Latest website: "Come out, we're home."

Kato Yusuke returned to the apartment and prepared to release the little black cat from the newly purchased animal suitcase.

"Meow meow."

Maybe you feel unsafe in an unfamiliar environment.

The little black cat meowed softly, but refused to come out of the box. It just lay inside alertly, looking around silently.

Kato Yusuke tried to seduce him with dried small fish, but the other party remained unmoved.

He sat on the steps of the entrance hall and looked at the cat for a while.

However, the little black cat, who was still very open-minded outside, avoided looking and licked his mouth.

"I'm going to pack my things. You haven't showered yet. You're not allowed to go to bed when you come out."

Kato Yusuke pointed to himself, then to the bathroom, and finally to the bed, and explained.

Black Cat didn't react at all, and he didn't know if he understood.

He had no choice but to leave the cat where it was while he got up and started cleaning up.

First, place the purchased cat litter box against the wall next to the desk, pour less dusty pine wood cat litter into it, seal the unused part and put it on the balcony.

Then he placed the automatic feeder and water fountain next to the bedside table, filled them with cat food and water, and turned on the power.


Whoosh, whoosh.

The feeder made an electronic sound, and the water fountain began to circulate water.

Kato Yusuke glanced at the entrance. The black cat was still hiding in the box, but it felt like it was secretly watching his movements.

So he looked away again and began to set the feeding time, amount, and frequency of the feeder.

These were all things he bought at Don Quixote. Although manual feeding equipment was cheaper, he still chose the automatic one after thinking about it.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

On the one hand, it is out of respect for the reunion of old friends (bushi), and on the other hand, it is more convenient, so that even if he cannot come home in time for something in the future, the cat will not be hungry.

This is not because he wants to be lazy or finds it troublesome, it is just that it is more thoughtful and appropriate.

After all, he is alone in Tokyo and will almost certainly encounter a situation where he will be unable to do anything else in the future.

Once you encounter that situation, no one at home can help him take care of the cat, so having an automatic feeder is a good thing for both him and the cat.

As for why you should buy an automatic drinking fountain even if it cannot be refilled by itself, according to the cat store clerk at Don Quijote, it is because cats prefer to drink flowing water. They seem to find it more fun and fresh?

Kato Yusuke was skeptical about this, but he didn't get to the bottom of it, and finally bought an automatic.

Because both machines are dual-purpose machines with charging + battery, even if there is a power outage, it will not affect the cat's cooking.

After all, cats are not humans and will not cook their own meals after being picked up and brought home...

My thoughts suddenly stopped here.


Kato Yusuke turned to look aside and saw the little black cat walking to his feet at some point and observing the feeder and water dispenser.

"Did we first meet at a telephone pole or under a trash can?"


"You will be called Xiao Hei from now on, do you understand?"

"Meow meow?"

"That's the name I called you when we first met, remember?"


The black cat seemed to understand and rubbed his leg with its head.

Kato Yusuke smiled: "Well, it seems you still remember, but someone has forgotten me."

He touched the cat's head, and there was another moment of silence.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed.

He took out his phone and there was an email on it.

[New Tiaoxiang: Good morning~ President, this is my LINE ID, can you add it?~]

Swipe down with your finger, and what pops up is a selfie of you lying on the bed.

The girl in the picture has a lazy look on her face, biting a note with her ID written on it in her mouth. She has no clothes on her body and is only covered with a thin quilt.

From this angle, you can clearly see the whiteness and ravines on the chest. The snow-white skin was faintly green, like bruises in the shape of several fingers.

Kato Yusuke quit the email, put away his phone after locking the screen, and then continued to pet the cat.

"Go take a shower, Xiaohei."

"Meow meow?"

The black cat tilted its head and looked at him, with a bit of curiosity in its green eyes.

"Don't worry, I can massage you. You will definitely like it."

He said as he took off his sports coat, picked up the cat and put it on his shoulders. When he passed by the entrance, he picked up the pet shower gel and walked into the bathroom.

Click, click, click.

One person and one cat pushed open the sliding door and came to the bathtub.

"Come in, VIP No. 1."

Kato Yusuke put the black cat into the bathtub, then reached for the shower head, ready to test the water temperature.

When he was first put into the bathtub, the little black cat didn't feel anything, and even looked around curiously.

However, when a human holding a weapon opened it with a "clatter", he suddenly realized something was wrong and started to run away, but was grabbed by the back of Destiny's neck.

"Meow meow!"

"Woof woof."

"Meow meow——!!!"

The black cat flapped its paws in the air, somewhat baring its teeth.

"It's useless to bark. You are no longer a stray cat. You should pay attention to personal hygiene." Kato Yusuke said calmly, and after testing the temperature, he started to flush the cat.

The water flow is not large, just like a trickle like a small spring.

However, after being splashed with water...

"Meow! Meow! Ouch--!"

The black cat that was grabbed by the back of the neck purred heavily, the hair all over its body exploded, and its tail was stuck tightly to its belly.

A pair of green eyes were dilated, filled with fear.


The black cat meowed twice more, but Yusuke couldn't understand it. He just slowly wet the part below his head, then put him in the bathtub and pressed him gently, and used the other hand that put down the shower head to squeeze and bathe him. dew.

Puff, puff.

The slightly transparent dark blue liquid drew a snake shape on the black cat's back.

Kato Yusuke put down the shower gel and began to rub it in.

Seeing that there was no water, the black cat's nervousness also dissipated a lot. He meowed "meow" and crawled in the bathtub to let him do whatever he wanted.

Guchi, Guchi.

The white transparent foam becomes more and more as you rub it with your fingers, which looks very comfortable.

Carefully rub the black cat's body, not too hard, not too hard, like a massage.

Then he dealt with the four claws and tail in sequence, and finally the head, ears, and chin.

Because the black cat was not very cooperative, it took a little time here.

Goo-goo-goo, coo-goo-goo.

Enron's rhythm kept sounding in the bathroom.

Kato Yusuke's mind gradually became calmer.

"You seem to have changed little from the last time I saw you. Without this hair, you would be just a thin stalk."


The black cat glanced back at him, swung its tail and lightly slapped his arm, seemingly dissatisfied.

Yusuke raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a faint arc on his face, like ice that had melted slightly.

Use a shower to wash off the foam on the cat's body, then wipe the cat's body with a newly purchased towel, and then slowly dry the cat's hair with a hair dryer.

The cat was not very cooperative about this, but it was no match for him, so he humiliated himself and accepted a bathing session.

After the entire process was completed, it was already an hour later.

The time came to 10:15 am.

Kato Yusuke carried the black cat back to the living room and placed him in the litter box to let him familiarize himself with the environment.

"This is the toilet. Use it here later."


The black cat stepped back and forth in the pine cat litter, lowered his head and sniffed, then urinated in it in a dignified manner, and jumped out after burying it for a while.

Being able to use cat litter seems to be a skill that all cats are born with.

Kato Yusuke watched him run to the drinking fountain to drink water, while he leaned on the bed in a daze.

Although there was nothing to do, the room seemed less boring.

"Xiao Hei." He patted his leg and tried to call the cat over, but the cat remained unmoved. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't understand or for some other reason.

At this time.

Ding Dong~

The doorbell suddenly rang at the entrance.

Kato Yusuke stood up and went to open the door. What appeared outside was a beautiful black-haired girl wearing casual clothes.

"Good morning, Kato-san, I brought you something." Shiyu said softly, gently lifting the shopping paper bag in her hand.

"The dim sum here is delicious. Well, can I go in?"

There was a brief silence.

Kato Yusuke nodded, "Please come in."

After speaking, he moved away from her.

Shiyu's eyes brightened slightly when he saw this, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc, and then he coughed to cover it up, nodding and smiling reservedly.

"...Thank you, I'll excuse you then."

As he said this, he entered the room one step ahead.

“Do you have slippers for visitors?”

"No need to change."

"okay, I get it."

Shiyu responded happily. While holding on to the wall, he raised his calves and took off the high heels on his feet, and then followed him into the living room.

"Meow meow!"

Suddenly seeing a stranger enter the room, the black cat that was drinking water immediately went into a state of alert. It looked very fierce with its teeth and claws showing, showing the normal behavior of stray cats.

"Eh?" Shiyu couldn't help but stopped where he was, looking at the black cat with some surprise, then looking at Kato Yusuke, and asked: "...Kato-kun, do you have a cat?"

"Well, I just picked it up today."

Kato Yusuke simply replied, bent down and picked up the black cat with fried fur, put it in his arms, and started stroking his hair.

The black cat became quieter after being picked up, but still stared at Shiyu intently, observing her every move.

"You can sit wherever you like."


Shiyu responded, came to the low table in the center of the room, put the shopping bag in his hand on the table, and knelt down gracefully on the carpet.

"I'm going to get something to drink."

Kato Yusuke led the cat to the kitchen, took two bottles of oolong tea from the refrigerator, and then returned to the low table.

"Please use."

As he spoke, he sat down on the steering wheel leg on the other side. The black cat jumped on his shoulder and hid half of his body behind his head, very alert.

"Go down and play by yourself."

"Meow meow meow."

The black cat meowed twice, one softly and one loudly, but did not obey.

So Kato Yusuke said no more and left.

Shiyu just watched him reach out and gently scratch the black cat's chin, causing it to purr comfortably after enduring it for a while.

One black and one white, there is no contradiction at all, they match surprisingly well.

The warm autumn sunshine slanted in and shone deeply on them.

Although the young man's face was still expressionless, it suddenly became much gentler because of this action.

Seeing this scene, Shiyu's eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help but ask: "What's the name of this cat?"

"Xiao Hei."

"Xiao Hei?"


"It's unexpectedly ordinary. I thought Kato-kun would have chosen some other name, like Sephiroth or Bigglesworth."

Kato Yusuke frowned slightly, not knowing what she wanted to say, but the name Bigworth...

"... Kel'Thuzad?" He couldn't help but murmured, which elicited a light sigh from Shiyu.

"Huh? Did you just say something? Kato-san."

"It's nothing." Kato Yusuke said calmly: "I just suddenly thought of something."

Shiyu nodded, reached out and picked up the oolong tea from the table, opened it and drank it.

He looked around nonchalantly.

The whole room is quite tidy for a boy, with no garbage piled up or clothes thrown around.

The desk is a bit messy, but judging from the pile of open books and exercise books on it, there are obvious signs of studying hard.

This made her feel a little relieved, but another thought couldn't help but arise in her mind.

...Wouldn’t this mean that I have no chance to perform at all?

She couldn't help but think this, feeling a little bit resentful, then she looked away and asked casually.

"Ahem... Speaking of which, did you use the gift last time?"

Kato Yusuke's hand movements paused slightly, ignoring the emphasis in her words, and responded calmly: "If senior is referring to the pair of pantyhose, I put them in the closet and you can take them back later. "

Shiyu was noncommittal about this. He was calm on the surface but full of excitement. He really wanted to know whether this meant that he had used it or not.


She breathed lightly, with a playful smile on her beautiful lips, and asked again: "So, did that thing help you? I put it on after taking a shower, so there shouldn't be anything strange about it. The taste, right?"

The room suddenly became quiet.

Kato Yusuke raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes sweeping over the silky black hair and beautiful face.

The girl in front of her was wearing a light and mature white dress and a light blue suit jacket, and her legs were still paired with a pair of matte black pantyhose that seemed to have become a trademark.

It stands like a peony, sits like a peony, and moves like a lily.

The whole person looks elegant and mature.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the girl in front of you is undoubtedly an out-and-out beautiful girl, but the fact that she always likes to talk in a pornographic tone is slightly inconsistent with her appearance...

He paused for a moment, and then replied: "Sorry, Senior Sister Shiyu, I haven't used that thing."

After that, he continued to pet the cat.


Thanks to [Floating Shadow], [The Mouse Who Raised Two Cats], [Tired Heart], and [The Waiter Helped Him Up] for their rewards.

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