Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Seventy-four. Megumi Kato’s self-cultivation

Ten minutes later.

Megumi walked out of the bathroom and returned to the living room.

Kato Yusuke is sitting alone at his desk, holding a digital pen and writing and drawing on the digital screen.

The black cat lay at her feet, with her hands on her chest, staring straight at her.

Seeing this scene, Hui's lips opened and closed slightly, and then turned to look at the low table. The water on the ice cubes on it had melted more and more, and if left alone, it would soon flow to the carpet.

So she started to pack it up.

This is not only due to my personality, but also to give myself some time to think.

Flirtingly, he took a clean rag from the kitchen, carefully wiped off the water on the surface of the ice bag, put it in the refrigerator to freeze, and then wiped off the accumulated water on the table.

Then he cleared everything on the table and took it back to the kitchen.

Put the snacks in the cabinet and put them with the many cups of noodles.

The two bottles of whiskey were placed next to the sink.

Glancing at the figure sitting at the desk, Hui pursed her lips slightly and her chest couldn't help but tighten slightly.

The palm of his right hand still seemed to have the same touch as before, and the slightly numb phantom pain was clear.

The cold frost in the quiet beautiful eyes disappeared, and a bit of regret and self-blame appeared instead.

Then she silently took out a bottle of oolong tea from the refrigerator and slowly poured it into a glass filled with ice cubes.

He hesitated for a moment, then walked to the desk with the cup and placed the cup on the table.

"Oolong tea, please."

Kato Yusuke paused, nodded and said, "Thank you."

After saying that, he put down his pen, picked up the cup and took a sip.

Hui stood aside with his hands behind his back, his eyes fell on his slightly red left face, and he couldn't help but grasp his left wrist with his right hand.

There was a bit of embarrassment in the air.

"How is the taste?"


"Yusuke, are you better suited to drink something like this?"


"So, I threw away those two bottles of wine."

Kato Yusuke paused for a moment and said nothing.

"I don't like you drinking."

Hui said softly: "If Yusuke has to drink anyway, I will drink with you, even though I have never drank before, and my father will be very angry if he knows..."

"Pour it out." Kato Yusuke interrupted her and said, "So stop talking."


Hui stared at him for a while, nodded slightly, then turned and walked to the kitchen, unscrewed the two bottles of whiskey and tilted the bottle mouth towards the sink.

Gudu Gudu, Gudu Gudu.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

The sound of flowing liquid mixed with the air, making noise in the quiet room.

Time seemed to suddenly become long.

After finishing the matters in the kitchen, Hui took some ice cubes from the refrigerator and put them in a plastic bag, then wrapped a towel outside before returning to the desk.

"G, Yusuke, can you please turn this way?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at the ice pack in her hand and said, "I'll do it myself."

Hui shook her head stubbornly, and while saying she was rude, she took a step forward and stood beside him, placing the ice pack in her hand on his left cheek.

The scent of cherry blossoms hits your nostrils.

A slightly cool feeling seeped out through the towel and was applied to the cheeks. The slightest coolness penetrated into the skin, making the heat on the face subside a little.

"I'm sorry, it must hurt...?" the girl whispered, her tone a bit self-blaming.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Kato Yusuke shook his head in denial.

"...You're always like this." Hui lowered his shoulders as he said this, with an expression on his face that was hesitant to speak.

Kato Yusuke noticed her uneasiness, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "If you have anything to say, you can say it directly."

After hearing this, Hui hesitated for a moment and asked, "Although this is true, if you don't want to answer, Yusuke, there's no point in even asking me, right?"

"In that case I'll tell you."


Kato Yusuke turned his eyes to the side,

He whispered back: "...I won't lie to you."

The air suddenly became quiet for a moment.

Hui's eyes fluctuated slightly, and a different kind of light flashed in her eyes. She suddenly felt something special in her heart, but it didn't show on her face.

"...Then, I want to know, whether it's Kasumigaoka-senpai's matter or Kousaka-san's matter, is everything you have now really what you want, Yusuke?"


Kato Yusuke was silent for a long time, his dark eyes filled with confusion. Just when Hui thought he wouldn't answer, she heard him let out a deep breath: "...I don't know."

The voice was slightly hoarse, but it made people feel a little confused.

Hui looked at him seriously, her expression becoming thoughtful.

She couldn't help but start thinking, speculating on the thoughts hidden behind his words, and speculating on all the changes he had made recently.

Ever since, the two-week long vacation after the summer vacation has become an unavoidable problem.

As for where Kato Yusuke went at that time, she learned from the few words that Eiriri accidentally confided before that he seemed to have gone to Hokkaido, and Eiriri learned about it from Kasumigaoka-senpai.

As for more details, no one knows.

Although everyone knew that it must be the key to solving the mystery, the parties involved always kept silent, so naturally they had nowhere to start.

Hui just stared at him for a while, weighing the probability that he would answer if she asked. In the end, the answer she got was almost zero, so she secretly gave up the idea.

Even so, she at least confirmed one thing, that is, the young man in front of her probably didn't want to be like this, but chose to show others this frivolous face.

If you want to ask which one is better than the self-isolated state at that time or the current state, Megumi feels that neither is good.

He is too heavy now, not only hurting others, but also hurting himself.

It feels like a lone wolf wandering in a place where no one can touch, silently licking its wounds.

Her eyes naturally looked downward, shifting from his cheek to his left hand on his thigh, and her mind was attracted by the hideous scar on it.

To be honest, at the moment when she received the call from Eiriri and asked for help, Megumi was actually very conflicted and even wanted to refuse.

Ever since she learned about Kato Yusuke's relationship with Kasumigaoka-senpai, she had already decided to give up.

Although it is not necessary to break off the relationship or even delete the contact information, she feels that it is necessary to keep a distance and maintain the relationship between each other as close friends or friends.

For Hui, if a boy cannot completely belong to her, no matter how much she likes that person, she would rather give up.

After all, reality is not a light novel. No girl would be willing to accept her lover's half-heartedness or share it with others.

That's why she said goodbye after school that day.

However, after listening to Ying Lili's story in full, she finally came after hesitating for a while and saw the scene half an hour ago.

Hui was silent for a while, then raised his gaze again, "Let me tell you, Yusuke, I think there is something wrong with you now. Isn't this wrong?"

"God's Coming"

Kato Yusuke was brought back to attention by her voice, his eyes regained some clarity, and he was speechless for a moment.

Megumi continued: "At least neither Kasumigaoka-senpai nor Eri-ri are at fault, and they should not be treated like this, so can I ask you to talk to them seriously? Yusuke."


The person opposite didn't answer, but his breathing slowed down slightly, as if he was thinking.

After a long wait, he nodded dullly and replied: "...I know, I will think about it carefully."

Hui's eyes lit up again, but it was fleeting. Her left hand placed underneath unconsciously grabbed the hem of her clothes, and her heart couldn't help but ripple.

It's this special again.

His attitude towards her was indeed special, and she confirmed it again.

Although the young man in front of her spoke calmly, she knew that he was really listening to her and thinking seriously.

For Kato Yusuke, who always decides everything by himself and moves forward, realizing that he can have an impact on him actually makes Megumi a little happy.

She didn't know how Kasumigaoka-senpai and Eri-ri faced him in private, but at least, she seemed to be the only one who could influence him at the moment.

It was as if there was an inner world that was closed to everyone but open to her, allowing her to step into it.

This kind of special treatment made her feel very different, because it was closer than others...

With a subtle mood, Hui spoke again: "Well, thank you for being willing to listen to me. Then, I will continue to stay by your side and take care of you like before."


Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown slightly and looked at her, and asked as if to confirm: "Look after?"

The girl sighed softly and responded in a helpless tone: "Yes, take care of him. After all, Yusuke is really hard to leave alone."

"...You don't need to do such a thing, and I don't need anyone to look after me."

"Well, what you say now is totally unconvincing, right? So I will judge this by myself."

As Hui spoke, he took away the ice towel, looked at his face, and then continued.

"In short, that's it. I will observe and supervise Yusuke carefully. I will wait until you have no problem before talking about the rest. Ah, but I will be very strict, right?"

Kato Yusuke wriggled his lips, but didn't know how to respond. In the end, he just nodded vaguely to express that he understood.

"Ah, do you think I'm troublesome now?"

He shook his head without hesitation.

"That's good." Hui nodded lightly and changed the topic casually.

"So, lend me your sportswear later. I told my family before I came out that I would stay at Yingli's house, and it's hard to go back."

Kato Yusuke's brows furrowed and relaxed, and finally he accepted it without saying anything.

The topic seems to have ended here.

After that, he found clean sportswear and towels from the closet, and the girl took these things to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom.

Hui quickly took off the clothes she was wearing, then stood under the shower head that sprayed warm water and began to rinse her body.

The clear water flows down the beautiful body, depicting graceful and moving curves.

The second time I came to this apartment and used the bathroom, my mood seemed a little different from the last time.

Although only one month has passed in reality, it feels like it has been several times longer.

While applying mint-flavored shampoo to her wet short hair, she thought about what happened to Yinglili, and a shadow suddenly appeared in her heart.

Once I started thinking about why I came here in the first place, a negative thought emerged spontaneously.

Originally, she just came to chat with Kato Yusuke today with the mentality of giving it a try. After that, she planned to go to Eiriri or Kako, and did not plan to stay longer.

In her expectation, this line was probably to listen to his love troubles with Kasumigaoka-senpai.

Such as the bits and pieces, experiences, problems, low points, and difficulties in the two people's relationship, a series of things she didn't want to hear.

Although she didn't want to hear it, she still came after her friends asked her, even if it was just a formality.

However, the actual situation was completely beyond her expectation.

After learning the inside story of Kato Yusuke and Kasumigaoka-senpai, and seeing him deliberately hurting the people around him, Emi felt a sense of anger and disappointment at that moment.

That's why he slapped her in the face of emotion.

——Although she immediately regretted it the moment the beating started, and she felt so guilty that her mind went blank and she had to excuse herself to go to the bathroom to calm down.

But in the next development, her complicated mood was brought to the other side.

Because he was so special to her, she felt like she could change him.

――“I am a special person to Yusuke.”

In a corner of her heart, she was slightly proud of this, and she couldn't help but have the idea of ​​taking another step closer. uuread a book

In order to make him change, he came up with the two excuses of "observation" and "supervision".

However, she knew exactly what she was thinking in her heart at this moment.

When Hui understood this emotion, an indescribable feeling of self-loathing suddenly came over him.

"Sorry, I'm such a nasty woman."

Some empty murmurs merged with the sound of rushing water, ringing quietly in the bathroom.

Along with the ups and downs of the heart, the dirty heart can never become clear.

Hui bit her lower lip gently and hugged herself as if she felt a little cold.

This is really a bit much, she thought, but there was another emotion hidden somewhere in her heart.

If she had come here before, she would have given up.

Instead of upsetting your friends, it's not totally unacceptable to give up the competition and watch from the sidelines.

However, things like the mind will change due to a little opportunity.

At least for now, she felt that she needed to observe a little longer.

Such an idea is not noble, and may even be despicable and cunning.

She clearly recognized the dark selfishness in her heart, but she accepted it calmly.

Thinking of this, Hui breathed a sigh of relief and finally regained his original mood.

While sorting out the thoughts in my mind, I squeezed the mint-flavored 2-in-1 shower gel on my hands again and spread it evenly on my body.

The girl couldn't help but frown slightly, and muttered: "Well, it's so difficult to use. I'd better change to another brand later."

――Pah, pah~

(Kato Megumi’s psychology is compared to the original girls side 3.5, and the conversation with Eiriri.)

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