Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and ninety-seven, conversation between mother and daughter

Compensatory break ends at 5pm on Wednesday.

She, Ying Lili, has been staring at the screen of her mobile phone since twenty minutes ago.

The person's name appears on the screen, along with a chat message.

[Kato Yusuke: I will go to your house later. Wait for me at home. 】

"Don't come!", "I'm not here!", "I have something to do!", "Not today!".

Time and time again, she cautiously entered various responses into the chat box, and then hesitantly deleted them one by one...

"I really can't stand it..."

Yinglili muttered in a low voice, burying her face in the soft and comfortable bed dejectedly, and slapped her feet up and down on the bed.

She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed with herself.

You must know that not long ago, she could text or call that person as if nothing had happened, but now she is afraid of being like this.

Obviously her relationship with Kato Yusuke has not changed.

We just drew books together, went to exhibitions together, and went to cultural festivals together, and then she impulsively took advantage of the situation————

My thoughts stopped here.

"No, no, what am I talking about?"

Yinglili suddenly hugged her head and screamed: "Hasn't this relationship completely changed-!?"

Look what she has done!

Not only was it close to confessing to him, but she even kissed him boldly, twice in a row!

She is so proud! He actually did such a thing! !

I really don’t know what went wrong with her at that time.

No matter how poor your love skills are, you shouldn't skip so many important steps all at once, right? ? ?

"Ahhhhhh, it's really——!!"

Yingli rolled around on the silky satin quilt. The shame in her heart made her want to dig a hole and bury herself.

Regret, shame, timidity, wavering, hesitating... She has been in this state these past few days.

Although her temper is not very good, normally she shouldn't act impulsively to this extent!

As a result, when she recalls the scene at that time, her ears turn red and her heart beats faster uncontrollably.

Yinglili thought about it and felt that it was definitely not her fault.

She was only affected by the celebratory atmosphere at the cultural festival and incited by her mother's words, and her brain was confused and she became delirious.

"Otherwise, who would kiss someone like that——!"

A high-pitched voice echoed in the room, and then it fell silent again.

Yingli tossed and turned, feeling tormented inside.

The only thing that made her feel lucky was that she only told him her feelings unilaterally, without asking him to date her or give her an answer, and she used "life negotiation" to fool him.

At the party the day before yesterday, she tried her best to speak to him in a normal manner. She didn't know how much willpower she had spent in that short period of time.

"Haha...the word I thought of was not courage but willpower. How did this happen?"

Yinglili scratched her hair irritably and looked at the phone screen again.

At this moment, a new message popped up on the screen.

[Yusuke Kato: Have you received the news? I'm almost at your house, why can't I read back? 】


Suddenly, Ying Lili got up from the bed, "Who asked you to come! Go back! I don't want to see you!"

[Yusuke Kato: Can’t read back in seconds? 】

——Another message popped up.


Yingli glanced at the upper left corner of the screen and finally realized, "Liar! It's been so long...!?"

It was now 5:12, thirty minutes after Kato Yusuke's first message was sent. No wonder the other party would ask this question.

reply? Still no reply?

Yinglili's little head turned into a ball of paste and gradually heated up.

She didn't want to go back, but she couldn't find a suitable reason.

But if you delay it for too long, it will become the same as now.

Since she stayed in the chat interface, the message would be read as soon as the other party sent it. It would be strange if she didn't reply...

"Isn't this just like saying that I have been secretly spying on you! I am not a pervert!"

Faced with a dilemma, Yinglili couldn't help but lose her temper.

"Ah! Don't you care about Kato-kun very much? Eri-ri."

The scent of elegant female perfume came from behind, and a hand gently rested on her right shoulder.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!?"

She suddenly looked back, and Sawamura Sayuri was looking at her with a smile.

"How is it~? Do you want mom to help you chat?"

"There's no need—!"

"Hey~~Why is this like this? You haven't replied anyway, right? I just borrowed my mother to play with."

"Others are not toys, aren't you going too far? Mom!" Yinglili shrank in disgust and wariness, hiding her mobile phone in her chest.


Sawamura Sayuri touched her cheek with one hand, looked at her amused, and reminded her.

"Well~ Although I can't understand your feelings, it's better to reply to Kato-kun as soon as possible? You can't reply in seconds, even my mother thinks it's a bit perverted~?"

"Mom, watch what you say!"

"Hey~ Has the rebellious period suddenly come?"

"I hate it!"

Yinglili glared angrily at this adult woman who was nominally a mother, but in reality was more like a sister. Finally, she hurriedly picked up her phone and replied with a message.

"So~ How did you reply Kato-kun?"

"Just, that's it."

"that's it?"

Sayuri Sawamura pretended to be worried and lightly touched her face, "Just in case mom asks, you probably didn't shut out Kato-kun, right?"

"How could I do something so rude?"

Ying Lili looked sideways with dissatisfaction, "I just went back to understand. After all, I didn't go that far to drive back the customers who were about to come."


Sayuri Sawamura was stunned at first, and then laughed knowingly.

"I understand, let's just take it as it is. Then mom will go ask someone to make tea first. You can quickly pack up and get ready to go downstairs to greet her~"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left with a smile on his face.

Yinglili pretended not to hear the ridicule in her words, picked up the phone and took a look.

Facing the upcoming Yusuke Kato.

If you ask her if she is scared, she is actually a little scared. If you ask her if she hates this situation, she actually doesn't hate it either.

As for what their relationship will be like in the future, she doesn't know.

But what to say?

If they don't take the initiative to do anything, the distance between them will become wider and wider.

She knew this very well and didn't want to be like that.

She wanted to keep that person by her side.

The other person was the family member who made her think this way.

Five minutes passed after that.

"——Eiriri, Kato-kun is already here, isn't he?"

Amid Sayuri Sawamura's call, Eiri, who had re-tied her twintails, quickly opened the door and walked to the balcony, answering angrily downstairs.

"I understand, I mean you don't need to shout so loudly, mom."

At the first glance, she didn't dare to say hello to Kato Yusuke, so she hurriedly returned to the room and walked downstairs.

When she went downstairs, Sawamura Sayuri happened to lead Kato Yusuke to the living room.

Seeing her daughter's dress, the corners of her beautiful lips couldn't help but curl up in a playful smile.

You must know that when she was in the room on the second floor just now, Erili still had her hair loose and was wearing the middle school sportswear that had become home clothes.

And now, her daughter is dressed like a well-educated young lady.

Yinglili was wearing a simple white shirt, a gray and dark red tie at the collar, and a cherry red thin sweater jacket.

The gray pleated skirt swayed lightly with the swing of her thighs. She wore a pair of pure black woolen knee-high socks on her slender and round legs, which reflected the white skin of her skin.

——It’s so exquisite that it’s impeccable.

Sayuri Sawamura glanced sideways as if inadvertently, glancing at the boy beside her, catching a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it is the instinctive reaction of human beings when faced with beautiful things.

‘It’s just that this child’s character is a bit troublesome, otherwise there would be no need for people to worry so much. ’

Ying Lili didn't know what he was thinking, she walked up to the two of them with a look of displeasure, stopped, and said nothing.

Seeing her reaction, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after being stunned for a moment, and nodded slightly in greeting.

The scene was slightly cold.

Sayuri Sawamura pressed a finger to her lips and asked in confusion: "Hey, do you want me to introduce you?"

Even though she knew she was teasing her on purpose, Eiri couldn't help but frown angrily, and then vented her emotions on Kato Yusuke.

"Yu, so, what do you want from me?"

The question was a bit rude, but the intensity sounded soft. It didn't look like he was angry and scolding at all, but rather a bit embarrassed and coy.

Kato Yusuke sighed secretly, feeling a little mixed inside.

It was obvious that the two had known each other for a long time and had an unusual bond and friendship, but he felt extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

Especially Yinglili's attitude at this time was like reminding him of that incident.

However, the main reason is because the other party had too strong an impression on his sister before, which makes people so confused.

At that time, they could draw books together, spend the night in this house, talk about anything, and Kato Yusuke could deal with her easily without thinking too much...

But now, when they were face to face in this familiar house, Kato Yusuke didn't know how to talk for a moment.

Having said that, we can't keep pretending to be deaf and dumb.

So he opened his backpack, took out a royal guard from it, stretched out his hand and handed it out.

"Well... in short, this is the royal guard given to you by Aunt Mina. Since I couldn't see you yesterday, she asked me to hand it over to you."

"...Aunt Mina?"

Yinglili took the things hesitantly and said, "Thank you...but, why don't you give it to me at school?"

"Well, although I did think so..."

Kato Yusuke looked at the kimono beauty next to him and smiled slightly.

"But Aunt Mina seemed to have said hello to Aunt Sayuri and told me to deliver it to the house, so... I wanted to ask you to leave together after school, but you ran too fast."

Hearing this, Eirili suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked towards Sayuri Sawamura.

"Mom! Is what he said true? Why have I never heard of that kind of thing!"

"Hey~ Even if you are so serious about asking for help, wouldn't you communicate with Kato-kun in school?"


"Okay, okay~"

Ignoring her daughter's speechlessness, Sayuri Sawamura pursed her lips and smiled gracefully.

"Anyway, you two sit down first. I'll go see what's for dinner today. Kato-kun, please stay and eat too~"

"Sorry, Aunt Sayuri——"

Just as Sayuri Sawamura was about to take a step forward, Yusuke Kato stopped her and looked apologetic.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I just came to see Yushou off today, and I have made appointments with other people later, so I may not be able to stay..."

"Ah, is that so?"

"Yes, I've already made an appointment in advance, so I'm really sorry."

Sayuri Sawamura looked at him troubled, deliberately showing a sad expression.

"Well, if that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it. Although it's a bit regretful, Kato-kun should give it priority~"

Kato Yusuke touched his nose and apologized in a low voice again, then hesitantly looked at Eiri and said hello.

"...Then I'll leave first, Yinglili. Let's meet at school tomorrow."

"Ah, um..."

Yinglili agreed awkwardly, turning her face to the side, "Then be careful on the road."

Kato Yusuke paused, and then replied: "...Well, thank you, I understand. Goodbye, Eiriri, Aunt Sayuri."



Sayuri Sawamura watched him leave, then turned to look at her daughter.

Feeling both relieved and disappointed, Eiri dropped her shoulders.

Sayuri Sawamura took her to the sofa to sit down and start a parent-child conversation.

"So~ You should have conveyed your feelings to Kato-kun at the cultural festival, right?"

Yinglili hesitated for a moment, nodded in affirmation, and then told her what happened at the cultural festival.

Unlike other families, Yinglili has never been rebellious at home, and there have never been any secrets between mother and daughter. They basically talk about everything.

——The relationship is as good as a pair of close friends.

Because of this, Sayuri Sawamura knew the ins and outs of everything.

Such as their life discussion, that kiss, that conversation, and their current ambiguous and awkward relationship.

After listening to her daughter's story quietly, she couldn't help but sigh: "I see, my Yinglili has worked very hard. You are amazing~"

"No way... I'm just a coward who is afraid of being rejected, so I don't dare to hear the answer."

"There is no such thing~?"

"There's none?"

"of course not."

Sayuri Sawamura put her daughter in her arms and let her rest on her shoulder. While gently stroking her head, she said proudly and proudly:

"Not only did my Yinglili not shrink back, but she also did a great job, even better than my mother expected!"

"I'm... outstanding...?"

"Ah, it should be said that Kato-kun's attitude just now has said everything, right? He now completely treats you as an outstanding woman~?"

"Is that kind of thing... really possible?"

Yinglili was a little doubtful, "I don't have much confidence."

"Well~~~For Eiri, it's good to have come to this point. Let's leave the rest to mom~" Sayuri Sawamura said jokingly, comfortingly.

"But..." Yingli lowered her gaze gloomily, "He is already dating someone else."

"Are you talking about the girl from that family?"

"Well...and there are many girls in school who like him."

"Yes, after all, Kato-kun is handsome and has a good figure, plus he is young and rich, and he can even draw so well. Wouldn't it be normal for girls to like him? If my mother could have been born a few years later. …”

"——Stop talking, mom, do you want to erase my existence!?" Yinglili was almost going crazy.

"Oh~~~how could it be? After all, my Yinglili is so cute."

"You don't sound reflective at all—!"

"This is it~"

Sayuri Sawamura continued with a smile.

"Anyway, this is the situation. Maybe there are many girls who like Kato-kun, but there is no need for you to give up because of this, right?"


"Besides, you're just in love with a high school student, so you don't need to think about it so much, right? As long as you're happy, isn't it?"

"B-but, Yusuke seems to be the kind of person who thinks a lot. He always takes care of everyone inadvertently and puts everything on his shoulders."

"How should I put it? Kato-kun is a very responsible person, but that is also his shortcoming. Let's not mention this for now. The point is, don't you think he and the girls around him are too heavy?"


Yinglili couldn't help but feel a little confused, and couldn't understand what she meant for a while.

Sayuri Sawamura ignored her daughter's reaction and continued.

"Whether it's the girl from that family or the other girl from the student union you mentioned, they are all too stimulating and troublesome.

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be surprising if Kato-kun couldn't bear the heavy pressure one day, or got tired of the quarrels and wanted to be with a relaxed girl? "

Plop, like a heavy blow to the abdomen.

Yinglili was shocked and choked to the point of being speechless.

"Anyway, mom just wants you to be happy. It doesn't matter even if your feelings hurt others."

Sayuri Sawamura reached out to hold her hand, squeezed it slightly, and spoke in a gentle tone.

"As I said just now, this is just a high school student's love. You don't need to think about the future yet. Leave those heavy things and worries to the future."

"Eiriri just act according to your own wishes. Now that you have entered your key plot, just complete the strategy in one go~"

"Don't think about other girls or anything like that. After all, if you don't conquer the game when it's time to conquer it, sometimes it will lead to an anticlimactic BE ending~ Do you understand?"

Yinglili froze on the spot, feeling confused, but she heard such a sentence the next second.

"Or, if you are really in trouble, I can also ask Kato-kun if you want to stop pursuing your daughter and pursue me instead. Then I can lend you a date."

"——Please stop making trouble!!"

(Proofreading later...)

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