"——Did you have an argument with someone just now?"

When Kato Yusuke asked this question, Eiri raised her eyebrows fiercely and snorted coldly.

"What? Did you really hear that just now?"

"I just happened to hear the last sentence. It's rare to see you so angry."

"--that is because!"

Yingli looked around, folded her arms and pretended to be impatient and whispered:

"Who told those people to spread rumors that Hui was the third party between you and Kasumigaoka Shiyu? I accidentally got angry."

"Is that so?"

"Ah, that's it! It's okay if they just say you're a scumbag, how can I bear it when they say you're my friend!"

"Isn't this a bit too much for me?"

"That's not too much at all, right?"

Ying Lili looked over sideways, "How could you be so close to another girl even though you already have a girlfriend? I think this description is quite appropriate ~ a scumbag."

Kato Yusuke turned to look at her without speaking.

Today, the girl wore a green hooded sweatshirt, an open light blue jacket, and a pair of yellow casual shorts.

A pair of legs with delicate curves stretched out from under the shorts, revealing a small section of white and absolute territory. They were still wrapped in the black knee-high socks that looked like a personal symbol, and wore a pair of sneakers on their feet.

This kind of dress, coupled with the delicate face that is not like Japanese, and the golden twin tails that look like handicrafts, the whole person looks gorgeous and cute, and dazzling impeccably.

And being looked at by him all the time, Yinglili also went from being confused at the beginning, to wondering, to turning her face away at a loss, and finally stepped on his right foot with the heel of her left foot, and cursed with a red face. He said, "What are you looking at? You scumbag!"

The intensity sounds a little soft, not like he is angry and cursing, but rather like he is shy and embarrassed.

If it were some otaku who likes this, he might be so moved by this disgusting voice that he would kneel on the ground and beg the girl to let her curse more.

Unfortunately, Kato Yusuke didn't have a quirk that liked being scolded, so naturally he wouldn't react like that, so he just nodded calmly and said thank you.

"Thank you for helping Senior Shiyu talk to Hui, but don't be impulsive next time. Just tell me if this happens again."

"I didn't do that for you. Besides... forget about that dark girl, why do you want to thank Hui?"

"Can you walk now? Do you need me to carry you down to the school doctor?"

"Don't ignore my questions!"

"I promised Aunt Sayuri that they would take care of you, so you're welcome."

"You're not answering the question at all——!" Ying Lili was so angry that she frowned, showing a Q version trend.

Kato Yusuke took off the waist bag that was slung on his back, put his hand into it, thinking something in his mind, and after ten seconds, he took out a bottle of oolong tea from it and handed it over.

"Anyway, let's drink some water first, and then we'll set off."

"What? It's so irritating. It makes me so angry!"

Ying Lili said this, snatched the oolong tea, opened the drink as if to quench the anger in her heart, raised the bottle and drank heavily.

After two sips, she felt something was wrong again, so she put the bottle down slightly and frowned slightly.

"Huh? Did you just unscrew the bottle cap for me? Or is this bottle actually something you drank!?"

Kato Yusuke put the bag on his back again and said calmly: "I didn't drink it, I just opened it when I took it. Don't you like it?"

Ying Lili looked at him suspiciously, trying to find some sign of guilt on his face, but found nothing.

Poker face, she complained secretly in her heart and muttered something softly.

"Ugh...if you really want to apologize, at least say it with your mouth..."

Then he continued to pick up the oolong tea and drank it in small sips.

She couldn't help but start to daydream in her mind, if this bottle of drink was really drunk by Kato Yusuke, what should she do?

This thought came very suddenly and inexplicably, but it made Yinglili's heart beat slightly faster.

Although according to his character, if Kato Yusuke really drank this bottle of drink, he would definitely not give it to her. Taking a step back, he would at least tell her clearly and not lie.

After all, although this person always dealt with her, he never had any bad intentions towards her.

Otherwise, if we think according to the plot of the book, this kind of drink that has been opened in advance is absolutely not allowed to be drunk. Maybe it will be drugged?

The big brother who usually pretends to be harmless has always been coveting her, and is waiting for an opportunity to give her a drugged drink.

When I drink it without any precautions, it won't take long before I think, "Hey, why do I feel so sleepy all of a sudden..." and then collapse with a bang.

Half asleep and half awake, the sound of heavy breathing lingered in my ears, and my weak and weak body was like a boat rocking on the sea, making me lose my direction.

When I opened my eyes again, what was in front of me was...

——"Youda's Family"

"Teng——" All of a sudden, Ying Lili's whole face turned red. It was like air coming out of a boiling pot spout, sounding a siren in my brain.

"——Pfft, cough, cough!"

She coughed violently.

"What's wrong? Did you choke?" Kato Yusuke asked doubtfully, and reached out to gently pat her back.

"——Don't, don't touch me!"

As if some reaction had been triggered, Yinglili's body trembled suddenly, she screamed reflexively, and moved to the side.

"What are you..."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Yinglili shook her head violently from left to right, and her golden twin tails whipped like whips, forming a dangerous zone that was difficult to approach.

In the confused eyes of Kato Yusuke, the girl raised a hand tremblingly, pointed at him with her index finger, and said tremblingly: "I, I, I, I, I... I am not thinking about anything strange. !”

There were circles like mosquito coils in the pure blue eyes, and his words were incoherent.

Kato Yusuke frowned in confusion, feeling confused about the current situation.

He moved his lips, trying to say something.

However, Ying Lili, who was blushing and flushed, suddenly raised her head and drank the oolong tea with heroic spirit.

Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo.

Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo.

The water level in the bottle dropped rapidly and rushed towards the cherry mouth.

The students around them stopped unconsciously and looked at them in surprise and confusion.

Kato Yusuke frowned slightly at this, then stood up and stood in front of Eiri to isolate those eyes. Everyone looked away knowingly and left pretending not to care.

It was under such circumstances that Yinglili drank the entire bottle of oolong tea in one breath and finally calmed down.

At least when she looked up again, the expression on her face had returned to one of her usual expressions, a cold and fierce expression.

Kato Yusuke organized the words in his mind, thinking about what to say next.

At this time, Yinglili spoke: "Don't ask anything! It's time to go!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped off the stone nimbly and walked forward with pattering steps.

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then reached out to pick up the sports backpack she had forgotten on the stone, and followed her up.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The slightly heavy backpack rang softly, and I didn't know what was inside.

When he walked to the girl with two backpacks hanging on his shoulders.

"Speaking of off-campus teaching——"

As if to cover up what happened before, Yinglili took the initiative to speak.

"Have you ever participated in such an event before?"

Kato Yusuke was unsure of the meaning of these words, so he gave a satisfactory answer.

"So be it."

"Oh, I guess so..."

Eiri nodded gently without looking away, and then continued: I have never participated in such an event, so I have been looking forward to it. "

"This kind of activity will be held at least once in elementary school, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm absent every time. I can't remember how many times it happened."

Swish, swish, snap, snap.

Martin boots and sneakers stepped on the fallen leaves on the ground, emitting a quiet melody.

The winding road stretches under the feet, spiraling to the top of the mountain, as if to say that it doesn't matter if you go a little further, just like the taste of life.

"Why are you absent?"

Kato Yusuke casually put his sports backpack on his shoulders and asked thoughtfully.

"...Well, who told me that every day before departure, there is a high probability that I will get sick. There is nothing I can do about it."

As she said this, a rare trace of nostalgia appeared on Ying Lili's face, and she tried her best to speak in an understatement:

"Although I am indeed a homebody, I am not opposed to occasional outdoor activities, such as catching insects, hiking, or going to the river to play in the water. This kind of outdoor play plan is different from usual. "

Kato Yusuke heard the unfinished meaning in her words, so he didn't speak, but just hummed to show that he was listening.

"——Obviously, I have made plans in advance, and I should be excited to welcome the day with my friends, but because I keep getting sick, everything ends up ending in an anticlimax."

The girl narrowed her eyes and spoke with some frustration.

"For example, the day after I went to the swimming pool, I started to be bedridden for a week. I couldn't participate in the sports meeting, so my friends had to bring me the pencils for the commemorative award."

"Whether it's New Year, Christmas, Women's Day or Children's Day... Thinking about it carefully, I seem to spend this kind of moment at home, and this kind of thing happens every time."

A vague feeling of depression rose from his petite and exquisite body.

Staring at Eri who was saying this, Kato Yusuke stopped, walked to the side of the road that deviated from the main road, rummaged in the grass, and brought something back.

"Take this."

"Hey, branch? Why??"

"With this help, walking will become easier."

"So dirty!? I don't want it!"

"Take it, mountain climbing is too difficult for someone like you who stays at home all year round. Isn't it already very difficult for you to walk now?"

"That's not the case."

"Otherwise, you can hold me, or I can carry you up?"

"I don't want to die! Pervert!"

Yinglili blushed and cursed, taking the branch that looked very strong in her hand.

After a few tentative pokes on the ground, the feedback from my hands was indeed very solid.

Then, she tried to put part of her weight on the branch and took two steps forward.

"How's it going? Is it okay?"

"...Just so-so."

The girl nodded vaguely, took a few breaths, and then continued walking forward.

Kato Yusuke observed her slightly frivolous footsteps and followed her silently, just in case something unexpected happened.

Keron, Keron, Keron, the silence dances.

The two people walked slowly.

Yinglili didn't look at him, just stared at the nearby woods and small stones on the road, adjusting her breathing every step she took. The snow-white face was slightly red, with a thin layer of clear sweat hanging on it.

A drop of sweat slid down his neck.

Even in such a season, my body felt strangely hot, as if there was a fire burning in my body.

Snap, snap.

The sneakers stepped on the ground, and the soles seemed to melt.

After walking like this for a while, my body felt uncontrollably tired.

In order to keep herself energetic, Erili spoke in a bright tone as much as possible.

"So I decided-"

As if a bolt had been pulled out, her tone suddenly changed.

"I will not fall down easily in a place like this. This time, I will make many good memories with my friends, and I will show them to my parents!"

A rare perseverance bloomed on the girl's face.

Kato Yusuke had no intention of interrupting her again, and was just thinking about how to respond here...


The branches lost their support and fell to the ground.

The body walking next to him suddenly staggered without warning and fell towards him, and was caught by him in time in the next second.

"Are you okay?"


There was no response, only disordered breathing rising and falling with the petite body.

Kato Yusuke looked down while supporting her.

Ying Lili's eyes were closed tightly, her brows were furrowed, her face was abnormally red, and she was panting.

There is something obviously wrong with this state of affairs.

He tried to reach out his hand and put the back of his hand on the other person's forehead. The temperature returned was slightly hot, like a fever.

Kato Yusuke's face suddenly darkened, and he called her name twice, but still got no response.

As if she was completely powerless, the girl leaned completely against him.

Without saying a word, he immediately moved his waist bag and sports backpack to his chest, carefully carried Yinglili on his back, let her arms wrap around his neck, and quickly stood up and ran down the mountain.

The light body seemed to have no weight at all. The body temperature coming from the back was hot, and even the breath blowing on the neck was very hot.

Kato Yusuke's heart sank to the bottom. He didn't know what went wrong that caused the girl to be in such a situation.

After all, he had just made the other party drink the Qi and Blood Medicine ten minutes ago, so things should never be like this.

However, he couldn't allow him to think too much now. The only real way to find the school doctor quickly...

. :

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