, my office is more suitable for you. I'm willing to take care of you for the rest of your life as a creator who is exhausted physically and mentally due to serious struggle."

"...Do you mean you can stop using this term? I've made it very clear about that."

I don't know if he understood Yusuke's thoughts, but there was no regret at all on the other person's face, just a playful arc at the corner of his lips, which looked a bit mean.

"Those who can't give up anything can't change anything. Remember this, Teacher Eromanga." Akane Kurisaka said with some profound meaning, then stood up from his seat and walked outside. .

But when he walked to the door, he stopped again and said as if he remembered something: "Anyway, I'll give you half a month to think about it. Remember to give me a reply then."

After saying that, he left the store.

'I don't seem to have promised anything...'

Looking at her leaving figure, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but shake his head.

Sigh, squeak, squeak—

There was the sound of a vehicle engine starting outside.

What followed was the boss's shocked words.

"Wait a minute, Miss Kousaka! Do you want to drive drunk!?"

When Yusuke heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately got up and ran out.

Looking around, I saw the boss wearing a navy blue chef uniform standing in the parking space, saying something to the people in the car with a troubled look on his face.

So Kato Yusuke also raised his feet and stepped forward.

Akane Akane, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said impatiently: "What——? I just drank a little bit. This amount is nothing. Don't worry, it's time~"

"No, no, no, aren't you already drunk?"

"Haa~~~? You are very noisy, uncle. Get away quickly."

During the argument, the boss saw Yusuke walking towards him at a glance.

Instead of breaking up with some unreasonable drunkard, he pulled Yusuke over and said, "No, no! Let this boy take you back. I don't want to lose a customer so early! At least until I retire. Say it again!”

Kato Yusuke, who originally thought his boss was a nice person, suddenly turned into a dead-eye look when he heard this. However, he did not refuse verbally, but looked at Akane Benisaka in the car.

He saw Fang Zheng looking at him with his phoenix eyes slightly narrowed and his cheeks flushed, then he slapped his mouth in displeasure, held his forehead and said: "I know, I know, I'll trouble you, Teacher Eromanga. "

With that said, he turned off the car, held the door and stepped out of the car.

"I'll call a taxi for you." The relieved boss turned and walked towards the street outside.

And Kato Yusuke sighed softly and asked: "Where is your home? Miss Hongsaka."

Click, Didi——

"Let me see……"

Akane Benisaka, who locked the car door with the remote control, rummaged through her bag, and then——


With her face turning blue, she immediately covered her mouth and staggered to the side of the railing.

Seeing this scene, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but take a few steps back and distance himself.

There was a hint of sourness in the air, but it was quickly blown away by the breeze.

He waited until the other party finished his work before he came over again.

Trying not to look at the things on the ground, he asked directly: "Can you still stand up? Miss Hongsaka."


The other party didn't respond, he just squatted on the ground with his head hanging down.

"Miss Benisaka?"


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown.

At this time——

"Hey, brother, the taxi is here!" The boss waved and shouted not far away.

"This three-legged cat seems to be broken into pieces. What should I do -?"

"What! It's up to you then——! Come on!" The boss who said this first glanced at them in shock. He probably estimated the current situation, so he wisely did not come over, but gave Yusuke a thumbs up.

Several black lines suddenly appeared on Kato Yusuke's forehead, and he really wanted to leave this sloppy drunkard alone, but when he thought of the other party's previous help, he still felt a little sorry after all.

He couldn't help but let out a sad sigh.

Then he knelt down next to Akane Benisaka, put one of her arms on his shoulders from behind her neck, and supported her waist to stand up.

A strong smell of alcohol suddenly hit his face, even covering up the softness coming from his chest and waist.

"If you can't drink it, don't drink it. Why are you trying to be strong..."

Kato Yusuke, who muttered something, endured the discomfort in his heart and walked towards the taxi with all the burdens on his body.

Under the encouraging eyes of the sushi restaurant owner, and through the letter with the address found in Akane Akane's bag, he finally sent the older lady home.

313. Gambling proposal (4k)

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