Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and fourteen, trouble comes (4k)

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After the accident on Akane Benisaka's side was resolved, it was already afternoon.

Yusuke, who was thinking about picking up Sayu home from get off work, could only tell Shiyu that he had something to do and make an appointment another day, and then hurried home on the train.

Even so, he still couldn't catch up with Sayu's off-duty time.

However, the two communicated through Line, and the other party clearly informed him that he had arrived home successfully, so there was no need to worry.

Kato Yusuke was relieved from this.

With his inner scorn for the elder sister in his heart, and thinking about the gambling agreement proposed by the man, he arrived at the station near his home without any surprises.

While using her mobile phone to confirm with Eiri about tomorrow's Iket in Ikebukuro, she kept walking towards her home.

Walking down familiar residential streets.

The seesaw made a gentle sound in the park at dusk, mixed with the laughter of children.

Women in home clothes carrying shopping bags formed a procession like a parade with lanterns and walked towards the shopping street in a steady stream.

Although autumn does not have clear signs like summer, you can still feel this change through the sunset that sets much earlier.

Under the red and bleak sky, the setting sun has also changed from the scorching sun of the last summer season to the dim red sun with a sense of loneliness now, as if lamenting the passage of time.

It’s almost the season for roasted sweet potatoes again…

When he realized this, Kato Yusuke had already subconsciously bought two freshly baked sweet potatoes from the convenience store on the roadside.

If there's any way to recognize the changing seasons faster than girls' school uniforms, it's undoubtedly the "limited time" foods at convenience stores.

They will quietly tell us that we should eat Eho rolls and sakura cakes in spring, eat them in summer, and eat roasted sweet potatoes in autumn...

The solar terms change and the four seasons rotate, and blessings are rolled up and eaten. In this small way, people pray for good wishes to eliminate disasters, ward off evil spirits, and achieve success.

Yusuke, who was holding a paper bag of roasted sweet potatoes, was walking and thinking, and soon he arrived near the apartment.

On the side of the road, a black car with a "Sapporo" license plate was parked there.

At the stairs leading to the second floor, two burly men wearing black suits and sunglasses were guarding one on the left and one on the right, exuding a cold aura that made people afraid to approach.

Seeing this scene, Kato Yusuke's expression was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly changed color.

A feeling like falling into an ice cave suddenly rose from beneath my feet.

Without much thought, he immediately understood who these people were coming for.

Although I don’t understand why, that kind of thing is not something I need to consider right now.

At this time, Yusuke wanted to confirm only one thing, and that was the condition of Sayu who was left alone at home.

Snap, grunt.

The brown paper bag in his hand fell to the ground, and two plump roasted sweet potatoes rolled out.

At the same time, the young man's figure suddenly disappeared and rushed towards the apartment like a sudden strong wind.


My ears were filled with the sound of howling wind, which seemed to merge with the boundless sky.

call out--

As the black figure rushed over, the two burly men guarding the stairs also noticed this scene.



The two men who shouted fiercely remained calm in the face of danger. They raised their hands to warn the intruder and walked forward.

This reaction not only clearly stated the meaning of "no access here", but also made Yusuke more certain of his suspicions.

Not only was the speed at his feet not only increased, but it was even faster.

Seeing the unkind person coming, the two men also raised their arms in an attempt to react.

If they had taken such measures from the beginning, they might have been able to make more favorable changes, but now they are still a step too slow... or the other party is too fast!

Puff, bang—! !

Accompanied by the dull collision of flesh.

It was like hitting a fast-moving vehicle.

One of the men who was standing slightly ahead was immediately thrown backwards under the huge impact and hit the wall.


Boom——! !

The man opened his mouth wide in anger, his body bowed forward into a C shape, and he fell to the ground.

Before he had time to think about why the man had such great strength, he immediately warned his companions: "Quickly, get out of the way!!"

The next second.



It was as if the same experience was repeating itself before my eyes.

The man who issued the warning watched with his own eyes as his companion took a blow in the lower abdomen, then fell down with a twisted expression in pain.


The sunglasses on his face fell to the ground and were crushed by a sneaker.

After glancing at the two people who were unable to move on the ground, Kato Yusuke, who deliberately controlled his strength and ignored his target, strode up the stairs three steps at a time.

Bend across the platform between the first and second floors and continue upward.

What caught his eye was a tall figure that almost filled his entire field of vision.

Pure black sunglasses, a crisp suit, and a pair of shiny black leather shoes.

The sturdy figure, about 190 centimeters tall, was firmly blocking the entrance to the second floor of the room, making it difficult to see the scene behind him.

Shang still couldn't think about it.

The opponent quickly raised one knee, lowered his arms forcefully while tilting his upper body back.

Immediately afterwards——

A black light suddenly appeared from below Yusuke's field of vision, smelling like shoe polish and leather, and then quickly enlarged and got closer.

Boom——! !

A dull blow sounded in his chest.

Accompanied by a force like a cannonball exploding in the chest.

Kato Yusuke, who was rushing forward just a second ago, not only stopped suddenly, but also flew backwards under the force of this force, crossed the railing, and landed heavily on the ground on the first floor.

He climbed up from the hard ground and glanced down at his chest.

Yusuke's pupils glowed coldly, he reached out to pat away the footprints on his clothes, and then looked up at the figure walking down from the second floor.

""Lin Sang! ""

The two men from before said at the same time, struggled to get up from the ground and walked to the man.

"Yes." The man named Lin Sang nodded at the two of them, then turned his attention to Yusuke and asked, "Who are you?"

Kato Yusuke didn't respond to this, and looked at the first room on the second floor of the apartment.

Not wanting to tangle with them any more, he took a deep breath and immediately wanted to lift his feet and rush downstairs in that direction.


"I won't let you go—!"

The tall Mr. Lin suddenly rushed over at an incredible speed, and struck straight at Yujie's door with a fierce and fast punch, carrying a whistling wind that left no doubt about its power. The left foot paused imperceptibly, and the side kick on the leg was ready to go.

This is a simple and effective combination of punches, using straight punches as a feint and side kicks to open up the situation. Once hit by these two punches, the next second will be a connecting right hook, which will instantly make people lose their ability to fight back. .

Kato Yusuke didn't know this, but it didn't prevent him from reacting instinctively. While raising his right arm to block, the left fist that was briefly charged at the waist was directed towards the opponent's abdomen.

small book booth

This ordinary person's reaction made Mr. Lin couldn't help but smile, but he didn't hold back. He just stepped slightly to the left. Not only did his own moves remain unchanged, but he became a little sharper after seeing the opponent's moves, leaving only 10% should be spared to make changes.

He was not worried that his opponent would not be able to withstand this blow. Judging from the fact that this young man was able to get up after being kicked by him on the second floor, it was obvious that he was not an ordinary person...

In a flash of thought, his left straight fist also collided with Yusuke's right arm.


The contact surface between the long-sleeved windbreaker and the fist made a crisp sound. Mr. Lin, who felt the hard feedback force, could not help but change his face slightly. He felt that his punch seemed to have hit a stone, and it did not produce the expected restraint effect at all. , and the opponent's left punch also rubbed against his abdomen along with his twisted body.

Without any time to think about it, Mr. Lin immediately changed his move. While clamping Yusuke's right arm with both hands, he slid to his side in one step, and then immediately hit him with a knee!


There was another muffled sound, and the knee bent into a V shape hit Yusuke's side hard. Mr. Lin also used the force to jump back two steps and instantly distanced himself.

"Lin Sang!"

"This kid is surprisingly strong! Be careful!"

The two onlookers reminded him as an afterthought, dragging their bodies forward, and the three of them surrounded Yusuke at an angle.

After taking a look at the two people who were in a boxing stance, Kato Yusuke raised his sword eyebrows, stretched out his hand to rub his waist, and his expression turned gloomy.

‘System, exchange skills. ’

[Pay one hundred points and the host will get entry-level dodge]

[Pay 800 points, and the host will obtain skilled shooting]

[Pay 10,000 points, and the host will gain proficiency in combat]

[Remaining points: 1270]

"Let's contain him, Lin Sang!"

"Please look for opportunities later!"

The two men cautiously approached Yusuke, their eyes filled with vigilance and fear.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, spread his legs forward and backward, raised his arms in front of his chest, leaned forward slightly, and protected his chest area with his arms.

A pair of cut-out eyes as dark as the night glowed with cold light, looking at several people with eyes like an eagle.

A completely different feeling from before suddenly emerged in the hearts of the three men present.

"what happened!"

"The momentum has changed!"

The two men in suits from before exchanged words in confusion, but were interrupted the next second.

"You guys step back first!" Mr. Lin said so, moving his chin, signaling for them to step back, while he narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him.

The two hesitated for a moment, but finally leaned forward and said "yes" before retreating to a distance. One of them even made a phone call, seemingly calling for help.

So only Yusuke and Mr. Lin were left in the open area in front of the apartment.


Facing Mr. Lin's question, Yusuke sneered and replied with the quintessence of Chinese culture: "Practice NM!"

After saying that, he rushed directly towards the opponent. His movements were indistinguishable from reality to reality, and even his steps were like ghosts.

Until Yusuke came closer.

Thinking that he was going to fight at close quarters, Mr. Lin immediately got down on his horse, his energy drained from his dantian, and he kept his palms at a certain distance and pushed outwards, preparing to use his pulling and grappling skills to challenge him.


The boy who was charging forward sank and squeezed into his arms, and stepped hard on the ground.


A subtle sound of rock cracking reached his ears.

Yusuke instantly jumped into the air. While his upper body leaned back, the killing move hidden behind him also headed straight for his face with an unstoppable force.

Only then did Mr. Lin discover that the opponent's blow was not the punch or elbow as expected, but the flying knee known as a life-or-death kick in Muay Thai!

This discovery made his pupils suddenly shrink to the size of a pinhead, and the hairs all over his body suddenly stood up.

There was no time to think. After long and hard training, the body had reacted like a conditioned reflex.

The palms that were originally pushed forward immediately closed into fists, and the forearms were crossed in front of the chin in a cross shape, protecting the fragile face and chest to welcome the next blow!

Yes, welcome, because he has lost the opportunity to dodge.

Mr. Lin, who saw the fierce flying knee from the gap in his arm, thought so, and his scalp instantly became numb.



With the weird arc formed by the two forearms, Mr. Lin turned into sparkling stone as if he had hit a train. His whole body was kicked off the ground by this astonishingly powerful blow, and he fell backwards, then heavily. It fell to the ground, causing a large cloud of smoke.

""Mr. Lin————! ! ! ""

The two people who saw this scene from a distance suddenly screamed, their sharp voices full of horror. Then they immediately ran to Mr. Lin, protected him behind them, and stared at the young man not far away with a stern look. .

I saw the opponent standing alone, his waist straight, like an unsheathed sword, sharp and unstoppable.

Under the refreshing short black hair, the thin lips on the face were like a deep pool, and there was a cold air between the brows.

At this time, he was looking at them expressionlessly, exuding a look of disdain and indifference.

"Don't come here!"

"Come here again and we'll call the police!"

The warnings issued by the two men in black did not stop Yusuke, he just slowly raised his feet and walked towards the three of them.

Judging from the previous reactions of these people to him, there is no doubt that they are not kind, so Yusuke does not regret that he just kicked Mr. Lin's arm off.

His fists and feet are ruthless, his elbows are like knives.

After all, the other party didn't hold back on me before, and it was his own fault that he ended up like this, not to mention that Yusuke had already held back. Otherwise, with his 8 points of physical strength, let alone a pair of arms, could Mr. Lin save his life... that's also true. A question with a no-brainer answer.

On the other hand, it is precisely because of his special talents that caused the current situation.

If it were an ordinary person facing the three of them on his behalf, he would have been in the ICU by now, and there would be no way he could stand here intact.

Picking up a few pebbles from the ground.

Kato Yusuke whispered: "Left knee."

Two cups of stones popped out of my fingertips.



The two men immediately hugged their knees and squatted down.

"Right knee."



"Throat, chin, nose..."

A series of snapping sounds were also replaced by howls.

"damn it!"

"What the hell did you bastard do! Beast-!"

Until Yusuke finished throwing the stones in his hand, he came to a few people and looked down at the three men in suits lying on the ground.

Asked: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Mr. Lin, who squinted his eyes, had a sad smile on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "We are just hired bodyguards, responsible for protecting the president."

"Who is the president?" Kato Yusuke continued to ask.

Mr. Lin twitched the corners of his mouth, big beads of sweat rolled down his face, and his expression looked very painful.

"The president of the club is..."

Just when he was about to say the name.


The sound of something falling suddenly came from the second floor of the apartment, and it immediately attracted Yusuke's attention.

I saw a handsome young man standing there, his eyes filled with astonishment.

Seeing this new face and the other person’s reaction.

Kato Yusuke didn't know that this was also a fish that slipped through the net, so he immediately left the three of them alone and ran straight towards the man on the second floor.

"Wait a minute! That person is————!"

Mr. Lin, who was lying on the ground, tried to raise his hands to stop him, but was unable to speak for a moment because of his injuries.

Yusuke had already rushed up to the handsome man in a suit, ignoring the man's slightly dilated pupils as he picked up his phone.

His straight punch quickly approached the opponent's door, causing the duoza to instinctively close his eyes.

At this moment--

"Yu, Yusuke...! No!"

A voice so familiar that it was almost engraved in my bones came from the other end of the corridor.

Kato Yusuke's movements stopped for a moment, and his fist stopped just an inch in front of the strange man's face.


314. Trouble comes to your door (4k)

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