Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Seventy-five, conversation at night


Kato Yusuke shook his arms vigorously, spread the bedding on the vacated floor, and placed pillows and quilts on it.

Facing the girl's second proposal to stay overnight, my mood seemed to be different from before.

Seeing him working there, the black cat couldn't help but feel extremely curious, so he stepped on the floor with deft steps, sat down in the middle, and just looked up at him.

Kato Yusuke patted its head, stretched out his right index finger and pointed at it, himself, and the floor.

"We'll sleep here tonight."

"Meow meow?"

The black cat tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression, and then turned to look at the bed beside him.


"That's not possible there. We have guests staying today."

Kato Yusuke explained casually, then walked to the kitchen, turned off the kettle that had been burning until it screamed "Hush!", and started looking for cup noodles in the cupboard.

There were so many things that happened today that he forgot that he hadn't eaten dinner yet, and he didn't realize it until now.

Although it would be better to go to a convenience store to buy a bento or something, he had no interest in going out, so Cup Noodles became his first choice.

During the preparations, Kei also returned from the bathroom to the living room after taking a shower. Seeing his behavior, she asked: "Hey~ are you going to have a midnight snack? Yusuke."

Kato Yusuke subconsciously turned his head to look, then returned his gaze a second later, and said, "It's dinner, do you want to eat it?"

There was a slight movement in my heart.

Facing the girl who was wearing his own sportswear and with a slight heat emanating from her body, he thought he could remain calm. After all, there had been precedents before, but the reality was not like this.

Although the body is covered by long sleeves and long pants, the exposed areas become more eye-catching.

After taking a bath, the girl's face was slightly red, and a slight amount of water vapor clung to her fair and delicate neck. There were water drops slowly flowing down along the beautiful collarbone, sliding into the swollen breasts, depicting the beautiful outline. .

"Ah, in that case."

Light footsteps approached from the corridor.

"G, Yusuke, could you please make me a serving? I happen to be a little hungry too."


Kato Yusuke knew he was good at it, so he squatted down and opened the cupboard and asked, "What flavor do you want?"

"Let me take a look." Hui said as he stepped forward, put his hands on his knees and bent down to select from various cup noodles in the cupboard.

The familiar scent of mint sways slightly, refreshing and stimulating the sense of smell.

The short black and moist hair floated gently in the afterglow. The dense moisture covered the hair and condensed on the ends of the hair. The diffuse moistness gently tickled Kato Yusuke's auricles, which made him feel itchy.

He couldn't help pinching his ears and looked around. The girl was bending over unpreparedly, with a look on her face as she was seriously thinking about what she wanted to eat.

The snow-white ravine is even deeper due to the posture at this moment, making people want to reach out and pull the zipper of the sports coat directly from between the collarbones to the top.


Kato Yusuke stood up on his knees and said, "You choose first, I will heat the hot water again."

After saying that, he gave up his position.

Hui blinked twice in confusion, watching him turn on the kettle again with the spout still steaming, and then looked down again...


——I immediately blushed and tightened the zipper.


The girl squatted down gently, selected a seafood-flavored cup noodle and placed it on the counter, then turned and walked towards the living room.

"I have something to tell you later."

A cold voice reached his ears. Yusuke Kato opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the words "force majeure".

Seven or eight minutes later.

Kato Yusuke returned to the living room with two bowls of soaked cup noodles.

Huizheng sat with his back against the bed and bent his knees, and fed small dried fish to the black cat at his feet.

In order to facilitate eating, the low table was placed again, and the paved floor was temporarily rolled up and set aside.

"Your face."

"Yeah~Thank you."

"Want something to drink?"

"Ah, then oolong tea is fine, but one bottle is a bit much. Can we share half of it?"


Kato Yusuke brought drinks and cups from the kitchen, and poured oolong tea into the two cups.

After telling me to start, the two of them opened the paper cover of the cup together.

A fragrant smell rises with the heat and spreads in the room, stimulating the appetite in the stomach and making people feel uncontrollably hungry.

"Ah~ It smells so good. It's strange. Instant noodles made late at night always make people feel delicious."

"I know."

After Hui finished speaking in a slightly positive tone, he picked up the dishwasher, rolled up a small ball of noodles and put it into his mouth, chewing it slowly.

Kato Yusuke also nodded in agreement and picked up Kuaizi to eat noodles.


Hissing, fussing, fussing~

The texture of the noodles is slightly elastic, and the hot soup hangs on them. When you eat it in your mouth, the taste is very rich.

Food itself can give people a sense of happiness, and instant noodles late at night amplify this point. Although it is not healthy, it is very satisfying.

Looking at Hui's expression, she seems to have the same feeling.

Compared to Kato Yusuke, the way she eats noodles in small bites has the slenderness of a girl.

The small lips look plump, soft, hydrated and tender.

The girl took another small piece of tachyon noodles, brushed a lock of hair in front of her face, blew on the noodles gently, and finally opened her lips slightly and put it into her mouth.

The white and tender noodles stick to the cherry-colored lips, moving upward little by little with sucking, until they completely disappear in the mouth.

“So delicious~”

After chewing for a while, Hui stuck out her tongue and licked away the soup that was about to drip from the corner of her mouth with the tip of her tongue. She showed a charm that was different from her indifferent personality and looked inexplicably attractive.

Kato Yusuke nodded slightly in agreement.

The girl in front of her has regular features, fair skin, and although her figure is not obvious on the surface, it is unexpectedly curvy.

It belongs to the type that is not obvious at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it continues to surprise people.

No matter how you think about it, such girls should be very popular in school.

Kato Yusuke's eyes moved downwards, and when he saw the other party's fully zipped zipper, the scene in the kitchen just now popped up in his mind, and he felt that the impression was gradually deepening...

"Um, Yusuke? Where are you looking at...?"

A voice containing slight accountability sounded.


He suddenly came back from his thoughts, lowered his head and took a piece of noodles to eat, and said, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about what you said."

Hui tilted her head slightly with a puzzled look on her face, "What did I say?"

Kato Yusuke didn't want to continue on this issue, so he abruptly changed the subject.

"Have you ever thought about growing your hair longer?"

A surprised expression appeared on Hui's face, and then she sighed softly and began to think.

Although his way of changing the topic was terrible, she didn't dig into it and accepted it easily.

This approachable attitude is very characteristic of her and does not burden others.

"Well, it's not like I haven't thought about growing it longer, but I'm probably the type who doesn't care. After all, there are many inconveniences."

"Inconvenient place?"

"Hmm~ For example, you have to wash your hair twice, and you will also encounter emergencies at school. Also, the student union already has a long, straight black lady character, so there shouldn't be a need for a second one, right?"


"Still, Yusuke, do you like the way I look with long hair?"

Kato Yusuke paused and said thoughtfully: "You and Shiyu-senpai give people different impressions. I just said it casually."

"Oh~ That's right. Thank you for such a roundabout compliment." Hui insulted him in a nonchalant tone, and then continued to eat noodles.

After finishing eating and clearing the low table, it was already close to eleven o'clock in the evening.

After Megumi brushed his teeth, Kato Yusuke also took a change of clothes to take a shower, and returned fifteen minutes later in clean home clothes.

Since they had to go to school tomorrow morning and they had no other plans, they acquiesced to their own bedtime arrangements.

"Thank you for giving me the bed." Megumi said, and Yusuke replied that he didn't need to care.

After lights out.

Kato Yusuke groped his way to the floor in the darkness and lay down on it.


The black cat hesitated between the bed and the floor, and finally lay down on his chest.

The surroundings were embarrassingly quiet, but turning on the TV at this moment was a very stupid thing to do no matter how you thought about it.

If there could be a radio playing some music at this time, it should be able to alleviate this embarrassment, right?

Just when Kato Yusuke couldn't help but think this way...

"G, Yusuke, are you asleep?" The girl on the bed moved around and turned her face.


"what's on your mind?"

"I'm wondering about buying a radio."


"This way the atmosphere won't be so weird the next time you stay overnight."

"Next time..." Hui was quiet for a while and murmured: "In other words, Yusuke thinks I will come next time?"

"No way."

"I don't know. If you want to say it, at least we can't do it now, right?

"Ah, that's true." Kato Yusuke said calmly and without emotion.

"Let me ask you, if, if there really is a next time, what reason do you think I would have for coming?"


It's not so much the reason, but it's the identity.

Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment: "Observation and supervision, isn't it?"

"Hey~ um~ oh~ ah, I understand, so Yusuke thinks so, it's good."

Two feet fluttered lightly on the bed.

"At least, I'm not ready to say goodbye to you yet."

Hui suddenly became quiet, and after a while he spoke out: "What do you mean by this?"

The voice was muffled, as if his face was covered in a pillow.

Kato Yusuke thought for a while and replied: "Maybe I will encounter problems at work and other things. Are you willing to continue to help?"

There was a brief silence.

"In that case, I will be very strict, right?"


"Well, by answering so simply, do you want me to be more mean to you?"

"Will you be more evil than today?"

"It's hard to say."

"That's fine."

"What? This kind of answer is totally baffling."

"But." Hui continued with a gentle voice: "The next time we stay overnight, we will have to wait for a special time."

“What’s a special time?”

"I don't know either~~~"

"This answer is completely baffling."

"...I didn't speak in this tone at all, Yusuke, kimo..."

A somewhat muffled voice reached his ears, making Yusuke Kato couldn't help but smile.

The melting moonlight penetrates the glass and falls in the room, bringing the tranquility and sadness of the night. Whenever nights like this come, people tend to become sentimental.

"Ah, there is also the radio you just mentioned." Hui rummaged under the pillow and handed something over.

"I don't have a radio, but if you want to listen to music, wear this."

Kato Yusuke took a closer look and recognized that it was a wired headset that he had used once before.

A thin digital cable connected the earphones, and the other earphone was currently being worn in the owner's delicate ears.

The faint smell of soap came from the hand in front of him and floated faintly into his nose.

Kato Yusuke reached out silently, took the earphones from the girl's hand, and then held the hand.

The slightly cool catkins trembled slightly and then became stiff.


A somewhat confused, soft voice came from the girl's mouth, reading a book; it sounded a little light and airy.

Kato Yusuke put the earphone into his right ear with his left hand, and just held that hand with his right hand without saying anything.

Gradually, the girl relaxed.

In the darkness, a pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be flickering faintly.

"Have you put on your headphones...?" Hui asked softly, her tone slightly out of shape.


"Then, I'll let it go..."

"Yes." Kato Yusuke gently squeezed her hand, and the incredibly soft touch was heart-shaking.


Hui didn't say anything to this, and silently changed to a position of lying facing the outside, with a deliberately long rhythm of breathing.

She bit her lower lip gently, her eyes seemed to have the moon shattered in them, quiet and bright. Finally, she awkwardly operated the MP3 player with her left hand and pressed the play button.

Soothing music flowed out of the headphones, playing soft jazz like it was gently wrapped from behind. The sound sounded extremely distant, and the timbre of the alto saxophone danced steadily in the alley that had just rained.

The swaying fragrance of mint also makes people feel fascinated.

In such an atmosphere, the senses seem to be magnified countless times.

There was obviously beautiful music, and it was such a quiet night, but Hui didn't feel relaxed at all. Instead, her heartbeat inexplicably accelerated a lot.

Kato Yusuke's initiative disrupted her mind, like a pebble thrown into a lake, causing ripples in the calm lake of her heart.

In the silence, a magnetic low voice came to my ears.

"Good night, Megumi."

"Good night, Yusuke."

The two people just held hands, pulled by time, dreams, and each other, and gradually fell into sleep.

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