Latest website: "Sorry, Senior Sister Shiyu, I have never used that thing."

After hearing Kato Yusuke's answer, Shiyu didn't ask any more questions, and just replied in a casual way, making it impossible to tell his inner thoughts.

Purr, purr, purr.

The black cat gradually became relaxed, lying lazily on Kato Yusuke's shoulder, enjoying his massage with a contented look on his face, and licking his fingers with his small pink tongue with barbs.

After some comfort, the black cat no longer cared about someone tricking the cat into entering the bathroom to "kill" it.

Kato Yusuke found some dried fish and fed it to the cat. At the same time, he asked the girl, "What do you want to do here today? Senior sister."

Shiyu nodded in affirmation, thought for a moment and said, "If I want to say it, I basically just come here to see you and ask about your future plans."

"I'll go back to school on Monday."

"Well, I heard about this from another Kato-san, but I want to ask about something else. The previous studio... what are you going to do?"

"Let's put it aside for now."

"for the time being?"



"Something happened and there's not enough money right now."

Shiyu raised his eyebrows slightly, but immediately returned to his original state.

"In other words, you haven't given up playing games yet, right?"

Kato Yusuke nodded in response, and then said: "No, but it will not be restarted in the short term."

"Because you have to pay back the Sawamura family's money first?"

There was a brief silence.


"How much do you owe her family?"


"Although I have heard her mention this matter, the specific number is not clear. If you don't want to talk about it, forget it."

Kato Yusuke shook his head at this, "It's nothing, it's just that I asked her family to borrow 20 million."

"In this way..." Shiyu blinked her eyelashes slightly, with an inexplicable look in her eyes, and then asked: "You said that the budget of "ad" is 12 million, right?"


"The Sawamura family's money plus game production money totals 32 million, right?"


"Hey, Kato-san."

Shiyu lifted her hair in front of her face and asked him, "Are you interested in changing your creditor?"


Kato Yusuke frowned and looked at her, remaining silent.

"Perhaps you don't know that "Metronome of Love" has now sold 600,000 copies."

The girl coughed lightly and whispered nonchalantly: "...otherwise, I can lend it to you? You can wait until the game is released before returning it to me."


"You're welcome. It's not like I can't afford it."

There was another moment of silence.

"Senior Shiyu."

"What's the matter~Kato-san?" Shiyu asked with a smile, but did not mention her specific savings at all.

"Becoming an Immortal in One Step"

In fact, although the current cumulative sales of "Metronome of Love" are indeed 600,000 copies, Fusukawa Bunko has actually paid the royalties to her.

However, after deducting taxes and other expenses, Shang still only has about 30 million left in her hands, and this is her entire net worth now.

Kato Yusuke looked at her with a deep look in his eyes, "What if the game I make doesn't sell?"

"That's okay." Shiyu smiled softly, "I didn't ask you to pay back with money. After all, there are many ways to repay kindness."

She stopped here, with a strange light emitting from her eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking, and then she continued.

"Anyway, I won't make any big demands. I will simply charge some 'interest'. You should be relieved to hear this."

Kato Yusuke didn't answer, waiting for her to answer on her own.


Shiyu moved her body, slowly came over, and sat next to him.

A pleasant fragrance of cosmos floated faintly.

"All you have to do is..."

The girl put one hand on the carpet, put her face towards his ear, and blew her warm breath and words into his ear.

"Be my...slave..."

I haven’t finished speaking yet…

"——Meow meow!!"

The little black cat suddenly let out a sharp cry, stood up from Yusuke's shoulders, arched his body, and bared his sharp teeth fiercely at her who approached without permission.


Shiyu was startled, and her body instinctively moved back, just leaning on the bed.

"Feel sorry."

Kato Yusuke apologized and took the cat to a seat a little further away to prevent an accident.

The black cat then calmed down, but there was still a low growl waiting for an opportunity in his throat, and a pair of green eyes stared straight at Shiyu.

Shiyu also looked at the cat with concern, and watched the black cat become honest again under the comfort of Kato Yusuke, and once again ate the dried fish leisurely.

She couldn't help but laugh angrily, "...This cat is too fierce, almost like a vicious dog. Compared to Xiao Hei, I think the name Boqi suits him better."

(In Japanese, "Pochi" is a name commonly used for puppies, similar to the English habit of "The parrot's name is Polly.")

The movements of Kato Yusuke's hands stopped. First he frowned and pondered for a while, then slowly raised his head.

"Senior Shiyu."


"Do you know anything about comic submissions?"

"...Hey, why do you ask so suddenly?"

"I want to contribute a work."

Shiyu couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling a little confused about this sudden turn of events, but still thought about it and responded:

"Sorry, I don't know much about this, but there is a comic branch in Immortal River. Do you want me to ask you about it?"

Kato Yusuke nodded and said, "If it's convenient."

"It's not something that is inconvenient." Shiyu stood up from the ground and said in an indifferent but meaningful tone: "Seeing that you are willing to cheer up is better than anything else for me... then I’ll go to the balcony and make a phone call.”

After finishing speaking, she walked out of the balcony, leaving him with a beautiful back view.

Kato Yusuke was speechless.

The black cat had had enough time on him, and jumped off his shoulder, pattering away to drink water.

About fifteen minutes later.

——Crack, click, click.

After making the call, Shiyu returned from the balcony and sat down on the bed.

"I asked, and the original manuscript fee for serialized comics is 9,000 to 15,000 yen per page, and color pages are 1.5 times that."

"If you want to submit a manuscript, you only need to send the manuscript to various comic publishing houses, and the relevant personnel will then notify the author whether it passes the review."

"According to the different focuses and readers of each publishing house, the collection requirements for comics are also different, so it is best to choose a publishing house that matches the style of your own work to submit."

"As for more specific matters, I will go see Miss Machida after school on Monday. Is there anything else you want to know?"

"No, not anymore."

Kato Yusuke shook his head in denial, and Shiyu asked again.

"So why do you suddenly want to draw comics?"

"In order to make money."

"Making obviously don't have to do that kind of thing, right? As I said just now, Kato-san just needs to concentrate on being my...well, a consultant and a helper. I can lend you money~"

As she said this, Shiyu crossed her legs together, held one cheek with one hand, and placed the weight of her upper body on her thigh, showing off the girl's graceful curves.

Kato Yusuke glanced at her and faintly saw the shadow of Akane Kurisaka in the girl, but he didn't say anything. He simply rejected the proposal and said no.

Compared with owing money to Yingli's family, borrowing money from Shiyu is a more complicated matter, and he has no intention of doing it without knowing certain things.

Money is valuable but favor is priceless.

There are some things he feels he cannot give, so he does not want to consume others.

The girl in front of her is neither Akane Akane, who has a fixed outlook on life, nor Akane Shinjo, who is attracted by interests.

Not someone he could play with his feelings for.

Shiyu stared at him for a while, trying to find changes in the calm and handsome face, but found nothing.

Then he lowered his eyes and asked: "...but why comics? If you want to make money, wouldn't it be faster to continue selling doujinshi?"

Kato Yusuke frowned slightly, "Because someone will cause trouble."

"Someone is... causing trouble...?"

"Miss Kosaka came here once two days ago."

"Miss Kousaka?"

"It's Akane Kurisaka."


Shiyu was stunned at first, and then his expression immediately turned serious, "Wait a minute, what does this mean? Why did that person come?"

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and briefly told her what happened. He didn't mention what happened between the two of them, but only explained why he couldn't draw a book.

Shiyu listened quietly to what he said, his expression changed, and he fell into deep thought.

After a while, he nodded slightly and exhaled.

"Why don't you listen to me? Kato-kun."

She said: "I told you to stay away from that person a long time ago, but you still want to cooperate with her. Now aren't you completely involved?"

Winter, winter, winter, winter.

The girl shook her legs from time to time, as if feeling extremely irritable.

"The other party is Akane Kurisaka. What are you thinking about?"

"And there seems to be a lot of unclear parts in your words. What does this mean? To you, am I someone more worthy of guarding against than her?"

"Can you please explain it to me carefully and carefully?"

Her voice was so soft and fast that it was hard to tell whether she was talking to someone else or simply talking to herself.

The words contained concern and blame for him at the same time, and there was also a hint of amusement in them.

A dark aura rose from the girl's body and gradually filled the room.

Kato Yusuke watched her cross her arms and shake her legs, then stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Shiyu was unaware of this and was still complaining to himself.

"...And the same thing happened in Hokkaido before. Do you know how much preparation I made to be the first to see you?"

"Not only did I buy a ticket for that night to find you, I stayed alone in the terminal all night, I also bought tickets for all the return flights the next day, but you didn't even let me in."

"Why do you treat me so harshly? Am I so annoying to you?"

"It really pissed me off."

——Xiu Xiu.

The sound of the kettle being boiled was heard in the room, and then it died down immediately.

"Have something to drink, Senior Shiyu."


Shiyu raised his head blankly, and what came into his eyes was a steaming soup bowl.

"This, this is...!"

"It's almost lunch time. I only have these here. If you don't mind, just have some." Kato Yusuke said while holding the bowl.


Shiyu blinked twice, hesitantly stretched out his hand, and silently took the soup bowl.


"No, I'm preparing instant noodles. Seafood tonkotsu, black garlic oil tonkotsu, spicy tonkotsu, what do you want to eat?"

"Then, just seafood and pork bones..." she responded in a low voice.

"Okay." Kato Yusuke returned to the kitchen again and started making noodles.

Shiyu held the bowl and looked at his back, her heart was full of emotions, and she suddenly felt less angry.

Then he picked up the soup bowl and took a sip.

"Ah, it's so hot...Kato-san's???."

She murmured, deliberately hiding the word "Miso soup".

"Phew, it tastes good... I didn't expect Kato-kun to be such a good cook. You can be a pretty boy anytime you want."

"It's quick, just heat the water."

"Oh, I would be so happy if I could drink such delicious miso soup every day..."

Kato Yusuke looked up at her.

I saw the girl who was complaining just now, sipping soup with a quiet and well-behaved look on her face.

This guy is so easy to tease.

He thought silently, and then said: "I still have a lot of unopened ones here. If you like to drink them, you can take them away later, Senior Sister Shiyu."

He returned to the low table carrying two Nissin Cup Noodles.

Shiyu had finished drinking the instant miso soup in the bowl and focused her eyes on the cup in front of her.

The two sat on the carpet and chatted while eating.

"In short, I understand the reason why you can't draw a book. So have you thought about the content of the comic you want to draw?"


"What is your name?"

"Chainsaw Man."

"What type?"

"Young blood."

"The kind that's banned for 18 years?"

"Class B."

"Really? Which publishing house are you going to submit your manuscript to?"

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and replied: "If there are no surprises, it should be Shueisha's "Jump"."

"Is this so..."

Shiyu rolled a handful of instant noodles with a plastic fork and put it into his mouth, chewing while thinking.

"But didn't that woman ask you to make a game? If you were to draw comics, wouldn't she get in the way?"

"I don't know, but the cost of comics is not high and it's worth trying."

Shiyu nodded slowly and thoughtfully, his brain spinning rapidly, and then he shouted: "I said, Kato-san."


"As for Shueisha, don't be in a hurry to submit your article. We can discuss it after I learn more about it from Ms. Machida, okay?"

"Okay." Kato Yusuke had no objection to this and agreed.

After eating instant noodles.

Shiyu, who was in an improved mood, stretched out comfortably and let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, you fed me such delicious food. Even if you show your bestiality and push me down on the spot, I'm ready to be ravaged by you."


Seeing Kato Yusuke pretending to ignore it.

She stretched out a finger teasingly, wanting to poke him in the face, but he dodged it without leaving a trace.

"I'll clean it up." Yusuke said, picking up the garbage and bowls left by the two of them, and walked to the kitchen...

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