The cool wind blew in my face, and my golden twin ponytails were flying in the air.

The maple leaves, as bright as the sun, have been trampled on by people again and again.

Under the astonished gazes of countless people, the retrograde boy walked swiftly through the procession like a lantern parade.

At a certain moment, as if awakened by the bumps on the road, Yinglili's weak voice suddenly sounded softly.


Kato Yusuke's heart skipped a beat and he asked hurriedly: "Are you awake? Where do you feel uncomfortable? I will take you to the school doctor now. She will be there soon."

The girl on the back was silent, as if she was trying to understand the situation at hand. After a while, she gasped and spoke.

"...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, have I caused trouble to you again..."

"...It's no trouble. I didn't take good care of you, so don't think too much about it."

Kato Yusuke tried his best to respond with a calm and calm voice, soothing her emotions.

Yinglili shook her head laboriously, feeling that her brain was dizzy, and the heat and exhaustion spread throughout her body, making her unable to exert any strength.

"Finally...I'm...sick again...and I couldn't...keep my promise. I'm sorry..."

The intermittent words were filled with a sense of powerlessness and depression. Those emotions were almost insulated from their owner, but now they were exposed nakedly, like fragile porcelain.

Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, sped up his feet again, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise."


There was no response, and I don't know if he heard it or not.

Just when he was about to confirm, a vague whisper came into his ears.

"Look at me more, idiot..."

As if she was extremely tired, Ying Lili rested her head on his shoulder and gently closed her eyes.

Although the breath coming from his neck was still hot, it was a bit longer than before.

Not far away, the school doctor holding two hiking poles also appeared in the field of vision.


Kato Yusuke ran over quickly.

"Please take a look at Sawamura-san, she doesn't feel well."

The health teacher who was admiring the scenery along the way was startled by his suddenness. After seeing the situation clearly, he understood and said while taking off the outdoor backpack on his back:

"Don't worry, put Sawamura-san down first and let me see what's wrong with her?"

"It seems like I have a fever."

"You didn't eat anything randomly, did you? For example, wild fruits and mushrooms on the roadside."

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said nothing.

The health teacher nodded knowingly, took out the electronic ear thermometer from her backpack, wiped it with a disinfectant wipe, and then inserted it into Ying Lili's ear.

After two seconds, the electronic ear thermometer beeped.

"Hmm... Thirty-eight degrees five, I am indeed running a fever." The health teacher glanced at the value on the screen and said, his tone was so ordinary that it seemed commonplace.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After all, as a high school nurse, these are the problems that I usually face. It is not wrong to say that I am accustomed to it.

After taking the temperature, the health teacher took out the stethoscope and put it on his ear, and said: "Kato-san, please help Sawamura-san and let me do a simple check."

"right here?"

Kato Yusuke glanced around and felt something was wrong.

Although there are not many students here, there are still a few girls with slower legs walking slowly, and they can't help but cast curious glances at them.

In addition, it was not very dignified to lift up a girl's clothes for auscultation outside. He didn't think Yinglili could easily accept this kind of thing, even if the school doctor was a woman.

As if she had read through his thoughts, the health teacher couldn't help but said teasingly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen to her. If you are worried, you can help block her."

That's not the problem, Kato Yusuke frowned.

If the other party insists on doing it, at least he feels that he should avoid suspicion or find other girls to help.

At this time, a small hand gently grabbed the hem of his shirt.


Yinglili in her arms let out a sob, her crescent-shaped eyebrows were tightly knitted together, her expression looked a bit painful, and her sickly look was very pitiful.

"Don't waste time, we have to go down the mountain after the inspection."

After being reminded by the health teacher, Kato Yusuke did not hesitate anymore, turned his back to the crowd, blocked those sight lines with his body, and then raised his eyes to look at the distant sky.

Then, the health teacher slightly lifted the hem of Ying Lili's clothes, put the hand holding the stethoscope in, and listened carefully.


There was a quiet scraping sound of fabric.

Kato Yusuke continued to look at the sky, feeling that the girl in his arms was twisting uneasily.

A few moments.


The health teacher took out his hand and put away the stethoscope.

"It's a little noisy, but it's not a big problem."

"What do you mean?"

"There's no need to send her to the hospital. Let's take her back to have a rest. We'll see what happens later."

Kato Yusuke looked down at his arms. Eiriri still showed no sign of waking up, so he carried her on his back again. Then he followed the health teacher and walked down the mountain.

In the end, even he failed to keep his agreement with Hui...


Yinglili opened her eyes drowsily, her vision gradually turning from blurry to clearer.

What caught my eye was the bottom of the bed on the upper bunk.

The air is filled with a pleasant fragrance, as if to cover up the original smell of wood.

Turn and look aside.

Unconsciously, the sky outside the window turned slightly pink and purple.

This is the wooden house of Nature House, and it is also where they checked in today.

Chiba Prefecture Nature House has two types of rooms: Western-style rooms and wooden houses. The former is a two-person room and the latter is a four-person room.

Out of the desire to experience new things, Yinglili took the initiative to choose a wooden house when she was assigned a room in the morning.

And now, she was lying on her bed.


It took a moment for my sluggish brain to understand the situation.

Yingli tried to sit up from the bed, but her body couldn't find the strength. In the end, she had to give up the plan and start focusing on thinking instead.

——"Youda's Family"

The title I had drafted a long time ago suddenly popped into my head.

Immediately afterwards, detailed storyboards also emerged one after another.

Quiet cabin at dusk.

Being pinned down by a friend's boyfriend...

The content can be summarized in the format of "color cover/B5/twenty-four pages/paperback".

Although as far as the word friend is concerned, the gloomy woman in black does not fit the description, but this slight sense of inadequacy can still make people feel shaken.

Ying Lili rubbed her legs uneasily, feeling that every part of her body was hot, and her slightly sweating body was sticky.

She didn't quite understand what this emotion meant, but she just felt that her state was very strange.

Vaguely, she remembered that Kato Yusuke carried her to find the teacher, and then brought her back here, but she could not remember what happened after that.

Just as she was trying to rummage through the fragmented memories, the door was suddenly pushed open with a creak, and a slender figure walked in and gently closed the door.



Their eyes met.

Eiri saw the tray in the visitor's hand, and Hui also saw her state at this time.

"Ah~ great, it turns out you're awake, Yinglili."

Hui walked to the bed, placed the tray on the bedside table, then pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Sorry, I just went to replenish the ice pack. Have you been awake for a long time?"

"No, I just woke up not long ago..."

Yinglili replied reflexively at first, then reacted and asked hurriedly: "Um, Hui, what is going on...?"

The voice was slightly hoarse.

Hui looked calm about this, as if he had already guessed her reaction, and spoke.

"How should I put it? Because I came back later, I can't be too specific. Basically, you were sick, and then Yusuke and the health teacher brought you back."

"...will you always take care of me from now on?"

"Well, that's true, ah, but before I came back, Yusuke was actually accompanying you, and I took over after that."

"I-that's it, thank you...I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"No, I did this voluntarily. Also, can I put an ice pack on it?"

"Um, um, please."

When Yinglili agreed, Hui reached out and took the ice pack from the tray and placed it on her forehead.

"Good ice!?"

"Hmm...should I add a towel?"

"No, that's fine. It's cool and comfortable. Thank you, Hui."

"You're welcome. I just borrowed the kitchen here to cook some porridge. Do you have an appetite now? Yinglili."

"Hey, Hui cooked it...?"

"Yeah, that's right."

After hearing this, Yinglili blinked her eyes repeatedly and instinctively looked towards the bedside table, only then did she notice the small casserole placed on it.

A faint scent drifted into the nose.

She couldn't help but take a breath, and a feeling of hunger suddenly surged in her belly, so she said, "Well! I'm really a little hungry, so I want to eat."

In this way, Hui then helped her up from the bed considerately, put pillows on the edge of the bed for her to lean on comfortably, and then opened the lid of the casserole.

A richer rice fragrance filled the air, mixed with a slight sweetness.

There is white porridge with prunes in the pot.

Probably considering the burden on the stomach, the porridge is relatively thin and steamy.

After serving the porridge in an orderly manner, Hui handed over the bowl and spoon.

"Please use it, be careful of burning it?"

"Yeah~Thank you!"

Ying Lili took the bowl, blew on it gently, and stared inside.

Chopped prunes are scattered in the porridge, and the red pulp is lightly mixed in the milky white rice soup, which is full of aroma.

After stirring it twice with a spoon, Yinglili scooped up a spoonful of porridge and put it into her mouth eagerly.

The sticky porridge flavor spreads on the tongue, and the soft sweet and sour taste of the prunes stimulates the appetite, forming a wonderful balance with the slightly salty taste of the porridge.

Swallow it in one gulp and your entire mouth and stomach will feel very gentle.

"It's delicious~ Megumi."

Ying Lili couldn't help but pursed her lips, licked the soup on her lips with the tip of her tongue, and praised her sincerely.

"Thank you for the compliment, I hope you like it~"

Hui Wei responded with a smile, her expression softened, and then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket as if she had remembered something.

"By the way, Yusuke also told me to take some photos of the top of the mountain. Are you interested in seeing them? Eri-ri."

"Yusuke said that?"

Ying Lili, who was enjoying her meal, raised her head in surprise and turned her head slightly, "It's not that I'm not interested, but why?"

"Well, if you want to say it, I think he probably thought that you couldn't go up, so this will make you happy, right?"

After three or four seconds.

"...What, that kind of self-righteous thought."

"Otherwise, do you want to take a look?"

"Since Huidu said so... I'll just take a look. Isn't it because of him?"

"Well, what kind of expression should I make here...?"

"Because, when you show photos to people who can't participate in hiking activities, it feels like showing off, right? How on earth do you come up with such an idea that makes people speechless?"

"That's it, um~ that's what you said, then forget it."


"What's wrong?"

"Ah, no... I wasn't talking about you just now, Megumi! And I happen to be a little bored right now, so let's watch it together, okay?"

Looking at Eiri, who was hurriedly defending in front of her, regretful and a bit squeamish, some subtle emotions emerged in Hui's heart, and she finally nodded lightly.

Next, the two of them looked at the photos together.

On the top of the mountain is a large lake. The dark water is rippled with many bright red maple leaves floating on it.

There is a huge natural rock next to the lake. Students and teachers sit on it to rest. There are also active men and women who go to the lake to soak their feet.

Eiri, whose appetite was stimulated by Hui's cooking, filled another bowl of porridge, and stared at the photo intently while eating, her pure sapphire eyes shining slightly, showing longing.

Even Kei, who is also a girl, found that look cute and explained the scene to her carefully.

"I always feel that there is something disgusting about this dark lake, as if there is a monster hiding in it."

"Ah~ Well, it seems that it does feel a bit like this."

"Right, right? Do you think there might be a Loch Ness monster living in there? Megumi."

"Well, even if you ask me so seriously... the Loch Ness Monster is a British legend, right? Regardless of whether that monster exists, at least I don't think it will appear in Japan ~ Eiri."

"Can these photos be sent to me? Megumi."

"Yeah, no problem, Yinglili."

"Thank you~~~!"

"You're welcome~"

Unknowingly, the pot of porridge was quickly finished.

It seemed that because this discussion consumed a lot of energy, Yinglili, whose body had not yet recovered, fell asleep again after taking the medicine.

Hui quietly packed up the tray and left.

. :

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