Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and ninety-one, Cultural Festival (End)

Night has completely fallen and the After Night Festival is about to begin.

The playground was full of people, and cheerful melodies were playing from the speakers.

This is the ultimate carnival that everyone can enjoy behind closed doors and only at this moment. Everyone present is infected by the lively atmosphere.

No wonder the students were so excited.

After all, with the changes in the environment in recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to host this kind of bonfire party after the festival.

Taking into account the fire prevention and various public security conditions, as well as the subsequent problems that may arise, the response of the town committee to the application for such activities is also very negative.

Basically, you can push it if you can, and you will never give out permits for night activities lightly.

The reason Toyosaki Academy is able to hold events like this is because of the work of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee.

Although Kato Yusuke didn't have any specific information, he had heard some news.

For example, the students on the executive committee went to the town committee to lobby, submitted an application for disaster prevention training to the fire station, and went door to door to visit nearby residents, etc...

All in all, thanks to the efforts of the executive committee, the private Toyosaki Academy finally successfully obtained the license.

In this way, the students belonging to the current camp gathered near the campfire to talk, while the fringe figures who were not good at talking looked at them from a little distance.

——The two sides are clearly divided.

On a bench some distance away from the bonfire, Kato Yusuke found the girl sitting alone.

Shiyu was looking lonely at the fire, with her long black hair hanging down like a waterfall, and her slightly trance-like eyes not knowing what she was thinking.

"Good evening, Senior Sister Shiyu."

"Good evening, Yuu-chan."

Kato Yusuke looked around. There were some students sitting and chatting with their friends nearby, but here he was alone.

He was at a loss for words and asked: "Did you enjoy the cultural festival?"

"Ah, don't you know?"

Shiyu reached out and patted the empty seat next to her, motioning for him to sit down next to her.

"I've basically been staring at the drama department these days, so I haven't played much."

"Speaking of the drama club...I'm sorry, I seem to be a hindrance to senior sister."


"Well, otherwise, in terms of the excitement of the performances, the drama department is second to none."

Shiyu couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips in a funny way, "If I go by what you said, wouldn't it mean that An Yilun would also take first place?"

Kato Yusuke was at a loss for words. He could only say that An Yilun did indeed pull off a big upset and gave everyone a surprise.

"Actually, I have been to Aki's place during my inspection before, and there were indeed a lot of spectators there... But his animation appreciation meeting is a special case, senior sister, don't be discouraged."

"You don't have to go out of your way to comfort me. It's okay. And since it's my boyfriend's class that got the first place, I don't have anything to say."

Shiyu said magnanimously, resting his elbows on his folded legs and supporting his chin with one hand, turning to him with slightly narrowed eyes.

"...Compared to this, I heard an interesting rumor~"

"Interesting rumor?"

"Hmm~ I heard that the beauty pageant champion of our school was seen entangled with a strange man in the afternoon~"... "...?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes showed some just right doubts, "Getting entangled with a strange man?"

"I haven't actually seen it, so I can't say, but it seems that the two of them went to visit our class's haunted house together, and they even held hands in the corridor afterwards~"

" there such a thing?"

"It's hard to believe, isn't it~? After all, the other party is Sawamura. It's hard for me to imagine that she would date an ordinary handsome guy."

" ordinary handsome guy?"

"That's right."

Shiyu Xiangruo nodded casually, "According to people in our class, that boy looks quite handsome. Although he is wearing a mask, his temperament cannot be underestimated. He is a bit like a star."

"Is Yinglili and the star...?"

Kato Yusuke observed the surroundings casually, "I've never heard of this... In the eyes of Shiyu-senpai, are celebrities just ordinary handsome guys?"

"Haha, I don't mean ordinary in that way."

"Sorry, I don't quite understand."

"What I mean is that this erotic fangirl with no appearance should have such a view on mate selection."

Shiyu had a leisurely and contented smile on his face and talked eloquently.

"She is supposed to be the kind of innocent girl who is entangled with childhood sweethearts, waiting for the otaku Prince Charming to drive a shameful car, and come to greet her~?"

Kato Yusuke gasped "hiss~" and then smiled bitterly.

The black-haired Yuki-onna still delivers a solid performance, and she shows no mercy when it comes to the blonde tsundere.

"...I always feel that there are so many things that make people want to complain about these words. I should say that Senior Shiyu is still so mean to Yinglili."

"Well~ Unless that man has some extraordinary qualities and can train her out."

Shiyu yawned lazily and continued: "Or maybe the other person is not only a handsome man, but also happens to be an insider... This would be in line with Sawamura's taste."

Kato Yusuke had an ominous premonition in his heart and didn't want to go further on this topic, so he stood up from the bench pretending to be calm.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here."

He smiled and extended a hand to the girl, inviting her in a sincere tone.

"Anyway, my beautiful lady, may I have the pleasure of asking you to dance?"

Shiyu blinked twice in succession, tilted his head and asked, "Hey~ shouldn't we kneel down on one knee here?"

"You're talking about kneeling down on one knee like a proposal -!"

"whispering sound……!"

"Please don't show that "have you seen through it?" expression! "Kato Yusuke complained vigorously.


Shiyu raised his eyes and laughed "haha".

"Actually, I've always wanted to say that it's our school's tradition for girls to invite their true love to dance folk dances at the Eve Festival, right? Why did you do the other way around?"

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment and replied: "But that's not what my friend said..."

"Your friends? Ah~ I mean Yamaguchi-kun and Takei-kun. Since you are both first-year students, you may not know it. In fact, in the earliest days, the rule of this school was that girls invite boys to dance, right?"

"Uh, is that so...?"

"How could I lie to you~?" ... Shiyu smiled, "If you don't believe it, look around and see if most of the people taking action now are girls?"

Kato Yusuke looked back and found that this was indeed the case.

Among several pairs of dancing partners who were conversing, it was indeed mostly girls who took the initiative to invite them, while the boys responded either with embarrassment or happily.

"You should understand this, right~? Otherwise, even for a girl like me who has no beauty and talent, there will be people who will come to me on a day like this~?"

"... Generally speaking, would anyone praise themselves like this?"

The corners of Shiyu's lips curved up, and she answered as if it was natural, "But I'm not an ordinary person~"

Because these words were so convincing, Kato Yusuke couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

At this moment, a brisk dance music played from the loudspeaker, as if announcing the official start of the evening festival.

The students who found their dance partners walked hand in hand to the bonfire and danced gracefully.

The students who were still hesitating couldn't help but become anxious and act quickly.

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a moment, but still did not take back his outstretched hand, and said:

"I don't really care about that tradition. I just want to dance with Senior Shiyu, so I'll invite you this time."


Shiyu looked around calmly.

Many girls were standing not too far away, peeping at them eagerly, as if they couldn't help but want to move forward, but felt a little intimidated by her presence.

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If she rejects someone here, I'm afraid those Yingying Yanyan will swarm in the next second, but how can she give others such hope?

Thinking of this, Shiyu showed a bellicose smile on his face, elegantly placed a hand on the young man's palm, and happily agreed.

"Well~ Anyway, I don't hate the way you take the initiative, so let's dance together, Yuu-chan~"


Kato Yusuke smiled and nodded, leading her to the center of the playground openly.

When the girls around him saw this scene, they couldn't help but lower their heads in despair.

Shiyu, who observed this with his peripheral vision, smiled even more.

She was very satisfied with the decency Kato Yusuke gave her. Although she could not be his only one, it still made her feel much better that the other party could firmly choose her at this time.

The two walked to the bonfire and found an empty seat among the dancing crowd.

"So..." Kato Yusuke asked expressionlessly: "How exactly is the folk dance performed?"


Shiyu couldn't help being slightly stunned, and said in surprise: "Eh...? Could it be that Yu-chan, you don't know how to dance folk dance?"

"...I have seen it a little bit, but in terms of dancing specifically, this is the first time." Yusuke Kato touched his nose, looking a little unnatural.

Shiyu was even more surprised when he heard this, "How come, you didn't skip it in middle school?"

"Well...after all, I have always been a loner and don't have much contact with people, so I rarely participate in these activities."..."I rarely participate...Pfft, why did you invite me so confidently just now?"

Kato Yusuke scratched his head in embarrassment, looked into her eyes and said, "Anyway, that's it... Because Shiba-senpai is very smart, and I want you to teach me, is that okay?"


The sound floated into the ears along with the music, and Shiyu's cheeks blushed slightly, "Haha... Okay, then I will accept Yu-chan's first time~"

"...Senior sister is here again, there is no need to keep using such ambiguous terms, right?" Kato Yusuke complained, and then took action under the guidance of the other party.

The two of them faced forward together.

The girl stands in front, her left hand naturally stretched forward, and the palm of her right hand raised upwards and placed between her head and shoulders.

The young man stood at the back on the right side, his left hand went around the other person's shoulder and touched her left hand, and his right hand stretched forward to hold up the other person's right hand.

"Yeah~ That's it. We will follow everyone in a counterclockwise circle later, Yu-chan, just follow my instructions."


A slow-paced version of "Turkeyiraw" floated out from the speakers and flowed on the playground at night.

This is an American folk song, but it is widely circulated in Japan and is often used as dance music in celebrations in various schools.

Left, left, right, right.

Left, right, left, right.

Shiyu took his hand and turned around, facing him face to face, with a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes.

Then move forward again.

Kato Yusuke looked at her singing and dancing, and couldn't help but admire her.

People stepped on the relaxed and cheerful drums, danced and slowly circled around the bonfire.

"Yu-chan, don't be too stiff in your movements. It doesn't matter if you don't deliberately follow the rhythm. We just need to match each other's pace~"


The two continued to have similar exchanges.

The movements of the folk dance are not difficult to learn, and there are no difficult movements in it. It is even simpler than the aerobics performed by Kato Yusuke at the sports festival.

As the circle goes down.

Under the girl's step-by-step guidance, he quickly mastered all the movements and started dancing with style.

Shiyu observed his movements and nodded gently in approval, "As expected of Yu-chan ~ you have danced very well."

"Thank you, mainly because my senior taught me better." Yusuke Kato was very humble.

Their hands were always held together, allowing the chill of the winter night to escape.

Shiyu smiled, her charming burgundy eyes curved beautifully, embedded with love.

"Speaking of which, Yuu-chan smells very pleasant."

"Senior, are you talking about the smell of laundry detergent? This brand is available in convenience stores. I can tell you if you like it."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

The girl shook her head in amusement.

"What I'm talking about is that Yuu-chan doesn't have the sweat and mud smell of ordinary boys. Even so, I haven't smelled the smell of other people of the same age and the opposite sex."

"Thank you, I think it's because I didn't join a sports club." Affected by the atmosphere around him, Kato Yusuke felt very relaxed.

"It's not just because of that."

Shiyu had a negative opinion on this and declared: "Just the laundry detergent can't make me excited. I think the main reason is because Yuu-chan is special."..."Is it special..."

Without thinking too much, Kato Yusuke asked casually: "What will you do if one day I am no longer as special as I am now?"

"No longer special? What does that mean?"

"Hmm...for example, suppose I become a pretty boy who only eats soft food?"


Shiyu looked back suddenly, and his whole face lit up, "Can you do it~~~??"

"Uh...? Sorry, I seem to have given the wrong example."

"whispering sound……!"

"I told you not to show that boring expression..."

"Well, anyway, why do you suddenly ask that?"

"No, it's nothing, just asking." Kato Yusuke said casually.

Shiyu raised his chin slightly, looked at the sky and thought for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief.

"If that's the case, I will work to support Yu-chan and create a paradise for you with just me, where you can play happily but cannot run out. What do you think~?"

Kato Yusuke gave a wry smile: "I feel like the topic has turned into the terrible imprisonment again. Shiba-senpai is a yandere."

A narrow chuckle responded to him.

The music just reached its climax at this time, Kato Yusuke stopped, and Shiyu stepped on the music and turned around, facing him.

Kato Yusuke was about to make the next move, but the other party hugged him up with a "poof~", pushed him out of the crowd, and took him to a quiet and open area.

Because of this action, they attracted some attention, but as the team continued to march, people soon disappeared.

"Senior Shiyu...?"

Kato Yusuke asked in confusion: "Don't you want to dance anymore?"

Shiyu didn't speak, and raised his head slightly to look up at him, his eyes a little quiet.

The clear night is dust-free, and the moonlight is like silver.

The pale bright moon sprinkled its silvery light as pure as water, with a few twinkling stars hovering in the quiet night sky.

The girl's long black hair was flowing down, covered with melting moonlight, and her swaying eyes were shining, reflecting the faint starlight.

Kato Yusuke vaguely noticed something, and the expression on his face softened slightly. He also hugged the girl's waist and looked back at her quietly.

After just looking at each other for a while.

"Yu-chan." Shiyu opened her lips slightly and whispered like a whisper.

So Kato Yusuke also whispered back: "Yes, I am here."

The girl's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, her eyes watery, and her red lips raised again: "Speaking of which, Yu-chan, do you think our class's haunted house is fun?"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel confused, his expression froze on his face.

Shiyu looked at his reaction and finally determined something, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"So, what does Sawamura want from you~? Why do you accompany her to the cultural festival?"

The determination in his tone was undeniable. Kato Yusuke was distressed for a moment, and had no intention of struggling, so he dropped his shoulders as if giving up.

"You mean you already knew it was me, right? Senior Shiyu has such a bad personality..."

"Oh? I didn't expect that the person who was caught raping would have the guts to talk back~"

" actually doesn't matter. For some reason, Yinglili and I went to the cultural festival together."..."Some reason means~?" Shiyu trailed off, half-smiling.

Kato Yusuke sighed softly: "...Eiriri said she wanted to talk to me about life and wanted me to accompany her to the cultural festival. That's it."

"Life consultation?" The girl who heard this frowned slightly, "What kind of nonsense excuse is this? It's as unreasonable as a light novel."

"Well, you don't need to bring yourself with you if you complain...?"

"Then what? What about the commotion you made in the corridor?"


Kato Yusuke cleared his throat and coughed: "Anyway, that's it. The matter has been resolved for the time being, so senior sister doesn't need to worry about it."

"...I don't need to care?"

Shiyu raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his eyes several times on his face, and raised an intriguing and contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Well... after all, the target is that arrogant small-breasted lolita, so you're right to say that. Well~ seeing as today is the school anniversary, I'll let you go for the time being~?"

After saying this, the girl laughed happily.

Someone couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and was about to respond when he suddenly heard this sentence——

"...I love you, Yuu-chan."

Kato Yusuke was stunned, and then his lips were sealed by Shiyu who was standing on tiptoes.


Crackling, violently burning firewood danced in the flames.

The cheerful tunes were still playing tirelessly, mixed with people's chatter and laughter, which sounded a bit vague.

The red firelight illuminated their faces, causing the shadows overlapping their feet to sway.

Today is the last day of school anniversary.

However, the end will eventually come.

The ticking sound of the clock also hints to everyone that this time will eventually end.

The cool fragrance of gerbera floats, blending with the freshness of mint. It seemed like it would be a long time before the two flavors completely separated.

(Backlog progress 4.5/10).

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