Thirty minutes later, everyone from Toyosaki Academy gathered in the small square and sat on the ground.

After the leader of the team confirmed that everyone was present, he began to announce the arrangements for this activity.

The one who stood in front and spoke as a representative was Masaru Nakamura. The height of 1.8 meters and the long legs are really eye-catching, so it is not impossible to understand why he was assigned such a job.

"——Well, let me briefly talk about the schedule first. If you have any questions, you can ask them later, okay?"


Amid the loud responses, mainly from girls, Nakamura Masaru smiled and nodded to the crowd and began to talk.

"First of all, it's the first day, that is, today. Please gather here again at three o'clock in the afternoon, change into light clothes and bring supplies. Let's go hiking!"

There was some commotion among the students, but because he had been vaccinated in advance, he quickly suppressed it and continued to listen with open ears.

"Then the next day, starting from tomorrow morning, the restaurant will only provide breakfast. Everyone needs to collect and make the ingredients for lunch and dinner by themselves, which is called a picnic. We need to cooperate with each other!"

"The last day is the third day, and you can have free activities that day. Having said that, there is still a lot of preparation work that needs to be done in advance for the bonfire party and barbecue in the evening. Those who are interested in helping can actively sign up to participate."

There were only a few responses until one student raised a hand.

"Teacher! Can I ask a question?"

"What's the matter? An Yi-san."


In the first-year Class A team, An Yilun also stood up with his knees in his hands and asked Nakamura Masaru:

"Excuse me, can I apply for a screening on the evening of the free activity?"


"That's right! In fact, I did some research before coming here. I just checked the conference room in the hotel after putting away my luggage. The multimedia equipment inside is also in good condition, so I want to apply to be at the bonfire party. Do an outdoor animation screening—!”


After hearing this, Nakamura Katsu scratched the back of his head and looked at him with some confusion, as if he didn't know how to react for a moment, and the students also focused on him with strange eyes.

"It means Aki-kun, although I can understand your desire to share your favorite things, but why do you want to specifically put it on the day of the bonfire party?"

"You ask me why?"

An Yilun also pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, turning a blind eye to the surrounding sights, and said righteously: "After all, the so-called bonfire party is one of the three most suitable scenes for confession and communication, along with summer vacation and cultural festivals. !”

"...I'm sorry, An Yi-san, I don't quite understand what you mean. Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Isn't this of course! Although this is indeed an excellent opportunity for those who are in love and ready to confess, the number of lovers in the class will also increase sharply after this episode, but -

For those who are playing away games, this can be said to be the worst situation! In order to make everyone feel comfortable, I hope to calm down the uneasy feelings at the animation screening——! "




The impassioned and impassioned speech successfully solidified the atmosphere in the room.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.


Nakamura Masaru wriggled his lips, held his chin and pondered for a while, and extracted four words from those words - "Death to lovers!".

Then, he put on a mature smile like an adult and said: "Unfortunately, the purpose of this event is mainly group activities, so I ask you to watch the animation in private, Aki-san."

An Yilun, who was rejected, also opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but his friend beside him who couldn't stand it forced him to sit down and covered his mouth.

Nakamura Katsu ignored him and turned his encouraging eyes to other students, "Okay, does anyone else have questions?"

"Teacher Nakamura——"

Someone raised their hand and asked: "As for the ingredients for the picnic the next day, do I have to collect all the ingredients myself? But what about the seasonings and the like?"

"Don't worry about this. Meat, tableware and seasonings will be provided, but you need to find other ingredients by yourself."

Upon hearing this explanation, the students couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the first-year Class E team, Takei raised his hand and asked: "So, does it mean that even if you don't look for ingredients, you won't actually be hungry? Mr. Nakamura."

"Well, because the rationed ingredients are limited, Takei-san probably won't be full."

Nakamura Katsu first smiled and shook his head in denial, and then continued:

"In short, although your idea is not impossible, it would lose the meaning of off-campus teaching, so it is better to actively participate in activities and make the food richer at the same time."

Immediately afterwards, Yamaguchi also raised a hand.

"Teacher Nakamura, I have a problem!"

"What's the matter? Yamaguchi-san."

"I want to sign up for the bonfire preparations on the third day!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people looked over in surprise.

Takei exclaimed, "Wow!" "Liar! It's so weird that Axiao would take the initiative to take this kind of job!"

"Ah? What are you talking about? Building and lighting a bonfire with your own hands is a man's romance! By the way, as close friends, of course you and Kato will come together!"

Takei Ichiro:? ? ? ? ?

Kato Yusuke:? ? ? ? ?

Yamaguchi's matter-of-fact attitude made both of them have question marks on their faces, but before they could say anything...

"OK, then you three will come to me together when the time comes." Nakamura Masaru nodded happily and agreed.

The speed was so fast that they were afraid that they would regret it, causing everyone to burst into teasing laughter.

After that, some more questions were asked.

After all the questions were answered, it was almost time to open for lunch.

Under the command of the teachers to announce the disbandment, the students walked towards the main building one after another, preparing to go to the restaurant for dinner...

By three o'clock in the afternoon.

With a mood that was neither heavy nor light, the students reunited and embarked on their mountain climbing trip on time.

Students from six classes, including teachers, totaling more than 200 people, formed a procession like a long queue and arrived at the forest road behind the annex.

Because the precautions that should be discussed have been explained in advance, the teachers did not elaborate any more and simply told the students to follow the road signs.

Since the hiking routes are well developed and there are guide signs along the way, you don’t have to worry about getting lost, as long as you follow the fixed route all the way.

Kato Yusuke squatted down, tightened the laces of the Tiberle Martin boots on his feet, then stood up and leveled his feet back and forth on the ground.

Looking around, golden and red leaves are spread out layer by layer.

The air is filled with the smell of moist earth and fresh grass, and it smells very comfortable.

But in just such a short time, the neat team just now was broken into pieces, forming countless small groups and slowly moving forward.

"Well, now that Kato has tied his shoelaces, shall we set off?"

"Well, I'm not good at outdoor sports."

"Don't say depressing words~! Cheer up quickly!"


In contrast to Yamaguchi, who was full of energy, Takei seemed a little listless.


Not far away, Kako and Megumi were busy spraying themselves with mosquito repellent spray.

After they were ready, the five people naturally gathered together, mixed into the colorful team, and began to climb up.

Walking on the forest road leading to the top of the mountain.

Kako looked around and said with slight surprise: "Wow, looking at it this way, it seems that there are people from other classes around!"

Yamaguchi picked up her topic casually, "Isn't it natural? After all, the teacher didn't ask us to stay in formation, so we just left as we pleased."

Kato Yusuke looked around.

As the two said, the groups surrounding them come from complex sources. It can be said that from Class A to Class F, there are students in almost every class.

There are mixed groups like them, and there are also groups composed of only boys or girls.

Generally speaking, the proportion of girls is still higher.

The group of people walked leisurely, and their position was probably in the middle and back part of the entire line.

Takei picked up a strong branch from somewhere and waved it like a sword.

Yamaguchi mocked him with "Where are you an elementary school student from?" while approaching him as if nothing had happened, waiting for an opportunity to grab the branch.

The two of them chased each other, causing Yoshiko Himekawa to complain without words - "Where are you elementary school students from?"

""——It's Master Yoda!"

The Mangosteen brothers were laughing and laughing, as if they were very fond of the branch, playing the game of Master Yoda.

The sunlight shining through the leaves and the cool breeze blowing on the plateau make people feel very comfortable.

Kato Yusuke turned to look to the right. Hui was walking quietly beside him, with the same expression on his face, watching the three people running in front.

He quietly withdrew his gaze, not wanting to disturb the gentle and quiet temperament of the other party.

As the steps of the Mangkhut brothers inadvertently quickened, they also speeded up.

After walking for twenty minutes, a relatively flat gray rock appeared on the right side of the road, and several girls were sitting on it to rest.

Originally, there was nothing noteworthy about this. After all, it is not uncommon to see people resting on the road at regular intervals.

However, when a clear voice with a hint of seriousness came into his ears, things took on a different meaning.

"——Listen up, Kasumigaoka Shiu is indeed dating Kato-san. Megumi has never done anything bad. She is my best friend. If you talk about her like that next time, I will definitely I won’t forgive you!”




The three girls who were also sitting on the stone were silent, with embarrassment on their faces, and looked timidly at the blond girl next to them. Finally, they quietly apologized and quickly stood up and left.

Yinglili stared in the direction they were leaving, with an angry look on her delicate jade face, as if she was still a little worried, and then made a face at their backs.

Then, she slowly leaned down, tapped her calf with her right hand that was clenched into a fist, lowered her shoulders tiredly, and sighed.

"What's wrong with your leg? Eiriri." Kato Yusuke said as he stepped forward, while Kei followed him step by step.

Yinglili couldn't help being slightly startled when she heard the sound, then raised her head suddenly, and then met their eyes.

"——Yusuke? Megumi?? Why are you here!?"

The person involved looked stunned. He obviously hadn't noticed them before, but then he realized something and hurriedly asked: "No, did you see what you just said?"

"Good afternoon ~ Yinglili."

"Ah, um, good afternoon, Megumi."

While the two were saying hello, Kato Yusuke also squatted on one knee in front of Eiri, looked at her right leg wrapped in knee-high socks, and asked:

"So, why are you sitting here alone? Is your foot twisted?"

"I-I didn't twist it! Don't make me look like an idiot! I'm just a little tired and I'm just resting here."

"Really? Don't force yourself. The school doctor is right behind. If you feel uncomfortable, I will take you there."

"So! So! Say! I said no, right? Where are you from, old lady!"

As if to prove that she was fine, Yinglili stood up quickly, but her legs were sore from the excessive exertion, and she collapsed on the stone again, falling down and squatting on her butt.

"it hurts!?"

"Is it okay? Yinglili." Hui asked worriedly after seeing this scene.

"Uuuu... Hui...!"

"Hmm...? Sure enough, you should send her to the school doctor, right? Yusuke."

"That's not the case! It was just an accident, just an accident!"

Kato Yusuke first looked at Eri, who had tears in her eyes, and then looked at the Sangos brothers who were about to disappear at the end of the field of vision, and said in a deep voice:

"Let's do this. I'll wait here with her. Megumi, go and make peace with Kako and the others first. If there's no problem, I'll catch up with you later."

"Huh? I can help you find the teacher, too?"

"That will take us a long way, and Kako and the others will also be worried. If there is any problem, I will take her directly down the mountain."

Hearing this, Hui looked at him thoughtfully and vaguely saw that he had something to say, so he nodded lightly.

"...Well~ If that's the case, I understand, so I'll leave it to you."

Then he turned his attention to Yinglili and said, "See you later, Yinglili."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Only then did Yinglili find a chance to interrupt.

"——Don't ignore other people's opinions casually!"

The person involved said this with a very unhappy expression, but his tone was neither serious nor serious. After all, the matter was already here, and it would be useless to say anything more.

Kato Yusuke sat down next to her and responded calmly: "Anyway, just tell me if you need anything. Also, did you just quarrel with someone?"

. :

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