Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-five, gifts and return gifts

At noon the next day, in the lounge.


Yinglili bit off a small piece of pizza and asked in surprise: "You said you also want to participate in Winter COMI...?"

Hashima Dekai quickly ate the croissant in his mouth and took a sip of melon soda to help him swallow before he answered happily.

"Yes! I was drawing Mikiya from "Little Fantasy 3"~, but I don't just like Mikiya as a character."

She said: "It should be said that what I like has always been the pairing of him and the heroine, or the atmosphere between the two of them~"

"So to say……"

Hui said while playing with her mobile phone: "I think I heard you mention this last time, Izuku. Is that little thing about a beautiful girl game?"

She asked casually, but unexpectedly it caused an uproar.

"Bang dong~" all of a sudden.

Haidao Dehai stood up angrily from his seat and said sternly:

“That’s nothing to call it trivial——!

It's "Little Love Rhapsody"!

Tiny! Love! Rhapsody——!

Some people also call it "Little Rhapsody" or "LLR" for short.

It is a popular series with a total sales volume of more than two million units in the three generations before and after it. Please make sure you don’t get it wrong! Sister Hui! "

"That's right."

Yinglili on the side nodded, and the old god said:

"Also, it's not a girl game, it's a girl-oriented game. By the way——

Megumi, you just looked like an elder who doesn’t understand video games, and the careless name he used when talking about games can easily cause trouble in certain situations. It’s better to pay attention to it, right? "

"Okay... ok, I have experienced it personally, and now..."

Hui blinked and stumbled and said, "H-I'm sorry, it was my fault just now. Can you please calm down?"

Yinglili didn't take this too seriously.

But Hashima Dekai, whose sensitive nerves were pricked, could not let go easily and forced her to explain.

For example, this work is published by the game giant Sony.

For example, since the first generation of this game was launched about ten years ago, this series has become an enduring hit on the popularity list of female-oriented games.

For example, although this game is currently in its third generation, every time a new game is released, it is not just a piece of cake. Everything from the setting of the world view to the characters will be completely updated, without cutting corners at all.

For example, the Western fantasy worldview and characters that were so popular in the first generation were switched to Japanese fantasy in the second generation, and in the third generation they were completely renovated into campus fantasy.

Another example is that it not only achieves great results every time, but also takes care of the loyal fans of the previous games, and the producers of this series are very worthy of everyone's respect.

Because of a moment of carelessness, Hui was forced to listen to a long and complicated speech from a junior high school girl.

Not only did this give her a new understanding of the otaku group, but she was once again deeply moved by the similarities between the other party and An Yilunya.

Unknowingly, she has completely separated from her previous daily life and entered a world composed of a group of creators and otakus.

But she is the one who leads a group of creators to make games.

Whenever she thinks about this, even she feels a little confused.

However, she doesn't plan to give up.

After all, this is the key she has chosen to lead to the only one.

At this time, Shiyu, who had just made coffee, returned to the table and sat down next to Yinglili.

Even though it was winter vacation, she was still wearing her school uniform, except for an exquisite pendant necklace on her neck, which matched her skin tone.

"Well, in a sense, that Aki Edo-san's method of corrupting girls is truly unique."

Only in this matter.

None of the girls present, including Izumi Hashishima, could refute this.

Shiyu said casually: "From his friend's younger sister to his childhood sweetheart in elementary school, even the newly joined Miss Sagara was dragged into chatting about otaku, right? He really didn't miss any of them~"

When her name was called, Mayu Xiangara smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Namishima Dekai hesitated to speak for a while, but in the end he was concerned that this was his teacher's girlfriend, so he gave up defending his respected senior Toniya.

Naturally, Hui, who had a somewhat subtle relationship with Shiyu, wouldn't talk to her.

As for the last Eiri Riri...

""Little Rhapsody"..."

The person involved just lowered his head and muttered.

Such a scene caught Shiyu's attention, so he called out.



"What's wrong? You look like a French princess whose entire blonde hair turned white within a week due to fear and stress during her escape life."

"W-can you please stop saying some unintelligible things all the time? Kasumigaoka's poem... Pfft! Cough cough, cough cough..."

Seeing Yinglili choking on her coffee, Shiyu casually took out a few tissues and handed them over.

"Oh~~Who told you to drink so quickly...Here, I'll give you a tissue."


While Yinglili accepted the kindness from her mortal enemy, she secretly cursed in her heart.

It was not aimed at Shiyu, but at a certain otaku who was not here for the time being because he had to go shopping at the Comiket venue.

To be honest, since she and An Yilun had their last argument, she had already made up her mind to break up with that otaku.

But what she didn't expect was that the other party came to her to apologize the next day.

Although she was dismissive of it at first, An Yilun followed her unswervingly and showed his attentiveness.

Later, he went to great lengths to take out a figure that was no longer available in the market and insisted on giving it to her as an apology.

For the sake of that figure, Yinglili "reluctantly" forgave him.

As for the conflict between them, both parties tacitly chose to put it aside for the time being, and no one mentioned it again.

In this way, the two finally returned to their normal relationship.

"Ah, come on~!"

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Hashima Dekai said happily:

"Actually, I invited Senior Toniya to this winter COMI yesterday, and he also said he would come to see me tomorrow. I'm so happy~"


Ying Lili couldn't help but paused at the movement of her hands, and asked: " also asked him for help?"

"It doesn't count as help. I would feel more at ease if Senior Lunya is here. Besides... I also want Senior to see my growth, hehe..."

Izuku Hashima said with some embarrassment.

Seeing her reaction, Shiyu couldn't help but joke casually: "There's no need to confirm that kind of thing. Unlike a certain impoverished woman, your growth is obvious at a glance."

"Hey~ what does that mean?" Izuku Hashima asked, tilting his head, with an innocent look on his face.

"Hehe, Kasumi Shiko-sensei is complimenting you. You don't have to think too much about other things~ Go to the sea." Mayu Sagara covered her mouth and snickered.

"So to say……"

While sipping pizza, Hui asked curiously: "I remember Eiri's club seems to be participating in Winter COMI, too. Will you be together?"

Before Erili could say anything, Hashima Dekai was hurriedly waving his hands left and right.

"Ahaha, no, I can't compare to Sawamura-senpai.

Sawamura-senpai's stall is in the popular wall area, while I am just having a little fun in the island area. We are not at the same level at all. "

"Uh... I'm sorry, Chuhai, I shouldn't have said that."

"Ah, it's okay, Sister Hui, I don't care about this."

Seeing that Megumi didn't know much about this aspect, Sagara Mayu took the initiative to explain.

"Miss Hui, this is actually easy to understand.

Simply put, the wall area and gate area are the best locations at the venue. Those who can be assigned to these two positions are the kind of popular societies that require long lines to purchase goods.

The island area has nothing to do with whether it is popular or not. It is more like a place for people with similar interests to communicate.

By the way, my club is also in this area~"

"So that's it...Thank you for your explanation~Miss Sagara."

"You're welcome~"

Suddenly, Yinglili's mentality became calmer.

Just like Sagara Mayu said.

The gap between Hashima Izumi and her could be described as worlds apart.

She doesn't feel threatened by the creators of an island block.

Except that the subject matter of "Little Fantasy" made her feel a little confused, there was nothing else worth paying attention to...

She picked up the coffee and took a sip, pretending to be calm and said:

“...Well, for us creators, it’s a good thing if someone likes our work. As for whether it’s popular or not, we just have to do our best.

I wasn’t assigned to the wall area from the beginning. Everyone started from the island area. Anyway, let’s work hard together. "

"Senpai Sawamura..."

Namishima Dekai murmured, then nodded heavily, "Yes! I will work hard-!"

After lunch, the girls got busy again.

Shiyu returned to her office and continued writing.

Eiri, Izumi Hashishima, and Mayu Sagara returned to the art department's large office to continue drawing.

Hui, who felt that he didn't have much to do, took the initiative to clean up the garbage generated by people ordering takeout.

Not many people came to the studio today.

Plus it happens to be the weekend.

In addition to Kato Yusuke and Hasumi Kanoko who were out for business, Aki and Yoshida also went to Winter COMI, while the other was resting at home.

Here, just as Kei took the garbage to the entrance, Kato Yusuke opened the door and walked in.

The two collided head on.

After a brief daze, Hui took the initiative to say hello.

"Ah, welcome back, Yusuke. Have you finished your work at the publishing house?"

"Well, I just had a little chat with my editor about the stand-alone book. It didn't take long...Have you all had lunch?"

"We ordered pizza, what about you?"

Kato Yusuke picked up the plastic bag in his hand and replied: "I bought a bento on the way back. I'll heat it up."

He said changing his shoes and walked in and came to the kitchen.

Put the bento in the microwave to heat it up.

"What about that, Yusuke."

For some reason, Kei also followed.

"I wanted to come and hand this to you, congratulations on winning the competition, and Merry Christmas."

The girl handed him a light blue package that could be held with one hand.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned.

"...Thank you, can I open it and take a look?"

"Well, I just don't know if you like it..."

He peeled off the sticker on the seal bit by bit and turned the box upside down in the palm of his hand.

An oblate round object fell out of it.

"...are these headphones?"


A shy smile appeared on Hui's face, and she added: "I also use this brand myself and thought it was pretty good, so I bought a pair for you."

Kato Yusuke instantly recalled certain episodes and smiled unconsciously, "...No wonder I feel like I have seen this ivory color somewhere."

"I don't hate sharing a pair of headphones with you to listen to music. Do you like it?"

Kato Yusuke didn't know which one she was referring to specifically, or whether there was a pun, so he just gave his answer honestly.

"Well, I like this gift very much, and I also like listening to music with Megumi... Thank you, I will cherish it and use it."

The girl showed a soft smile.

"...It doesn't matter if you don't cherish it so much. I hope you keep it by your side with a more natural attitude. That's fine."

Before Kato Yusuke could speak, Kei looked away from him and looked at the clean and tidy stove as if nothing had happened.

"After all, they are headphones. They will be used frequently. It won't take long for you to get used to them and forget to cherish them."

There seemed to be something in the words, but there seemed to be nothing at all.


Kato Yusuke looked down at the headphones in his hands and asked in a casual tone: "...I remember that Megumi's headphones are wired, right?"

"Well, the styles of this brand are almost the same, but yours is the wireless model."

"Is that so? Wireless ones are more convenient."

"It should be said that I just think you are more suitable for this kind of unconnected one." The girl replied calmly.

In the "buzz~" sound of the microwave oven.

Kato Yusuke pondered and put away his headphones, "I'm sorry, please wait for me here. I'll be right back."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the kitchen.

Arrive at the empty conference room.

He found his backpack on the seat and took something from it.

When Yusuke Kato returned to the kitchen with it, the lunch that was being heated was just hot.

But he didn't care about that for the time being, and instead handed the thing in his hand to the girl waiting here.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Megumi. Thank you for the headphones. This is my return gift. Although it's a bit late, I also wish you a Merry Christmas."


As if she didn't expect him to prepare a gift, Hui couldn't help but feel a little surprised. But the next second, she thought of the extra necklace around Shiyu's neck.

"...Thank you, can I open it?"

"Of course, I just don't know if it suits you."

It was like the scene reappearing a few minutes ago, with the gift-giver and gift-receiver switching sides.

After hearing his words, Hui narrowed her eyes softly, and then started to unpack the heavy rectangular package in her hand.

After opening the lid of the black gift box, what appears in front of you is a set of high-quality...

"Huh? Is this... a diffuser stone?"

Megumi asked with some uncertainty, while Kato Yusuke nodded in affirmation.

"Well, I chose your usual cherry blossom flavor, I hope you like it."

The girl took turns staring at the diffuser stone lying in the box and his face, muttering: "Yusuke, you are really..."

Kato Yusuke's heart skipped a beat, "Don't you like this...?"

"...It's not that I don't like it, no, I like it very much."

Hui said as he gently closed the lid, then raised his hand to lift the hair around his ears, looking at him with slightly curved eyes.

"Thank you for remembering me, I just wanted to say this."

Kato Yusuke's eyes moved, and a relieved smile appeared on his lips.

"A little thought is not a sign of respect."

Thanks to [Misty in the Moon] for the tip.

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