Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and ninety-two, gathered together

With the end of the cultural festival, the time sequence enters December.

The atmosphere is getting thicker as the year is coming to an end, and time seems to be flowing faster and faster.

Even though today is Monday, it's rare that I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy two consecutive days of compensatory rest.

In order to reward everyone who worked hard for three days, Motoyama Mina, who was about to leave Tokyo, made a suggestion to Kato Yusuke.

"Speaking of which, since Xiaoyou and you are free now, let's hold a welcome party for Xiaoxi. Remember to call your friends too, so that there will be more people and more fun."

In this way, Kato Yusuke acted obediently.

Although he was not sure how many people would come, in order to satisfy Motoyama Mina, he still sent invitations to his friends one by one.

——The result surprised him greatly.

Except for Nakano Ryoko who couldn't come because of something else, and Shinjoka and Serizawa Yu who would be there themselves.

Hui, Shiyu, Yinglili, Xiaokanao,

Yamaguchi, Takejing, Yoshiko, An Yirunye.

Basically, everyone was honored to be invited, and even Nakano Ryoko specially arranged for someone to send a congratulatory gift.

It was a beautiful Taisho Romanesque kimono, a gift for Serizawa Yu.

Kato Yusuke felt very embarrassed, after all, that kimono looked very expensive at first glance.

Shiyu, who has a certain discernment, pointed out that it was the "small pattern" on the kimono, and the price was easily in the upper six figures.

Upon hearing this, not only Serizawa Yu and Motoyama Mina were shocked, but even Kato Yusuke did not want to accept such a precious gift.

With this idea in mind, he called the other party and expressed that he wanted to return the gift or make up the corresponding amount.

——However, they were all rejected by the other party.

"It's just a little care. Don't worry about it, Yu-kun. On the contrary, I can't attend the welcome party. I'm really sorry."

Nakano Ryoko just brushed it off in a nonchalant manner, and didn't talk to him much after that, so she proposed to go and get busy.

Kato Yusuke was slightly troubled after hanging up the phone, and conveyed the client's intention to Motoyama Mina and Serizawa Yu.

"Even it really okay to accept such an expensive gift from someone else? Xiaoyou."

"Well, actually I feel the same way. I don't dare to wear this outfit, Brother You..."

Kato Yusuke looked at the two people's uneasiness and could only comfort them.

"Then I will give the money to Senior Sister Nakano after the consecutive break is over. Aunt Mina, you don't have to worry. As for Xiao Xi... just treat that set of clothes as if I bought it, and accept it with peace of mind."

"B-But, is this really okay...?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. You can wear it just in time for the New Year. It should look good."

Serizawa Yu wanted to say something else, but Motoyama Mina on the side raised her hand and put it on her shoulder.

"Okay, since Xiaoyou said so, let's leave it to him."

After finalizing the matter, the three returned to the lounge.

Everyone in the room was doing their own thing.

Kako and Megumi were sitting at the table by the window, chatting with Kano-chan.

The Mangkhut brothers were equally interested in this and gathered around the table to listen.

.... An Yilun and Ying Lili each sat on a sofa, holding a PSP for online use with solemn expressions.

Shinjoka, who had nothing to do, sat next to Eri and watched them play games.

Shiyu yawned slightly in front of the tea table and was making coffee for herself.

"Oh~ It's so lively."

Motoyama Mina looked at the scene in front of her with a cheerful smile, then turned to look at Kato Yusuke.

"Then Xiaoyou, go entertain everyone. It's almost time for me to go to the kitchen to make preparations."

"Wouldn't it be too hard for you alone? I still think it would be better if we all go to a restaurant outside to eat together."

"What nonsense are you kidding? Not only can you not enjoy my cooking outside, but you are not as relaxed as at home.

It's rare for you to rent such a big place. The more people and liveliness will bring popularity to the house, so you will be very lucky in the future. "

"That's just hurts so much-" Kato Yusuke held his head and pretended to be in pain.

"——How can you say such a thing?"

Motoyama Mina took back the sword that was stuck on his head, put her hands on her waist and scolded: "This is not superstition. If you say this, you will drive away the zashiki warashi at home."

‘This sentence is also superstitious. ’

Kato Yusuke secretly added in his heart.

As a pragmatist, he doesn't believe in these Japanese folklore at all. Otherwise, why wouldn't he have a beautiful Yuki-onna wife as his neighbor? (This sentence is blackened)

Therefore, instead of writing those illusory things, it would be more practical to help Yingli draw two books in her spare time.

What's more, there is a system inside his body.

In a sense, it is a more reliable existence than ghosts and gods.

While he was thinking wildly, Kato Yusuke's mind suddenly started to flash, and a Japanese emoji that kept pace with the times suddenly popped out.


So he immediately stopped thinking.


Serizawa Yui on the side interjected: "Brother Yu, don't worry about the cooking. I will prepare it with Aunt Mina, it will be fine."

"That's it...well, it would be better if Xiao Xi is here, can I ask you to do it?"

"Okay~ Please leave it to me!"

At this time, other people were also attracted by their conversation.

"Ah, actually I also know some cooking. If you don't mind, let me help." Hasumi Kanoko was the first to say, with an expression on her face as if she had finally escaped interrogation. ???

"What? Are you ready to cook now~? Then Xiao Hui and I are here to help~!" Himekawa Yoshiko volunteered and ran up, followed by Hui.

The remaining few people had no choice but to stand still because they were not good at cooking. They all sat upright like good babies and looked here.

Even so, there were as many as five people who decided to cook.

Motoyama Mina was a little confused for a moment, but she immediately smiled and clasped her hands in front of her shoulders.

"Oh~ everyone is so enthusiastic. Although I don't think there are so many people, it seems to be very lively, so please?"



OK """"

Hui, Kako, Xiao Xi, and Xiao Kano all agreed.

The smile on Motoyama Mina's face became even stronger.

.... Among the four of them, not to mention Xiao Xi, she had met the other three before and had dinner together in her hometown, so there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

"In that case, let's go..."

"——Aunt Mina."

Shiyu suddenly walked up and stood next to Kato Yusuke with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, I can't cook, so I can only trouble you, but I will stay here with Yu-chan, is that okay?"

"Accompany Xiaoyou...?"

Motoyama Mina was slightly startled at first, and then she couldn't help but laugh: "Ah haha, okay~ Then Xiaoshi, just stay here and stay with Xiaoyou."

Shiyu smiled confidently and nodded in thanks: "Thank you for your understanding, I will do it."

Kato Yusuke watched the interaction between the two and was about to complain, but someone spoke up before him.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. .yeguoyuedu can be used on Android and Apple. 】

"...What, with that tone of your voice, you think Yusuke is just a child, right?" Eirili muttered on the sofa, expressing Kato Yusuke's thoughts.


Shiyu's eyes flashed slightly, and he followed the voice and looked over, pretending to be puzzled.

"It's strange. As Yuu-chan's girlfriend, who is one year older, I take care of him. Does this make you feel something is wrong? Sawamura-kun~"

Yinglili had never heard her talk to her in such a "nice" manner before. She was stunned for a moment, but she immediately understood her intentions.

——This woman is deliberately pretending to be good!

Look at the other party's current behavior, she is just like a perfect girlfriend who has been questioned by outsiders. She is as innocent as she wants, but she is the one who makes unreasonable judgments without knowing the depth.

It’s so infuriating!

When it comes to acting perfect in front of others, she is an expert at it——!

As a result, now, someone actually uses this method to deal with him? ?

Me (?Д?≡?д?), bah

Yinglili was furious in her heart, but she had a ladylike smile on her face.

"Oh~~ Since you Chrysostom claims so, why do you ask someone to take you home on a bicycle every day after school? I can't understand it, but is this considered taking care of you?"


The corners of Shiyu's eyes twitched, a hash mark appeared on his forehead, a coldness flashed vaguely in his eyes, and he remained silent.

"But it's only been one night, and you seem to have become sharper and sharper, right? Sawamura."

"There is nothing left to say, Kasumigaoka Shiu."

"Okay, let's start the war, bean sprouts."

"Just what I want! Busty girl."

There was a crackling sound, and there was a faint sound of electrical friction in the dry air.

The two stared at each other without saying a word, communicating secretly with their eyes.

Perhaps considering the impact and image, they did not quarrel as usual, but chose this more "mild" method.

Everyone else was watching this scene with different expressions, each with their own thoughts in mind.

Kato Yusuke had long been accustomed to their quarrels, so he didn't pay much attention to them, but focused on Megumi.

As if she noticed something, the girl who was staring at Yinglili and Shiyu instinctively turned her head and caught his gaze.

….Suddenly, Hui’s eyelashes flickered slightly.

The two looked at each other for less than a second, and the girl quickly looked away. Her behavior was very stiff.

Kato Yusuke felt a little distress in his chest.

Ever since what happened yesterday, the other party has always had this lukewarm attitude towards him.

It doesn't look like he is angry, nor does he look like he is not angry.

——It’s really elusive.

Since he didn't see Hui at the Houye Festival last night, he took the initiative to send a message later to ask.

As a result, although the other party read the message and gave him a simple reply indicating that he had gone home, he showed that he did not want to talk more.

——This has never happened before.

Something has changed.

It was his impulse that changed the relationship between the two, taking them to an unknown area of ​​​​Mohu, breaking the tacit understanding and tacit understanding between the two parties.

Kato Yusuke clearly realizes this, but if he is given another chance. Given the atmosphere at the time, he probably would have still kissed her.

As for what to do after this, he hasn't thought of it yet.

It's not just him either.

They still need to be careful to test each other's bottom line. The only thing they can do now is to wait for the subsequent reaction and take it one step at a time.

While he was immersed in thinking, new changes also occurred on the field.


Motoyama Mina's eyes wandered between Shiyu and Eirili, with a bit of worry on her face, and asked: "What's going on? Is there any conflict between you two, Xiaoshi and Eirili?" "


--No. ""

The two replied in unison, glaring at each other at the unfortunate coincidence.

"Huh? But your reaction..."



Shiyu and Yinglili looked at each other, and they both saw some kind of tacit understanding and disgust in each other's eyes.

"We'll argue later, don't embarrass Auntie Mina."

"You are the one!"

The two of them clicked their tongues in their hearts and looked away.

" are worrying too much, Auntie Mina."

A smile appeared on Shiyu's face, "The two of us are actually like this, so there's nothing bad about us."

Ying Lili also followed suit: "This woman... cough, she is right, Aunt Mina, you don't have to worry about us."

Motoyama Mina looked left and right, then nodded doubtfully.

"Okay, anyway, you guys have to get along well? And you, Xiaoyou, too. Go entertain everyone, and we'll prepare the food."

"I know, don't worry."

Kato Yusuke first nodded in assurance, and then said to the other members of the cooking team: "I'm sorry, I'm going to trouble everyone about lunch."


"Leave it to us~!"

"I'll work hard~!"


Megumi, Kako, Koyu, and Kokano each responded in their own way, and then left with Motoyama Mina.

Then, the Mangkhut brothers also came over.

"This place is really nice, Kato. We plan to visit it, see you later."


.... Kato Yusuke looked at them and asked, "Do you need me to take you with me?"

"No need." Yamaguchi made a cross on his chest resolutely and said narrowly: "Besides, don't you still have a girlfriend here to accompany you? We don't want to be light bulbs."

"Not a light bulb~!" Takei echoed.

"Let's go, Takei."


The two brothers gave Kato Yusuke a wishing look, and then left the room arm in arm.

Wait until they leave...

With a "swish", Shiyu took a step forward and questioned in a cold tone.

"So, why do you have to call me Auntie Mina? You are so shameless, Sawamura."

Yinglili was not to be outdone, "Why can't I scream? My mother and Auntie Mina have a very good relationship."

"your mom……?"

"Ah la~ You don't seem to know, right? Not only have my parents met Aunt Mina, but my mother has also become good friends with Aunt Mina, right?"

"... Not only did he meet his parents, but he also became a good friend?" Shiyu murmured, and immediately looked towards Kato Yusuke.

"Yu-chan, what on earth is going on! You haven't arranged for our guardians to meet, have you?"

"...It was just a coincidence that we met in front of the school gate, and Xiao Xi was also there at the time." Kato Yusuke was speechless and couldn't help but look towards the sofa.

As soon as Erili caught his gaze, she immediately lowered her head in panic, making Yusuke Kato a little embarrassed and silent.


Shiyu looked at the two of them suspiciously, vaguely aware of some differences. Just when he couldn't help but want to ask what happened, he suddenly spotted a figure in his peripheral vision.


She asked coldly: "Do you really want to stay here and watch the fun?"

After being exposed by her, Shinjoka, who originally wanted to collect information secretly, couldn't help but blinked twice, and then stood up from his seat.

"Ah~~~Speaking of it, it's my first time here, so I'll go visit it too." After saying that, he walked out.


Shiyu took a shallow breath and her tone became colder: "You seemed very arrogant just now, Sawamura?"


Ying Lili raised her head suddenly and retorted: "Why do I have to be said like this by you? You are the one who is arrogant, right?"

"Hehe, someone may come back here later. Let's change rooms and have a duel."

"Just go, I won't be afraid of you!"

The two glared at each other and left the room together.

After a few beats, the sound of "Bang~!" was heard from the door next door.

In just a few minutes, the bustling lounge became deserted.

An Yilun also sat on the sofa with a disappointed face, feeling like a forgotten person.

Kato Yusuke sat down on the sofa next to him and mentioned it casually.

"If you feel uncomfortable staying here, you can go and visit on your own, An Yi."

Hearing this, An Yilun couldn't help but ask: "Compared to that! Kato, does this really not matter?"

"What doesn't matter?"

"Of course it's next door! Are you so confident about letting those two people be alone in the same room?"

…."This, should I be worried about something?"

"Hey, aren't you afraid that the two of them will actually take action?"

Kato Yusuke did not answer immediately, but reached out to pick up the coffee Shiyu put on the table and took two sips.

"Excuse me, can I ask how you came to this conclusion?"

"After all, those are Shiyu-senpai and Eiri-san—!"

An Yilun also sounded a little anxious, "In addition, those two people are very impulsive. It wouldn't be strange at all if they got into a fight because of a disagreement... right?"

"Really? I think the level should be limited to verbal disputes."

"You're too nervous, aren't you——!?"

"Now that you mention this..."

Kato Yusuke put down his cup as he pondered, and turned his gaze to Aki Toruya, his eyes thoughtful, "I would like to ask, which side are you worried about?"


"According to your point of view, assuming that Shiyu-senpai and Yinglili really fight here, who would you worry about? Is it Shiyu-senpai? Or Yinglili?"


An Yilun also opened his mouth in a daze, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Kato Yusuke maintained his current posture and examined his reaction openly.

Under the young man's gaze, An Yilun swallowed unconsciously. He felt as if the gaze was trying to see through him. He couldn't help but smile dryly and look away, looking around at him.

"Well, well... I think they are all excellent creators, and since we are all companions, it is better to put harmony first..."

Kato Yusuke continued to ask: "What if I have to choose one?"

"Why do you ask such embarrassing questions——?"

"This is just a hypothesis. Is your reaction too big?"

"Kato, you are really..."

An Yilun couldn't bear it and muttered, thinking.

Shiyu-senpai and Eiri-ri.

One is the writer I most admire, and the other is my childhood sweetheart who is full of bad luck.

When a conflict breaks out between the two, whose side will he take?

The inner balance swayed for a while, and An Yilun also said with gleaming words: "...If I insist on it, I will probably help Yinglili."


"After all! As your boyfriend, Kato, you will definitely help Shiba-senpai, right? That would be too pitiful for Eiriri to be alone."

Kato Yusuke didn't say anything, but An Yilun continued talking.

“...Well, what should I say about this?

Although that guy hated me very much, and even in school I was not allowed to talk to her openly, but there was still some connection from the past, so I couldn't just ignore it for the time being. "

The person involved tried his best to speak in a nonchalant tone, but his eyes frequently peeked to the next door, always paying attention to the movement in the other room.


Kato Yusuke thought for a moment, and then asked: "Since there are only two of us here at the moment, can I ask you a question?"

"Problem...? What problem?" An Yilun also asked in confusion.

Kato Yusuke looked directly into his eyes again, "Can you tell me what conflicts have occurred between you and Eiri in the past?"


An Yilun's expression couldn't help but stiffen, and his expression suddenly became colder, "No...why did you suddenly ask about this?"

"Just asking casually."

"Wow, that's such a poor excuse! What a shame that you can reveal other people's secrets without knowing the meaning of it?"

"So, what happened to you?"

"About this...why don't you ask Yinglili?"

"I didn't pay much attention before, but now I can't ask." Kato Yusuke simply mentioned it without explaining much.

An Yilun also saw that he didn't want to talk more about this, so he didn't hesitate to ask further. He hesitated whether to tell that past incident.

To be honest, since it involves his long-standing knot, he doesn't really want to talk about the past. It would be tantamount to exposing his own scars.

Another one is Kato Yusuke’s attitude which is also unpredictable.

It would be fine if the other party could understand me after listening to it, but if he still sided with Ying Lili and turned around to criticize me...

——Isn’t this simply making yourself uncomfortable?

After much thought, An Yilun decided not to be this big enemy, so he just changed the topic.

"Yes, that's right——! As for the email you sent to me last time, Kato, I have contacted Mr. Yoshida! Oh~ I mean he is really nice~"


Seeing his awkward performance, Kato Yusuke didn't want to push too hard anymore, so he simply followed his words and said, "Have you already met?"

"That's not the case yet. We just said hello. He also recommended some programming teaching materials to me... By the way, when will Mr. Yoshida come?"

"I'm not sure about this either. Let's ask Kano-chan later."

"I can't explain clearly... You're still the president of this studio, so you're a little too careless, aren't you?"

"The affairs of the studio are basically managed by Kano-chan. I don't interfere much. If you want to know, you can ask Kano-chan."

"That's it...Okay, then I'll ask you now!"

An Yilun also said that he got up from the sofa and ran out quickly, obviously afraid that he would ask about the past.

Kato Yusuke took out his phone and took a look.

About ten minutes have passed since Shiyu and Yinglili moved to the next room.

‘It’s almost time to end. ’

He thought so and decided to check out the situation.

(Back to draft progress 5/10)

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn in Tokyo.

Xiaoxiao has four cats to remind you: Remember to collect after reading this

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