Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-four, girls’ fight

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she begins to be reborn in Tokyo Main Volume 224, Girls' Fight on December 28th.

With the end of many affairs, life seems to have returned to its former peace.

Kato Yusuke just got out of the Kyudo Tournament and the Fusugawa Annual Meeting, and he immediately plunged into the studio and started busy.

Hasumi Kanoko brought information about outsourcing companies for everyone to choose from.

There are three companies A, B and C.

Company A is an established company in the industry, and its main business is animation. It has many strong creative teams, and the quality of its animations is well-known and gets stronger with time.

Company B started out specializing in outsourcing projects. Although it has participated in the production of several popular works, most of them have received mediocre response and are tepid.

Company C has not been established in the industry for a long time, and its main creative team is relatively young and can be regarded as a recent cutting-edge. The quality of the works varies from good to bad, sometimes coming back and sometimes falling apart.

Friends have different opinions on which company to choose.

Some people admire big companies and big productions.

There is support for a steady and steady approach.

There are also people who like surprises.

Kato Yusuke thought about it carefully and finally chose Company A as the studio’s designated outsourcer.

Although the quotation it gave was almost the sum of the two companies B and C, it was the most reliable safety card and almost nothing would happen.

After all, the outsourcing company industry is very deep, and there are both reliable and unreliable ones.

For those who are reliable, the quality of the works they produce can basically meet Party A’s requirements. As long as they don't pay special attention, few people can tell that it is made by an outsourcer.

As for the unreliable ones, they may have already found the next buyer from the moment they took over the job, and will continue to outsource it, which is the so-called second-tier dealer.

If it is any less reliable, there might be three or four dealers.

If you go on like this step by step, you can easily imagine what will be made in the end.

——It’s just a piece of shit.

In fact, this is also the only way for many small companies.

I initially gained experience by taking on outsourced work.

After I gained a little bit of foundation, I started to take over planning and projects on my own.

If you find that you can't complete it on your own after taking over the project, then outsource some of it until you are truly capable of being independent.

In such an environment.

If you don't carefully identify the pros and cons, you may be led into a trap accidentally.

Let’s not talk about the lack of quality at that time. If it affects the construction period and causes the work to be delayed, it will definitely be worth the loss!

Of course, Hasumi Kanoko had already made up for the precautions in this regard in advance, and even conducted an on-site investigation.

The three companies that were selected in the end are all relatively reliable, and there is basically no Russian nesting doll situation.

In addition, these companies themselves tend to cherish their feathers. If they are looking for another company because of a simple outsourcing job, it would not be enough to embarrass themselves by telling them.

After Kato Yusuke made his decision, Hasumi Kanoko stood up and left the conference room.

Kato Yusuke turned to look at the members of the art club.

In addition to Eiri and Mayu Sagara, Izumi Hashishima also followed his brother to Tokyo and will stay here until the end of the winter vacation.

He pondered and asked:

The person involved was eating potato chips. As soon as he heard his question, he swallowed the potato chips in his mouth in a few mouthfuls, then sat up slightly to answer him.

Kato Yusuke nodded and asked again:

Sagara Mayu immediately raised a hand,

Next to her, Izuku Hashima stretched out his hand and pulled her arm, saying:

Even though this was true, Yinglili was still choked and couldn't speak for a moment.

After reacting, Mayu Sagara quickly made up for it:

"You just need to take your time. Dehai and I have been able to imitate a little of your strokes.

Don't worry, we can help you with drawing and coloring at any time~! "

It was okay if she didn't say this, but when she said this, Yinglili suddenly felt even more sorry.

Not caring about fishing leisurely here anymore, after the person involved said this, he hurried out of the conference room holding his own potato chips.

Mayu Sagara and Dekai Hashishima exchanged glances, apologized to everyone, and hurriedly followed.

Following closely——

Yoshida and An Yilun also stood up and left together.

In the blink of an eye, only three people were left in the conference room.

Megumi said this while handing the prepared form to someone.

Kato Yusuke took it over and took a look.

On the paper with the scent of ink, the work plans of various departments are recorded on it.

For example, which part of the plot should be written in the script.

For example, which original paintings should be submitted?

For example, which stage of the program should be completed.

These tasks are listed one by one according to specific days.

While Kato Yusuke was looking through his daily schedule, Megumi was also looking at him.

Naturally, the girl's eyes fell on his left wrist, or rather on the extra bright silver watch.

Her eyes showed indifferent thoughts, and then she heard this sentence.

Shiyu asked thoughtfully.

The voice was not loud, just enough to keep it between the two of them without being heard by Kato Yusuke.

Megumi answered her with the same volume.

Shiyu raised the corners of his lips with interest, came over and asked:

As if she wasn't used to being so close, Hui moved her body slightly to the side and hummed.

Shiyu sighed artificially.

Megumi responded lukewarmly, as if he had no intention of continuing the topic.

However, Shiyu didn't want to let her go easily.

"Hmm... Regardless of whether I am prepared or not, I don't seem to have to answer.

Kasumigaoka-senpai, right? "

Shiyu couldn't help but frown,

Hui looked at her with no emotion, her expression remained calm.

She looked at Shiyu who was unwilling to give up and said softly:

At the end of the sentence, there was a hint of warmth in his voice.

Shiyu frowned deeper and said:

Hui tilted her head slightly and asked with her mouth:

Shiyu narrowed his eyes, with a bit of coldness in his eyes, and said without giving in:

Hui nodded lightly and did not argue.

Faced with her dull reaction, Shiyu couldn't help but feel slightly blocked.

Hui didn't say anything, but gave her a strange look, as if asking

This kind of Yun Dan Feng Qing's reaction made Shi Yu even more unhappy.

She couldn't explain why, but she always felt that the other party's attitude was as if he was sure that he would win, full of confidence.

Glancing at Kato Yusuke, who was still concentrating on looking at the form, Shiyu focused his eyes again on the face of the girl in front of him.

She thought for a moment, then raised the corners of her lips and said with contempt:

Hui frowned slightly when he heard this, with incomprehensible emotions hidden in his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal.

After finishing speaking, he turned his face to the side and said no more.

the other side.

In the room of the Program Department.

An Yilun also looked at the girl in front of him, and couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart.

The person involved was holding a blue envelope in his hand, looking at him with a pair of big watery eyes, and making such a request.

Faced with this special event that only appeared in beautiful girl games, he, who had been single since birth, was so excited that he opened the envelope tremblingly.

A blue and silver paper coupon immediately came into his eyes.

Ignoring his dumbfounded reaction, Izumi Hashishima straightened up, his face filled with joy, and his tone filled with uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

"Actually, brother, he helped me register for this Winter I!

On the second day of the event, my booth was in East Hall 04a! Seniors, please be sure to come see me when you arrive! "

An Yilun also blinked blankly, his eyes switching between the ticket in his hand and the girl's face, and asked in confusion:

Namishima Dekai clenched his small fists in front of his shoulders and said happily:

""A Little Rhapsody of Love"

"I still know, but..."

An Yilun also took a deep breath and said with a wry smile:

Namishima Dekai nodded heavily, very consciously moved a chair to sit down, and began to explain.

An Yilun also complained vigorously.

"That's not the problem—!

Even if you suddenly say you want to participate in an exhibition or something, isn't it going to be Winter I soon? Are your pieces ready? "

At the end of the sentence, Hashima Dekai's tone became slightly less confident.

An Yilun also opened his mouth, but in the end he still couldn't bear to expose her, so he asked instead:

Although Bo Daochang was talking excitedly, An Yilun calmed down instantly and showed a caring look.


When he heard Hashima Yinzhi's name, he thought that the other party would set very high standards for his sister, such as printing hundreds or thousands of copies.

After all, that person has now managed to become a representative of a very popular club through some unknown means, and he handles and operates popular works that have sold tens of thousands of copies. Naturally, he can no longer be considered based on common sense.

But for a newcomer like Hashima Dekai, if she sets the standard so high and ends up with poor sales, it will only severely damage her confidence.

Because of this, he was so panicked just now and wanted to go to Hashima Yinzhi immediately to talk.

You must know that it took a lot of effort for him to cultivate such a satisfactory disciple as Hashima Dekai. If he was finally beaten to the point of collapse and even left home, who would he ask to reason?

He, An Yilun, would never allow this to happen!

However, when he heard that there were only fifty books to be printed by Bo Dao going out to sea, he suddenly became calm.

After calming down and thinking about it, location 04a is just an island area where small groups gather. It is the worst location on Iket.

Not to mention that it is not as good as the one located in the gate area, even the one occupying the wall area is out of reach.

Most of the people who will be assigned here are the kind of enthusiasts who generate electricity for love. In the end, they may not even be able to sell a single work, and they are just joining in the fun.

Since Bo Dao Chuhai is assigned here, there is nothing to worry about.

An Yilun also thought this while looking kindly at Bo Dao Chuhai in front of him.

He agreed so readily.

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