When Kei walked out of the wooden house, the tall and tall Kato Yusuke was standing there. Judging from the feeling emanating from his body, it seemed that he had been waiting outside for a while.

"Eiriri, you've already rested, haven't you?"

"Well, I know, how is she doing?"

"If anything, not only did I finish the porridge, but I also took the antipyretic medicine, so I think it should be fine."

"That's it." Kato Yusuke nodded and handed over a bottle of oolong tea.

"Thank you for your hard work. Do you want something to drink?"

"Okay, then help me get the tray."


Hui didn't think much about it, took the drink frankly, and drank it.

Kato Yusuke stared at her for a moment, carefully observing her reaction, and then said: "I'm sorry about what happened in the afternoon, but I couldn't meet you as promised."

"Huh? Well... after all, something like that happened. Yusuke just did the right thing. I don't think you need to apologize."

"That's good. Do we need to return these things to the restaurant?"


"Then I'll go with you."


After hearing this, Hui couldn't help but look at him strangely. After thinking for a moment, he felt that there was no reason to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

As a result, the girl did not show any abnormal reaction until the two of them returned the tableware to the restaurant and had dinner with Yamaguchi, Takei, and Yoshiko.

Kato Yusuke is full of doubts about this.

In a preoccupied state, the first day passed like this.

——"Eiriri seems to be fine~"

It was the next morning when I got the news from Kei.

After arriving at the restaurant, Kato Yusuke saw the person involved in person.

The eye-catching twin ponytails sway gently, and the hair is as fine as soft satin.

The sun shines into the restaurant, carefully tracing the girl's outline, and her whole body seems to be glowing.

As the undisputed beauty of the first grade, Eiriri today still exudes an overwhelming aura of a princess, making many boys follow her beauty and feel uneasy.

In such an atmosphere, Eiri was sitting with Harumi Toyama, a classmate and member of the Art Club, opposite two first-year girls who also belonged to the Art Club.

Although the person involved did not mean that, a dazzling barrier was still formed around it, making it difficult for people to catch up.

At this moment, the four girls were eating breakfast and discussing something with each other.

Kato Yusuke didn't deliberately go over to join in the fun, he just observed it from a distance.

Just as Hui said, Yinglili seemed to have completely recovered after resting for a whole night. Not only did her complexion return to its previous appearance, but her mental state was also very good, and she felt refreshed.

Seeing the other party's energetic look, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it was due to different personal physiques, Kato Yusuke secretly guessed.

Although the doubts in her heart have not been eliminated, as long as Ying Lili's body is fine, there is no need to delve into the different reactions of Qi and blood medicine for the time being.

Kato Yusuke no longer hesitated, and walked to an empty seat at a certain table with the Sanzhu brothers, and sat down opposite Kei and Yoshiko.

"Hi, good morning, Kato-san, and Yamaguchi and Takei."

Himekawa Yoshiko was the first to say hello, and the three of them also said good morning in turn.

"By the way, what does "there are Yamaguchi and Takei" mean? Treat others as if they were incidental. "

"Hey~Have you been discovered?"

"Hey - don't think you can get away with it by pretending to be cute."

"Hey hey hey~"

Yamaguchi and Kako were bickering as usual, while Takei had a "here we go again" expression on his face.

After saying good morning to Kato Yusuke, Megumi stood up from his seat with a cup and went to nowhere.

Kato Yusuke tried to track her figure, but his sight was blocked by a group of students who had just entered the restaurant, and he lost track of her.

"Thank you for helping to hold a seat, Kako!"

Takei looked around for a while and said, "This is the first time I have breakfast with so many people. It's really amazing."

"You're welcome~ But on the other hand, can you please put more effort into finding ingredients?"

"Oh! I'll try my best-!"

Kato Yusuke began to think about the picnic.

At this time, Hui put a plate in front of him.

"——It's been a long wait. I didn't add more natto for you, Yusuke. I also put everyone's water here."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Kato Yusuke then realized that the other person had just gone to help him get breakfast, so he said, "Thank you, Megumi."

"You're welcome, because I also have to fetch water, so I'll help you get some food by the way." The girl responded lightly and sat down on her seat again.

Seeing this scene, the Mangkhut brothers looked at each other in confusion, as if they had something to say, and finally joined hands and ran towards the place where they had breakfast.

Kako, who stayed in her seat, covered her mouth and smiled, taking a glass of water from the tray.

The food provided in the restaurant is a buffet, and the dishes are ordinary home-cooked dishes.

The breakfast that Megumi served included rice, omelet, grilled fish with salad, miso soup, seaweed flakes, miso peanuts, and malt jelly, which is said to be a specialty of Chiba Prefecture.

A few minutes later, the Mangkhut brothers, who had prepared breakfast by themselves, also ran over.

The group chatted and enjoyed breakfast, and time passed quickly.

After that, teachers from each class gathered the students together to discuss today's plans, mainly grouping matters.

Although it was a bit delicate to discuss lunch just after breakfast, no one raised any objections. The students expressed their opinions one after another.

Having said that, the main ones who spoke were Yang Jiao and Xian Chong, and the rhythm of the topic always revolved around them.

During this period, Shinjoka seemed very active, playing her own actress image, guiding the atmosphere without leaving a trace, and heating up the atmosphere.

She would take the initiative to chat with even those inconspicuous people, trying not to ignore anyone. She seemed to get along well with everyone and showed her amiable side.

Even though she understands that she actually treats everyone equally, some boys will still feel attracted to her.

In fact, since joining the student union, Shintiao Xiang has also made some adjustments to himself.

Compared with before, now she has properly grasped the distance between herself and boys and no longer talks about frivolous remarks. Instead, she gives people a distant attraction.

This adjustment was obviously successful, including people of the same sex who also viewed her a lot differently, with much less hostility and disgust.

Of course, this is not absolute at all. At least Himekawa Yoshiko still hates her very much and never hides this in front of Kato Yusuke and his party.

Just because of her personality, she would not go out and speak ill of Shintōka, and Shintōka no longer provoked her. The two sides seemed to have reached a consensus that they should not offend each other.

Back to topic.

The discussion came to a conclusion in a harmonious atmosphere.

Regarding today’s picnic plan, the specific arrangements are as follows:

1. Form a cooking team with students who are good at cooking.

2. Use students with cooking experience as assistants to handle the ingredients.

3. Students with good physical strength are responsible for collecting ingredients.

4. The rest of the people do the logistics.

Here at Kato's team, Megumi and Kako joined the cooking team, while Yamaguchi and Takei chose the job of collecting ingredients.

Kato Yusuke also chose to collect ingredients, but unlike the two brothers, he chose fishing.

After the meeting was dissolved, everyone took action on their own.

Kato Yusuke returned to the cabin and put on his peaked cap, borrowed fishing tackle and bait from the management office of the Nature House, and then went to the woods behind the annex.

There is a wide open space here, which is also where the outdoor cooking area is located.

The facility made of stone and concrete seems to be quite sturdy, and the long row of operation desks is also very spacious. Even if seven or eight people stand together at the same time, it will not look crowded.

At this moment, many students were cleaning, and Kei and Kako were among them.

After the appointment was over, we met here. Kato Yusuke and the Mangkhut brothers entered the woods together.

Besides them, there are many other students in the forest area. The scattered boys and girls looked around, looking for wild ingredients that they didn't know where they would grow.

After walking for a while, the two parties parted ways at a fork in the road.

Yamaguchi and Takei continued upward, while Kato Yusuke walked towards the stream that deviated from the main road.

When he arrived at the creek in the forest according to the fishing location he asked from the management staff.

In addition to a small stream that is not too wide, what comes into view are many students who are also carrying fishing gear, obviously planning to fish here.

The situation of more monks and less meat makes it hard to believe that something can be harvested easily in such a place.

So he quickly made a decision and continued walking upstream of the stream.

It is surrounded by a dense maple red, with clear streams and fine sand roads running through it and extending forward.

Along the way, the sparse woods gradually became dense.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, there were no students on the road anymore, and the sandy road under my feet turned into a less traveled gravel road, as if I had walked deep into the forest.

There was an endless swishing sound in my ears.

Follow the direction of the sound and walk around a bend, then walk a short distance forward, and a ten-meter-high waterfall appears in front of you.

Although it lacks a bit of momentum, it has a quiet atmosphere.

Kato Yusuke came to the small lake formed by the waterfall and visually inspected the water conditions with his naked eyes.

The water depth in the edge area is about thigh-deep, and even primary school students can enter and play in the water without any problem.

The relatively clear lake water is filled with green, and the tails of fish paddling flexibly can be vaguely seen.

He wasn't sure what kind of fish it was, but it didn't matter.

Kato Yusuke took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trouser legs, and stepped into the cool lake water.

I filled a small bucket of water with a metal bucket, then I chose a fairly flat rock to sit on, put the bucket aside, and started working with the fishing gear.

The fishing rods provided by the management office are not complicated, and they are basically adjusted in advance, so just hang the bait.

Just when he had taken care of this and was about to start throwing the hook...


A pleasant mature voice suddenly rang out, "Kato-san?"

Follow the sound and look.

Kanoko Hasumi, wearing a red mountaineering outfit, was standing not far away, holding the same fishing tackle and metal bucket as him. The reason for appearing here is self-evident.

Kato Yusuke tilted his head slightly and said, "Good morning, Kano-chan."

A smile broke out on the woman's face, and there was a bit of surprise in her clear eyes, but she looked around again and asked calmly:

"So you chose fishing. Did you come with your friends?"

"It wasn't originally, but you just came."

Hasumi Kanoko stepped forward, tilted her head and asked, "Does this mean that I am also a friend?"

“Does friends with evil intentions count?”

"Who has evil intentions?"

Kato Yusuke smiled and asked: "Now that we are here, do you want to fish together?"

"Yes, yes, but you look so calm, are you really good at fishing?"

"No, I just think fishing is easier, so I chose this."

"...It's a very cunning way to be lazy."

Hasumi Kanoko criticized him at first, then followed his example and took off her shoes and socks, rolled up her trouser legs, and sat down next to him.


Her graceful bare feet cautiously stepped into the water, causing ripples.

“How can we fish if we are so close?”

"is it not OK?"

"The threads get tangled."

"You want to be lazy anyway, so it doesn't matter if I have one more, right?"

"If I remember correctly, I just said the word relaxed."

Kato Yusuke corrected her mistake, and did not force her to distance herself. He just changed the fishing rod to one hand and used the back-swinging method to smoothly throw the hook bait out.


The fishing hook drew a beautiful arc in the air and finally landed on the water in the distance.

Seeing this scene, Hasumi Kanoko was slightly surprised, and deliberately puffed her cheeks and asked: "Did you just say that you are not good at fishing?"

"I just used the method I learned from TV to throw the hook out. This action is like kyudo. As long as the method and posture are correct, anyone can do it."

"...Speaking of which, I do remember that you often went to the Kyudo club for a while. Nakano-san is very beautiful."

"I respect Nakano-senpai just as much as I once respected you, Kano-chan."

"Does that mean it's gone now...?"

Hasumi Kanoko said, swinging the hook bait out with a swinging method, and landed on the water not far away.


Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment and said softly: "Do you want me to look at you with that feeling?"

There was a brief silence.

"No, I think this is fine for now."

The two of them did not go into depth on this issue and changed the subject tacitly.

"So you are also collecting ingredients? Kano-chan."

"That's not the case, but it's rare to come here. I think it would be a pity not to experience it."

“That’s it, but the fishing location given by the management staff is at

"I originally expected to meet you here."

Hasumi Kanoko smiled bitterly and shook her head, sighing softly, "Although it's not a good thing to say, there are times when you don't want to face students."

Kato Yusuke nodded in understanding and replied: "After all, this is a rare trip. You don't have to force yourself. If you want, you can relax more in front of me."

"...You often show your perseverance."



The two of them asked and answered questions.

He smiled calmly, looked at the lake in a daze, and murmured: "That's not the case."

Hasumi Kanoko stared at him intently, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "What about you, are you forcing yourself...?"

——Shua la.

Squeak, the fishing rod was gently pulled.

. :

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