Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and ninety-six, discussions and arrangements

After about ten minutes of cold wind blowing at the door, Kato Yusuke was invited back into the house.

"I'm sorry! Brother Yu, it must be very cold outside, right? Hurry up and sit inside the kotatsu, and I'll go make you some coffee."

As if feeling guilty for the previous incident, Serizawa Yu pushed him into the kotatsu, and then hurried to the kitchen to get busy.

Kato Yusuke turned to look at the other person.

Shinjo Kaori was nestled in the kotatsu on his right side, yawning while adding sugar and stirring his own hot milk.

Kato Yusuke glanced at her slightly bulging left cheek, which contained a lollipop. The plastic tube poked out from between the soft cherry lips, vaguely revealing the milky white teeth.

He couldn't help but frown slightly.

It's not because of anything else, but the combination of "sweet milk lollipop" makes the brain instinctively associate and simulate the specific taste.

There is no doubt that it is too sweet for him to accept.

‘No matter how you say it, this sugar intake is too high. How can this person like sweets so much? ’

Kato Yusuke thought casually, curious in his heart, but because Xiao Xi was also at home, he didn't want to ask these things.

His eyes then moved downward.

Shintiao Xiang had put on a new set of clothes at this time, and no longer exposed the collarbone area of ​​her neck, her round and smooth shoulders, and her fair arms like she did just now.

——These are all put into a loose-fitting jacket.

But judging from the lower body part, the other party should have simply added a jacket on the outside, and still wore the yoga suit that showed off his figure inside.

Strictly speaking, this is not a change of clothes, but considering that girls love to be clean, they must be resistant to changing clothes without taking a shower.

Ding ding~

Shinjoka tapped the spoon at the mouth of the cup, then raised her eyes and asked: "Hey~ President, do you want to drink hot milk?"

"No." Kato Yusuke shook his head, "Your cup is too sweet."

"Hehe, that's it~ Well, then I'll drink it myself."

Shinjoka agreed nonchalantly, then picked up the mug and brought it to her mouth, ready to drink milk.

Kato Yusuke had nothing to do for a while and subconsciously observed her actions.

The other party first took out the lollipop and placed it with the spoon on the table, then lowered his head and sipped it in small sips.

Maybe it was because the milk was still a little hot, so she drank it very slowly, almost like sucking.

The two cherry red lips were slightly opened, letting the milk flow into the mouth bit by bit, brewing for a while, and then swallowing it slowly, full of caution like a small animal.


After taking two sips of milk, Shintiao Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, her willow-leaf eyebrows spread out like young leaves, and she placed the mug back on the table.

"I always feel that hot milk tastes good after exercise..."

As she spoke, she gently stuck out her tongue, moved it around her lips deftly, and licked away the white milk stains on them with the tip of her tongue.

Then he raised his eyes slightly and looked sideways from a position lower than Kato Yusuke.

"Hey~ President."


"Hey, haven't you been staring at people? I was wondering if there was something on my face~~~?"

Even when someone pointed out his behavior, Kato Yusuke didn't have any embarrassing reaction. He just replied indifferently: "It's nothing, I'm just waiting for Xiao Xi."

After saying that, he turned to look at the kitchen.

Serizawa Yu is currently making her second cup of coffee.

Judging from the package of beans he held in his hand, they were the dark roasted ones that he often drank. The girl was just about to grind the beans, and he still needed to wait a while.


Kalika, Kalika.

The sound of the coffee machine resounding throughout the room.

Serizawa Yu stood in front of the coffee machine with her hands behind her back, humming a cheerful melody, as if she was enjoying the process.

She exudes an aura of peace and comfort, which is completely different from the uneasy and displaced feeling in the past, and inadvertently reveals the freshness of a girl of this age.

Sensing the changes in the other party, Kato Yusuke's expression became slightly relieved, and at the same time he became more and more glad that he had kept her in the first place.

"Hey, President..."

The girl's murmur, accompanied by her weak breathing, blew softly on her face, drawing Yusuke Kato's attention instantly.

At some point, Shintiao Xiang had moved closer from his previous position. At this moment, he was leaning on the ground with his hands, like a crawling cat, looking up at him with wide eyes.


Kato Yusuke gave a questioning look.

Shinjoka first smiled at him sweetly, with two dimples appearing at the corners of her mouth, and then asked quietly and pretending to be mysterious: "Hey, President...are you carrying that?~?"


Kato Yusuke was startled for a moment, then immediately reacted, took out the remote control from his pocket, held it in his hand and handed it out.

"Take it, this is your thing."

"Wow~ You really brought it."

There was an inexplicable sparkle in Shinjoka's eyes, as if something was brewing.

Kato Yusuke ignored what she was thinking and repeated in a low voice, "Take it."


The girl blinked in surprise at this, staring at the hand in front of her and his face in turn, muttering:

"Why is this like this? Obviously I want to confirm a time with the president so that we can cooperate together..."

Work together...?

After being stunned for a moment, Kato Yusuke's eyes became darker and he repeated in a secret voice: "...Take it, don't bring it to school."

Seeing his determination, Shinjoka slumped her shoulders pretending to be disappointed, then reluctantly stretched out her hands and stopped under his fist.

Kato Yusuke then let go of his hand and let the remote control return to its original owner. Then he was about to take his hand back, but was unexpectedly grabbed by the other party.

Then, his index finger suddenly entered a warm zone.

Shinjoka sucked it gently.

The moist warmth is transmitted through the fingertips, causing a small numbness like an electric shock, tingling at the heartstrings.

Kato Yusuke's childish expression suddenly shrank and he immediately withdrew his hand.

Chirp~ There is a faint sound in the air.

Under the illumination of the light, his fingers became moist and had a dull sheen on them.

Kato Yusuke subconsciously rubbed his pants, and then looked at Shinjoka with a frown, and the other party gave him a sly wink in return, his eyes sparkling.

At this moment, another voice also sounded.

"Brother Yu, I've made coffee~!"

In the kitchen, Serizawa Yuu said this as she walked to the kotatsu with two mugs and placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

"Here~coffee, please."

"...Well, thank you, thank you for your hard work."

"Hey hey~ You're welcome."

Serizawa Yui waved her hand and also got into the kotatsu from the left side.

Kato Yusuke picked up the cup and took a sip, then glanced to the right with his peripheral vision.

Perhaps seeing that there was no chance to continue playing around, Shinjoka returned to her original position with a nonchalant look on her face.

He looked away and got to the point.

"Then... I need to tell you something. If you have any questions, I will answer them after I finish speaking, okay?"

"As ordered~" Shinjoka smiled and held her chin with both hands, listening attentively.

"Well, Brother Yu, just say it." Serizawa Yu sat up slightly with a serious expression.

In this way, Kato Yusuke told them about the Osy Association.

"So, I hope to leave this association to you for the time being. Are you willing?"

His voice spread through the room, causing the table to fall into sudden silence.

After more than ten seconds.

"Hmm...? Let us... take care of this association?" Serizawa Yu opened her eyes in surprise.

Shinjoka tilted her head slightly and said in an apologetic tone: "...I'm sorry, President, I may not have heard you clearly just now. What did you want to do?"

Although they had made some mental preparations in advance, after hearing the story in full, they were still shaken and showed expressions of astonishment.

Kato Yusuke paused and continued:

"I asked Kano-chan to rent two additional rooms in this apartment. One is next door and the other is downstairs. One of them is for Xiao Xi, and the other is used as the location of the association."

After speaking, he took out two keys from his pocket and placed them on the table.

"This is the key to "202" and "101". The furniture will be delivered in these two days. It is up to you to decide how to allocate the two rooms. "



The two women first stared at the keys on the table, then looked at each other, and finally determined that Kato Yusuke was not joking.

Shinjoka frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask: "Can I ask a question? President."


"You mean this kind of thing won't be too random? Why would you do this?"

"It's nothing, you can think of it as my self-satisfaction."

"Self-satisfaction... Then how can the president be satisfied?"


Kato Yusuke was silent for a moment: "...Besides this, are there any other questions?"

Shinjoka's eyebrows flashed, "Then, President, how much money do you plan to spend on this kind of thing?"

This time Kato Yusuke did not hesitate.

"You can ask Xiaoyano for details on this matter. On the premise of ensuring the normal operation of the studio, she will allocate funds to the association according to the situation."

"That's it...then what should we do if we really meet those beautiful girls? We won't have to keep them forever, right?"

"With a period of six months to one year, if there are no special circumstances and people who don't want to work, we can ask them to leave."

"Um, what does this our purpose to help them become self-reliant?"

Shinjoka asked with a weird expression. She really wanted to ask him if there was something wrong with his head, or if he was panicking because of too much money, but he didn't dare to take action.

"You could say the same thing."

Kato Yusuke glanced at her, as if he had read through her thoughts, and then nodded unmoved to confirm her statement.

"As for how to distinguish...if it were you, you should be able to distinguish a person's true thoughts."


Hearing this, Shinjoka was stunned for a moment, then smiled again, "Yeah~ I understand."

As soon as one party finished speaking, the other party spoke again.

"Um, Brother Yu..."

Serizawa Yu raised her hands like a primary school student, looking a little uneasy.

"Although I am very grateful for your trust, I have never had any similar experience before. I don't know what to do if you entrust such a big matter to me all of a sudden."

Kato Yusuke looked back at her and his tone became gentler: "Don't be so nervous. No one here has had relevant experience before, so it will be fine."

"Huh? But, I know almost nothing except housework..."

"That's okay, just take your time. If you don't understand anything, Shintiao will help you. You can always come to me and ask."

"……Can I?"

"I think there is no problem. Rather, if it is Xiao Xi who has had the same experience, she should be able to understand the mood of those girls better and help them get out of the shadows, right?"

"How can I be that powerful..."

Feeling the trust and recognition in his words, Serizawa Yu couldn't help shyly looking away, hurriedly picked up her mug, and pretended to drink coffee.

‘Brother You is quite good at handling girls. No wonder there are so many beautiful girls around him. ’

Kato Yusuke looked at her reaction, thought about it and said, "Of course, this is just my unilateral idea. If you don't want to, Xiao Xi, don't force it, I will arrange for someone else."


Serizawa Yu quickly put down the mug, calmed down, and explained: "As long as it can help Brother Yu, I am willing to do it."

"That's it...well, thank you then."

Kato Yusuke smiled and stretched out a hand to touch her head. A faint blush appeared on Serizawa Yu's face, and she was enjoying it very much.

“Like I said just now, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand anything, just take your time.

You can start with one person first. If you meet a girl who needs help one day, try to bring her back. This time, Xiao Xi will help others. "

"Brother Yu..."

Serizawa Xi murmured, and there was secret emotion in Shui Lan's beautiful eyes, which she immediately concealed.

Then, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said forcefully: "That! Although I don't know if I can do it well, but I will work hard for Brother You!"

"Well, then I'll leave it to Xiao Xi."

Kato Yusuke smiled and nodded, then turned to look to the right.

"Also, you are girls after all, so remember to pay attention to safety.

I have also informed Yin Teng and others from the baseball club about this matter. If you need to take someone home, please contact them and they will help send you back. "

"Okay~~~I understand, President."

Shinjoka nodded and agreed, giving him a sweet and bright smile.

After explaining the matter, Kato Yusuke left the passbook in the name of the association to the two of them, and then returned to his apartment alone.

The black cat heard the sound of the door opening and ran to the entrance door to greet him as usual.

As a return gift, Kato Yusuke also opened a pack of dried fish in an interesting way and used it to kill the other party.

Even though it's already 7pm.

But after contacting Shiyu, the girl told him that she was still busy, and then nothing happened.

Kato Yusuke sat on the ground and thought quietly for a while, then came to the closet, opened the door and drawer, and took out a small box from inside.

After opening the lid, a clean and neat pure white handkerchief comes into view.

He gently picked up the box, put it in front of his nose and smelled it. There seemed to be a faint citrus smell lingering on it.

Even if it is so carefully preserved, the smell of the original owner is slowly dissipating, as if to tell the story of the change of time and the fact that it will never return.

——It’s a pity that the sea has changed, and it’s hard to harvest the water.

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