Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and ninety-five, Yushou and the girl

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Ikebukuro Station.

Kato Yusuke, Serizawa Yu, Shiha and Megumi arrived here.

——Come to see Motoyama Mina off.

Standing in front of the busy station, Motoyama Mina stopped and faced everyone with a smile.

"Okay, everyone, just send me here. I will walk the rest of the way myself. Thank you for coming to see me off."

"Auntie Mina..."

Serizawa Yu held Motoyama Mina's arm and murmured softly, with a bit of reluctance and sadness about the upcoming separation in her eyes.

Seeing this, Motoyama Mina touched her head soothingly and said warmly: "Okay, okay, don't show such an expression. It's not like you won't see her again."

"Actually, you can stay longer."

Kato Yusuke said at the right time: "New Year is coming soon, and then we can celebrate the New Year together in Tokyo."

Faced with this proposal, Motoyama Mina slowly but firmly shook her head.

"No, there are still many things to be busy with back home, including preparing pickles for the winter. I have to go back and do them."

Kato Yusuke felt a little helpless and continued: "But you can definitely ask someone to do it, right? Do you need to do it yourself?"

"It's nothing. Anyway, I have long been used to these things. If I don't move my body, I will feel uncomfortable."

Mina Motoyama knew that he cared about her, so she didn't criticize him for his extravagance and waste, but she also didn't intend to change her mind, so she said this.

"Besides, I still need to visit Mr. Kato's grave. If we all stay in Tokyo, Mr. Kato will also feel lonely."

Kato Yusuke suddenly fell silent.

As if to fill the gap, Serizawa Yu picked up the small paper bag in her hand and handed it out.

"Well, Auntie Mina. Thank you for taking care of me during this time. Please accept this?"

"Huh? This is it?"

"Ah, those are the gloves I knitted. Because the weather has become cold recently, so..."

Motoyama Mina opened the paper bag and took out a pair of brown cashmere wool gloves, her eyes lit up slightly.

"Ah, this seems very warm ~ Thank you, Xiao Xi."

"Hey, hey, that's great, I hope you like it~"

Immediately afterwards, Shiyu also took out the gift he had prepared and gave it out generously.

"Auntie Mina, this is the scarf I gave you. If you don't mind, please accept it."


Motoyama Mina smiled and took the paper bag in her hand, took out a beautiful square cardboard box, opened it, and removed the white tissue paper spread on it.

——A very textured cashmere scarf comes into view.

"Ah, so beautiful."

"Thank you, I hope you like it." A slight smile appeared on Shiyu's face, but she heard this sentence the next second.

"But this scarf must be very expensive, right? I accept your offer, Xiaoshi, but you should take this back."

Motoyama Mina said as she returned the things, Shiyu's expression suddenly froze on her face.

"No, um, Auntie Mina, don't you like my gift?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that this gift looks expensive. You'd better give it to your family."


Looking at the resolute Motoyama Mina, Shiyu didn't know what to say for a while, and finally it was Kato Yusuke who helped out.

"Aunt Mina."

He just reached out and took the box, took out the scarf from it, and then without any explanation, he helped Mina Motoyama wrap it around her neck.

"Well, it looks good."


The person involved frowned dissatisfied, while Kato Yusuke smiled and said: "Isn't this good? It just matches the gloves Xiao Xi gave you, so just accept it."


Motoyama Mina looked at the scarf on her chest in embarrassment, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed and lowered her shoulders.

"Oh, okay then, thank you for your gift, Xiao Shi."


Shiyu waved her hands hurriedly, feeling a warmth in her chest, and glanced at Kato Yusuke with a crooked eyebrow.


Serizawa Yu looked at the scarf around Motoyama Mina's neck and recognized that it was Burberry's classic plaid scarf. It was very expensive and couldn't be compared to her own gloves.

She couldn't help but feel a little inferior in her heart, and she couldn't help but lower her head silently in frustration.

Hui on the side caught this scene, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and then he took a step forward.

"That~Aunt Mina."

She said: "Actually, I also brought some snacks I made here, so you can eat them on the way. This is not expensive. It would be great if you are willing to accept it."

"Snacks? Thank you, Xiaohui, you are so thoughtful~"

"No~ It's just a small gift. I'm grateful for your care recently."

Serizawa Yu suddenly raised her head when she heard this. While she was slightly relieved, she unconsciously cast a grateful look at Kei, and the girl smiled lightly at her.

Motoyama Mina glanced at the three girls in front of her one by one and couldn't help but smile.

"Anyway, thank you. I like everyone's gifts very much. I appreciate them."

The three women shook their heads or waved their hands, expressing their politeness.

"By the way, I have something for you too."

As Motoyama Mina spoke, she took out a beautiful brochure bag from the bag on her shoulder and opened it.

"Xiao Shi, Xiao Hui, these two are for you~"

"Hey, this is..."

"Ah, it's Yushou."

"Well~ This is the academic guardian Xiao Xi and I went to the temple to ask for. I wish you success in your studies~"


Thank you Auntie Mina. ""

After receiving the items, Hui and Shiyu both said thank you.

Mina Motoyama replied with a smile and said you were not polite, then waved to Kato Yusuke, "And there is Yu-chan."


"These two are for you."


Kato Yusuke blinked in surprise and asked, "Isn't the extra one for Xiao Xi?"

"Hehe~ I already have it, Brother Yu."

Serizawa Yu happily took out an omamori from her pocket and replied, "Auntie Mina gave me one when I bought the omori. Brother Yu, don't worry~"

"That's right, then this other guardian is..."

"It's for Yinglili."

Motoyama Mina warned: "I have contacted Sayuri, please remember to send it to others properly, you know?"


Kato Yusuke's lips moved slightly, and he replied slowly: "...Well, I understand."

To be honest, he didn't really want to go to Eiriri's house at such a sensitive point, but since this was Motoyama Mina's order, he had to treat it differently.

After explaining the matter, Motoyama Mina asked for her suitcase from him, and then bowed slightly to everyone.

"Then, Xiaoyou, I'll take care of you all, and welcome you to visit my hometown next time~"

"Well~ I will try my best to help Brother Yu!"

"Aunt Mina, you're welcome, this is what I should do."

"Well, don't worry, Auntie Mina, we will remember it~"

Xiao Xi, Shi Yu and Hui expressed their opinions one after another.

Kato Yusuke touched his nose awkwardly, not knowing how to react for a moment.

"Haha, what a group of good kids."

Motoyama Mina looked at this scene with a smile, her eyes turned around the three girls, and her eyes became warmer.

The well-behaved and obedient Xiao Xi, the beautiful and generous Shi Yu, the quiet and indifferent Hui, and the lively and lovely Ying Lili who could not be present...

No matter which one she liked very much, she was also very happy that Yusuke Kato had so many friends around her.

Although the number of girls among these friends seems to be a bit too high... But because her Xiaoyu is very handsome, it doesn't matter.

Motoyama Mina thought very openly, and couldn't help but gently touch her cheek with one hand, and said happily: "This is so good~ I always feel like a family~"

"One, a family——?"

When Shiyu heard this, he exclaimed and blushed suddenly, then lowered his head as if he was caught in some kind of fantasy, and giggled.

Serizawa Yu subconsciously looked to her side, and then followed Kato Yusuke's gaze to Megumi.

The girl was watching Motoyama Mina quietly, with a calm expression on her face, as if she was unaware of the sights around her.

"So be it."

Motoyama Mina chuckled: "It's almost time for me to go in and take the bus. Goodbye everyone~"

Serizawa Yu; "Goodbye, Aunt Mina~!"

Shiyu: "Take care, Aunt Mina, please walk slowly."

Megumi: "Be careful on the road, Aunt Mina~"

Kato Yusuke: "Please remember to pay attention to safety."

"Yeah~ I understand, thank you. You too, remember to pay attention to safety on the way back."

Mina Motoyama waved goodbye to everyone, then walked into the station carrying her suitcase, and soon disappeared among the crowd.

Then, Megumi also said goodbye.

"Well, everyone. I have something else to do, so I'm going to take a step forward~"

Hearing this, Shiyu couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

"...Hey, you are surprisingly honest today? Kato-san."

"Hmm...? Even if you say that, Kasumigaoka-senpai, I don't want to go against you today."

"Why? Could it be that you withstood six hours of love last night~?"

After hearing this, Kato Yusuke was about to speak, but Kei reacted one step ahead of him.

"—just like I said."

The girl frowned slightly and then relaxed her brows, saying calmly: "Anyway, I have something else to do, so I'll excuse you. Goodbye, Xiao Xi."

"Eh? Ah, okay, bye, Ms. Kato."

Serizawa Yu forced a smile and waved, while Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown.

Without any hesitation, Hui just turned around and left.

A flash of surprise flashed in Shiyu's eyes, and she turned around and asked: "What's going on, Yu-chan, did you offend her somewhere?"

"I don't remember doing anything like that."

"That's it~ Then what are your plans next?"

Kato Yusuke thought about it for a moment, then looked at Serizawa Yu, "Xiao Yu, is Shinjo at home now?"

"...Huh? Well, Xiaoxiang was there when I went out, but why...?" Serizawa tilted her head in confusion.

"Well, because I have something to tell you, I plan to go to her place. Do you want to come with me, Senior Shiyu?"

"...Do you want me to go?"

"I also can."


Shiyu narrowed her eyes slightly, glanced across his face gently, and then said: "No, Miss Machida is still waiting for me to discuss the animation, so it can't be done."

"Is that so?" Kato Yusuke nodded, "Then I will send you to Miss Machida first, and then go to Xiao Xi and the others."

"No, wouldn't that be troublesome? I can just take a taxi myself. Let me know when you're done."

Shiyu stopped here, stretched out his hand to help him straighten his collar, and added: "That's it, let's video chat tonight."


"Goodbye then, Xiao Xi."

"Yeah, yeah! Goodbye, Miss Kasumigaoka."

After Hui, Shiyu also took a taxi to leave.

Next, Kato Yusuke came to Shinjoka.

Shintōka was doing yoga alone at home, wearing a gorgeous taro purple yoga suit, outlining a healthy and attractive figure.

When the two entered the door, the girl was doing a difficult horse move.

Her legs were stretched flat in front of and behind her, her body leaned back like an arch bridge and she grabbed her heels with both hands, showing amazing flexibility.

The medium-sized sports vest was pulled up slightly due to this movement, revealing a white, flat and smooth lower abdomen with a touch of pink in the white.

The towering peaks are like a pair of round, upside-down jade bells, plump and fascinating.

One man, two women, three people and six eyes.

One of the two parties is at home, and the other two are at the door.

After just looking at each other for two or three seconds...

"...Hey, President...?"

Shinjoka murmured, with a hint of surprise in her eyes, "Why are you here~?"

Her young face was stained with a reddish color unique to exercise.

A few strands of wet hair stuck to her forehead and cheeks, revealing a slightly messy beauty while also being filled with the youthful vitality of a girl.

Faced with Shinjoka's inquiry, Kato Yusuke didn't have time to speak...


Serizawa Yu ran up and put a coat on the other party in a panic.

"Why, why are you dressed like this? Didn't I tell you that Brother Yu is coming to talk to us?"

"Hey, did you say it? When?"

"Twenty minutes ago, I sent you an email."

"That's right~ But I was practicing yoga at the time and didn't have time to look at my phone."

"Ah, anyway, you should put on some clothes first...!"

"Eh~~~? But I haven't finished practicing yet."

"I beg you, okay~? You can do the practice later."

Shinjoka reluctantly straightened up, tilted her head slightly to look at the door, waved to Yusuke Kato, and mouthed "Hi~".

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here ;]

"Yu, Brother Yu..."

Seeing her actions, Serizawa Yu also looked back uneasily, his eyes full of anxiety.

Kato Yusuke coughed slightly and said in a low voice: "...You guys just pack up slowly, I'll wait outside."

After finishing speaking, he exited the apartment backwards and hit the door.

He stood at the door holding the railing. The scene in the room remained in his mind for a few seconds and then disappeared.

Although some things were nothing to him and Shinjoka, they still had to be careful to avoid suspicion when Xiao Xi was present.

Kato Yusuke put his hand into his coat pocket, and a pocket remote control was lying quietly inside.

——Waiting for the property to be returned to its original owner.

The cold wind blew outside the door for a while, and then there was a slight sound of opening the door behind me...

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